When Zhuang Wudao and Zhuang Xiaohu both fell on the deck of the ‘Zhuwu Xuanyang Ship, I saw only a few of the Primordial Spirits in the door. Even Nie Xianling, who has arrived, stands behind the real person of the festival, and smiles at him.

This time with Demon Dao, fighting outside the Leaving Dust jurisdiction does not mean that sect Origin Mountain is not guarded. At least one Primordial Spirit needs to be seated in order to hold Leaving Dust Origin Mountain under any circumstances, waiting for the main force of the son of Wuwu Xuanyang.

In the battle with the magic, Leaving Dust will never dare to stay in power, and will use the law of force, such a tyrannical force, to abandon it. Therefore, it is only the most suitable method for the candidates who sit in the town.

Like the cloud method, Yun Lingyue and the study method, although it is also the Primordial Spirit series, but it is the oath of the devil, must be sworn by the body. This battle will never be left in Leaving Dust Origin Mountain.

There are only two people, which are slightly unexpected. One of them, that is still the Golden Core, still failed to break through the night. He originally thought that this should be the day of Yun Lingyue, hosting the Origin Mountain. ,

But when you think about it, it is actually reasonable. After taking the arrow into vows Dan, after that, if the night monarchy can’t win a ‘magic, I am afraid that it will be Heart Demon backlash immediately. This time, with his pseudo-Primordial Spirit, the realm of adventure, but also has to be. Otherwise, he is the night of the Senior Brother, afraid that even the current realm, may not be able to survive.

The other person is even more amazing. The body is two feet long, a white robe, the body is burly and strong, it is Yuan Bai.

Zhuang Wudao is so stunned that he can’t return to God for a long time.

The real people of the festival seem to be strange, and sneer: “Before half a load, Yuan Daoyou has already accepted it, and I entered Leaving Dust Palace for me. Leaving Dust outside the door elder. This time with my ancestor, I played Demon Dao three”

That Yuan Bai stood at the bow of the ship and looked far away. It seems to be unheard of, and it does not care about Zhuang Wudao.

The festival did not continue to explain, Yuan Bai agreed to enter the cause of Leaving Dust, and continued to say: “About seven days ago, my Zong Linfa, the two gold cores of the Huihui, were degraded in Xia Linguo, have been verified, are dead At the Primordial Spirit, the blood was burned by the hands of the people. At the time of yesterday, the ‘spiritual blood spores, which have spread to the bottom of the earth, have been joined by the Junior Brothers and burned.”

Zhuang Wudao has a tight heart. Since the south bank of the Tibetan Xuanjiang River, the demon disaster has begun to plunder again. For the first time, there are two Golden Cores and they are dead.

In the past, it was also the first time that Demon Dao was a splendid, and the Primordial Spirit, such as the Senro Temple, was overhauled.

“There is another news that the Tibetan Xuanjiang River is north and south, and there are ten large-scale blood sacrifices in succession. It seems that there is a plan for the ‘Xuanxue Yinji Festival. Now the situation is already a battle.

“Xuanxuan Yinji Festival?”

Hua Ying seems to be the first to hear, bowed, and the eyes are full of unexpected colors.

‘Xuanxuan Yinji Festival, is the same level of sacrifice method with the Wanzi Holyborn. However, the role is different, the Wanzi Holy Child can transform the magic soil, but also the upper bound magic deity.

And the ‘Xuanxuan Yinji Festival, is to resurrect the dead. Borrowing the blood essence left by the deceased during his lifetime, or by thinking of God, the deceased is resurrected from the underworld.

It is also a technique of yin to evil. The need for a sacred child is a child born in the yang-yang yang-yang yang-yang.

‘Xuanxuan Yinji Festival, but it needs 99,999,999, Yuanyang has not been vented, with Spirit Root in the 30-year-old. Take the heart, crush it, mix it with the Origin Storing Stone powder, and sacrifice at least a thousand fourth-order Blood Essence crystals.

Each of the fourth-order Blood Essence crystals requires a foundation of the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment to condense the 10,000 adult adult Blood Qi.

“I have vaguely heard about this technique. Which one is the resurrection?”

“Blood daoist.”

After the real people have finished speaking, they will walk away and go inside the cabin. This time from Leaving Dust Origin Mountain, it is not just a fourth-order meridian Xuanyang ship, but also a few Primordial Spirits on board.

There are also a total of seventy Lingbao ships, one hundred and twenty Golden Cores, six thousand Foundation Establishment cultivators, and the scale of the battle, all over the millennium, Leaving Dust

There is concern about Leaving Dust disciple, which is another catastrophe, not unreasonable.

