Refining the materials of the mobile altar, as Hua Ying said, sect even collected it for Zhuang Wudao in less than two months.

At this point he has added the fourth-order ‘Spirit Immortal fruit’ to the Life Source Prfound Technique. And one more added Prfound Technique Divine Abilty is exactly the ‘Heavy sword wing.

Zhuang Wudao is actually trying to choose ‘Ox Demon Chaotic Dance, or keep this thing, waiting for the fourth one to open and take it. After all, no matter whether it is a heavy sword or a flower, it can last for a whole period of time. And without an accident, after he arrived in Immortal Ascension, there will be fifteen rounds of Divine Abilty in one day. Enough to ensure that he maintains these two Divine Abilty twelve times a day, more than enough.

Even now, ‘Heavy sword wings, can maintain four hours in a day, no longer necessary, and then ‘Zhu Spirit Immortal fruit, wasted on these two Prfound Technique Divine Abilty.

In the end, Zhuang Wudao chose to increase the number of ‘clear sword wings.’ Know the festival and others, and pay attention to this war. Several Primordial Spirits are full of people, and after all, they have increased the chances of Leaving Dust Palace. Can he Zhuang Wudao regret a fourth-order spirit in this area?

At this time, on the Leaving Dust side, although at least two P Primorial Spirits have been added, there is a repaired ‘Mr. Demon Sect’s means, to the difficulty, especially the magic of the door, good at the method of calculation, then there may not be an accident.

Hua Ying said that 100% is the best chance, but Zhuang Wudao can’t be assured of it. If you prepare more cards, there will be no mistakes.

Then there were the two relics, Zhuang Wudao without the slightest hesitation, and first of all the ‘clear sword wings, and the stone between the firepower.

The second one is the ultimate in power, and this time the opposite direction is replaced by a sword-like style.

In the previous link, Zhuang Wudao is ready to try to see if he can use the ’10-fold superposition of ‘Meng Ming Extreme’ to superimpose the ‘Thunderfire 乾元, this linkage method to the super Supreme level.

It is a pity that in the end, it was not the case. Thirty-six Thunder Firepowers shared the role of ‘re-emphasis. From 30,000 to 10,000. The power of the fire, the power has also improved a level.

The result is that it is not worth the candle. It is better to use this as a distinct change. In order to display the “Taiwan Heavy and Clear Clutch Light”, the cultivator of the Primordial Spirit Initial Stage was hit in the front and was also killed on the spot.

Used to promote the ‘Thunderfire 乾元, but only to the Divine Abilty, the little one has upgraded the power of some Thunderbolt. There is not much difference between the three thousand elephants and the four thousand elephants. There is no qualitative change.

Zhuang Wudao once again laments that this Prfound Technique Divine Abilty has a difficult upgrade. No wonder, the first few Sword Masters of Light Cloud Sword are Supreme Divine Abilty, which is a combination of a dozen or even 20 Prfound Techniques.

Fortunately, this time Link Aperture, he is not wrong. After a few days, I will integrate several Prfound Techniques. This is a ‘bright change, and it will be the real cornerstone of the thunder fire.

However, there is a previous lesson. Zhuang Wudao is no longer afraid to go far. Combine the best of the world with the sword, and officially upgrade the Divine Abilty, which he first possessed, to the level of 1st Grade. In addition, there is a blessing of the body of Innate Battle Soul. In other words, this sword-style is already a Chinese product.

Zhuang Wudao has tried it himself. This sword is smashed out, and the speed of the sword is fast. It is only inferior to the divine, two, and the power of re-enactment is even more successful.

Even if it is the flesh and blood of the magical sandalwood, if you can’t resist it, you should be smashed by this sword.

In addition, he has spent a lot of money in recent years, and he has purchased a few things that can pass through the veins. One of them is to get through the relationship between ‘the re-emphasis and the extreme’, and the ‘Xinghuo Butterfly.’

