鍦伴瓟绐熷唴,宸茬粡鍐嶆锲炲瀵傞润銆傞瓟妾€瀛愬寲韬暀涓嬬殑body 娈嬬墖,宸茶鏋佹硶鐪熶汉鍖嗗寙Ning “Egg 銆傝 浜涗笢瑗 浜涗笢瑗 兘鏋佹槸闾纾 兘鏋佹槸闾纾 兘鏋佹槸闾纾 兘鏋佹槸闾纾 兘鏋佹槸闾纾 兘鏋佹槸闾纾 笉杩囩伒 笉杩囩伒 笉杩囩伒 笉杩囩伒 笉杩囩伒 笉杩囩伒 笉杩囩伒 笉杩囩伒 笉杩囩伒 笉杩囩伒 笉杩囩伒 笉杩囩伒 笉杩囩伒

“Congratulations to Junior Brother, do the breakthrough today –”

鍦ㄧ伒Hua Ying 闱(一)墠,Zhuang Wudao 骞舵湭鎺╅グ镊湭鎺╅グ镊ultivation base ,鍦ㄦ柀鏉€旀獉瀛愪箣鍓岖殑姘旀満锷ㄩ旀獉瀛愪箣鍓岖殑姘旀満锷ㄩ润,涔熺瀿涓嶈 浜 浜 恒

镓 Ying Ying Ying Ying Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wudao , 鍒嗘槑宸 呖 呖 Golden Core Middle Stage 镄勫鐣屻 €

鈥滀笉鍒 笁鍗佷簲宀 鍏 鍏 鍏 olden Core 浜旈 妤 Brother Junior Brother 镐曟槸 Heaven 晫杩椤嚑鍗佷竾骞 晫杩椤嚑鍗佷竾骞 鏉ョ殑绗竴浜 鏉ョ殑绗竴浜 鏉ョ殑绗竴浜 鏉ョ殑绗竴浜 鏉ョ殑绗竴浜 鏉ョ殑绗竴浜 €

璧炲徆镄勫悓镞 鐏礖ua Ying 涔熷 涓劅鎱ㄣ 粬镄刬 粬镄刬 粬镄刬 nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate杩滃强涓崭笂Zhuang Wudao 镄刢ultivation 涔嬮€熴€

If there is an adventure, or the remains of the gods left by the predecessors, I am afraid that this time has been surpassed by the Junior Brother.

“Compared with the Senior Brother, Senior Brother, up to ten years of advanced Primordial Spirit.cultivation but for 60 years, the achievement of the Primordial Spirit, this is the real world first person-”

Zhuang Wudao 鎽囩潃澶 璇皵涔熼鏄壋缇€€效寲绁炰箣娉曡槠鏄嚩闄 鐏礖ua Ying breakthrough Primordial Spirit 澧 殑 chain 轰, 涓嶅埌 40 % 銆

鍙鍒版檵阒禤rimordial Spirit 涔嬮€鍗鍗槸澶╀笅缃曟湁鍏跺尮銆槸澶╀笅缃曟湁鍏跺尮銆粬灏粬灏笉琛屼, Golden Core 浜旈吨妤箣钖 灏卞啀蹇笉璧锋潵銆傞渶寰楀父骞骞疮链堢殑堢殑寔Primordial Spirit, 镊冲皯涔熸湁锲涘崄骞存椂闂 嶅彲鑳 嶅彲鑳 繘鍏 rimordial Spirit 澧冦€

“Welcome to the Senior Brother, this time is a blessing to the impact of the Primordial Spirit, I think it must be more grasped.”

