Zhuang Wudao stands at the bow and looks forward. He was listening to the voice behind him. It can also sense the spirit of the ship on the right side of the ship, looking at the hatred of sight, like a blade, full of evil tendencies. If the line of sight can kill, he is now estimated to have been smashed into thousands of pieces.

Zhuang Wudao is totally unconscious, too lazy to pay attention to.

“There is nothing more than a thousand people!”

Yun’er tone has no fluctuations and evaluation: “I see these people are really worried about Sword Master, and hate Sword Master.”

“Killing? What about it?”

Zhuang Wudao inwardly, cold, can these Ming Cuifeng disciplines still be able to bite him? What is the use of hate, can’t get tangible evidence, can you get him?

“Hey, I see Sword Master, it’s more and more like a person. Now you, like him, have everything.”

“It seems like one person, who is it?”

Zhuang Wudao doesn’t think about Yun’er’s words. He is not a jealous or a contempt. On the contrary, he is wary of those Ming Cui peak discipline behind him.

Just feeling the gaze of these people, there is no need to care too much. Unless there is tangible action, it is not painful and does not care.

“The first Sword Master, Huang Jie and the fourth Sword Master Luo Qingyun, or so. I don’t remember, only blur some memories -“

“Huang Jie , Luo Qingyun ?”

Zhuang Wudao laughed, and the two, according to Yun’er, are among the top in the cultivation world. Naturally qualified, proud of all beings.

But he Zhuang Wudao, what is the cost, to look down on his opponent o

“Yun’er can be misunderstood. Although you are vigilant in your mind, you think that people like this, even if you are offended, can you do it with you?”

Yun’er is a smile and says: “I am happy for Sword Master. As the owner of Light Cloud Sword, it is necessary to have such a spirit.”

Zhuang Wudao hearing what was said, but suddenly looked stiff and began to reflect on himself, whether he has been smug, too arrogant.

At this time, Zhuang Wudao suddenly sighed, feeling a vulgar, tyrannical air machine, suddenly locked him from behind. The sharpness of the line of sight is as real as it seems to be through the whole person.

Zhuang Wudao was shocked and suddenly turned back. He looked over to the right side of the treasure ship. However, there was nothing left in the hope. No one was there.

“That is the Golden Core cultivator, the method of mind peek. His position at this time is not here, but under the cabin.”

Yun’er perceives the existence of this person, and before Zhuang Wudao, the voice is dignified.

“This person has killed the Sword Master.”

Those Ming Cuifeng disciplines only have a killing effect on him. At most, they only think about it in their hearts and will not take action.

At the moment, Yun’er used the word ‘killing,’ to show the difference.

“Under the cabin?”

Zhuang Wudao If you think about it: “So Yun’er, who do you know who this person is?

“It seems to be the name of Wei Feng. Sword Master used to see him once in the temple. When there was the great competition, this person was there.”

“Wei Feng? It is his words, then it is not strange -“

Is this person, murderous?

Zhuang Wudao flashed in the light, thinking thoughtfully. If Wei Feng, there are enough reasons to know the truth before March. It will only hate yourself more than those of the Ming Cui peak.

Just don’t know this person, what time will you choose, and how will you do it?

It seems that I have to be careful these days. The threat of the Golden Core is different from those who can’t do anything about themselves.

Or this person, it is not convenient to do it directly to yourself. However, there are thousands of methods to calculate themselves.

This time, returning to the Leaving Dust Palace, it seems that it is time for the dawn to raise a sneak peek.

It happened that he was also preparing to retreat for a while. Take the Prison Rooster and complete the two remaining Prfound Technique Divine Abilty.

※※※※ At the same time, within a dim treasure ship cabin, Wei Feng also regained his gaze from the window.

“This child’s sense of sensibility is already at a level comparable to that of the Foundation Establishment”

Wei Feng’s eyes are both shocking and shocking, and also contain a strong killing intent, which is more intense than before the count.

He remembers that he saw it at Wu Capital Dao Hall on that day. At that time, Zhuang Wudao, although martial arts, was a little more powerful than the same cultivator.

However, at this time, he has already made him unable to see the depth. I only know that Zhuang Wudao’s ideas should be comparable to the Foundation Establishment.

No wonder this person can freely manipulate the ‘pros and cons of the two majors before March, and fight against the digital Golden Core cultivator.

“Thousands of cities, I remember two years ago, I told you about it. I can tell the difference of Ming Cuifeng, but I can only lose to the shame of the Xuan Lingshan lineage test. Only the thousand cities can you Washing. But how did you do it in the past two years? How many of you, is it waste?”

Wei Feng’s side is still standing a few people, and the city is also in it. At this moment, it is cold and sweaty.

I heard that Wei Feng’s tone is plain, but in fact it has a great anger.

“It is a discipline incompetence, disappointing the uncle’s expectation is only a discipline and also wants to be insulted. However, the first is the great competition, Zhuang Wudao avoids the war. After the discipline and the East from the Junior Brother repeatedly, it is not a result.”

