“This is — the memory fragments of these souls?”

These memories are like blisters. When Zhuang Wudao saw it, it broke down.

But it is enough for Zhuang Wudao to find something useful. After all, these memories can be brought here by these souls – the eye of this reincarnation, near the side of the birth, must be their past life, the most memory, and the most unforgettable things.

And the vast majority, the past life is a mature man. It is a pity that this barrier between the two worlds is like a strainer. Even if the eye of the reincarnation cannot be crushed, the natural filter will filter it.

Even if the past cultivation base is extremely tyrannical, it can only carry some memory reincarnation, but can not retain the subconscious.

Only the real Immortal Ascension enlightened cultivator has the ability to retain the knowledge of the gods, the fascination of the fetus, and the memory of past lives.

Looking for it in these places, but for a long time, Zhuang Wudao has found the ‘Ding furnace, which he wants to find.

He didn’t know how to find the ‘Ding furnace, but he knew how to plant this ‘magic species.’

“This person is really a kind of love. Undoubtedly the other party has already married the life of the child, but still refused to give up. At this point, it is rare. After the cultivation, it turned into Heart Demon –“

It is a pity that these maintenance time is too short, and the emotions carried by these souls have also been smashed and smashed. Otherwise, only the memory in these blisters is enough. Zhuang Wudao, comprehend is out of the thought sword – once the sea is difficult for water, except that Wushan is not a cloud Sword Intent.

With the help of a piece of feather from the three-legged crow, one type of life and death is not a sword. At the time when the sword was cast to the extreme, the power of the Divine Abilty of Inkling was also triggered. The barrier between life and death is instantaneously opened. The star points in those vortexes are also within reach.

Zhuang Wudao directly puts a ‘magic species’ into one of his chosen souls. Then, in an instant, countless runes will be played, and this ‘magic species, layer by layer seal, until the most core of the soul, until others are hard to see, this stops.

Deeply buried the magic species, Zhuang Wudao then used the feathers of the ink, on the black crystal-like ‘magic species, above, gently. Then there are countless spiritual patterns, which appear in this blank soul, and even contain the power of life and death that his Sword Intent carries at the moment.

If the sword spirit is still there, you will find these spiritual lines, and Zhuang Wudao observes the lines of sentiment under the devil’s cave, which is very similar.

This is Zhuang Wudao’s gift to this soul, but also compensation.

Luo Qingyun’s technique of borrowing emotions is not superficial in the lineage secret method of Taoism, but extremely high. However, it is more inclined to take care of the Ding furnace and try to reduce the impact on the Ding furnace.

However, how to weaken, strong against Heavenly Dao, in the reincarnation, will also be contaminated with karma. These souls, when they were reborn, were killed by others, forced to break through and disturbed, and they will definitely create a source of vitality.

Therefore, in the future, not only will there be some symptoms of impaired souls, but in the future, it will be difficult to enter the world of the Nether and re-enter the reincarnation.

Only by enlightenment cultivation, after practicing the soul of the Golden Core, it can make up for the trauma. The lines painted by Zhuang Wudao can make these people accumulate in the road industry, and it is easier to get into the road. It is also a broken cause and effect.

And just after he finished these moments, this soul has begun to integrate into the world, and began to combine with the creatures that will be born in the birthplace.

In the next few years, this ‘magic species’ will lurk deeper and absorb the emotional growth of the host experience until the day of maturity.

Seeing a fetus that truly has its own soul, it is born in the world. Zhuang Wudao This is again with the idea, urging the ink spirit, continue to wander and seek.

He wants to find the ‘Ding furnace, the first is to be strong, have a good innate talent, enough to carry the ‘magic species,’ and the second is to have a memory of the past.

Although these souls are reincarnation, after grinding and scouring, they are actually blank. There is no connection between past life and the present world. The integrity of the past life, this world may become a despicable villain. The seeds of infatuation in past life, this world may be a negative heart, but after all, the opportunity is bigger.

After all, this is a reincarnation, there will be karma to add, can not do that ‘wide variety of thin, things. Therefore, this ‘Ding furnace, must be carefully selected.

