When returning from the bottom of the water, Zhuang Wudao’s look is both happy and worried.

The good news is that no matter whether it is the sorcerer or the sacred stone, it is a rare treasure that is hard to see.

It is hard to say that it is of great help to him. Only by using a piece of broken steps that I can’t use, I have exchanged my own strength, and the growth has not been surprising.

However, the use of these two things also requires a lot of loss of life essence. It’s only a matter of ten years. That is the sorcerer’s ginseng, but after taking it, it will lose 20 years of life.

Although the things of the prison are good, but because of the perennial pollution, there are a lot of essence of the dead, and will conflict with the life of people within the body.

Just ten years, Zhuang Wudao can not care, can consume 30 years of life essence, but there is no small pressure.

But in this case, when Zhuang Wudao returned to the Wumingshan, it still could not wait, and wanted to use it as soon as possible.

However, it was poured by Yun’er, and a bucket of cold water was poured.

“The sea of ​​the nine seas, I advise Sword Master to wait until the Foundation Establishment is better. Ox Demon Hegemon Body is the Sword Master exercise ‘Accumulating Sword decision, the previous helpless, need to take the Magnetic Origin Hegemon Body to the sword This is the choice of ‘Ox Demon Hegemon Body, for Life Source Prfound Technique. However, there is one way to protect the life and death. Does Sword Master need more Hegemon Body Astral Body?”

Zhuang Wudao suddenly fell into meditation, and indeed his Ox Demon Hegemon Body is actually not very useful.

Once in the Foundation Establishment Realm, all of his Prfound Technique Divine Abilty will be added. ‘Ox Demon Chaotic Dance, in two days, has been able to perform as many as two times. If you can repair Immortal Ascension Realm in the future, fifteen rounds will be fifteen times a day ‘Ox Demon Chaotic Dance, and one last time can be extended to half an hour.

In other words, it was at that time that he could be covered by the Ox Demon Hegemon Body throughout the day. Even if it is added again, what is the use?

Even if it is yin and yang, the technique needs to be used. However, this group warfare method is also the 2nd Grade Prfound Technique, and there are not many opportunities that can be really used.

After all, not everyone, can be as abnormal as Yu Yunqin, once summoned hundreds of yellow towel Lux

I heard that those sword repairs are all in the attack, and Yun’er means that he is going to follow this path.

Zhuang Wudao himself does not object. His own foundation is stable, and there is no shortage of life-saving methods. If you keep it, you can’t say it.

The second Life Source Divine Ability, he also made up his mind early, ready to choose a Leifa, or swordsman Divine Abilty.

At that time, it would be more appropriate to use the Nine Seas.

“As for the imprisoned konjac, it is impossible to take it. It is necessary to dispense the toxins from the middle and the middle to make a non-toxic Dan pill. The medicine is easy to find, and there is everything in the Heaven of Sword Master. But this is a prisoner. Once the magic ginseng is served, it will take 49 days to move, and it is best not to be disturbed. It needs a stable environment beforehand. I see Sword Master, but I will wait until I return to Tianyunjie.”

Zhuang Wudao faintly sighed, can only temporarily put down the heart, the hot thoughts. As always, I will practice Martial Dao every day at noon, and at night, refining within the body’s magical power, go to sleep in the morning, and ask Yun’er in the dream.

At this moment, he has absorbed the five drops of the essence of the blood, and it has easily crossed the threshold of the 12th Layer of the Qi Condensation.

However, because this is the reward of the essence of the blood, far less than the previous time, Zhuang Wudao’s cultivation base, still maintained in the realm of 12th Layer Initial Stage.

Correspondingly, Zhuang Wudao’s intimate dyeing of this body is far less than the previous one.

This is exactly what he wants, even though there is a huge amount of True Origin, forcing the Break Foundation Foundation.

However, if there is a possibility, Zhuang Wudao is more willing to accumulate with a pure cultivation base. Naturally, the breakthrough into the Foundation Establishment will leave no hidden dangers.

“The Avici Equality King may have understood that the chances of completely smearing you are not great, so I don’t want to waste time. But still need to be careful, this may not be to let Sword Master relax your vigilance. Don’t forget the magic chanting God -“

Zhuang Wudao has a glimpse of his heart, and his mind is watching the depths of his Primordial Spirit. The demon species, not only still exists, but is even stronger.

In the past three months, he borrowed the pros and cons of the two instruments, and purified the magic dyes, expelling those magical powers, but only this magic species, instead of reducing the points, it seems to have received nutrients. Zhuang Zhuangcheng

Zhuang Wudao’s squatting in the cold, the heart is secretly sighing. This ‘magic species, is born because of his own obsession, the obsession is not removed, then the magic is difficult.

Even the true thunder, the real sun is really impossible to eliminate.

The only way is to be able to achieve what you want before the ‘magic, backlash.


On the fifth day after the evaluation of good work, sect once again sent a command, this time it was not a real person, but a sect master order of the night monarchy.

Shifting Mountain Leaving Dust was officially reconciled. After ten days, the nameless mountain was completely abandoned. All the garrisons, etc., can dismantle the ‘pros and cons of the two instruments, and then return to the sect on the Lingbao ship.