That Yan Anjun is also a sigh, said solemnly: “The uncle is unfair. Zhuang Wudao is a shrinking tortoise. He shrinks his head in the turtle shell. How many of us are there?”

“Is it?”

Wei Feng’s look is still plain: “I have heard about this matter, this child is so suffocating, the depth of the city is really very comparable.”

Several people in Gaicheng have repeatedly challenged them. If they are replaced by others, they have the strength of the Late Stage of Qi Condensation, and they have long been unable to hold back. Zhuang Wudao is not the case. He does not care about his own reputation. He does his own thing and does not engage in arrogance.

“But since Zhuang Wudao does not work there, I should know the strategy of using the roundabout. You are a cultivation person, and your brains are not stupid. If you are difficult, you will only go straight and go straight?”

Wei Feng sneered, holding his hand behind him: “Zhuang Wudao I have no flaws, I will not start from other places? There is always this child care about anything, in half a year, I will see the results.”

After that, Wei Feng’s voice was paused, and after turning his head, he looked at a few people: “But this child, after all, is the realm of Qi Condensation 9th Layer, far more than you and three people. It’s not necessarily him. The opponent, it is best to find another strategy. In short, no matter what kind of means you use, I have to wait to give him a lesson. This child exists, it is my Ming Cuifeng shameful shame if it is the same side, I really don’t want to See you again”

The last seven words, but one word and one sentence, the sound is cold, like a heavy hammer, knocking deep in the heart of the people in the cabin,

When the voice fell, Wei Feng was already a long-awaited leader and walked out of the hatch.

Covering the Thousand Cities is a cold in the heart, and the East is away from the cold and An Jun, and the eyes are horrified. Knowing these words of Wei Feng, the focus is only on the last eight characters – don’t want to see Zhuang Wudao again.

However, regardless of whether or not this is done, the three of them are afraid that they will not be able to discuss it. If not, the three are in the Ming Cuifeng, I am afraid that they will be under pressure, and it is difficult to have a place to come.

Wei Feng got the real favor of Hongfa, and he took charge of Ming Cuifeng. You don’t have to come out at all, just let a little bit of a bite, just enough for the three of them to walk in the Leaving Dust Palace. Seriously, they can even be out of the door.

And if it is, the real person of Xuan Lingshan will lose love, and will there be no counterattack? It must also be like a thunder, a fierce attack.

Both advance and retreat are dilemmas.

Wei Feng is not left at all. Even the last sentence has a hint. However, it can be explained as Wei Feng’s angry words. After experiencing the eastward chaos, Ming Cuifeng’s heart is resentful.

Covering thousands of cities with thick eyebrows and wrinkles, has given birth to retreat. It is not appropriate to offend Wei Feng, but he also has his own teacher to be sheltered, and may not necessarily leave this end.

“The uncle is probably really mad, and he is in a state of urgency and aggravated. The three Junior Brothers don’t have to care too much –“

A corner of the side, Mo asked a little with a smile: “Nothing here, I will retire first.”

He was summoned here by Wei Feng, this is to be a witness. What happened in the future, I was asked, and I can tell everything in detail.

I also know this, it is a bottomless vortex. With his status as a Ming Cuifeng, he naturally does not want to be involved.

Wei Wei, there is no qualification to regard him as a chess piece.

However, before leaving, Mo asked another thing: “Yes, you know the origin of the spiritual slave that Zhuang Wudao received two years ago?”

“The spirit slave two years ago? You mean, the girl named Nie Xianling?”

The east is far from the cold eye, and for this woman, he is naturally memorable. With the super-spirited Spirit Root, it should be like a general question, aloof and remote, held by the division of the two mountains and seven peaks in the palm of your hand. However, because of the super-spirited Spirit Root, he fell into the dust and became the spiritual slave of Zhuang Wudao.

Do not ask, is it to let them, start on this woman?

“I heard that this woman was the little princess of Haitao Pavilion and the daughter of the former cabinet owner.”

“Hai Taoge?” Yan Anjun body slightly shocked, pupils Zhang Zhang: “You mean, East Ocean’s Haitao Court

Adjacent to East Ocean, Jiangzhou is adjacent to East Ocean, and he is famous for the big business of the 36th island of East Ocean.

“Can it be?”

Mo asked if there is a smile: “This woman is the predecessor of the Haitao Pavilion, Nie Yinxian and the woman who has never been married. Unfortunately, since the death of Nie Yinxian, the Haitao Pavilion has been occupied by the nest. Another person, Nie Xianling’s identity, is a bit embarrassed. It is said that before Nie Yinxian died, he had delivered a batch of property accumulated by Haitaoge over the years to the girl who loved it. Love, not willing to be too persecuted. But his wife, but may not be willing.”

Gai Qiancheng frowned, still puzzled, and asked what was the intention of mentioning this matter.

“I only talk about it, I don’t care.”

When asked to talk, he calmly walked out of the hatch: “In fact, when many seem to be ruined, if you are willing to sink your mind and think of ways, you may not have life.”

The man has left, leaving the three people in the room and falling into meditation.

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