涓嶈 杩橪 eaving Dust 阃夊嚭镄勫洓涓﹄ 阃 阃 涔熼兘浣 涔熼兘浣 蹇冩湇銆傛棤璁 蹇冩湇銆傛棤璁 钖涙潈浜戞硶 钖涙潈浜戞硶 钖涙潈浜戞硶, 閮 骞 骞 骞 骞 湪闂ㄤ腑 湪闂ㄤ腑 湪闂ㄤ腑 湪闂ㄤ腑 帉 帉 湪闂ㄤ腑 湪闂ㄤ腑 嶆潈 嶆潈 嶆湜鍏 嶆湜鍏 嶆湜鍏

Key 岄偅浣岖┒娉昐 or 岄偅浣岖┒娉昐 岄偅浣岖┒娉昐 岄偅浣岖┒娉昐 岄偅浣岖┒娉昐 岄偅浣岖┒娉昐 岄偅浣岖┒娉昐 槸缈犱簯灞眑 槸缈犱簯灞眑 槸缈犱簯灞眑 槸缈犱簯灞眑 槸缈犱簯灞眑 槸缈犱簯灞眑 槸缈犱簯灞眑 槸缈犱簯灞眑 break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break break鍐 鍐 Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Pri Cui Kezhen arguing, 閮 湪钖戞浜哄 枩銆 枩銆 枩銆

That method also lived up to expectations. A year ago, the Golden Core list ranked 17th, with high potential, and even above the macro law of the year.

Among the four people, Zhuang Wudao is the only one who is not optimistic. However, in no case can it be compared with these four people.

Zhuang Wudao’s heart, but still feels awkward, this arrow into vows Dan, may be the only hope of cheap and shocking Primordial Spirit.

I missed this time and I have no chance in the future.

鐏礖ua Ying 涔熶笉鐭ユ槸钖 紑鍑 紑鍑 简 Zhuang Wudao 镄勫 镒 璇煶 犵劧锛 犵劧锛 犵劧锛 滆 滆 滆 涔熸槸镞犲涔嬩簨 涔熸槸镞犲涔嬩簨 涔熸槸镞犲涔嬩簨 涔熸槸镞犲涔嬩簨Han, 寤変簯浜屼綅Senior Brother, 杩樻湁板峰笀鍙斾笌瑙 e笀鍙 鍏跺疄閮 湁 湁 chain effect, 鍐 insert to Primordial Spirit 澧 power殑鍙兘銆 彲杩椤ソ澶 镐讳笉鑳 镐讳笉鑳 彧鍒嗕簬鎴戝鐏靛 涓 瀹 瀹 瀹 簯 簯 簯 簯 簯 簯 簯 簯 簯 簯 簯 簯 簯 簯 簯 簯 簯 簯 簯Chain Rainbow, 缁撴灉鏄 宁 埚彅涓庤 埚彅涓庤 宁 埚彅涓诲姩鏀 埚彅涓诲姩鏀 銆傛瘯绔熶簯 銆傛瘯绔熶簯 銆傛瘯绔熶簯 銆傛瘯绔熶簯 銆傛瘯绔熶簯 銆傛瘯绔熶簯 銆傛瘯绔熶簯 銆傛瘯绔熶簯 銆傛瘯绔熶簯 銆傛瘯绔熶簯 銆傛瘯绔熶簯 銆傛瘯绔熶簯 銆傛瘯绔熶簯 銆傛瘯绔熶簯 銆傛瘯绔熶簯 銆傛瘯绔熶簯 銆傛瘯绔熶簯 銆傛瘯绔熶簯涘嚭浼楄 涔熸渶 涔熸渶 夊彲鑳 夊彲鑳 夊彲鑳 熷姪瑾撴 熷姪瑾撴 熷姪瑾撴 熷姪瑾撴 熷姪瑾撴 熷姪瑾撴 瀹屾垚 瀹屾垚 瀹屾垚 瀹屾垚 瀹屾垚 瀹屾垚 瀹屾垚 瀹屾垚 瀹屾垚 瀹屾垚 瀹屾垚 瀹屾垚 瀹屾垚 瀹屾垚

“Lian Senior Brother is free and easy with two teachers—”

Zhuang Wudao said that here, in the heart of the move, remember that in the early years of the festival, the real person, once for Yun Lingyue, seeking the path of the Primordial Spirit.

濡傛璇存潵,寤夐渼涓庨净瑙d簩浣嶅笀鍙 can鈥檛say for sure 杩樻湁链轰细銆

However, a few years later, in the battle with the magic repair, I really can be a little relieved. Of these four, only two of them can use the arrow to enter the vows, and the power of the Primordial Spirit can be greatly increased.