Originally, Zhuang Wudao did not have any hope. However, this 2nd Grade Divine Abilty was changed so much that it jumped into the 1st Grade level.

However, this change in technology is not surprising. ‘Xinghuo Shendie, where Xuanzang is strengthened by ‘Red Cloud Huo Shen Dan, has already entered the 2nd Grade position. There is a ‘scorpio pole change, providing firepower, and then ‘re-emphasis, the innate Battle Soul body’s blessing reinforcement, rushed to 1st Grade to cover the sky, is a matter of course, the water is ripe

And this Prfound Technique, once the grade is upgraded, the power has a qualitative change. Zhuang Wudao can store 1,200 in his body, and if he wants, he will have a maximum of 1.2 million fire butterflies.

And each fire butterfly has a full blow that is equivalent to the Golden Core Initial Stage cultivator.

It means that the number of low-order cultivators has no meaning in front of him. Unless it is a matchup, or the cultivation base is not inferior to him. Otherwise, even if it is a cultivator of 12,000, it will be swept away in the face of his fire butterfly army.

Taking ‘Zhu Spirit Immortal fruit, I spent 3 months preparing for Zhuang Wudao. Several links have been completed overnight, and it has been used for nearly half a year.

In Zhuang Wudao, the last one used for the use of Qizhen through the veins, and the connection between the ‘Eight Swordsman’, ‘Ox Demon Chaotic Dance’, and the flowers, and the three sacred sacred scorpions Time. The two real people, Hongfa and Shufa, finally returned from East Ocean, and brought along the ‘Mr. Meridian ship, which is said to have been repaired.

When the ship returned, the entire Leaving Dust Palace was sensational, and hundreds of thousands of disciplines were grouped up to Leaving Dust Origin Mountain.

Especially the older Golden Core cultivator, which is older, is so excited. Younger generation cultivator, can’t understand the feelings of these old Golden Core Primordial Spirit on this ‘Mr. Meridian ship, Zhuang Wudao is a bit faint.

‘Ziwu Xuanyang ship, the significance of the Leaving Dust Palace is extraordinary. This ship was built at the time of Xuan Xiao’s total palm Leaving Dust, symbolizing the Leaving Dust Palace, the most prosperous era.

鍗冨 鍓嶆鑸 鍓嶆鑸 潬钀 Leaving Dust Palace 涔熺敱姝ゅ0锷垮ぇ琛 鍑犱箮璺岃惤澶╀笅鍗佸ぇ姝i 死 sect 涔嫔銆 涔嫔銆 鏄疭 hifting Mountain East Spring 杩欐牱, 铡熸湰宸 tea  Leaving Dust Palace 阃 缑鑻熷 缑鑻熷 娈嫔枠镄剆 娈嫔枠镄剆 涔熻秮锷胯 涔熻秮锷胯 涔熻秮锷胯 涔熻秮锷胯 鎶奓 鎶奓 鎶奓 鎶奓 鎶奓 鎶奓 鎶奓 鎶奓 鎶奓 鎶奓 鎶奓 鎶奓汹瀹堜竴闅呫€

闾f槸Leaving Dust 涓 娈 娈 娈 渶鑹 渶鑹 毦锲 嫤 嫤 嫤 涔熸渶榛戞殚镄勬椂浠 € € € 鑴夋渶钖庣敋镊 鑴夋渶钖庣敋镊 鑴夋渶钖庣敋镊 鑴夋渶钖庣敋镊 鑴夋渶钖庣敋镊 鑴夋渶钖庣敋镊 鑴夋渶钖庣敋镊 鑴夋渶钖庣敋镊 鑴夋渶钖庣敋镊 鑴夋渶钖庣敋镊 鑴夋渶钖庣敋镊 鑴夋渶钖庣敋镊 夐檺镄刢 夐檺镄刢 夐檺镄刢勬簮阍╁ 鏂楄 浜掔浉娈嬫潃 浜掔浉娈嬫潃 浜掔浉娈嬫潃 浜掔浉娈嬫潃 鏁 鏁 鏁 鏁 鏁 鏁 鏁 鏁 鏁 鏁 鏁 鏁 鏁 鏁 镣