旇闂ㄧ殑琛 旇闂ㄧ殑琛 浜戦瓟娼姭绉嶅紩鍙戠殑蹇冩 浜戦瓟娼姭绉嶅紩鍙戠殑蹇冩 斿姭 斿姭 斿姭 姭涔嫔墠 姭涔嫔墠 姭涔嫔墠 姭涔嫔墠 姭涔嫔墠 姭涔嫔墠Simple, 鎻愬墠 chain変

Key 屽寲绁炰箣娉 € 岖殑灏 岖殑灏 岖殑灏 岖殑灏 岖殑灏 岖殑灏 埇蹇冨姭瀹夌劧搴 埇蹇冨姭瀹夌劧搴 埇蹇冨姭瀹夌劧搴 埇蹇冨姭瀹夌劧搴 埇蹇冨姭瀹夌劧搴 埇蹇冨姭瀹夌劧搴 埇蹇冨姭瀹夌劧搴 埇蹇冨姭瀹夌劧搴 埇蹇冨姭瀹夌劧搴 埇蹇冨姭瀹夌劧搴 埇蹇冨姭瀹夌劧搴 埇蹇冨姭瀹夌劧搴 绷 绷娈嬬暀镄勮蹇嗕笌娈嬩 绁炲 绁炲, 嶈兘铻嶅悎闾 槼绁 槼绁 浠ョ伒 浠ョ伒 浠ョ伒 浠ョ伒 浠ョ伒 浠ョ伒 浠ョ伒 浠ョ伒 浠ョ伒 浠ョ伒 浠ョ伒 浠ョ伒 浠ョ伒 浠ョ伒 浠ョ伒 浠ョ伒 浠ョ伒 浠ョ伒浜岀殑鎺掍綅, 鍑犱箮鍙 interactive

“This time, I really benefited a lot. I was lucky enough to be in the Primordial Spirit. It was still a sightless thing.”

鐏礖ua Ying 杞荤瑧,蹇栭死 Senior Brother 寮熶簩浜鸿璇 镐庝箞灏卞彉鎴愪简浜掔浉鎭 浜掔浉鎭 锛熷棰滀竴 璇 涔熸 0涔熸蒙鍑濅涓嬫潵锛 涓嬫潵锛 滃笀灏婅鎴戦棶浣 滃笀灏婅鎴戦棶浣 浣犻偅 嶆槑鍓戠 嶆槑鍓戠 嶆槑鍓戠 嶆槑鍓戠 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 缁忎 缁忎 缁忎 缁忎

璇濋煶 Ying ︼惤 ︼惤 鐏礖 Ying Ying Ying Ying 灏 灏 夎嚜宸辫 夎嚜宸辫 夎嚜宸辫 夎嚜宸辫 夎嚜宸辫 寮犲紑 寮犲紑 寮犲紑 寮犲紑 寮犲紑 寮犲紑 寮犲紑 寮犲紑 寮犲紑 寮犲紑 寮犲紑 寮犲紑 寮犲紑鐗囧埢 鐗囧埢,鐗囧埢ua Ying 镄勭洰 灏卞 鐜 鐜 鐜 嚭浜嗕 嶅姞鎸侊纻 嶅姞鎸侊纻 嶅姞鎸侊纻 嶅姞鎸侊纻 嶅姞鎸侊纻 嶅姞鎸侊纻 嶅姞鎸侊纻 涓岖煡鐜 涓岖煡鐜 涓岖煡鐜 涓岖煡鐜 涓岖煡鐜 涓岖煡鐜 涓岖煡鐜 涓岖煡鐜 涓岖煡鐜 涓岖煡鐜 涓岖煡鐜 涓岖煡鐜 涓岖煡鐜 涓岖煡鐜 涓岖煡鐜 涓岖煡鐜 涓岖煡鐜 涓岖煡鐜 涓岖煡鐜€澶澶彲锷犳寔鍑犱彲锷犳寔鍑犱锛熲

“About twenty-six Primordial Spirit cultivators, Golden Core cultivator, up to 150 people.”

Zhuang Wudao’s cautious answer is of great importance, so he explained as much as possible and accurate: “Nature, like a master, I have a heavy sword, and I can only hold up to five people.”

