It is six thousand miles away from the unknown mountain, but the direction is north. A graceful young cultivator is holding a pink snail. There is a smile in his eyes, and his mind is elegant.

“Eastern Wu Lu Shenjun, Yue Xiong Daoist, East from Jiang Yu Yizhi, even with a Wang Xiu. So, this time you have no chance to shoot, the nameless mountain has turned dangerous?”

The sound is not from the young cultivator, but from the snail.

Shifting Mountain Sect seals the big array with ‘Wan Yu Ling, seals the area of ​​120,000 miles, and bans all the letters and communication methods.

However, the snail in the hands of the cultivator is exceptionally different. The 56-fold Forbidden Law is rare in the world, and there are no ten fingers.

“It is the discipline that has been watching the opera for three thousand miles in the unknown mountain.”

Young cultivator slightly dagger, seems to be happy, but also seems to imply regret: “The result is a surprise, has never been able to intervene.”

“This is a good thing for you today. You need to rest in peace. With the Dao Body, you can’t do it with people at least for a year.”

The voice of the real person, from the inside of the snail, and then a voice, condensed: “Is it true tyrannical?”

“It is the nameless mountain that has not only turned to safety, but Xu Wei has been joined by these people, killing them under the nameless mountain, and dying! All the otters survived, and the Golden Core sent by Shifting Mountain Sect died. Two people. At this time, the East is a big change, it is not my Leaving Dust Palace, how to retaliate afterwards. But Shifting Mountain East Spring contains three light, how to summon Leaving Dust”

The young cultivator, the fine mans revealed: “I looked at him with my own eyes, how to plan in tandem, how to overturn the rain, how to reverse the Qiankun, how to freeze thousands of miles -“

“Xu Wei is dead?”

In the sound of the real people, the truth reveals a bit of surprise: “In this way, tyrannical his ability, is enough to be alone, right hand side?”

“I can guess the layout of Shifting Mountain Sect and Great Peace Sect, which will make the moon bear daoist scared, and it will make Jiang Yu dissatisfied. There is no shortage of people. However, it can be safe, not paying for it, and calmly concealing the layout in tandem. This is extremely rare. In the case of the discipline, if there is a suitable person to assist, the tyrannical Junior Brother will not let the master disappointed.

However, in the language of the young cultivator, it was a bit bitter and bitter: “Just before I left, the tyrannical Junior Brother. He also deliberately destroyed the nameless mountain and the two instruments.” Ming Cuifeng Wei Feng Waiting for others, they are trapped in the border of Wu and the two countries, and they are not allowed to advance or retreat. The losses are heavy and it is a foregone conclusion.”

“Is this happening?”

The real people became more and more surprised. After they had been indulged for a long time, they said again: “This is a bit narrow-minded. The evil tendencies seem to be too heavy. It is my teacher’s negligence.”

Do not teach, the father has. The teaching is not strict, the teacher is lazy.

“Not necessarily, I thought it was, he was deliberate.”

Shaking his head, the young cultivator apparently disapproved, and the headache slammed the forehead: “Junior Brother, he seems to be unwilling to work outside the cultivation.”

“That is to say, this time it is deliberately falling into the wrong position. After the exemption, my teacher respects him seriously.

The festival is a real laughter, but in a tone of ridicule: “I am a discipline, it is really interesting, Ming Cuifeng that group of people, I also have a headache for a long time, it is time to give them a lesson as to tyrannical, if he does not want to There is no need to force him. It is always good to be able to cultivate. It is always a good thing. When it comes to mind, tyrannical is stronger than you and me. It is not for the power, and you can see the different scenery when you have a long life. “”


The young cultivator looked confused for a moment and fixedly looked into the distance. The different scenery, I wonder if I can see it again?

After a while, the young cultivator returned to God and shook his head slightly. The voice leisurely said: “I am only curious about it. The Junior Brother in his hand is a thousand miles of ice. Where did it come from?” ”

The real thing is what was said, and it was silent for a while before saying: “Retaliation can be, not too much.”

Thousands of miles of ice, is the unique Prfound Technique Divine Abilty in the north. Zhuang Wudao has never been betrayed by Leaving Dust and is connected to Great Peace Sect. Then the origin of this character can be imagined.

“The Master can be assured that the discipline is still very important.”

The young cultivator smiled a little, but at this moment, it was cold and the temperature plummeted.

The person in the north, though in the first place in the Yingcai list for ten years. Known as the first potential of the Heaven cultivation, at least at this moment, there is no qualification for him to be an opponent.

“In addition to that, there is that Ji Qiwu -“

“Kiwu? That child-“

The sigh of the festival is a sigh, which means complicated: “Since his master is seated, he has never forgotten in these years to regain the position of the first seat of Xuan Lingshan. So he is good at self-discipline and can not actually be in tyrannical. Next, it is a good time. However, the most unfortunate thing is that he is too much to be cherished, and he has no responsibility. And with him, after the battle of the nameless mountain, I can see that he can achieve his wish.

The young cultivator is the intention of disdain, the nameless mountain flees, the oily and slippery life, what can be compared with Zhuang Wudao?

Such a person is also assigned to the position of the first seat of Xuan Lingshan?

