Compared to the noise of the mountains below, the clouds above Leaving Dust are quieter. Although there are occasional arguments, it is not as impetuous as the juniors under the mountain.

“I remember the esote inside the secret record, this third industry Heavenly Way, the real most dangerous, is the first 880 level. After the 888 level, no more obstacles, anyone, even if it is not a cultivator Can easily pass

“There is indeed this matter, the relics of this mysterious ancestor, only the secret recipe can be won. Xuan Xiaozu Shi Zeng said that this last one hundred and eleven had helped him open a Spirit Aperture, which benefited a lot. Strictly speaking, this third way, Heavenly Way, he has not actually smashed it. He can only enjoy the legacy of his predecessors, but he can’t send his predecessors. What kind of situation is there, I will wait I don’t know -“

“So, this child, he actually passed this third road, Heavenly Way?”

“If this is the case, the previous sin can be taken off. According to the sect rules, where I Leaving Dust Qi Condensation   discipline, the twenty-four years old can be the third industry Heavenly Way without the dead, can be Leaving Dust Origin Mountain secret biography. In addition to blaming, in addition to the bully annihilation of the ancestors, selling sect two crimes, the rest can be offset”

“This sin of the sad side, there is much room for discussion. That is to cover the three thousand people, colluding with the outsiders of Haitao Pavilion, and harming the elders of the division, this is guilty. Zhuang Wudao he was forced to fight back, though I was very angry at the moment, and I was very ruthless, and it was justifiable.”

“A moment of indignation? Is it excusable? Can you say this sentence, because you died in the forest, not your discipline

“What about that? The 190th Level 9 Heavenly Way has stepped on, and all his guilt can be offset. He has neither deceived his ancestors nor sold sects. Such a sacred arrogance, if it is folded in a few small In the hands of people, I really feel distressed, Leaving Dust, I have to be such a talent.”

“There are only fifty grades, the ninth bell rings, and one thousand and five thousand yuan a day, crossing the third roadway Heavenly Way, which is two days faster than the original Xiaoxu founder.”

Wei Feng has been silent, listening to the discussion of the people on the side, a hand is dead and close, the nail has been buckled into the meat, a trace of blood, overflowing from the palm of his hand. But before it dripped, it was already burning under the fire and evaporated into an aerosol.

Behind him was the sight of the real person from Hongfa. I don’t know when it was taken back from him. If you look back at the moment, you can see that the four real people are all dull, and there is not much expression in the shackles.

However, the more it is, the more Wei Feng feels bad. He is well aware of the nature of the macro law. The more calm it is at this moment, the anger that erupts afterwards, I am afraid that it will be more prosperous.

However, the most ugly thing is the discussion of the Foundation Establishment Qi Condensation.

“This Zhuang Wudao, it should have been the Ming Cuifeng discipline -“

“It’s still a real person who knows how to be a human being. It’s said that at the beginning, it’s a real person who is a real person, and he will be born under the door. Now who else dares to laugh at the real person, is he blind?”

“I have heard of this. The original Zhuang Xiaoshishu was almost evicted from the door. This is also the blessing of Leaving Dust. I can finally get this talent. I am prosperous for six hundred years.”

“The Eastern Wu Dao Hall is a real person, is it an idiot?”

“Stupid is not stupid, but the temperament is too sleek, it is inevitable that there will be a fly camp shit, a slap in the face of malpractice, and the true nature of the person who cultivated me.”

“It is said that Wei Feng Wei elder recommended, such an incompetent generation of opportunistic tricks, can actually steal the high position, become a country Dao Hall real person. Do not break the discipline atmosphere.”

Wei Feng’s facial muscles were twitching. Although he did not want to listen to these words, he even deliberately put away some thoughts. But it is still a sentence, and it is constantly introduced into his ears.

It is particularly uncomfortable, and it is also angry and mad. I want to tear all these people apart.

However, after several breaths, Wei Feng’s face returned to apathy and calm. Not angry, laughing, smile is unreasonable.


Zhuang Wudao continues to pick up the stairs all the way. He has a smooth mind and a step-by-step approach. At almost every step, he can come up with some new changes. Adding bones to this completely self-made Fist Technique, enriching flesh and blood

The most basic twenty-four styles are constantly changing, and they are very different from the earliest.

“Nine hundred and ninety-six -“

Until this step, Zhuang Wudao’s idea of ​​flying in the ‘Martial Dao Fist Technique’ finally finally converges. Return to consciousness and look at the last three steps in front of you.

Then I was surprised to find that the heat flow that I brought with the body was completely beyond his imagination. At this time, in the body, under the chest and abdomen, as well as the left shoulder of the back, there is a point, a slight fever.

It is no different from the symptoms before his previous Spirit Aperture.

When Zhuang Wudao took the sense of induction, it was completely devoid of the unpredictable feeling, and it was captured slightly.

It is exactly two acupoints, which are slightly warm under the impact of the hot current. The distance is unimpeded, the Spirit Aperture opens, and it’s only one step away.


