On the second night of the second day, Zhuang Wudao once again entered three hundred miles away, the bottom of the cave.

It has already been empty, and the white jade stone platform was moved away by Su Qiu and moved to other places. Although the underground water house is not easy to open up, it is not easy to travel here, and the spiritual veins here have already been transferred.

It is estimated that after the three halls in Beitang, after being searched for here, it has been completely abandoned.

This time, the place of sacrifice chosen by Zhuang Wudao is here.

As soon as the party entered the courtyard in Dongfu, it was full of seventy otters frozen by thick ice.

The figure is the largest in two, with a total of ten second-order otters, and the rest are first-order Late Stages.

This is also the trophy of the battle of the nameless mountain, Zhuang Wudao. Although the otter is a descendant of Divine Beast, there is nothing good about it, let the cultivator mourn.

What is really valuable is the two third-order otters, but they have been left by Leaving Dust Palace and Moon Bear daoist.

The remaining otter corpses are basically useless, and Zhuang Wudao is coming to the small half.

These otters were frozen before they died, and the aurora hail after the sword was killed, and the cracks were instantly frozen.

The Qi and blood of the seventy otters are well preserved. Even its Primordial Spirit has some remnants.

The genus of apes is also the genius of all things, only inferior to humans. It is also the tens of thousands of lords, the most joyous after the sacrifices.

In addition, there are twenty cultivators that are sealed by golden needles and then trapped in a lock slave circle.

This time the southeastern big change, countless aristocratic family demons were shattered, countless forces fell, and even spread to the king’s room.

So Wu’s spiritual slave business in the two countries also suddenly flourished. These twenty Qi Condensation environments are Zhuang Wudao’s incognito, bought from several nearby marketplaces.

Qi Condensation’s cultivator, the effect of blood sacrifice, is far less than the Foundation Establishment cultivator, not comparable to Xiao Zheng. However, Zhuang Wudao bought these people, this is just for blood, the real big head, or ten second-order otters, and the mysterious piece of cloth contaminated with blood.

Those cultivators have been placed in this water house, and have been placed for nearly a month. They have not reached the realm of the valley, and they are already hungry and not adult.

At this time, I saw Zhuang Wudao, all of which were full of anger, and the eyes were full of hatred.

Zhuang Wudao was too lazy to pay attention to it. He took the magnetic Origin Spirit shield into an altar and placed it in the center. Then he was meticulous, and he portrayed the blood sacrifice in the water house.

In the past, it was necessary to rely on Yun’er to portray it. Now Zhuang Wudao can do it all by himself.

And those cultivators, when they saw this strange array, and the bloody red altar, finally understood their situation at the moment.

Some of the timid ones are horrified by the fear and horror, and there are several cultivators, desperate pleadings, and a scream in the mouth.

One or two of them are struggling with full strength and their eyes are red.

Zhuang Wudao said nothing, engraved the last rune, and silently lifted the three ‘three talents Xuanyang swords, and gently cut a knife to cut these people’s throats.

There is no pity in the heart, no innocence. Surpassing City Eight years, Leaving Dust two years, he has already seen clearly, in this world, no cultivator is really pure innocent people.

Surpassing City’s low-level dispersal, medicinal pill, Origin Storing Stone, and even various geniuses, where did it come from? It is nothing but crushing from those small people and miners. Grasshoppers are lifeless and lawless.

Including himself, the cultivator in this world, there are damn kills. Even the Leaving Dust Palace, which is known as the right sect, has not seen where it is.

What’s more, these cultivators are born from the east, Xu Wei’s major aristocratic family?

The twenty people here, he also roughly checked, most of them are people on the side of the line, I do not know how many lives in the hands.

Zhuang Wudao is also cultivation and will not be outside the cultivator. Acting naturally also follows the cultivator’s way of life, and these people are also treated as ants.

Because of his chilly origin, he still has some sympathy for ordinary people. There is no psychological burden on these cultivators.

Bloody and irritating, Zhuang Wudao has not felt sick. The blood sacrifice of the living person has been experienced once, and the second time has been able to care, after all, the hunger for power has prevailed.

When those blood rushed and dyed the whole ritual, the entire water house was covered with dark magic fog.

The momentum is huge, but Zhuang Wudao is not known to be known. Before he came, he used the ‘pros and cons of the two instruments to count the sky, and viewed it. The three hundred miles here are absolutely untouched. In the past three months, no one has been close to this place.

As for the only possibility, the investigation of the blood festival here’s ‘there are two kinds of pros and cons, and the center is also temporarily blocked by him. No one can use it.

At the top of this place, there is Zhuang Xiaohu’s glimpse of the shadow of the sky, looking for the wind for him, and it’s safe to be completely innocent.

This time, apart from the more magical and bloody anger, the Avici Equality King’s mood is especially joyful, and the idea of ​​coming is more powerful and powerful. What is different.

