Time flies, in a blink of an eye, three months later, Zhuang Wudao is still sitting in the Chamber of the Unknown Mountain in the past, quietly settled.

At the moment, in his body, True Origin pervaded and spread to the range of the body. Because the yin and yang diuretic gas is not applied, these exhaled breaths can be seen in the black silk dots.

However, the number is very small, not like the previous blood festival, True Origin is like a cloud rolling, the number is less than the 1% at that time.

Even to the general cultivator, it is impossible to accurately sense the point. All Zhuang Wudao dared to be in this big circle, unscrupulous, and released the True Origin with the body.

A trace of purple lightning flashed inside, and the Nanming was separated from the fire, and it was burning underneath.

Make Zhuang Wudao the whole person, sitting on the fire cloud. Every hit of the gods of the gods will make some ink clicks and turn into a thick and foul smelling mist, and then burned by the flame and completely burned out.

However, after burning, there are some new black spots. It is only generally maintained, and it is constantly weakened by refining.

And in the early morning sunrise, Zhuang Wudao put away the window of the silver mirror on the side of the window.

The silver mirror is Zhuang Wudao three months ago, please visit the Baibingtang for a special trip. Not only the materials of the refiner, but also the Yunder selection, the Forbidden Law in the middle, is also from the hand of Yun’er.

There are only seven heavy Forbidden Laws, but they can filter most of the Taiyin cold power and bring together the pure sun.

Zhuang Wudao has also grown from three sides at the beginning to the use of twelve faces at the same time. However, this “Sky of the Sunshine” can only be used at night, and it will take every day. It can only be said that it is a small trick of cultivation. Without a complete cultivation system, it cannot be regarded as the orthodox Cultural Technique.

However, it was such a cultivation slogan that it caused him to surge in the strength of the Origin Soul in just three months.

At this time, Zhuang Wudao’s thoughts spread out and could be widely covered to 420 feet. Not only when the sword is flying, but also when it is free, it is also easier to use the technique. He has been able to complete the “Heavenly Jade Illuminating Life Sutra” and the “half of the second-order technique” recorded in the “Shang Ying Ying Yuan Zhen Zhen Lei Zhen Fa”.

If you prepare for a longer period of time, you will not hesitate to use it. You can even display the most powerful second-order peak method in those few powers.

For example, the second-order ‘Shi Hu Li Shi, at this time Zhuang Wudao limit, can also recruit two more.

The ghost is still yang, the benefits are far more than this. The point of this law is that before the Primordial Spirit, the cultivator’s ghost can’t go away. Once you leave the body, you will be filled with the hurricane of Heaven and Earth.

According to sword spirit, this “Sky Mirror Spiritualism” should still lack any key, so that after the ghost is separated, it is not afraid of the hurricane.

It is also a coincidence that he can have the opportunity to take charge of this pros and cons.

“This time’s performance is not bad. It has been solidified at the peak of 11th Layer -“

Yun’er figure once again manifested itself, with a few joys in his eyes: “A few days later, Sword Master can try to hit the 12th Layer in Qi Condensation.”

In the past few months, Zhuang Wudao has not only refined the konjac within the body. After he owns the Spirit Root, his daily cultivation is a thousand miles.

Especially the Ox Demon Origin Hegemon Body in the 2nd Heavenly Layer realm, every time he practices boxing, he can make his True Origin grow dramatically.

It takes a year, three or five years to complete the accumulation of True Origin, and Zhuang Wudao has only been completed in three months.

From the Initial Stage of the 11th Layer to the pinnacle of the 11th Layer, you are about to break through and enter the 12th Layer realm.

“The progress is not bad, but it is still too slow, it is better to sacrifice.”

Although the Spirit Root is good, it is far worse than the cultivation base that is sacrificed. Although the process of refining the konjac is a little troublesome, it is far stronger than the daily hardships of down-to-earth.

Zhuang Wudao feels that he is already addicted. In particular, after getting the “Yuan Shi Chou Demon”, with the Techique to solve the magic dye, it will not be bored, but the desire.

Even in these three months, the daily night suffers from the pain of peak, and it cannot be eliminated.

“It’s a pity that this ‘both positive and negative instruments are big and big, and I am afraid I can’t hold it for too long.”

In three months, the east chaos has been initially settled. As the Leaving Dust Palace draws people from all over the place, it is swaying south and constantly oppressing. Shifting Mountain Sect only supported for half a month and was completely defeated.

At this time, the Leaving Dust Palace has been summed up, not only has the entire east been lost, but the sphere of influence that has been encroached from the hands of Leaving Dust Palace for the past millennium has been lost.

Now only a few details are still being finalized, and it is not really a contract. However, in the eyes of the discerning eye, this southeast chaos has been decided, and the two sides are talking about it sooner or later.

In the Leaving Dust Palace, only the Ming Cuifeng lineage, this time due to heavy losses, an elite death and injury of 100 people, and Shifting Mountain Sect can be described as a sea of ​​enmity, so the main battle.

However, neither Xuan Lingshan nor the two real people of the law, Hongfa, have been willing to continue to entangle with Shifting Mountain Sect.