The third is that it is best to have Spirit Root in the body, you can step into the cultivation path, repair the Primordial Spirit, and reduce the cause and effect of his burden.

In fact, ’cause and karma, this kind of thing, he has not figured out what is going on now, what kind of form.

It’s just mentioned in every book, cautious and heavy. There is also the cold heaven palace that year, because of the karma backlash. At the time of the robbery, Heaven and Earth directly generated nine towns of Longshi, which gave birth to a huge dynasty, which made the foundation of the Cold Heaven Palace a great destruction.

However, Linger said that he can avoid it, he will try his best.

After spending three days looking for it, Zhuang Wudao sprinkled all the five magical varieties that he had refined.

Most of the eyes of this reincarnation are in the land of the South of Tibet. Zhuang Wudao has firmly recorded the azimuth air machine and the identity of these fetuses, so that they can be searched for in the future.

But I don’t know if it’s a coincidence. One of them is a woman who was born in the Beitang Family within the body.

At this time, it is his cultivation base, and God is slightly tired. In the three days, God’s thoughts wandered with Mo Ling, and every one of them was completed, which required a lot of energy.

“Unfortunately, I didn’t find any particularly good innate talent –“

This is another issue of Zhuang Wudao, which is to find enough talents for innate talent to be introduced in the future. I don’t want to be like Nie Xianling. It can be like Yuwen Yuanzhou. With the super-spirited Spirit Root, I am glad.

Unfortunately, these three days, not to mention the super product, 1st Grade did not see one. Five Ding Furnaces are just three Spirit Roots of 4th Grade.

When Mo Ling fluttered again, he wanted to leave from the eyes of this reincarnation. Just before leaving, Zhuang Wudao’s thoughts were suddenly different.

It is Mo Ling, and it also gives birth to induction. Turning around, going to the anomaly over there.

And I saw only a black and white bead, which is not far away, about 20,000 feet on the right side. The source is from the current world, in the eyes of this cycle, actually formed a small vortex.

“Is this a demon? No?”

Zhuang Wudao is puzzled. The air of this bead is very similar to the cultivator’s Golden Core, but it is plausible.

It seems that the Culture Technique is being cultivated, not only when it devours the eye of reincarnation, but also when it is surrounded by souls, it will be swallowed up.

Zhuang Wudao hasn’t reacted yet, and Mo Ling has already been excited with 100,000 points of joy, and an rush has swept through the land.

But for a moment, I was sitting in the black and white beads. Then he opened it and swallowed the bead of the human cultivator Golden Core forcibly into the abdomen.

Zhuang Wudao faintly heard a man making a tragic sigh, and there was a roar of roar that followed.

The pressure of the Primordial Spirit series was also at this time.

Primordial Spirit ? Is there a Primorial Spirit in the vicinity of this Meridian ship?

However, Zhuang Wudao has no worries, and this life is not so good. The mistake is that the spirit of Divine Beast blood vessel, innate talent, he also entered this place,

But even if God is attached to Mo Ling, he does not want to enter the realm of dying, only because he is still a living.

Inkling’s idle speed is also extremely fast, and between the two, it flies over two thousand feet. Then it was getting faster and faster, but it was not until 2,700 miles away that it really got rid of the Primordial Spirit cultivator. Then it took another half-day to return to the Meridian ship.

Upon returning to the cabin of Zhuang Wudao, the three-legged ravens did not care, and fell directly into sleep.

Zhuang Wudao woke up from the entrance, the first thing I saw was sword spirit, full of wrong looks.

“This little guy, what did it swallow? A strong force response -“

“I don’t know.” Zhuang Wudao looked the same and looked at the ink spirit that was sleeping on the shoulder.

“But it looks like it’s going to be advanced.”

This result makes him some didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. Losing his days, he is still calculating, looking for an advanced method for Mo Ling, and even wanting to venture into the Cold Heaven Palace. I didn’t care about this little guy, so I found my chance to advance.

I don’t know what it is, what is it?

In the heart of real curiosity, Zhuang Wudao asked directly to the sword spirit: “Yun’er You once knew that there is a cultivator, you can breakthrough into the eyes of the reincarnation, and absorb the power of cultivation?”

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