However, there is really no need to take care of it. After the Battle of the Unknown Mountain, this person was destroyed in the Xuan Lingshan lineage.

It seems sensible to get out in advance. However, after the victory of the unknown mountain, there is a Zhuang Wudao contrast, which will only fall into the name of a timid and fearful thing.


About two days later, it is close to the East Ocean area, which is 120,000 miles away from the Unknown Mountain. Ji Qiwu sat on the top of a flying boat and looked gloomy.

At the moment, in front of him, a middle-aged cultivator, also in the Foundation Establishment, is manipulating the flying boat by law. On the sea, it goes down the wind.

“Ji Junior Brother doesn’t seem very happy?”

The middle-aged cultivator seemed to have endured and endured, and finally couldn’t stand it. He curiously asked: “This time, thanks to the Junior Brother, I can get out of the nameless mountain and avoid the murder. Now, just like the meaning of the Junior Brother, from The East is getting away from the chaos, and the lineage of the real-life lineage will also be hit hard. From then on, the sky is wide, let the fish jump and fly, isn’t it good?

Ji Qiwu sighed and looked at the mysterious look with a gloomy look. He was still helpless: “Xuanlingshan lineage If the damage is too heavy, even if I can complete the wish of the master, regain the Xuanlingshan lineage, what do you mean? I wait for Senior Brother and others, no one can achieve Golden Core within ten years. This Xuan Lingshan will eventually need to save the wind and rain. If you are glory, you will suffer damage. For this reason, Senior Brother does not know? ”

“I am also clear, but what about you and me?”

Xuan Lingzi sneered, his eyes were disdainful: “It is the incompetence of the festival. It makes me wait for danger. The general trend is so, can manpower be reversed? I see this Xuan Lingshan, the decline has been fixed. Junior Brother you In the future, I will be in charge of the first place. If I want to declare the status of Lingshan as a thousand years ago, I am afraid that it is difficult to do so. I don’t need to worry about it. In the future, I only need to make a good man, and Leaving Dust Palace always has our lineage. After all, two The Seventh Peak of the Mountain, the Temple of the Ten Commandments, is indispensable”

“There are always some unwillingness to succumb to the ancestors of the past.”

Ji Qiwu smiled and shook his head, but stood up and expressed his emotions: “I am quite optimistic like Wu Huan, Mu Wei, Guyue Ming, etc., and I will definitely have Golden Core achievements in the future. This time I will be in the nameless mountain. It’s a pity. Especially Zhuang Wudao, others say that he is incompetent, Spirit Root is weak, and the name is not true. However, the whole Xuan Ling Mountain is up and down, I am the most impenetrable.

The Xuan Lingzi was surprised by the unexpected. He really did not expect that Ji Qiwu’s most valued person would be Zhuang Wudao. Then I felt the heart again, snorted and looked into the distance.

I saw a red light and shadow, and I was flying through the air. Looking from afar, it seems like a red arrow

“Where is the arrow?”

Xuan Lingzi can not help startled, at this time they two, has not yet out of the 120,000-mile area, is still within the scope of Shifting Mountain Sect ‘Wan Yu Ling Ling seal large array.

Can’t help but curious, but when did it start, here can use the letter o

“Is it the east of the chaos, the victory and defeat has been set?”

I don’t know how many disciplines were killed or injured by Leaving Dust Palace this time? Lost a few Golden Cores?

Ji Qiwu was already holding the red arrow in his hand, only closed his eyes for a moment, and took out the syllable snail.

Xuan Lingzi does not feel strange, Ji Qiwu travels extensively in the Leaving Dust Palace, friends are all over the two mountains and seven peaks, but also the network of the ancestors left behind. In the Schools, there are countless inner disciples for their eyeliner.

So Leaving Dust inside and outside, no matter what, Ji Qiwu can often know in advance. This time, it was well-informed, and it was early to judge that the situation was wrong, so that the two could get out of Wumingshan in time.

‘The ban on the slogan of the tens of thousands of people, and the ban, has already been solved. From the sound snail, the voice came from an old friend of Ji Qiwu.

Xuan Lingzi also recognizes this person, the same as the Xuan Lingshan lineage, is a Foundation Establishment near the age of 90, Senior Brother. At this time, he was in charge of the north of Eastern Wu, Lin Jing Dao Hall of Xinglin State, and accumulated good deeds. There are three thousand miles in the Xinglin country, twelve in the Great City and twelve in the school. The country is not too big, so the status of the Senior Brother in Xuan Lingshan is not high or low.

Xuan Shengzi has always loved Ji Qiwu’s talents. When Ji Qiwu is still in the district of Qi Condensation, he will take care of it. However, at this moment, the sound from the syllable snail is not half-intimate, but it reveals a little indifference.

“The Junior Brother has no need to go there. There is a sect to let the Junior Brother go directly to Leaving Dust Origin Mountain.

“Senior Brother?”

Ji Qiwu picked up his eyebrows and heard the hidden dissatisfaction in Xuansheng’s words, which made him feel a little uneasy.

“But what happened? As far as I know, there seems to be a shortage of people on the side of the empty island.”

Great Peace Sect is a big man, ranked only under the Three Suns of the Central Plains, and the strength can be equal to Scarlet Yang City.

This kind of ruthlessness is meant to be dyed by East Ocean.

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