After the introduction of the Spirit Aperture, the clustered Prfound Technique is the highest and can only go to 3rd Grade. Even after the 777th-level fire refining method, after expanding the acupoints, it is still impossible to upgrade too high grades.

However, the grade cannot be improved, but there is much room for improvement.

Capturing Dragon Shaking Tiger ? It is a pity that it is not a dragon or a tiger. There is no subsequent Cultural Technique boxing, the benefits are enhanced, and the prospects are bleak.

However, this is a good place to do –

The position of the Spirit Aperture is just a short distance from the heart, and the veins are well-connected. It is just the center of his body and the connection point, which is the center of his continuous pulse.

Capturing Dragon Shaking Tiger can’t be done, so what will happen? Moving Stars Capturing Dragon –

The 12th Form is like a snake, and after removing it, the effect of such a Prfound Technique can be greatly changed by only strengthening the power. Really has the power of Capturing Dragon to pick up stars, infinitely close to 3rd Grade Divine Abilty.

There is no need to take your opponent and take it to you. This Prfound Technique can also use the Magnetic Origin to guide those skills to other places, and within the defense –

And after the change of yin and yang, Magnetic Origin’s power can at least double the range, increase the rule of a thousand squares

Random his thoughts, the Origin Qi in the acupoint, also began to change. It was also at this time that Origin Qi was sympathetic, and the two newly opened Spirit Apertures also spread two streams of warmth. The situation is like a broken bamboo, and those blocked lines are forcibly opened.

Zhuang Wudao is also a bright light, and there is a bit of joy, and a clear comprehension rises in the heart.

“Lianmai wanted, became”

Three Spirit Apertures, instantaneously connected. In the twinkling of an eye, Zhuang Wudao’s body was amazed by Origin Qi. A layer of heavy Magnetic Origin Astral Force suddenly manifests itself. Suddenly sucking, will be around a thousand feet, from small dust powder, as large as dead leaves and gravel, all wrinkled around. Suddenly, it turned into a repulsive force, and it repelled everything from a thousand feet to a thousand feet.

This change, after several consecutive times, will only stop. The air machine of Zhuang Wudao within the body finally stabilized.

At this time, Yun’er is very strange and incomprehensible: “You are a Prfound Technique, hey, some strange, wrong, it is very strange. Picking stars, smashing, moving stars, Capturing Dragon, three doors Prfound Technique, why after the combination of the pulse and the pulse, it will be like this -“

At this time, if someone is on the side of Zhuang Wudao, you can find Zhuang Wudao’s body, with a layer of looming magnetic elements, covering the whole body.

It is just a round shape without edges and corners. Any force that touches it will trigger the reaction of this magnetic element.

It is not a simple stop, but a wave of fluctuations, after absorption, but with the intention of Zhuang Wudao, rebound from any direction of this ‘magnet force barrier

“I have long thought of this, this type of Prfound Technique, I call the star shift. You can pass any punch that does not exceed the limit of my magnetic strength, and all the rebounds are passed on -“

“The name is reversed. It seems that the defense ability of this technique is more than Ox Demon Hegemon Body. It is just Sword Master. You really want to do all the techniques, all the swords and swords.” Move, it is far from possible.”

Yun’er whispered, and then asked: “So what is your name for Fist Technique and Sword Master? Although it is based on vanquishing tigers and dragons, but in my opinion, this set of punches and dragons Subduing Temple Capturing Dragon Hand, there is not much connection.”

“Nature can’t call Capturing Dragon again”

Zhuang Wudao smiled and looked confident: “This set of boxing, I changed it as a drop star,”

When he spoke, Zhuang Wudao looked up at the sky. I don’t know when, there are clouds in the air, and there is a trace of purple electricity that shines in the clouds.

Small day robbery

He is not the first time to contact this second-order robbery. However, the previous time, in the four sets of arrays of protection, by the three sets of ‘Nine Palaces, the gods and thunders, the absorption of the majority of the robbery, and then a set of ‘five elements and five parties chaotic Promise, to stop the disaster. Today, he looked at it, but he was completely unprepared, without any cover, facing this day.

The last time the divine style, this time, this time the star shift, and if he is now, is it honoured?

It’s just like the Prfound Technique Divine Abilty, which just needs to be tested.

The god 霄 purple should be hit, and Zhuang Wudao will leave only the remaining set of hands, including some of the 衤绅霄紫应雷, the Jiugong all the gods Leiqi shake out, the flag is scattered, inserted in all directions.

At this time, Zhuang Wudao did not have time to sense the nearby gas turbines, and only rushed to the Fabu.

However, the purpose of throwing this flag array is that it only slightly hinders the thunder of the thunder, and does not really place a thick

This set of flags, after a battle at the bottom of the Yanghu Lake, has already been partially destroyed. Melt the hidden Spirit Root, and make it into a ‘life and death’, and then re-create it.

After that, although Zhuang Wudao was repaired with good deeds, there was no power at the beginning.

