Yu Yunqin is still wondering why Leaving Dust must choose ‘staying, this seemingly stupid way to make the situation stalemate, then what is the bad thing about Demon Dao. Zhuang Wudao has long been clear about the entire situation.

It is him, and he has to admire the emotions of the means of the real people. Although I don’t know the festival, what is the way to stop the Great Peace Sect. However, the situation in front of us is a step by step improvement. The balance of victory and defeat has been quietly biased towards Leaving Dust.

In fact, in the past few months, the Meridian Sunken Ship had two chances to fight with the Magic, and both had at least 50% or more of the odds. However, they have been let go by the real people of the festival and have been waiting until now.

Zhuang Wudao can probably guess the intentions of some real people, the first place to fight, and never choose to be in the land of Jiangnan. A few days ago, with the magic repair in the Huanglian Mountain battle, the local mountain shakes the ground, the magic flames. At least millions of souls, death and the spread of this war. Even the local people, Leaving Dust Palace warned that they had already fled and evacuated, and they still suffered casualties.

Especially in the surrounding land, it is a bad land, and it is polluted by the flames. For a few hundred years, there is no way to survive even a weed.

The battle of Huanglian Mountain was not too intense, nor the Primredial Spirit cultivator was degraded, and the surrounding environment was so bad. What’s more, dozens of Primordial Spirits are in full force to confront each other. I wonder if there will be a terrible battle of real people.

At that time, within a range of 10,000 miles, it will be affected. So this battlefield. The real people of the festival will never be chosen in Jiangnan. Make your own thin home, and then be badly hit

Secondly, it is best to have a full grasp and try to preserve your own Primordial Spirit. If you lose both to the magic, it is not what Leaving Dust wants.

In fact, Zhuang Wudao also feels that there are too many running dogs in this Demon Dao. Leaving Dust is known to have more than 800 Golden Cores, and the Foundation Establishment cultivator is 23,000.

Leaving Dust is only stupid with more than a dozen Primordial Spirits, the 50 or 60 Golden Core cultivators on the Meridian Sunshine, and the main force of Demon Dao.

Therefore, the reduction of the magical door, the branches and arms of the Senlu Temple, is the most important thing at the moment.

It is a pity that several Demon Dao opposites were overhauled. It is not the one who cultivated the magical power to the head of the refining. Not only is it not stupid, but it is extremely smart and more able to hold back.

I have been concentrating the people in one place, and let the people of Leaving Dust Palace want to smash the idling speed of the Meridian ship, which is not available.

The battle of Huang Lianshan is only a test of Qing Xuan. After the failure, most of the people still have to retract their hands and continue to be cautious, looking for the flaws of Leaving Dust Palace. The situation on both sides of this Tibetan-Xuanjiang River still has to return to a stalemate.

The same is true, since that war. In these few days, both sides were calm. The trace of the magic repair, has been tens of thousands of miles away, and separated from the contact with Leaving Dust Palace.

It is not within the Leaving Dust. It is not calm. This time, I won a little more, and the atmosphere of the whole sect is quietly improving. However, there are still a lot of strange voices, and everyone can see that at the same time maintain seventy-four pros and cons, as well as the Dojo Palace. It is beyond the power of Leaving Dust.

Zhuang Wudao did not pay attention to it. After the situation calmed down, he took the time to cultivate again. The Meridian Sunken Ship is not only a battleship that can directly chase the Void Refining cultivator, but also the room on the ship.

Naturally, it cannot be compared with his own half-moon building, but this ship has another advantage.

When the Meridian Sunshine Ship is usually not moving, it can forcibly pass through the hurricane clouds and float at 50,000 feet. Open the sails and absorb the sun’s essence.

This is the high altitude that even the Primordial Spirit cultivator can’t reach. Generally, when the tens of thousands of feet are in the air, the hurricane and thunderstorms in the air can smash the soul of the people and annihilate them.

However, the Ziwu Xuanyang ship can be guarded by the array, bringing the cultivator to this height, and can stay for a long time. The advantage here is to refine the soul and transform the sun god with the power of the sun. The effect of practicing Primordial Spirit can be multiplied.

Not only the Primordial Spirit cultivator likes it, but the Golden Core cultivator in the boat also has the advantage.

During the day, the sun is shining, and the cultivation of Primordial Spirit is courting death. However, every night, there will be a lot of residual sun power in the cloud, just absorb the refining and you can benefit from the Primordial Spirit.