闾d竴浠g殑disciple, 涔熸槸浠庡 杞 杞 杞 灏 灏 灏 槸钖昵杈堣 璇磗 璇磗 杩囧 杩囧 镄勮崳鍏 二 二 二 二 二 二 二

镓€浠 鍐呰澶 鍐呰澶 鍐呰澶 汉 閮 閮 鍐呰澶 鍐呰澶 鍐呰澶 鍐呰澶 鍐呰澶 鍐呰澶 鍐呰澶 鍐呰澶 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒€

Leaving Dust Le 镞╁ 缁忎笉阃婅壊鍗冨 缁忎笉阃婅壊鍗冨 涔嫔墠 涔嫔墠 鐢氲呖 涔嫔墠 涔嫔墠 涔嫔墠 涔嫔墠 涔嫔墠 涔嫔墠 涔嫔墠 涔嫔墠 涔嫔墠 涔嫔墠

Zhuang Wudao 瀵 浜涜 浜涜 浜涜 佽緢浜 佽緢浜 佽緢浜 佽緢浜 佽緢浜 佽緢浜 佽緢浜 佽緢浜 佽緢浜 佽緢浜 佽緢浜 佽緢浜 佽緢浜 佽緢浜 涔堢壒娈婃劅 涔堢壒娈婃劅 涔堢壒娈婃劅鍦€LeLeafing Dust Origin Mountain 镄勬南钖戠湅浜呜钖戠湅浜呜钖戠湅浜呜€

His ‘clear view of the world, now is a preliminary, even if it is separated by 800 miles, the scene there is still in front of you.

鍙︼涓€鑹樿浜戦浘鍖呰9镄勫ぇ鑸 姝g紦缂揿悜Leaving Dust Origin Mountain 镄勬楠钖戦┒铡汇傝埞浣撴€傝埞浣撴傝埞浣撴诲,浜斿眰撶Н澶 鏄伒 鏄伒 鏄伒 鏄伒 鏄伒 镦宒 镦宒 镦宒 镦宒 镦宒 镦宒 镦宒 镦宒 镦宒 镦宒 镦宒 镦宒 镦宒 镦宒 镦宒 镦宒 镦宒 vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine vine €屼竴杩涘叆Leaving Dust 缇ゅ北镄勮浸锲翠箣鍐 灏卞紩鍙戞暣涓﹂€桦崡鏄庨兘澶╃崡鏄庨兘澶╃儓鐏风儓鐏枣闂ㄩ樀,镄勭鍒跺彉鍖栥€

Leaving Dust Palace’s formation is self-contained, and the inheritance of these formations can be connected to each other. And the ‘Ziwu Xuanyang ship, on the top of the engraved Tianyiyi Ziwu Xuanyang big array, is the only level with the guardian mountain array. There is a meridian Xuanyang ship, you can strengthen the entire level of this Nanmingdu god god Lei Lie fire flag.

涓嶈 涓嶈 涔熼殣闅愬彲 鑸 鑸 鑸 鑸 鑸 鑸 鑸 鑸 鑸 鑸 鑸 鑸 鑸 鑸箇 鑸箇 鑸箇 鑸箇 鑸箇 鑸箇 鑸箇 鑸箇 鑸箇 鑸箇 鑸箇 鑸箇 鑸箇 鑸箇栥 簲璇ユ槸鍦ㄤ 簲璇ユ槸鍦ㄤ 簲璇ユ槸鍦ㄤ 瀹氱 瀹氱 搴 搴 箣钖 箣钖 Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le镄勮祫婧 chain cultivator 涓庣偧鍣ㄥ笀銆傛棤璁哄摢鏂 镄勬浔浠 潪鏄疎 ast ast 阆揿鍙 阆揿鍙 阆揿鍙

Looking far away, in the eyes of Zhuang Wudao, there is a bit of sorrow.

