Zhuang Wudao will re-send the altar and deliver it to sect. At this time, this huge altar has been placed on the rear deck of the Meridian Sun Moon Ship. Arranged for him and Nie Xianling’s cabin, just near the altar, you can go to the altar at any time.

It took only half a day for the fleet to sail. Although the departure is rushed, it can be prepared for a long time before the upper layer, and the Lingbao ship has already been assembled and ready to go.

Seventy ships of the Linggu are headed by the Ziwu Xuanyang ship. After being lined up, they rushed north to the north.

And just as the fleet left the mountain, flying out of the ‘Nanmingdu Tianshen Lei Lie fire flag gate array, that moment. Zhuang Wudao just saw behind him, and suddenly a grand fire-colored barrier shrouded the entire Nanping Mountain range.

He’s more fascinating, and the direction of the Leaving Dust Origin Mountain, a total of ten glamorous temples, vacated.

Just looking at it, Zhuang Wudao knows that this is the ultimate method of using the guardian mountain squad to protect the mountain from the inside and outside of the Nanping Mountains.

The sect’s Nanmingdu Tianshen Lei Lie fire flag gate array, every year will save some of the Heaven and Earth swimming thunderstorm power stored in the Temple of the Ten Commandments. Inspired by the enemy to increase the power of the array.

In fact, it will not increase much. At most, the energy efficiency of the flag array will increase by about 20%, but the key is the blockade.

This time there is only one Primordial Spirit sitting in Leaving Dust, still dangerous. It is difficult to protect those magic repairs, not like the previous Great Peace Sect, playing the sound of the East, playing the tiger away from the mountain.

Therefore, the extreme method is to stimulate the power of this mountain guard to save. First, the Leaving Dust Origin Mountain, which is sealed by the Ten Commandments, is used to isolate the mountains.

Can not be out inside, can not enter outside. Both the gods of the gods and the fires of the Nanming have the properties of the demon, and the large piece of the cloud of the Leaving Dust is shrouded in flames. Demon Dao cultivator, there are thousands of means, can not be displayed.

The normal attack on the mountain, even if the 20 Primordial Spirit cultivators join hands, it will take at least 20 days to break the Nanmingdu Tianshen Lei Lieqi flag.

In the 20th time, as long as the sect’s meridian Xuanyang ship is still there, it should be rushed back anyway.

“The power of thunderstorms accumulated in the temple can be sealed for ten years.”

Xuanjizi said with emotion: “I only hope that this battle with the magic will not last for ten years -“

Zhuang Wudao shook his head and shouted that this may not be the case. Leaving Dust Palace is naturally eager to fight against those demons and solve this trouble as soon as possible.

However, the three Demon Dao, whether it can make Leaving Dust wish, is really unpredictable.

With the Leaving Dust fleet going north, the entire fleet is growing rapidly. In the past, the battle of the empty island, Leaving Dust held three Foundation Establishment Expedition East Ocean, but the final Foundation Establishment cultivator of the Leaving Dust side, the total number reached 10,000.

The same is true today. The entire south of the Tibetan Miaojiang River, the countries that are attached to the Leaving Dust Palace, have been mobilized by the Leaving Dust Palace.

There are such great meanings as demon and evil spirits, and those vassal forces are even more unable to dodge. ‘Ziwu Xuanyang ship, Leaving Dust Origin Mountain 50,000 miles away, the entire fleet, has expanded twice.

The Foundation Establishment cultivator has increased to 13,000, and the number of Lingbao ships has expanded to 221, and the number of Golden Core cultivators has increased to 400.

The fleet opened more than four hundred miles with the geese, and swept north. Wherever he went, it was almost the entire 100,000 miles around the land, and it was completely plowed. All the magic repairs were swept away and all were wiped out.

Those Demon Dao cultivators also know the machine, far away to avoid the Leaving Dust Palace.

This is only the case with Leaving Dust, which is less than 40% in the southeastern three hundred countries. Still not in the direction of East Ocean, the seventy-two islands are counted.

As the army goes north, the entire lineup of Leaving Dust Palace will expand, at least double the size.

Before the attack on East Spring Palace, it was not counted. This time, Leaving Dust went up and down, and it was the first time to launch the full force, revealing flaws. In comparison, the three forces of Demon Dao opposite each other suddenly became inferior.

It must be said that the Leaving Dust Palace at this time, in addition to the number of Primordial Spirit cultivator, is slightly insufficient. Either way, it can be juxtaposed with the top five Great Sects in the world. On the mobilization of His Majesty’s forces, it is comparable to Great Peace Sect Scarlet Yang City.

At the time of the boat trip, Zhuang Wudao did not retreat, but listened to the spirit of the sword spirit, stayed on the deck every day, chatted with several Senior Brothers, discussed the Culture Technique, and realized the battle of the army. Bing Ge killed the gas.

Only because of the fifth decision in Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment, before the ancients, not later. Read the Heaven and Earth, and you will be alone.

This sword-style style is related to the battle intent of the battlefield.

Although it is still far from the date of his fifth decision, at least Void Refining Realm is needed. Can be experienced in advance, only benefits, no harm.

On the fourth day, a Buddha sign sounded in the north.

“The Buddha of the Immortal Life, Nanshan Liuli Temple, such as the dew and the 3,000 people of the crime, came to the late murder of the southeast, and also asked Leaving Dust friends to forgive me.”