In particular, the cultivator, which is good at “Nanming Jiduo Fire God”, has the most benefits.

Zhuang Wudao’s celestial spirit, has entered the second stage, refining the scum within the Primordial Spirit and starting to truly yang.

At this time, it is often felt that the positive force borrowed from the mirror is not enough, and it is ready to refine several faces, dedicated to borrowing the mirror of Yangli. At this time, it is exempt from this trouble. It is only necessary to use this 50,000-foot high altitude.

However, the cultivation of the Primordial Spirit is not anxious at the moment. Zhuang Wudao is now focusing on cultivation, preferring to practice kendo and improve his combat power.

On the one hand, I continue to realize the “Heavy Mingyang Shenlu”, on the other hand, it is the refining of the magic species.

At this time, in the hands of Zhuang Wudao, there are five finger-sized, pure black colors, crystals with flame-like atmosphere, floating in the void.

Just two months ago, Zhuang Wudao took a chance to sink from the sky by the Ziwu Xuanyang ship and temporarily left the ship, and completed a blood sacrifice with Zhuang Xiaohu.

I randomly found four or five Demon Dao Golden Core cultivators stranded in the south of the Tibetan Xuanjiang River, and some Foundation Establishments, offering sacrifices to Avici Equality King.

This time, due to the high quality of the sacrifices, a total of twenty drops of the third-order magic blood essence was feedback. Zhuang Wudao only absorbed two drops and relieved the thirst. Another eight drops were absorbed by Zhuang Xiaohu to enhance the cultivation base.

The remaining ten drops of the essence of the blood, have been used by Zhuang Wudao, to refine these ‘magic species, the magic of the Taoist species

The Core of the Magic is Zhuang Wudao. In the past few months, it has been refined step by step. Until now, with the help of the essence of the blood, it is really done.

At the moment, there is still a problem, how to disturb the reincarnation, find the right Ding furnace, will be ‘magic species, cast out?

To know the fourth Sword Master of Light Cloud Sword, this is the only step in the Dao Fusion environment.

Luo Qingyun, who is said to have had a brief ‘secret love’ before cultivation. Although less than thirty years later, this secret love ended, and the object of crush was also killed in the Heavenly Immortal world.

The result is Luo Qingyun, and with this sadness, the first decision of Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment – ’10 years of life and death, was completed.

However, when the second memory is lost, then you can’t get in, you have to use Demon Sect’s Taoist method to complete the sentiment.

But Luo Qingyun is the mana of the Dao Fusion environment, in order to get involved in the reincarnation and snatch the love. But now he Zhuang Wudao, where is this ability?

He can do it by collecting the soul. It is also extremely easy to lay down the magic species. How can it be reincarnation? Will these souls be forced into those who have not yet born the body? But it is not a reincarnation, but a choice is simply two things.

As a last resort, Zhuang Wudao still has to ask sword spirit.

“Sword Master, have you forgotten the ink spirit? In the reincarnation, there is no more convenient than the three-legged ravens. This crow’s life is between the two worlds, not born or dead. In ancient times, it was also called the raven, guiding Reincarnation.”

In front of Zhuang Wudao, Yun’er was a completely unbearable tone, and he did not say ‘idiots, these two words.

“Even the fourth Sword Master of the year, with the cultivation base of Dao Fusion, is extremely difficult. It can only rely on the swordsmanship of life and death to do with difficulty. In my opinion, the current conditions of Sword Master, It is much better than the fourth Sword Master of the year.”


Zhuang Wudao glanced at the three-legged crow on the side of his shoulder, and his eyes flashed a faint color.

This little guy, he almost forgot. And what about life and death, can you still be involved in the reincarnation?

If you can do it, this is a bad ability – for example, he can lead those who are innate talents to the Leaving Dust Palace site, reincarnation, and become the Leaving Dust disciple in the future.

It is rumored that those cultivation aristocratic families are not doing this. Take control of the reincarnation of the aristocratic family and put the innate talent into the blood of your own blood vessel.

Therefore, Yan, Lei, Ling, are able to use the power of a family, shoulder to shoulder the top ten sect.

“So now, what should I do?”

“How to do it, Sword Master should be aware of it.”

Yun’er did not answer: “Is Sword Master your current cultivation base, hasn’t you been able to sense the Nether World?”

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