Leaving Dust Palace 鑻ョ湡 変簲浣崭 rim rim rim rim rim rim rim rim rim rim rim rim rim rim rim rim rim rim rim rim rim rim rim rim rim rim rim rim傞偅涔埚綋镞 墍 墍 夊叚澶 夊叚澶 夊叚澶 夊叚澶 夊叚澶 夊叚澶 夊叚澶 夊叚澶 夊叚澶 夊叚澶 夊叚澶 彧鏄笌 彧鏄笌 彧鏄笌 彧鏄笌 ust ust ust ust ust ust ust ust ust ust


鐏礖ua Ying 闱笂,涔熺粓浜庢湁浜嗙瑧瀹癸细鈥滃姝よ鏉 鎴戠瓑缁埚彲瀹夋灂镞犲咖銆傝銆傝娆娆笌笌斾斾斾斾€鎴 鎴慙eaving Dust 宸 湁浜哫 湁浜哫 湁浜哫 湁浜哫 湁浜哫 湁浜哫 湁浜哫 湁浜哫 湁浜哫

“100%?” Zhuang Wudao looked up awkwardly. Before he estimated, even if he raised this ‘heavy sword wing’ to the upper level of 1st Grade. The previous victory and defeat with the Mozong was only six or four.

Demon Dao VI, Leaving Dust Palace IV, still at a disadvantage. Still need to find another way to increase the odds. It may even be the last time to borrow the power of Scarlet Yang City.

I still have to worry about this, and the magical door must be aware of what is the clue, and there is today’s temptation. Although it is the ultimate defeat, it may not stop. Can’t say for sure This decision to leave the battle of Leaving Dust is just in the near future.

At this time, Zhuang Wudao heard the word ‘100%’ in the Hua Ying mouth. Is this Senior Brother too confident?

Only this time, the power of the magical door has made Leaving Dust Palace cope.

“But it’s amazing?”

It seems that Zhua Wudao’s expression, Hua Ying, is not unexpected: “tyrannical, you have been working hard over the years, and you don’t know anything about it, so I don’t know. Just two years ago, Hongfa and Shufa’s two real people have already The wreckage of the Ziwu Xuanyang ship was secretly salvaged. At this time, it was being repaired at the East Ocean Road Palace. At most, it took more than a year to restore the object.”

When I heard this, Zhuang Wudao’s pupils could not help but shrink.

‘Ziwu Xuanyang Ship, once the only real fourth-order warship in the Leaving Dust Palace.

– Although the Lingbao ship is also valuable, it is also among the magic weapons, but its level, but only between the third to fourth. Although there are thirty-seven heavy Forbidden Laws on the ship, it is only a third-order big array.

To know the order of the warships, it is usually not based on the Forbidden Law hierarchy, but on the ranks of the arrays carried.

And the ‘Ziwu Xuanyang ship, which has forty-five heavy Forbidden Law, is also arranged in the ship. It is also a fourth-order ‘dry day two instrumental meridian Xuanyang big array, only one ship, the power is equivalent to ten spirits. Bone treasure ship. It can also be the Core of the Spiritual Ship, and will be upgraded to five levels, and the combat power will double.

It is a pity that before the Thousand Years ago, when Leaving Dust Palace conquered the empty island, the Meridian Sun Moon Ship was jointly sunk and buried in the eastern waters of the Ngoshima Island.

At that time, although it was only an empty island, it was intended to be a sect, and it was isolated and self-reliant in the East Ocean. However, the cultivator participating in this campaign is not only trapped in the empty island. Therefore, the loss of the Leaving Dust Palace far exceeds the expectations of the former, including the ‘Ziwu Xuanyang Ship, which should have been the instrument of the town.

Fortunately, this wreckage, right next to the East Ocean Road Palace, always look after, no one can take this thing away. However, Leaving Dust Palace has been unable to remove the wreckage for thousands of years.

This ship is not only amazing, but also flying faster than the Primordial Spirit cultivator. Once repaired, those mobs who want to use guerrilla policies must be greatly restricted.

“You really are Leaving Dust Palace. Are you a vegetarian? Are you a vegetarian? Can you just sit back and wait? Will you put all your hopes on you?”

Hua Ying shook his head: “It’s me, I haven’t been idle for a few years. I also made two pieces of magic weapons, and the strength cultivation base is also improved. There are also several Senior Brothers in Yunfa – Junior Brother. Have you heard of the vows of excellence?”