鍏綅Primordial Spirit 澧 锷犱笂浠栦笌鐏礖ua Ying ,Leaving Dust Palace 鑻ラ潪鏄疓olden Core cultivator 杩樻湁涓嶈 銆 銆 銆 疄锷涘 疄锷涘 疄锷涘 瓒 瓒嶨reat Peace Sect Scarlet Yang City 姣旇偐銆

“It is indeed free and easy to see the obstacles of life and death. If it is me, it may not be as good as they are three, and willingly give up -“

鐏礖ua Ying 涓 澹 澹 徆鎭 姝 洜姹傞 洜姹傞 洜姹傞 洜姹傞 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓牬杩欑敓姝讳箣闅溿€

Not only he is, Zhuang Wudao is only afraid of it.

涓嶈 Ying 镒熸叏涔嫔悗 镒熸叏涔嫔悗 镒熸叏涔嫔悗 Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying 灏 灏 灏 灏 锲 锲 锲 锲 锲 锲 锲 锲 锲 锲 锲 锲 锲 锲Hey, 杩欎笁浜哄湪姹傞 闀 闀 敓涓婄殑 敓涓婄殑 敓涓婄殑 敓涓婄殑 у 骞 骞 骞 骞 敓涓婄殑 敓涓婄殑 敓涓婄殑 cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cultivation Chain identification

寰竴鎷傝,鐏礖ua Ying 杞€屽皢涓夋灇jade box,鏀畏湪浜哯huang Wudao 镄勯镄勯鍓嶃

鈥滆伞鏄笀灏婂懡鎴戝甫缁欎綘镄勪笢瑗 璇存槸鑻unior Brother ︼兘灏嗏 橀 橀 鏄庡墤缈 鎻愬崌鍝侀 pile, 闾d箞杩欎簺濂囩弽,鎴栬鎴栬呰兘呰兘缑涓奂unior Brother 銆傝嫢鏄疛unior Brother 鎶婅 Umbrella 杩欎笁鐗╀篃鍙敠涓婃 杩欎笁鐗╀篃鍙敠涓婃 鑺浣縅unior Brother found凯rfound Technique Divine Abilty , 旋翠笂涓€灞伞傗€€

The first box was opened, but it was a bright red fruit with a fragrant smell. The two brocades in the back are two longan-sized, sleek relics.

“The relic, and -“

Zhuang Wudao In the mind, memories are searched for a moment, and there is income. Then I took a cold breath: “Is this the fourth-order Zhu Spirit Immortal fruit?”

浼犻椈杩欑鏋滃疄,涔冩槸celestial being 涔嬭金€鍖 涓嶈tension eaven 鐣屼腑,骞舵棤celestial being 銆

Read, Chain, and Interactive Life Source Spirit Aperture, 澧炲姞Life Source Prfound Technique 鏄晥鏋滀笌娌捣涔濈獚鐭捣涔濈獚鐭崇浼浼浼浼殑鐏

Even the Primordial Spirit class Life Source Spirit Aperture can be copied. The value is almost no more than the ‘Vansha Stars and Grasses that he bought before, and the things that can be met are not available.

镊 簬闾 簬闾 袱鏋氲垗鍒╁瓙 袱鏋氲垗鍒╁瓙 鏆傛椂涓岖煡鏄綍鐢ㄥ銆 鏆傛椂涓岖煡鏄綍鐢ㄥ銆 鏆傛椂涓岖煡鏄綍鐢ㄥ銆 鏆傛椂涓岖煡鏄綍鐢ㄥ銆 鏆傛椂涓岖煡鏄綍鐢ㄥ銆 鏆傛椂涓岖煡鏄綍鐢ㄥ銆 鏆傛椂涓岖煡鏄綍鐢ㄥ銆 仐涓嬬殑鑸嶅埄瀛 仐涓嬬殑鑸嶅埄瀛 仐涓嬬殑鑸嶅埄瀛 仐涓嬬殑鑸嶅埄瀛 仐涓嬬殑鑸嶅埄瀛 仐涓嬬殑鑸嶅埄瀛诲埆鏋佸, 浣 敤涔熸槸杩ュ纾銆傛湁浜涜兘澶熷姪浜 敤涔熸槸杩ュ纾銆傛湁浜涜兘澶熷姪浜 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴 彁鍗啴鍖栬В闾瘨闾瘨旗厼绛夌瓑鈥曗

Can not be carefully inspected, Zhuang Wudao can not recognize the role of this relic. But just look at the appearance of the product, you can know that this is a fourth-grade relic that is left by the great aunt.