Zhuang Wudao stunned startled, and the eyes were full of surprises.

Actually it is really Spirit Aperture. And not one, two False Spirit Aperture, open at the same time –

He even faintly can detect and detect, these two niches, or not as good as Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment.

However, the space inside is not too much for Life Source Spirit Aperture. Just the Spirit Aperture opens without error, its Martial Dao cultivation base is enough, comprehend out PrFound Technique Divine Abilty is not too bad, this is another two 3rd Grade Divine Abilty

— This roadshow’s feedback from Heavenly Way is so thick.

“This is not a reward for the nine-way road, but the Fist Technique created by Sword Master. It has some prospects. It feels like the sky, the people should be the people, the counselor Heaven and Earth, and the things The second life will be the Spirit Aperture. This nine-way way is just an opportunity. This is also the Sword Master. Your chances are high, and the perception is high, and it really surpasses mortals.”

Yun’er voiced the voice, and then said: “I know that you have one of the body, is the unique concealment of the Leaving Dust Palace, but also one of the divergence, not recorded in any Cultural Technique, only I only know about it. In another place, there are other sects to master, but Yun’er is unheard of, and it should be Sword Master to open it by itself. It’s just like this, it’s never the same as you. It’s easier to make a god style. Sword Master, you need to be prepared.”

“I understand that since there is such a chance, you must not miss it.”

Zhuang Wudao looked up at the sky and had a clear comprehension in her heart. I am afraid that today’s insurance is still above the half-month of the day.

It’s just that the pulse of the whole machine, he will not give up even after the Primordial Spirit, the cultivator can with the body pulse, step by step. There are also a variety of Lingzhen-like gems that can be used.

However, the time spent by the former is calculated in a hundred thousand years. As for the latter, it is hard to see. The effect is far worse than the acupoints that are naturally connected.

Zhuang Wudao knows more about Divine Abilty on 3rd Grade, what kind of crushing effect under the Primordial Spirit.

Even if there is only one more, it is precious.

And this time his chance is still far above the former half-monthly building.

“I don’t know Sword Master, what kind of Prfound Technique Divine Abilty? Is it Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment, or Ox Demon Hegemon Body, or Great Falling Monument Hand?”

Zhuang Wudao did not answer, and he took the ninth-thirty-thin bluestone steps. At the moment, in his mind, the thought is spinning at a rapid speed. In the mind, a figure, a boxing style, is constantly being deduced, various kinds of changes, various kinds of environments, gradually becoming perfect, gradually forming.

Yun’er can also sense some thoughts of Zhuang Wudao, but then it is horrified: “Sword Master, the Prfound Technique you want to condense, is actually from this set of Fist Technique.”

She really didn’t know what kind of expression she should do at this time. Should she say that Zhuang Wudao is confident or arrogant?

With a set of not yet complete Fist Technique, agglomerate Prfound Technique? As long as it is a normal person, it will not be so chosen.

“What is it?”

Three hundred interest time has passed, Zhuang Wudao continues to step up again.

Prfound Technique Divine Abilty is different from the ordinary Fist Technique, and more particular is the single power. For the cohesive connection of the boxing, and even the changes, the requirements are not very high, just have to pass. So Zhuang Wudao, chose the adventure.

Both of these Spirit Apertures were opened for his newly created boxing. Then with this set of Fist Technique, to get together with Prfound Technique, it is most likely to reach a continuous pulse.

This style, my name is picking stars. After hundreds of millions of years, even if it is the stars in the sky, I can take it off.

Above the stone steps, Zhuang Wudao glimmered in the fine mans, and then lost the focal length and his eyes scattered. Still as before, the various changes in boxing are being promoted.

At this time, the body of the body, a pair of Spirit Aperture, has reached the edge of the opening. A large number of Origin Qi, which was blocked outside the acupoints, waited for the flow to flow in.

“This second style, my name is 捣虚 as Yun’er you said, you can hurt people from the air. One day, you can pass hundreds of millions of strengths to hurt people, but also away from the void, smashing the stars.”

At this time, Zhuang Wudao’s footsteps have already stepped on the ninth and ninetyth level 9. The ninth bell rang, and it also shook the clouds.

Then there is Leaving Dust Origin Mountain, the two mountains and seven peaks thousands of miles away – the entire Nanping Mountains, hundreds of events, almost all at the same time. Make all the corners within the five thousand miles, audible

Zhuang Wudao is still unaware that his two Spirit Aperture with the body has been opened at the same time. Two Prfound Techniques are also formed in the acupoints.

However, the whole process was completed naturally. Zhuang Wudao did not deliberately guide the participation, nor did he intervene. It was only instinctive. According to previous thoughts, the two Prfound Technique Divine Abilty were coaled.

At the moment, Zhuang Wudao is thinking about another acupoint, another Prfound Technique – Capturing Dragon Shaking Tiger

Just at the moment when the two Spirit Apertures were opened, Zhuang Wudao had already felt that his power was only 4th Grade’s Prfound Technique Divine Abilty, and there seemed to be an opportunity for further improvement.

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