And when Zhuang Wudao, the ceremonies of the sacrifices were all completed. This time it was not directly from the gods to sacrifice, but before the statue, opened a small black hole, which will be dozens of water, twenty cultivator Qi and blood, and that The mysterious piece of cloth contaminated with blood of the opposite side was swallowed together.

After a few more moments, when the idea of ​​Avici Equality King gradually faded away. This water house is already empty, and there is nothing left except Zhuang Wudao and the altar.

Not only did not have a trace of half a lingering residue, even the bones of the water source and the cultivator were all gone, leaving no trace of the slightest point.

“There should be the identity of Avici Equality King”

Yun’er’s idea of ​​hiding in Light Cloud Sword once again came out: “There is nothing left, and his eating is really not ugly.”

Zhuang Wudao is speechless, I don’t know how to evaluate it. Even those animal bones are not left, it is indeed too much. His soul can sense that there is no living being in the space around it. The essence of life is completely forcibly removed.

However, it was so good that he was relieved of the traces afterwards.

“Ontology is consuming from the underworld. Avici Equality King is not willing to damage itself. It can only be made up outside the wall. These creatures are naturally ravaged. He has always been such a sly temperament-“

After Yun’er finished, he curiously spread the idea to the direction of the altar: “Look at what he left? Although this person is stingy, but the transaction has always been fair, it should not be deducted.”

Zhuang Wudao is also a long-awaited one. I noticed the past and saw that on the altar, the magic blood essence was unexpectedly small, only about five drops. In addition to this, there are two more things out of thin air, and the end is placed on the altar.

One of them is similar to the seven meteorites in the Bohai Sea. But the difference is that this stone is black and gray, but it has nine feet.

“This is, 沧海九窍石?”

Zhuang Wudao’s hands can’t help but hold on, and the eyes are glowing. You can copy the False Spirit Aperture in the Bohai Sea.

The Bohai Nine Stones are the treasures of Life Source Prfound Technique! He didn’t expect that the Avici Equality King’s feedback turned out to be in this Yun’er mouth, outside Heavenly Immortal, and other worlds are hard to see. The ultimate treasure

That blood is so precious?

“No, this is not the Bohai Sea, but the sacred stone of the sea is from the bottom of the sea. Only the prison can produce.”

“What is the difference between the sea?”

Zhuang Wudao frowned, he didn’t want to be himself, and finally he was happy.

“The use is almost the same, you can copy the Life Source Spirit Aperture. However, since it is from the sea, it is not that simple.”

Yun’er understates: “Sword Master uses this material for a ten-year life reduction. However, the copied Life Source Divine Ability will also have a dying dying power.

“ten years?”

Zhuang Wudao smiled and shook his head and didn’t care. Whether it is the Bohai Sea or the sea, it only needs to help him copy the life of Divine Abilty.

As for the life essence of the decade, will he care? With the body of the war, he has refining the third-order sacred Spirit Root. Within a hundred years, it is not a matter of shocking the Primordial Spirit.

Qi Condensation Realm is usually over 120 years old, and Foundation Establishment is up to 180 years old. He doesn’t care too much about his life essence.

It is the suffocating temper that makes him care a little, but I don’t know what kind of situation will it be after smelting? Power can have a few points.

The gaze passed over the nine seas of the sea, and Zhuang Wudao’s gaze was fixed on the other side.

“So what is this, what is it?”

It is a black strawberry-like fruit that exudes a tempting fragrance.

Zhuang Wudao could not recognize it. He had never seen it in those books. I only know this thing, it is out of the ordinary, he only smells this aroma, he feels the true Origin Soul of the body, and he is so eager to move, there are signs of improvement.

Yun’er figure in vitro, but fell into meditation. After a long time, it was the first to take a cold breath, with an unbelievable tone: “This is actually this thing, this should be the Millennium Prison,” Avici Equality King, is it a transvestite? This time it is so generous-“

“Infernal demon ginseng? What is the use of this o”

Zhuang Wudao knows that all kinds of ginsengs are big things, and the word “millennium” is even out of the ordinary. However, with the words ‘the imperial devil, the four characters, it will inevitably make people numb scalp.

Is it a poisonous one produced in the prison?

“The prison sorcerer, also a special kind of spirit in the prison, will only grow in some dark and corrupt places. Especially on the battlefield, under the bones, it is very common, and the corrupt flesh of the demon corpse grows. This thing is a poisonous thing for the creatures of the world of the Prison. However, for the Terran cultivator, it is a real complement.”

After Yun’er explained it, he turned his head and looked at Zhuang Wudao: “It seems to be a surprise. Sword Master is not worried. His body is not strong enough to show the power of Great Falling Monument Hand. Participation is the treasure that can strengthen the body.”

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