鈥沨yrannical 濂 l璇 姝f槸 chain 盨pirit Immortal 鏋溿 傝璧 傝璧 潵 潵 潵 潵 埚皧涓 埚皧涓 綘鎷垮嚭杩欎 鎴戦兘 鎴戦兘 鎴戦兘綋鍒濆笀灏婃浘 綋鍒濆笀灏婃浘 紭宸 紭宸 紭宸 悎 悎 盨 盨 盨 盨 盨 盨 盨 盨 盨 盨 盨 盨 盨 盨 盨 盨 盨 盨 盨 盨 盨 盨 盨 盨 涓塖 涓塖 涓塖 涓塖 涓塖 涓塖 涓塖 涓塖 涓塖,杩樻湁涓 浠 鎴戜 SSenior Brother 寮熷嚑浜 閮 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 浜咼 浜咼 浜咼 浜咼 浜咼 浜咼 浜咼 浜咼 浜咼 浜咼 浜咼 浜咼 浜咼 浜咼 浜咼 浜咼 浜咼 浜咼 浜咼 浜咼 浜咼 浜咼 浜咼銆傗€

鐏礖ua Ying 镒ゆ劋涓嶅 hook,涓€鍓壋缇$殑妯°C牱,闅忓嵆鍙堟寚镌€闾d袱鏋氲垗鍒╁瓙阆掳 fine hese two distinct things ,鏄畯娉旷湡浜哄缑镊﹄竴浣嶆晠浜洪仐鐗 鍙互璐€氱獚鑴 鍑濊仛杩炶剦Divine Abilty 銆傞偅浜 箖鏄皬涔 箖鏄皬涔闂ㄧ殑涓 浣嶆 浣嶆 ぇ ぇ ぇ ぇ ぇ ぇ   涓嶅睘浠讳綍 涓嶅睘浠讳綍 涓嶅睘浠讳綍 涓嶅睘浠讳綍 銆 銆 銆 銆 笌 笌 晫涔熷 晫涔熷 晫涔熷 鍗 鍗 鍗鐪熶 鍑犳浜 鍑犳浜 儏銆傛墍浠ュ潗鍖栦箣钖 绦 绦 绦 绦 绦 绦 绦 绦 绦 绦 佹潵 佹潵 佹潵 佹潵 佹潵 佹潵 佹潵 佹潵 佹潵 佹潵 佹潵 佹潵 佹潵 佹潵 佹潵Baking chain 涔熸湁浜嗘柇锲犳灉,璁╂垜Leaving Dust Palace 镦ф妫鍏堕棬涓媎isciple 镄勭敤镒 浠ヨ€浠ヨ 浠ヨ 涓ゆ灇鑸嶅埄瀛 Junior Brother 浣犲彲鏀 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 敤銆傗

浣涢棬镄勮垗鍒╁瓙,鍙笉鏄殢渚胯兘浣 敤镄勪笢瑗 € € € 夌潃钖勭鍙瘮鎷烪 夌潃钖勭鍙瘮鎷烪 eaven and Earth Rare Treasure 涔嬭兘,鍙竴镞 鐢ㄤ 鐢ㄤ 鐢ㄤ 鐢ㄤ 灏卞繀瀹 灏卞繀瀹 灏卞繀瀹 鐢ㄤ 鐢ㄤ 鐢ㄤ 鐢ㄤ 鐢ㄤ 灏卞繀瀹 灏卞繀瀹 灏卞繀瀹 灏卞繀瀹 灏卞繀瀹 灏卞繀瀹 灏卞繀瀹 灏卞繀瀹

灏 技 D Demon Sect 銆婇 蹇 蹇 歝 歝 嬩腑镄勯瓟绉 歝 歝 歝 歝 歝 歝 歝 歝 歝 歝 歝 镄勮瘽杩 镄勮瘽杩 镄勮瘽杩 喅銆傛崲鎴怐 喅銆傛崲鎴怐 喅銆傛崲鎴怐 喅銆傛崲鎴怐 喅銆傛崲鎴怐 喅銆傛崲鎴怐 喅銆傛崲鎴怐 喅銆傛崲鎴怐 喅銆傛崲鎴怐 喅銆傛崲鎴怐Emon Sect cultivator

鍙 鍙 鎯 鎯 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 鎯 瓟 瓟 瓟 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌 卌澹翻樻棤樻棤樻棤,忕湡浣鍙堟垨呮潵涓呮潵涓娈娈经闂ㄧ粡鏂囨椂镄勬儏褰€

Therefore, although the Buddha’s things are good, they need to be cautious when used. However, these two relics are different, both for the purpose of breaking the cause and effect and repaying the human condition. Presumably, there will be no remaining means.

Zhuang Wudao is also a joy in the heart, unceremoniously put these three kinds of rare, all put away.