After all, there is also a sect with a Primordial Spirit. If the persecution is too much, the Shifting Mountain ancestor is crazy, and the Leaving Dust Palace also costs a lot.

At this time, the nameless mountain is up and down, and nearly 100 cultivators stationed here are looking forward to it. One is to wait for the sect’s award, this war is good, and the other is to look forward to sect’s recall order and return to Leaving Dust Origin Mountain.

Although the nameless mountain is good, it is far worse than the cultivation environment of the Nanping Mountains. There is a gap between the concentration of the Five Elements and the cultivation resources that can be obtained.

Zhuang Wudao would rather stay longer here, but it does not reverse the trend. This unnamed mountain’s ‘pros and cons are infinitely large, and there is a lot of loss of Origin Storing Stone every day. Leaving Dust Palace is not necessary, and it is impossible for this array to exist for a long time.

Zhuang Wudao has made an idea. In this case, after going back, I have to put the set of light hail sword array, change the price, and see if I can get a set of ‘reverse and negative instruments from the sect. The array, even the reduced version is OK.

Anyway, within the sect, it is not forbidden for the disciple to be deployed within the Dongfu. As long as the financial resources of the disciple’s discipline can be supported, it can be connected with the guardian of the mountain, the Nanmingdu Tianshen Lei Lieqi flag array. On the contrary, it is an attitude of encouragement. Such a ‘sub-array, the more the stronger, the more powerful the power of the mountain.

“The next step is to sacrifice this blood before returning to sect. Look at the Avici Equality King, what kind of benefits.”

Zhuang Wudao’s eyes flashed a bit of anticipation. This sacrifice, he has been preparing for a few months, and the sacrifices are not the same as the blood of the opposite.

The feedback should be extremely rich, so Zhuang Wudao is deeply looking forward to it.

Incorporating the in vitro surviving True Origin into the body, Zhuang Wudao is ready to close her eyes again, but this time it is not for meditation, but for sleep.

Only in this three-month period, Zhuang Wudao will use the “Sky Mirror Spirit” to offset the pain in the Origin Soul.

Therefore, the daily sleep time is postponed until the early hours of the morning. Still thunder does not move. Stay in the dream for three full hours.

Just at Zhuang Wudao, the consciousness is groggy and it is about to enter. Suddenly, he screamed and looked at him.

I saw a red paper crane, I don’t know when I stopped in front of myself.

“Is it a crane?”

Zhuang Wudao’s eyebrows were slightly picked, and the symbol was taken into the hands. It’s not like a million-mile, but only people. Inside the crane, the sign is directly sealed by the gods.

And this symbol, it really comes from the real people.

“Sect evaluation, sticking to the nameless mountain, third-order A and other good deeds, second-order A and other good deeds five times, twenty-two Forbidden Law special one-piece robes, one red jade 氤 fairy fruit, one Jiuhua Juyuan fruit,”

This is the sect for him to hold the nameless mountain, in this battle to kill two third-order demon repair, three Golden Core awards

The first few are just a few. The hundreds of thousands of good deeds and special robes are nothing. The red jade and the fairy fruit, but the whole sect up and down, all the Foundation Establishment Qi Condensation cultivator, are looking forward to, can copy the Spirit Aperture, add a Prfound Technique Divine Abilty,

However, he has used one of this thing, even if he takes it again, it is of no use.

That Jiuhua Juyuan fruit, but also out of the ordinary, is the only dust peak. You can make Qi Condensation cultivator directly improve the realm of 1st Layer.

And a Qi Condensation cultivator can only be used up to three times, which is second only to the jade of the red jade.

However, the production of the dust peaks is not enough, but only 50 pieces per year are produced. Often inside the dusty peak, it can be digested.

The dusty peak and the Ming Cuifeng, both of whom have always wore a pair of trousers, are willing to take this thing out for the award, which is really an accident.

In addition, there are many names in this crane. The names of nearly 100 cultivators in the nameless mountain are listed on the list, with detailed merits and so on.

Zhuang Wudao shook his head and directly rang the sound of the bell next to him, three times in a row. The bell rang and shook the entire sect up and down.

After just counting the interest, there were more than a hundred dawns under the mountain, and they all rushed into the Chamber of Deputies.

Those who have a city in the chest, but still do not change their face, calm and calm. Younger, but the face is full of excitement, rejoicing.

This time, the nameless mountain is a great victory. More than 100 people in the nameless mountain will benefit from it and get the good deeds that they could not have imagined before. You can exchange sect for the best medicinal pill, the best Spirit Tool, and the benefits of their cultivation can’t be added.

Zhuang Wudao is dumbfounded. Knowing these people, most of them have already guessed that the symbols of the real people have arrived. I don’t want to say anything more, just put the names of those people in the same one.

In my heart, it is a sense of urgency, but it is born. Since the evaluation of the combat power has been completed, the battle with Shifting Mountain Sect has been completely completed. The order for the recall is estimated to be in the near future.

It seems that this sacrifice, he will start tomorrow, otherwise he will not be late.

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