“So, he’s got a headache lately.”

A few people, Yun Lingyue and Night Sovereign, have recently retired, or are trying to break through the Primordial Spirit, or are in a stable state to deal with the battle of magic.

Recently, the person who presided over the sect was responsible for the affairs of the person, and finally fell to the body of the good deeds of Lei Fen, and then assisted by Ming Cuifeng’s Ji Ming.

“There is no difference between Lei Shishu and the half-month of the previous few days. Tyrannical You can use the phrase ‘Idle people, don’t disturb, and shut people out. Lei Shishu, they are completely unthinkable.”

Beitang Wan’er smiled and had a bit of gloating. But then it was closed. Eyes are calm, and Zhuang Wudao is looking at it.

“tyrannical, you should know me, why did you come this time?”

She is not as good as Mu Weiwei, as the esoteric disciples of the Emperor Peak lineage, knowing that the status of Zhuang Wudao at this time is only inferior to the number of laws and regulations. It is a sect pillar, no matter what happens in the door, unless it is Zhuang Wudao, there is no interest, he can’t get away with him.

“Nature knows, not surprisingly, the eyes of the mysterious Senior Brother, is it also with them?”

Zhuang Wudao sits down on the knees and is as stable as Mount Tai. “Then you should know that the tone of my life is not much better than the teacher.”

Beitang Wan’er’s lips are slightly pumped, but ‘Hey, one sound: ‘I know something, I really shouldn’t ask for it. But recently I saw sect a few Primordial Spirits, I want to go out, at Leaving Dust Origin Mountain only, with Demon Dao three battles? Also, Yunfa and Yunlingyue two uncles, is already breaking through the Primordial Spirit?”

Zhuang Wudao eyes shrink, this Wan’er, the news is really not a general smart. In the sect, actually managed to do such a network. The polar law and the cloud spirit month break through the Primordial Spirit, the sect is strictly guarded against death, but it is still known by this woman.

Although the heart was shocked, Zhuang Wudao did not move on the surface, only smiled lightly: “If I were you, I knew this, I should shut up.”

“Sure enough.”

Beitang Wan’er double-handedly grips, squatting on the clothes underneath, no wind automatically: “Others shouldn’t I know, I am not stable. I only ask, Leaving Dust Palace, how many chances can you win this time?”

Zhuang Wudao avoided answering: “In fact, a few real people, it is not unconstrained to shrink back, only stick to the mountain gate, or ask Scarlet Yang City to help.”

“It turns out so”

Beitang Wan’er suddenly relieved, smelling the song and knowing the elegance. Since sect has not chosen to stick to the mountain gate and has not gone to Scarlet Yang City for help, it is naturally enough. Mostly, the Leaving Dust Palace does not have to stick to the South Mountain Origin Mountain, and there is enough chance of winning. It can be handled independently without the help of Scarlet Yang City.

Let out a long friendly breath, Beitang Wan’er stood up and said: “When Wan’er waits for the good news of Zhuang Shishu”

The uncle’s name, said the natural knowing. A few years ago, it was still the sister of the Senior Brother, but at this time Zhuang Wudao’s identity strength is already beyond her reach.

At the time of departure, Beitang Wan’er said something again: “And the mountain temple that was destroyed by Chong Yangzi in the past has been repaired. In addition, four more, the incense can be added. But recently, someone has been Inquire about the true whereabouts of your mother’s tomb, and some people are spying on my Beitang Family. If you have time, you can go back and look at the tyrannical. Some characters are not my Beitang Family.”

Zhuang Wudao was suddenly cold in the heart, and the atmosphere in the whole building was immediately cooled down.

“Fortunately, it is my family. The whole family has moved to Beijing. There are several Golden Cores in the country, and the family is still vigilant. No one dares to start with me.” Those who go out to work are just some Qi. Condensation’s enshrined death will die without hurting my Beitang Family. It is estimated that those people are also worried about alarming you before they dare to be too much for my Beitang Family.”

Beitang Wan’er, as in the past, seems to be completely indifferent to the life and death of his own people. His tone is indifferent: “Just at this time, tyrannical, you also need to pay attention to one or two. This matter is beyond the ability of the Beitang Family, only you Can handle it.”

As the woman left, the silence was restored again in the half-monthly building, and Zhuang Wudao fell into contemplation again. After pondering for a while, after a long while, it was a letter flying out, to the opposite mountain, the Xuanzi’s Dongfu, flying away.

This is not for the mother’s tomb, but for the battle with the magic.

Beitang Wan’er knows too much, he can’t guard against one or two. Zhuang Wudao is definitely a close friend with this woman, but she will never be naive to think that her relatives and friends, eternal life will never betray themselves.

Beitang Wan’er is a reliable person, but the girl itself has too many flaws. If one day, the Beitang Family is controlled by those demons, or threatened by the genocide, what choice will Beitang Wan’er make?

Was Wu Xiaosi, who was not for his family, betrayed him? Such a lesson is a good lesson.

A person with a mysterious machine stalks and peeks at his words and deeds. Once something really happened, someone leaked the news and Beitang Wan’er could get rid of the suspicion.

But then, Zhuang Wudao smiled again. Since even Beitang Wan’er knows it, other esoteric disciplines, you can also know – just a little bit of information, you must know.

Those mortals have words – ‘Jun does not lose his minister, and the minister does not lose his body. This sentence, he is deeply convinced.