“On behalf of me, many thanks”

The fourth-order Zhu Spirit Immortal fruit can make him ‘renamed the number of swords, up to five times. However, the role of these two Buddhist relics is not small. Zhuang Wudao’s thirst for such a rare treasure is not under the former.

“And slowly, these three treasures, that is, the Spirit Immortal can be regarded as a gift from the Master. The other two are worth the good work, a total of 13 million. Now the Junior Brother is not good enough, waiting for this time. After the war, I will make up.”

Zhuang Wudao 镄勮劯涓 椤挎椂鍙埚井寰竴 plating point 竴鍗冧笁锏 竴鍗冧笁锏 竾 竾 鍩 鍩 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O笺€傜浉褰扑傜浉褰 浜斿垎涔嬩竴镄勫搴曘€

鐏礖ua Ying 绗戜 绗 姣笉鐞嗕 姣笉鐞嗕 锛 锛 滈櫎姝や箣澶 滈櫎姝や箣澶 埚皧杩樿鎴戦棶浣犮 埚皧杩樿鎴戦棶浣犮 埚皧杩樿鎴戦棶浣犮 綘杩欌 綘杩欌 綘杩欌 橀 鏄庡墤缈 鏄庡墤缈 鍙缮鑳 氲 氲 澶栧姏寮哄寲锛烰 澶栧姏寮哄寲锛烰 澶栧姏寮哄寲锛烰 澶栧姏寮哄寲锛烰 澶栧姏寮哄寲锛烰 澶栧姏寮哄寲锛烰 澶栧姏寮哄寲锛烰 澶栧姏寮哄寲锛烰 澶栧姏寮哄寲锛烰 澶栧姏寮哄寲锛烰 澶栧姏寮哄寲锛烰 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二亗Junior Sister 闾i噷涔熷缑浜嗕笉灏戝ソ澶勩€傛嵁璇村凡鎶娾€橀吨鏄庡墤缈 寮哄寲浜嗗昆阒跺▉鑳 杩桦缑浜嗗叚鏋 彲澶嶅埗鐜勭獚镄勭伒鏋溿 彲澶嶅埗鐜勭獚镄勭伒鏋溿€傗€

“What does it mean, Divine Abilty is polarized?”

Zhuang Wudao is clear, but also curious, can copy the mysterious spirit of Xuanzang, I wonder if it is useless to the soul? Nie Junior Sister The benefits of this fishing are really a lot.

鍏灇鍙鍒剁巹绐岖殑鐏 灉 灉 灉 Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian Xian鑳 鐢ㄧ殑 medicinal pill 鐏 pad, 阃夋嫨闱 (4) 姣擥 olden Core 澧冨 寰楀銆

Then I fell into deep thought and will re-enforce the sword wing. Is this Divine Abilty polarization strengthened? He didn’t have no ideas before, but he gave up in the end.

The key is three times the increase, which is enough. The strength of his physical body is almost at the limit. Then, ‘Heavy swords, continue to increase, my body may be the first to collapse. Continue to strengthen, meaningless

鍙梺浜哄嵈涓崭 浠栬 浠栬 鑸 镞 镞 塆 塆 塆 塆 塆 塆 塆 塆 塆 塆 塆 塆 塆 塆 塆 塆 塆 塆 塆 塆 塆 塆 塆 塆 塆濆姏阃氱,杩欐牱,鍙鍙板鍐嶅鏁崭箣锷涚殑Divine Abilty 銆效鎺屾鎺屾鎺屾绂讳笘绂讳笘¢瓟鍐¢瓟鍐绉嶈兘浣挎绉嶈兘浣挎,鍐嶆缈诲€岖殑绉樻湳銆

Even if you don’t calculate the ‘clear sword wing, Zhuang Wudao’s power can be increased to up to 46 times on the basis of the 3,500-image– now 4,500-100-inch force. Nothing,

Like the law of blasphemy, even if it is five times the ‘heavy sword wing, can bear. Switching to Zhuang Wudao, you only need to add another 20% power, you will be overwhelmed.

Slightly indulgent, Zhuang Wudao has made a decision: “I need something, refining an altar –

“Just like this?”

鐏礖ua Ying 鍙嶈€岄鏄け chain 涓嶈 闅忓嵆灏 闅忓嵆灏 闅忓嵆灏 璧 璧 璧 璧 Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu鍗旷粰鎴 chain 澶 澶 澶 堜箣鍐呭繀瀹氱粰 堜箣鍐呭繀瀹氱粰 eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni 闾 闾 闾 闾 闾 闾 闾 闾 闾 闾 闾 闾 闾 闾 闾 J J J J J J J灞旷濞佷箣镞鈥

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