Zhuang Wudao heard the sound and saw a small fleet – a total of five spaceships like the Buddhist scriptures, slowly coming.

Compared to the mighty Leaving Dust Palace, this fleet is undoubtedly very shabby. However, in the medium sect, it is already very good.

Liuli Temple is one of the small Buddhist temples. It was once in the land of the Central Plains for a long time. It was the year that Yan’s army became a demon and participated in one of the major leagues. It once ranked seventh in the world’s top ten.

Just three thousand years ago, the Liuli Temple was robbed, and the entire sect went to the south. It was taken in by the Leaving Dust Palace and arranged in Nanshan, so there was the Nanshan Liuli Temple.

The original intention of Leaving Dust Palace is to let this teaching contain the East Spring Palace. It is a pity that the martial arts cultivation is too difficult, and the Liuli Temple has never had any outstanding figures. Only this one is as big as the big one, and there are seven or eight Golden Cores, and the scene is suppressed. My own territory can’t be suppressed, let alone the East Spring Palace.

Only this time, this Nanshan Liuli Temple is really unexpected, three thousand discipline, which is not the same as the nesting?

“Three thousand discipline? I remember this Nanshan Liuli Temple. Only a total of 3,000 people.”

Si Konghong really asked, frowning, his face is inextricable: “The Origin Mountain Liuli Temple, they are not going to want?”

“Senior Brother, those magicians who want to start at the Liuli Temple, they can’t keep it. All the disciplines follow my army, but it’s safe.”

Xuanji shakes and feels awkward: “I really can’t think of it. The first one is to enshrine the devil. It is actually the Liuli Temple. The Liuli Temple has always been left in the wilderness of the southwest. For three thousand years, I have had very few intersections with the ancestors. The disaster is difficult, and for a time, it will not harm them. On the other hand, before the 3,000 years ago, several ancestors took in the ―

The voice stopped abruptly, only because of the east direction, and another figure of a white robe, just stepping into the air, going straight to the Ziwu Xuanyang ship and heading for the bow.

“Ziyinshan is a quiet and quiet person. I have seen Leaving Dust’s friends, and I am obsessed with it.”

Hyuning what was said looking at the past, and then Yan Yan smiled: “This real person, the old people of the past, are destroyed by the hands of the magic. For the Demon Dao cultivator, can be described as hateful, you must try your best And then fast. This war, others may not come, this really quiet person, but certainly will not be absent.”

Zhuang Wudao also knows this person, ranking 12 on the list, and ranking 175 on the list, and has always had a good relationship with Leaving Dust Palace. In the past, Leaving Dust also tried to get this person to get started. Unfortunately, this really quiet personality is independent and unwilling to be bound by sect.

It was not until the introduction of Li Xuan’an that Leaving Dust Palace gradually faded. However, the previous Chi Ling Sanxian teachings were plundered, and Leaving Dust was restrained by Great Peace Sect. It was this really quiet person who came forward and joined several Primordial Spirit cultivators to remove the Chi Ling Sanxian.

In front of the eyes, such as Lu Dazheng also came to the Buddha light at this time. Zhuang Wudao had to stand up and go to the bow.

Zhuang Wudao is also a ‘real person, even if the cloud law cloud spirit month breaks Primordial Spirit, his position in Leaving Dust is still in the top five. In the eyes of others, it is already one of the leaders of Leaving Dust, the most important leader.

Several Primordial Spirit ambassadors should be assisted, others can not be there, but he can’t help but meet, thank you for your friendship.

On the following four days, there were more than 20 sects to help. They are all five or sixty third-order treasure ships under Leaving Dust. Golden Core, one hundred and twenty people,

Most sects, even a Primordial Spirit, have only three or four Golden Cores, but they are all in the same way as Nanshan Liuli Temple.

It’s also a common strategy, such as Lu Dazheng, if you want to take advantage of the Leaving Dust Palace’s devil, then it’s safest to mobilize the entire Sect and follow the Leaving Dust brigade.

In addition, the Primordial Spirit cultivator also has three people, a Huang Han, who is the owner of the southeast cultivation aristocratic family. An ancient acquaintance, also a spangle, and a mysterious real person, from the sect of the vassal Leaving Dust. A Small Sect door with a Foundation Establishment cultivator three hundred years ago, but it is a miracle to support a Primordial Spirit.

On the Leaving Dust Palace side, the number of Primordial Spirit cultivators that have played this time has increased to fourteen. Together with Zhuang Wudao and Ling Hua Ying, it is the 16-member Primordial Spirit.

However, over time, the rituals and the faces of several Primordial Spirits are getting more and more ugly.

Zhuang Wudao knows its cause and is also unhappy. The sect of the vassal Leaving Dust, a total of more than 60, responded to the Leaving Dust Palace threshold, but only less than one-third. Many sects are sent a letter. First of all, I wish the Leaving Dust Palace a victory. Then I will complain a little bit. I can’t help but say that the sect foundation industry can’t be lost. It is really powerless. Please ask Leaving Dust Palace.

In addition, there are only a total of sixteen Primordial Spirits in the Southeast, and only five of them are present. Three of them are owing Leaving Dust too much.

After these people arrived, they drove the ship and stayed on the outskirts of the fleet. There was no intention of death.

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