Sure enough, only a moment, the infuriating will spread out. Zhuang Wudao put a jade tablet in his hand and spurred the Forbidden Law inside the Volde Dingshan Gui, and then slammed it. When the jade tablet is broken, it will also be the same as the purple, and it will be diverted and divided into several shares. After two layers of obstruction, the sound is also a big decline, far less than the momentum at the time of the initial landing.

When the thunder, hitting the magnetic barrier outside Zhuang Wudao, but only a little stagnant, it directly penetrated.

However, most of them are on the top of this magnetic force barrier. In the outside of Zhuang Wudao, a four-footed thunderball was formed.

Only a tiny piece of it directly entered the body of Zhuang Wudao. However, he was not able to penetrate the hole above his body, even without leaving any burning marks. It seems to be swallowed in general, and is directly absorbed into the body by Zhuang Wudao.

Zhuang Wudao frowns, and the mind feels within the body. I only feel that the purple sorrow, in the body, is following the meridian, but does not tamer with it. Everything that went through was a mess, and it was scarred and destroyed everything around him.

Fortunately, a long time ago, he had an experience of sucking refining 衤绅霄紫应雷. Forced by True Origin, the bombarded with the body’s stubborn magical power. In True Origin, the ones that are ‘black spots’ inks are forcibly broken up, and the remaining gods and purples are gradually mild.

Zhuang Wudao This is the beginning of the process, and the remnants of these are purple, and with their own with the body of the storage of the gods, to merge together, try to be included in the Shangyu Yingyuandong Zhenrui true method Origin Qi loop.

Ox Demon Hegemon Body, the injury he suffered before, can be restored in the blink of an eye. And when the last trace of Zilei, was merged by Shangyu Yingyuandong Zhenrui true method. Zhuang Wudao outside the magnetic force barrier, will be more purple, Ying Lei, into the depths of his body, continue to hit and burn those residual konjac.

For a whole moment, the purple round ‘lei hood, gradually faded away. Until the last part, it flowed into the in the the body of Zhuang Wudao.

At this time, Zhuang Wudao is in the middle of it, it is faintly visible, it seems to be lightning, and it shines.

In his body, in addition to the fusion of the purple, Ying Lei, a True Origin. It is absolutely pure. On the day of the chase, he used the ‘life and death, this sword to purify True Origin, the time of the 9th Layer of the Qi Condensation.

“Yes, with the body of the konjac, killing the gods purple should be sharp. Refining robbery, but also purify True Origin Dao. Sword Master in the future “Shang Ying Ying Yuan Zhen Zhen Lei true method” , there will be a very great Completion. Konjac refining, Foundation Establishment is already available”

Luo Qingyun praised: “But it is even more amazing for Yun’er, or Sword Master is a wonderful move. It is really amazing. It is more and more exciting. If this technique can be combined with Ox Demon Hegemon Body, it will be What kind of situation. The future Sword Master, if one day comes to the realm of Peerless Immortal King, can’t say for sure can compete with the Divine Beast Black Turtle, and fight for the first time to defend Dafa -“

“Black Turtle?”

Zhuang Wudao stunned, then shook his head slightly. I never thought that Luo Qingyun’s evaluation would be like this.

He himself was a little disappointed. He moved this kind of star, and even the purple singer was unable to stop.

Fortunately, this type does not rely entirely on the power of the magnetic element, but also includes his True Origin guide with the body. Otherwise, the consequences are really unimaginable.

Although he is now, the cultivation base is only Qi Refining Realm. However, after all, it is the Prfound Technique Divine Abilty, which is also the 2nd Grade ‘Holy Spirit. However, even the small days of robbery in the district, a little bit of purple, should be able to resist, it is really frustrating.

“Thunder wood, Muke soil Sword Master magnetic force, is controlled by Refa, it is reasonable.”

Yun’er obviously does not agree, but instead speaks comfortingly, with the words of praise: “For the Sword Master, this type of star shift, the prospect is really good. This method is launched, silent, self-sufficient, round and round, with less loss. There are only a few. Sword Master True Origin is enough, it can last for an hour. It can rebound defense, most of the techniques and the swords are really promising. I have created this set of stars for Sword Master. However, it is a big change. The only pity is that this is not a sword technique, but a Fist Technique. The Captaining Dragon Shaking Tiger is a type of Prfound Technique, and Sword Master can only be used twice.

Zhuang Wudao smiles, who said that it is not oYun’er is sword spirit, naturally it is a pity that this is Pr found Technique Divine Abilty, not a sword

What really hurts people is the Diving Abilty, the Capturing Dragon Shaking Tiger. He can only play twice before the Foundation Establishment.

In other words, Foundation Establishment If he used the second yin and yang, then he could only cast a star shift and use a second star shift, then he could only cast a yin and yang. This is just the Foundation Establishment. It’s even more troublesome after the Golden Core, the Primordial Spirit.

“This is only the case for the time being -“

Zhuang Wudao faintly sighed, there is nothing perfect in this world. But with the comfort of Yun’er, his mood is much better.

Can only see in the future, can you get more spiritual things like the seven stones of the Bohai Sea.

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