“There is nothing wrong with the empty island. Great Peace Sect has already withdrawn from East Ocean in the early hours of the morning.”

Speaking of this, the voice of Xuan Shengzi is paused again, and the voice is hoarse and hoarse: “Unknown Mountain Battle, Junior Brother Zhuang Wudao teamed up with Moon Bear Daoist, Eastern Wu Lu Shenjun, and Guo Jiangyu, who slammed Shifting Mountain Sect under the Unknown Mountain. At this time, the southeast chaos has been solved. East Spring Palace and Hanguangshan, have contacted me, and are ready to send and ask for Leaving Dust. Shifting Mountain Sect Yesterday, after attacking Beijing, Also returned to the south of the east.”


Xuan Lingzi lost his mind for a moment, forgot to control the flying boat, and even the boat trembled and almost planted into the sea. All eyes are full of horror and disbelief, and my eyes are unsolvable. l

Ji Qiwu is also a Huo, a long, standing up. In a flash, there was some stunned.

“The nameless mountain is a big victory? Is this statement true or false?”

“This is a sect sect, I will convey it on my behalf, I will never marry you.”

“Sonborn Brother?”

Ji Qiwu once again glimpsed, only the tone of the mysterious child, stiff terrifying. It is more than a cold and alienated, but it seems more dissatisfied with him.

Asked a question, but did not get a response from the opposite, Ji Qiwu only felt cold in the chest.

“So I Leaving Dust Palace, how is the last loss?”

“My Leaving Dust Palace has killed more than 130 people, and I have died in the Xuan Lingshan lineage. The Ming Cuifeng discipline has nearly 100 deaths and injuries, including the Foundation Establishment. The rest of the Emperor Peak and Cuiyun Mountain also have more than ten people. Death and injury.”

Xuanshengzi seems to be a strong resistance to the temper, answering Ji Qiwu: “It is Shifting Mountain Sect, but the damage is heavy. In addition to the death of three Golden Cores, there are two third-order otters, also buried in the hands of the moon bear daoist. Yi Zhi, Xu Clan is a family. The whole country is in the hands of my Leaving Dust…”

“Three Golden Core? Cuifeng Discipele killed and injured nearly 100 people?”

Ji Qiwu frowned and said: “Is that what Zhuang Wudao did? Is it Shifting Mountain Sect’s main attack, not the direction of the unknown mountain, but the stone mountain?”

Wangshishan is the former residence of Ming Cuifeng lineage.

The Xuan Lingzi returned to God and shook his head in disbelief: “It is impossible? That Zhuang Wudao, but a Qi Condensation Middle Stage, with his cultivation base, even the ‘pros and cons There is no limit to the sky, and you can’t control it. 100% Power can’t play 70%. A year ago, Leaving Dust Origin Mountain great competition was a slap in the face, and it was recognized as a blasphemy. It is already desperate -“

“Some people, brave and guilty, fleeing. Some people, guilty and brave, when the real crisis, Fang Xian heroes true. Tyrannical Junior Brother knowing that it is impossible to do it, is the real husband”

The mysterious child speaks ridiculously: “tyrannical Junior Brother. He is not as bad as you said. The Junior Brother has been less than two years old, but it is already the 9th Layer realm of Qi Condensation, far more than Mo Wen and Li. The Shangyu Yingyuandong Zhenrui True Law has been confirmed to be the 2nd Heavenly Layer realm. It is said that before the first month of January, the real people of the festival have already anticipated the southeast crisis. Someone is difficult to be a big man, and he has sent the Dou Wenlong Junior Brother early. The first seal was sent to the tyrannical Junior Brother, and when he was in critical condition, he was in charge of all the affairs of the Wumingshan and the strategy of defending the war. The consequences were as real as expected, and he was indeed a human eye, not like I really licked these eyes.”

I was able to restrain myself before, but at this time I was unable to suppress the anger and disgust.

“Senior Brother ”

Ji Qiwu was pale, and I wanted to say, ‘If there is a glimmer of hope in the unknown mountain, I will stay with the same side, but this sentence can’t be said anyway.

What he is more concerned about in his heart is the one after the mysterious child. A month ago, Dou Wenlong sent the first seal to the hands of Zhuang Wudao.

This is expected to be Ji Qiwu, will he be out of the game early?

Ji Qiwu’s double fists were tight, and the eyes were red, and the biting lips were dead and dead, and the blood at the corners of the lips was not noticed.

“Moon bear daoist, leaving the country Jiang Yu, how can these two people fall to me Leaving Dust Palace? Is it possible that the real people are pointing behind the rules?”

“Yue Xiong Daoist is said to be the tyrannical Junior Brother personally convinced. As for Jiang Yu, it is the Junior Brother who sent the spirit slave north to contact him. As for the back pointing, Ji Junior Brother, do you think this is possible?”

Shifting Mountain Sect seals the big array with ‘Wan Yu Ling, and seals down the area of ​​120,000 miles. There is no sign of the pre-war.

The festival is far away from Leaving Dust Origin Mountain. It takes a few days to communicate, and I don’t know the situation of the unknown mountain. How can I point to Zhuang Wudao how to break the enemy?

Even if it is really a real man behind the scenes, Zhuang Wudao’s performance in front of the stage is enough to make people’s eyes

Xuanshengzi seems to be lazy and said: “I thought that Ji Junior Brother, you, after the serious injury of Hua Ying, is the pillar of Xuan Lingshan in the future. However, what Junior Brother did is disappointing Xuan Shengzi. Here, look at the Junior Brother, you can do it yourself in the future, don’t repeat it.”