“Master, this ship, I don’t think it’s fixed yet -“

Zhuang Xiaohu stood on the side of Zhuang Wudao and had a strange look in his eyes. She does not have the gods like Zhuang Wudao, but she can still vividly sense the true and false of the ‘Mr.

However, this sentence also has a linguistic disease. The ship other than the 800-mile cloud is incomplete.

鈥滀篃涓嶅,鎴戠殑镒忔€鏄偅鑹樿埞搴旇椋炰笉璧鏄偅鑹樿埞搴旇椋炰笉璧潵潵潵嶅銆傞偅涓や綅鐪熶,搴旇鏄彟澶栫敤浜嗗叾浠朤echique 銆傗€

“Your platoon seems to have grown -“

Zhuang Wudao blinked, thank you for scorning Zhuang Xiaohu on his side. The sharpness of the eyes is like a knife, so that the latter is ashamed, and then dare not to derive.

And Zhuang Wudao is also coldly snorted, standing in the air. Fall into sinking, silent.

杩栾墭鈥桦瓙鍗堢巹阒宠埌,镄勭镄勭濡濡箪灏忔箹箪灏忔箹箪灏忔箹€瑷€,闄や简闾eぉ涓や华瀛愬崃鐜勯槼澶ч樀,淇鍏 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 缂 缂 缂 € € € 挨鍏 挨鍏 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 涓嶅埌 涓嶅埌 涓嶅埌 涓嶅埌 涓嶅埌 涓嶅埌 涓嶅埌 涓嶅埌 涓嶅埌 涓嶅埌 涓嶅埌 涓嶅埌 涓嶅埌鏄涓嶈捣鏉ョ殑銆傛洿涓嶅彲鑳 揪鍒 揪鍒 € 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒

涓嶈 杩欎簺镰 杩欎簺镰 杩欎簺镰 涔熷彧 涔熷彧 涔熷彧 涔熷彧 杩欎簺镰 杩欎簺镰 杩欎簺镰 杩欎簺镰 杩欎簺镰 杩欎簺镰 杩欎簺镰 huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang阒 硶浣撶郴, 浜嗗鎸囨帉涔嬩 ,, gallium 嶈兘瀵熻銆

鍙佹硶瀹忔硶浜屼綅Primordial Spirit 鐪熶汉,鍖嗗寙浠嶦ast Ocean 灏呜伞鑹樿埞宁〉洖Leaving Dust,鍙€曟槸鍙“湁鐢ㄦ剰

闄や 瑕佸 熷姪 熷姪 Leaving Dust Origin Mountain 镄勮祫婧 槸涓哄 槸涓哄 熷姪鈥 熷姪鈥 熷姪鈥 熷姪鈥 熷姪鈥 熷姪鈥 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 瓙鍗堢巹阒 涔嫔▉ 涔嫔▉ 涔嫔▉ 涔嫔▉ 涔嫔▉ 涔嫔▉ 瓙鍗堢巹阒

曢偅 曢偅 曢偅 emon Demon Sect 涓殑寮 姩 宸茬粡鍒 宸茬粡鍒 Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Generous 澶嵝€瓙鍗堢巹阒桦瓙鍗堢巹阒,埌,浣浠ュ浣浣reakthrough Primordial Spirit

Demon Dao 镄勫姩闱 Zhuang Wudao Chain 杩 鍏跺疄涔熼殣闅愭湁 钖椈 钖椈 钖椈 钖椈 涓嶈 涓嶈 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 镓 三 三 三 三 三 三鍑犱綅鐪熶汉,涓嶅缑涓崭娇杩欐儜浜鸿€崇洰涔嬭镄勫湴姝 鎯冲繀涓庨瓟淇涓鎴鎴墠銆

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