Zhuang Wudao knows that Yunner has a wide range of knowledge, and he knows how much he knows. Before he completed the ‘Ox Demon Chaotic Dance, the same was true.

Without confidence, Yun’er is appreciated. After the event, the formula Prfound Technique Divine Abilty did not disappoint.

“Speaking of Sword Master, since the refinement of Marrow, the Spirit Aperture has been opened for 13 times. If it is later, the Spirit Aperture can be opened as smoothly as the Qi Condensation. So before entering the immortal realm, Sword Master has great hopes to open 108 acupoints -“

Zhuang Wudao has a brow and is tempted. At this time, his Phfound Technique Divine Abilty, there are Star Fire Butterfly, Ox Demon Chaotic Dance, Star Picking, Deficiency, Moving Star, Captaining Dragon, Sword Drawing Technique, Big Cracked Stone, Thorn Sword, Thousand Miles, Big Broken Cloud, Life and Death Thousands of miles of prison, stone firepower

There are thirteen types of Prfound Technique Divine Abilty and ten Spirit Apertures open.

According to Yun’er, the future of cultivation is the peak of the king. With more than 80 Spirit Apertures, you can press Peerless Immortal King to build a generation of cultivators.

One hundred and eight Spirit Aperture, nine realms, each of which requires at least nine Spirit Aperture or more. At this time, Zhuang Wudao’s achievements are indeed gratifying and far beyond his own expectations.

He does not want to be able to open more than one hundred full, but at least 80 holes must be opened. In the future, the level of Peerless Immortal King will reach the peak of the road.

After today, I have been able to let go of all my concerns and impact Foundation Establishment Realm

Thinking about this, Zhuang Wudao looked at the strange and looked at the 990 Level 9 jade steps that had been completely stepped on the foot.

After a nine-way turn, two Spirit Apertures were opened. Then if you experience it again, how would it be?

“Sword Master, you think too much, these nine-way roads have to be saved. In this Leaving Dust Origin Mountain, at least three thousand years of accumulation, are exhausted by Sword Master.”

Yun’er said with a sneer : “Even if there is still a lot of effort on the way to the nine-way, there is no such good thing to use continuously, whether it is the fire-filling method, or the last one or eleven Those mixed with purple yang, can only be used once, once, it will have no effect. And Leaving Dust Palace’s nine-way way, the last possible dilation, only one such thing.”

Zhuang Wudao smiled, and he just thought about it. In fact, he knew that the benefits would be no longer a second time.

Just wanting to talk again, Yun’er regained his spiritual knowledge back into the sword: “Someone is coming -“

Zhuang Wudao looked up and saw Yunlingyue, flying from a distant volley, and fell to his front in the blink of an eye.

“Congratulations to the Junior Brother, I have been through Leaving Dust, the third way to Heavenly Way. After six thousand years since Xuan Xiaozu, the Junior Brother is the only one.”

Before Zhuang Wudao was under the real door of the festival, he occupied a privileged disciple, but it was not a secret. The cultivation base itself is only the Qi Condensation.

Senior Brother Junior Brother, only privately. In public, it still needs to be commensurate with the uncle.

However, at this moment, when Zhuang Wudao walked through the third roadway Heavenly Way, it was already a real esoteric discipline, and all the Golden Core cultivator in the door.

“Senior Brother, you have a good reputation”

Zhuang Wudao smiled at himself: “tyrannical can pass this way, but it is a good luck. At this time, I want to come, I am still afraid. If I have to, I dare not come here.”

This sentence is half true half false, Zhuang Wudao does have some embers. The most dangerous, or the heart of the road

Fortunately, his mind is still determined, his beliefs are not stable, and the consequences are really unimaginable.

At that time, under heavy pressure, only a slight shake, it must be falling into the abyss.

“Is it lucky? The Xuan Xiaozu master used it for three days, and the Junior Brother only used twelve hours. It can be said that it was unprecedented, and there was no one. The Junior Brother said that it was a fluke, I was in the Leaving Dust mountain, but Judging Junior Brother, your momentum is like a broken bamboo.”

Yun Lingyue shook his head, not too much ink on this matter, but looked at all around: “Jiaor Junior Brother, like a robbery? Small day robbery, this is not common, is Prfound Technique Divine Abilty?”

“This time, Heavenly Way, I am lucky enough to have a pulse, I have a Prfound Technique!”

For Yunlingyue, there is nothing to hide. Zhuang Wudao doesn’t care: “But I don’t know how to use it. The Junior Brother has no confidence in his heart.”

Yun Lingyue shook his head slightly, although Xiaotian robbery was common. However, besides the magic repairing evil, others wanted to attract Tianfa to kill the machine, but it was not easy.

It is definitely the Prfound Technique Divine Abilty that Zhuang Wudao is agglomerating. It has any specificity, or it is beyond the limit of 3rd Grade.

“That is the god of purple and thunder -“

Yun Lingyue subconsciously, and looked up and down Zhuang Wudao. Before the foothills of Leaving Dust, he saw the whole body of Zhuang Wudao, shrouded by the gods.

At that time, I was still worried that Zhuang Wudao was unprepared and would face the hijacking of the territory of Qi Condensation and might not be able to resist it.