When the voice is behind, the voice snail has no sound, and it has completely cut off the connection. At the same time, the red arrow in the hands of Ji Qiwu also suddenly exploded, turning into dust and dust, and sprinkled

Ji Qiwu looked stunned, knowing that this is a mysterious child, and by this letter, expresses the intention of breaking the robes.

It’s so much to appreciate him, and the mysterious son who has been in the same decade, it’s conceivable, what will be the attitude of others in Xuan Lingshan?


For five consecutive days, the nameless mountain is full of people coming and going, and it is very lively. Numerous messengers from the aristocratic family from all over the East, constantly coming and going.

The whole Wu is away from the two countries, and at this moment, it is also windy and turbulent. The situation changed dramatically and Leaving Dust Shifting Mountain was offensive and defensive. Putting it in the place, the East is far from the country, there are countless forces aristocratic family. Because of this battle, it has collapsed, and there are many people who are starting to rise.

Zhuang Wudao is quite clean in his own small building. Since the pros and cons of the two instruments are in full swing, and he is handed over to Su Qiu, he has never left the door.

The excuse of the big mistakes at the time of their own mistakes, Ming Cuifeng all the way to the final damage, need to think behind the door, Zhuang Wudao completely avoided the outside disturbance.

At this time, it is true that he does not need to do anything. The nameless mountain has completely turned to safety, and there is no risk of falling. Those broken veins have been restored. Only around 50 miles away, the ground became collapsed and turned into a small lake.

As for the East China, he is the first to contact Jiang Yu, the over-the-country monarch who left the country. However, the next thing, naturally, the Golden Core took over, stabilizing the East, and Shifting Mountain Sect gradually drove out of the country.

The second batch of people from Leaving Dust Origin Mountain arrived two days ago. A total of one hundred and twenty Foundation Establishment cultivators, and two thousand Qi Condensation.

The ability to deploy Leaving Dust Palace in Wu’s two countries completely surpassed Shifting Mountain Sect. The cultivator of the Foundation Establishment has reached more than 400 people, and there is a great tendency to move south.

The Golden Core cultivator has also increased to as many as fifteen people, plus the Moon Bear Daoist, Jiang Yu Wang Xiu, and Wu Guolu Shen Jun, who are now at Wu Capital, are the strongest in the Golden Core environment and have increased to two. ten.

Like a heavy hammer, hanging over the top of Shifting Mountain Sect. It seems that the East is away from the Xu Family, but it has already been separated from the Shanzong.

“-tyrannical You know, now that you are a famous southeast? I was really unbelievable when I heard that Xu Wei died under the nameless mountain.”

At the moment, sitting opposite Zhuang Wudao, it is Beitang Wan’er. After the war ended, I was rushed back to Surpassing City because of my heart and worry. Then the first time, naturally came to visit Zhuang Wudao.

At this moment, Beitang Wan’er is full of curiosity and confuse, it seems to be watching a monster.

“Now people say that the real people of the festival, the eyes of the eye, the wisdom of Hua Ying, actually received a discipline like you. You Xuan Lingshan lineage, there is still hope, not only the door of your Xuan Lingshan, respect you It is the other two mountains and seven peaks, and you have no shortage of admirers now.”

“You only say that people respect me, but they don’t say that they hate me. I don’t think there are a few?”

“This is, Wu is away from the two countries, I don’t know how many people hate you -“

Shifting Mountain Sect was defeated. There were countless people who failed to speculate and stood on the Shifting Mountain Sect side.

However, what Beitang Wan’er thought at the moment was the lineage of Ming Cuifeng. It was known that the unknown mountain suddenly broke off and it was after Zhuang Wudao’s handwriting. I don’t know how many Ming Cuifeng disciplines, I can’t wait to swallow Zhuang Wudao.

It was within the Emperor Peak, and it was not without accusing Lu Shenjun of his voice. He saw Zhuang Wudao’s poisonous hand and did not stop it.

However, they are never a piece of iron in the Imperial Peak.

“tyrannical You have recently gone out, try to be careful, it is best not to face the people of Ming Cuifeng.”

“Is it?”

Zhuang Wudao doesn’t care, he can’t make everyone like him.

At this moment, he is concentrating on playing with a set of ice-colored swords in his hands. A total of ten, it is a set of light ice swords from the bottom of the river.

It was Beitang Wan’er who sent him back, and Forbidden Law has also recovered to the 20 9th Layer. It seems that Beitang Ancient Moon Liang Family and Xia Clan did have a lot of money before the war.

He expected these few, and would never dare to swallow his sword array. However, I didn’t expect that after this set of sword arrays returned, I still took up a lot of money.

The light is only the ten ban of the third-order top grade, and it is already worth a lot. If you collect it yourself, I don’t know how much money it will cost.

Unfortunately, the quality of this set of sword array is really not used by Zhuang Wudao. Nie Xianling under his door, but there is a super-order ice Spirit Root, but to repair the Golden Core Initial Stage, there is enough mana to use this sword array, I don’t know how long it will take.

After waiting for the return to the mountain, I would like to find the king of Xuexinzhai and sell this thing. This set of swords is a good foundation, and there is great hope to restore the forty-seven Forbidden Law, a set of sword array magic weapon, presumably that Xue Xinzhai will be very interested, or can make him a big shot.

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