However, the current Leaving Dust Palace can’t keep this secret. At this time, dozens of secret recipes, as long as there is one, like Ye Han is so speculative. Yun Lingyue and the cloud law to achieve real people’s news, I am afraid to leak out.

Fortunately, the secret of his ‘clear swordsmanship’ has only been revealed in front of more than a dozen people.

But this time, whether Leaving Dust Palace can do so can only see what God wants –

Later, Zhuang Wudao received some letters one after another. Like Xia Miao, Guyue Ming, Si Konghong, Su Qiu, these people are outside the sect, or East Ocean, or ordered to chase the magic, to suppress the disaster.

Zhuang Wudao, without exception, all return an ‘an, word. It was not long after that, Xue Xinzhai and Leaving Dust Origin Mountain’s refining cabinet sent him two swords and one tower.

Since Ba Jingkun Lei Jian, destroyed, Zhuang Wudao is looking for a replacement sword. Although the Light Cloud Sword has recovered to the 36-fold Forbidden Law, the sharpness of this sword is also far above the usual sword. It is even possible to change the shape, and it is now in front of people.

However, according to Yun’er, it is the spirit of sword spirit that is not solid. Before restoring the fairy level, Light Cloud Sword can’t touch anything that peaks evil.

Before the battle of the Devil’s Cave, there was no dilemma available in the hands, Zhuang Wudao did not want to experience it again.

So after repelling the magic sandalwood, Zhuang Wudao set a high price, set in the refining cabinet of Origin Mountain, and customized the two magical swords with two thousand fourth-order Origin Storing Stone.

Forty-weighted Forbidden Law, named ‘Tai Yu Yin Yang Jian. The material is even more on the Eight Views Kun Leijian. On top of it, you can sacrifice to the forty-seventh level, almost reaching this level, and you can reach the peak of the ban.

The two swords are black and white, and above the hilt, each has a pattern of Taiji yin and yang fish, which slowly rotates.

A pair of swords, almost perfect inherited the characteristics of the eight Jingkun Leijian, the array of these two swords has been easier, almost a small ‘pros and cons of both instruments are boundless.

Naturally, the tendency to be polarized is inevitable. Zhuang Wudao personally designed the array, based on the infinite array of positive and negative instruments, incorporating the characteristics of Accumulating Sword. You can use ‘Sword, Sword, Sword, Sword, Crash, Cut, Wipe, Wear, Pick, and Lift. These are derived from the basic swords of Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment. , upgrade to peak. Even the sword body can also be changed in the swords, swords, and stabs, in order to enhance the sword-like power.

With only these two swords, you can upgrade his small swords, swords, swords, and other Prfound Technique Divine Abilty. Also indirect, the gain ‘life and death, and the memory, and the divine,.

But the most important thing is to break the evil attribute. The pattern of Taiji yin and yang fish above the hilt can absorb the free pure Yang pure yin to store.

The power of pure Yin can help the relationship between ‘Sui Yu Shen Shen, recovery, and ‘Sui Yu Shen Yan,’ like fire and swim. The power of pure yang can break the evil.

When the key is at the time, it is easy to seduce and sweep away all evil things.

These two swords, not only the structure and the map are designed by Zhuang Wudao, but also the materials used, but also his own. To the last two thousand fourth-order elements can not be suppressed, have to chase seven hundred fourth-order elements, saying that the value is immeasurable.

If you can sacrifice to the top, power and value, you will only be inferior to those treasures of the towns.

Speaking of Accumulating Sword, Zhuang Wudao is now in the body, has been divided into three hundred and seventy-seven swords. Just a few steps from the 4th Heavenly Layer. At that time, Light Cloud Sword could restore the nine-fold Forbidden Law and enter the magic level.

However, most of the world’s Cultural Technique, the more difficult it is to get to the back. Three hundred and sixty-five swords, the Accumulating Sword Art 4th Heavenly Layer.

Before the promotion of Zhuang Wudao, the swordsmanship was like a broken bamboo. But now there are only more than forty roads, but it is every sword, it takes only a few months, slow as a snail.

It is his own estimation that in normal circumstances, it will take at least thirty years to enter the 4th Heavenly Layer. No more than the time he made the Primordial Spirit.

As for the tower sent by Xue Xinzhai, it is the cypress tower. Zhuang Wudao has a few spirits, such as Bajing Kunlei, Qiankun Shouyuanzhu, there is no room for improvement. The blood god shield is fine, but it can be transformed at the time of the blood sacrifice.

Only this tower from the north of the cypress, the accidental fit for himself, the material is not inferior to Qiankun Shouyuanzhu. With just a few changes to the array, you can use it with your own Prfound Technique.

Zhuang Wudao had no time to refine it. There were two swords on the side of the door. Thinking of the good reputation of Xue Xinzhai, while drawing a picture of the crisp, I will hand over this Spirit Tool to Xue Xinzhai.

The result also made him very satisfied. This item has been upgraded to forty Forbidden Law, which can strengthen his defensive class Divine Abilty, which is in harmony with Taiji Mo Shenjia.

When the second sword and the tower arrived, Zhuang Wudao almost immediately put down all the chores and concentrated on the three Spirit Tools. Just seven days later, Zhuang Wudao received a letter from the real person.

That ‘Mid-day pure sun ship, at this time has also risen again, floating above the Leaving Dust Origin Mountain.

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