The festival and the spirit of Leaving Dust, this time in the north, there are countless things to worry about, can take some time to talk to a few of them, it is very rare.

Zhuang Wudao is frowning, blood daoist? I don’t know which one? The time of his cultivation is still short, and the sake of the revision is not very clear.

“Blood daoist, the character of 13,000 years ago, the creator of the demon sect in Heaven.”

Hua Ying introduced the identity of this person to everyone. See Zhuang Wudao still has doubts and continues: “This is similar to the identity of our Nujiang ancestor of Leaving Dust Palace. It is from the upper bound. It is Void Refining. Realm ”

Zhuang Wudao instantly understood that Leaving Dust Palace was previously in Heaven, although it has a heritage. It was an unnamed cultivator, and occasionally got one of the Leaving Dust towns’ teachings, “Shangyu Yingyuandong Zhenrui Zhenzhen”, and set up a small Small Sect. Ten thousand years ago, there was no tabletop, only four or five Golden Cores.

The real prosperity is due to the daoist of the Nujiang River. From this ancestor, from the upper bound, he brought the tenth temple of the Fa-rectification, the basic flag of the gods of the gods of the South Ming Dynasty, and the like, and the same thing, only the prosperity of Leaving Dust.

“It is not only a magic repair, it should not be a demonized soul after death, and it is taken by the demon master? Can it really be resurrected?”

The magic worm is not unable to resurrect. It is necessary to know the world. It is not only the difficulty of flying, but the price paid for the blood sacrifice, which is also several times that of other worlds in Yun’er mouth.

Therefore, the rewards of the blood sacrifice, rarely have living things, given from the hands of the Lord. In this world, although there are records of the Xuanxue Yin and Yin Festival, no one has actually used it.

Zhuang Wudao This sentence, it is the spirit Hua Ying is also very strange, not very much. In the end, I will study the real people and solve the problem for the two.

“It is said that this magical sect, there is another means left before death. After confessing to the discipline for thousands of years, you can use the ‘Xuanxuan yin ritual to resurrect it. Unfortunately, before the war of demons, the people of the lord of the lord did not want to. After the war, the Demon Yanzong did not dare.”

Speaking of the last two sentences, it already contains the meaning of ridicule.

Zhuang Wudao inwardly, shaking his head, no wonder this time Leaving Dust went to the north, and the manpower rally was so rushed. ‘Xuanxuan Yinji Festival, it was really succeeded by the magical door. In the world, one of the great devils of the Void Refining is undoubtedly the disaster of Leaving Dust.

Move to the way, the real person smiled, and the courtesy slightly decapitated. This is not much contact with him, but the other party is interested in showing good things today.

Immediately, Zhuang Wudao looked at Yuan Bai strangely. In fact, compared with the ‘Xuanxuan Yinji Festival, he is better at the festival of real people.

Or Xuanjizi chuckled and said in his ear: “Yunyang Stone”

Zhuang Wudao suddenly wakes up and understands. For the lineage of swallowing blood, Yunyang Stone is indeed an irresistible thing. Not only can you purify the blood vessel that swallows blood, but it can also strengthen the bloody positive demon power.

Compared with the Primordial Spirit cultivator, Yuan Bai, who is a fourth-order bloody enchanting, is more demanding on the former.

However, Yuan Bai, since it can not be moved by his true bloody picture, then even if the real person of the festival is ‘Yangyang Stone, for temptation, it may not be able to impress this big demon.

Yuan Bai agreed to enter Leaving Dust and become a demon patriarch. It should be for another reason.

However, it is estimated that this reason can only be known by the real people. Zhuang Wudao Even if asked, no one can answer.

However, with Yuan Baixiang, Zhuang Wudao is really relaxed. This bloody enchanting, such as today’s machine monument demon list on the 76th. As for the combat power, now within the sect, it is only inferior to the two methods of the law and the law, and Li Xuan’an is equal. Among the Demon Sect, there are only a dozen people who can suppress it.

This time, the winner of the Leaving Dust Palace party is worth three more points.

“In fact, this is so rushed, it is not only the “Xuanxuan Yinji Festival, the reason.”

Xuanjizi continued: “tyrannical knows that Great Peace Sect has once again descended to East Ocean, has already taken back to the empty island, Fangming Island, is building a guardian spirit array?”

Subconsciously, Zhuang Wudao looked at the east and looked calm.

“What is expected, what is wrong?”

With the urinary nature of Great Peace Sect, won’t it be robbed? This time, Leaving Dust Palace can knock back the three Demon Dao in the north. The little action of this Great Peace Sect is really not enough.

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