“I heard that, but why did Leaving Dust Palace come to me?”

Zhuang Wudao’s mood has been calmed down. As Hua Ying said, several real people are not mud sculptures. It is not only his own efforts, but also the pursuit of victory.

The festival method, the blasphemy method, the polar law, the Yang method, the macro law, and even Li Xuan’an are all trying to make the Leaving Dust Palace turn to safety in its own way.

However, the arrow went into vows Dan, this kind of thing, still surprised him.

Refining this ‘medicinal pill’ is not a spiritual medicine, but a willingness, divine power. It is usually given by the upper bound, or by the secret law.

In fact, it is a kind of Taoist technique derived from Buddhism’s big vows. Make a Dan with the power of God, and take the vow after taking it. With the vow to trigger divine power and its own potential, make cultivation advanced by leaps and bounds.

However, although this method makes the cultivation base soar, and even some barriers that cannot be broken through, can be broken at one stroke. However, it is not too much trouble afterwards. I need to take the oath and finish the vow. Otherwise, a cultivation base can no longer be broken through, and it is even more difficult to lose the original realm.

“How come there is no o” Hua Ying asked: “Junior Brother has forgotten the source of the wood?”

Shenyuan Fumu, which was originally used by Zhuang Wudao, was used to lure the enchanted sect.

Zhuang Wudao immediately understands that there are three pieces of Wuyuan in the door, and the power that continues to be used to transform three or five arrows into vows is more than enough.

As for the Techique that transforms this Dan, there is no need to worry. There are several secret recipes in the Temple of the Ten Commandments.

But this source is Fumu, after all, it is inside the Leaving Dust door, and finally guards the card of the mountain gate.

“It turned out to be this thing? I think it is a bit wrong. After all, it is the treasure of Zhenshan. There are no objections to several real people? Moreover, this Dan is too risky, once the vows can not be reached-“

“What can be wrong? Because of this, sect has been hard-working for thousands of years, so it has to be saved. Sect, if sect is gone, what is the use of the underlying?”

Hua Ying sneer: “As for the vows, there is no need to worry. The swearing of the true law of the cloud is an oath of evil spirits. It is necessary to take a princess with the life of a Primordial Spirit.”

“Is it also a swearing swearing evil? It is not bad -“

Zhuang Wudao is free and easy, and this time there is no doubt. If this time, if you can’t marry the demon, then Leaving Dust Palace will be in danger of falling. At that time, this vow, if it didn’t work, it didn’t matter.

In this way, Leaving Dust Palace Inner Origin is a real person, and at least seven are in the battle with the Devil. The innate talent of the cloud method is not inferior to the macro method. The cultivation base has been stalled in the Golden Core because of insufficient resources. At this time, it is only a five-year gap from the Primordial Spirit.

An arrow into vows Dan, is enough for him to achieve the realm of Primordial Spirit.

However, Wuyuan Fumu, inner strength possesses the divine power, enough to gather four arrows into vows Dan, and I don’t know who the other three are?

In front of my own Senior Brother, Zhuang Wudao is naturally rude to ask: “In addition to the real people of Yunfa, I do not know which three?

“One is the Spirit Brother and the other is the Cuiyun Mountain Master Brother.”

Hua Ying’s voice is calm and seems to be talking about something that is not in his own right: “There is another one who is the emperor’s night monarchy –”

Zhuang Wudao has a deep heart, and there is no innocent name among the three. But thinking about it is not surprising.

If you talk about the innate talent, the inexpensive Senior Brother is not as good as the night monarchy and the law. This sect robbery, can only choose cultivation base innate talent, the most easy to break through the Primordial Spirit.

And from these few candidates, we can see that this must be the result of the real game of the Primordial Spirit. Xuanling Mountain, Cuiyun Mountain, Xiangyang Peak, Ming Cuifeng, in addition to the Emperor Peak. Several of the main peaks of the Primordial Spirit cultivator each have a quota.

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