So this unnamed mountain up and down, and then fell into a busy. Zhuang Wudao has more than a hundred cultivators, most of whom are busy feet.

The arrangement is difficult, and it is not easy to dismantle the array. Especially those arrays need to be taken out completely. Every piece is extremely precious and not easy to make. And when the dismantling is slightly inadvertent, the steps are wrong, it will lead to damage to the array.

Only when it is taken out in good condition, Leaving Dust Palace can rely on these arrays at any time and in the future, and at any time, it is necessary to put on a ‘big and negative ruthlessness.’

To know that within the Leaving Dust Palace, the Communist Party has only refining ninety-nine sets. Nearly half of them are in East Ocean.

In addition to this, there are also veins. Here is the nameless mountain array, which is made up of strong geology. If you do not pay attention to grooming when dismantling, it will also affect thousands of miles in the vicinity.

Leading to earthquakes, even floods and droughts, and more serious, will completely kill a whole area of ​​life.

After half a month, it was in Zhuang Wudao and others, and it was possible to handle the hand of the Wumingshan. The baby boat is also on schedule.

The war is over, and the return is imminent, and everyone is relieved. Zhuang Wudao is no exception, and a few days on the boat, a rare relaxation,

It’s no longer a painstaking day and night, but nothing to do on the boat all day.

The way of cultivation, you have a degree of relaxation, he used to know that he is in charge of both the pros and the reversal, and there are not many opportunities, so I will not waste even a little bit of time.

It’s rare to have a few days of leisure at the moment, naturally it’s a good rest, which makes the tight heartstrings relax.

Usually on the deck, look at the scenery along the way, the magnificent mountain river. When I feel bored, I will also point to Nie Xianling and Zhuang Xiaohu’s two women’s cultivation, teaching the essence of the technique, and Martial Dao.

As a Foundation Establishment, Zhuang Xiaohu was initially not convinced of Zhuang Wudao. She has accumulated nearly sixty years and asked herself not to lose to a Qi Condensation.

However, only listening to it a few times, it is a big change, full of intentions. Zhuang Wudao really started cultivation. Although it was only a few days, there is a master of Yun’er, the rumor of Martial Dao, and no one in the same stage. Although the technique is not very useful, it also knows profoundly. The foundation is deep and even surpasses many Foundation Establishments.

Zhuang Xiaohu is just a scattered repair. It is completely born from the wild road. Where can I get Zhuang Wudao, and I know it is omniscient and omnipotent.

I only feel that every sentence of Zhuang Wudao contains profound facts, and some of the cultivation concerns are even more impressive.

Martial Dao She is not very good at it, but Zhuang Wudao’s teachings are essential, even if she is in the north and becomes the offering of Shen Family, she can’t hear it.

When Lingbao was in Wu Capital, it stayed for several days, waiting for Xiaodanshan and Wangshishan, and the disciples of Mingcuifeng and Cuiyunshan arrived one after another. After joining together, proceed to Leaving Dust Origin Mountain.

However, the atmosphere is not good, especially after the arrival of the Ming Cuifeng people. Fortunately, a dozen Condensation disciplines under the Xuan Lingmen battled the deck, and looked at the other side of the other side of the side of the spirit of the ship, while talking about the feelings.

“It’s really a lot less people, and I’ve missed a few familiar faces.”

“Don’t say Golden Core, these people have been repaired to the summit of Foundation Establishment, and even practiced as a fake Dan. They all have full confidence. This time, Ming Cuifeng is really not bad.”

“This time, Xiao Shishu really gave them a bitter pain. Just received thousands of disciplines. It was when the momentum rose, but it was so frustrated by Xiao Shishu. I think in the next three or five years, they are afraid It’s hard to get up.”

In the tone, there is more to gloat. At this time, the dispute between the four real people in Leaving Dust Mountain is no longer a secret. Coupled with the great competition dispute, Xuan Lingshan was jointly suppressed by the other peaks, and the accumulated grievances were extremely deep. If it was not three months ago, Ming Cuifeng suffered a heavy injury, which made people feel bad. These Xuan Ling disciplines have long since reached the edge of the eruption.

On the other side, the Ming Cui peak disciple on the other ship was also glaring, and it seemed to be spurting fire.

Wu Huan knew that there would be such a scene. He went to the boat early and started to catch people: “What are you talking about? What is the little teacher who gave Ming Cuifeng a bitter pain? At that time, both the pros and the two were infinite. You can’t support it, you are all in your eyes, you can’t do anything to make it happen. If you really have nothing to do, just go and put the “Leaving Dust Xiao Fu Jing” and copy it for me.”

Everyone is laughing, being reprimanded by Wu Huan, and not annoyed. Whether Zhuang Wudao before March was deliberately made, all of them have been disagreed.

However, most Xuan Lingshan disciplines are more willing to believe that Zhuang Wudao was interested in calculating.

However, I think that I think that in addition to the few people who feel that they are calm and heavy, most of them feel happy and comfortable. I can understand these words, and I can’t tell them about them.

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