However, the result was unexpected. It took only two hours, and the purple thunder ball of Zhuang Wudao’s body was disappeared.

However, looking around here, there is no trace of burning and looting by lightning, and Zhuang Wudao is also neatly dressed with no trace of scorch.

Except for a set of flags and the 17-fold Forbidden Law’s ‘Volde Dingshan, there is no other loss.

That is the second-order god, Zi Yinglei, even if it is only a negligible glimpse, it is not an ordinary Foundation Establishment cultivator, can resist.

Zhuang Wudao, only the Qi Condensation, and all the thunderstorms at this time have disappeared without traces.

Can it be said that those gods and purples should be completely refining by Zhuang Wudao and integrated into the gods? This is fun –

“Shang Ying Ying Yuan Zhen Zhen Lei Real Law” is only the Leaving Dust Palace 3rd Grade Transcendent level. The reason why it can become one of the three methods of the town of Leaving Dust is that it can be engulfed by the nature of the rest of the thunder. At the peak, the power of Rayfa can even be comparable to those of 1st Grade.

If you can really refining the gods, it’s really a promising future.

At this moment, the most amazing thing about Yunlingyue is Zhuang Wudao. In the Heavenly Way of the Taoist industry, what happened in the end, and what did it get?

However, I also know that this is a sect ban, and there are strict rules in the patriarchal law. Not only is this third roadway Heavenly Way, the other two are the same.

Even Xuan Xiaozhen, who was 6,000 years ago, only revealed a few words in his legacy. He did not tell all the details of Heavenly Way to future generations.

This matter can not be asked, Yunlingyue can only force the curiosity, said with a slight smile: “Junior Brother now, if there is nothing else, you can go to Origin Mountain, teach you and four real people, and give you a secret identity. After teaching the real person, I have already passed the two mountains and seven peaks, summoned all the disciples in the door, and went to the Origin Mountain to attend the event.”

Ordinary esoteric discipline, naturally it is not necessary to be so cautious. However, Zhuang Wudao is different. There are only three places in every five hundred years. Since this 10,000 years, only two people have been honored.

It is not a Primordial Spirit event, and it is not possible to invite the same person. However, the grand ceremony in Sect is inevitable.

Zhuang Wudao only knows what to do, but he knows that he can’t help himself. He can only helplessly: “Senior Brother and let me bathe and change clothes, and burn the fast one day.”

And his two spiritual slaves should also be recovered as soon as possible. At this time, in the mountain of Leaving Dust, under his wing protection, the two talents are the safest.

Yunlingyue hear what was said, suddenly dumbfounded: “This ceremony, a total of seven days, even with the previous defeat of Shifting Mountain Sect, sect up and down can celebrate together. Before the ceremony, I still need to tell me Leaving Dust with each At Dao Hall, Jordan Brother, you still have time to prepare.”


Just two days later, the secret pamphlet of Leaving Dust Origin Mountain is coming to an end. From the mountainside, hundreds of thousands of Leaving Dust disciple gather together. At a festive atmosphere, at the foot of the Leaving Dust Origin Mountain, the festival is live. But along a stream, stepped deep into the jungle.

However, if anyone at this time, he can find his body at this time, it seems to be illusory, vague, as if it is a phantom.

It was not until a ginkgo tree about a hundred feet high that the festival was stopped.

“No one is around here, you can come out.”

The sound has not yet fallen, a young Taoist has appeared, and the flashing room is in front of the festival.

The festival method has also turned back, and the color of the blame is blame: “tyrannical, what is going on here? What is it? If you are there, how can it be easily calculated by Wei Feng? His spirit slave is shackled, so you look at it. ?”

“It’s always been near the semicolon of Haitaoge, but it’s just not shot.”

The younger faintly smiled: “Unexpectedly, Junior Brother, he didn’t need me to help him from start to finish. Not to mention, tyrannical Junior Brother, he could pass the third road, Heavenly Way.”

“That is, you deliberately?”

The festival frowned: “This is too risky, once there is anything -“

“There will be no such thing.”

The younger man shook his head and said: “Junior Brother, he is extremely intelligent, first forced the Feng Yu, will be involved in the battle of the three thousand people. Since it is not tyrannical, he took the initiative to shoot on the same side, then regardless of the outcome, Ming Cuifeng is difficult for tyrannical He set the crime of the disabled side. Afterwards, whether it is a land of evil in the south, or East Island thirty-six islands. If I am there, no one can hurt him. If they dare to do this, it is right in my heart. Unfortunately, Junior Brother, he did things, it turned out to be dripping. There is a road to Heavenly Way, so there is no fear of fear–“

Having said that, the younger man paused his voice and his tone changed: “I think that the tyrannical Junior Brother thing, the Master and me, can only be taken care of, no need to intervene too much. Junior Brother grew up in Surpassing City, rising from the cold, is the grass under the stone, the white poplar in the sand. Just a little loose environment, you can grow into a big tree. But if the master is too careless, less honed, and grow in the greenhouse. Junior Brother He may be able to cultivation in the future, but he may not be afraid of wind and rain, not afraid of the heat.”

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