In addition to this, there is a thousand miles, the treasure, this war has been used twice in total, only one time for the opportunity to display, but after all, is also the Primuddial Spirit real world’s Prfound Technique Divine Abilty, the character of the treasure also Up to four

Zhuang Wudao casually took these unusable things into his own ring, but looked at Beitang Wan’er curiously.

“Nothing goes to the Three Treasure Hall, what is Wan’er looking for me?”

Beitang Wan’er’s lips were pumped and he looked at Zhuang Wudao. However, I am not in a hurry to express my thoughts. Instead, I continue to be curious and ask: “You are now the 9th Layer of Qi Condensation? The 2nd Heavenly Layer realm of Ying Ying Yuan Zhen Zhenrui? Is it hidden? Spirit Root ?”

This is the most intriguing thing for everyone from the Leaving Dust Palace to the Primordial Spirit and down to Qi Condensation. Zhuang Wudao Is there any hidden Spirit Root in the body? In the end, it is a few products of Spirit Root, which enabled Zhuang Wudao to continuously improve the realm of the four-story building in just two years?

“The cultivation base of the 9th Layer realm is not fake. “I have indeed reached the 2nd Heavenly Layer” in “Shang Ying Ying Yuan Zhen Zhen Lei Zhen Fa.”

Zhuang Wudao picked up the samovar and sighed softly.

“As for the hidden Spirit Root, Yu Qing’s bottom?”

“Zhuang Wudao ”

Beitang Wan’er was so angry that he could not wait to put the teacup in his hand on Zhuang Wudao’s face. But I also know that this guy is the kind of temperament. The tone is very tight. If you don’t want to say it, then regardless of the temptation of beauty and the persecution of torture, it is difficult for Zhuang Wudao to reveal a half word.

After thinking about it, Beitang Wan’er can only helplessly: “Forget it, I am too lazy to take care of you. But you need to let me know at least, how can I ask Li Wei than that? This is your mouth, into my ear.” Except for me, there will never be anyone else who knows.”

Zhuang Wudao hearing what was said, looking at Beitang Wan’er with a strange look. It seems that behind the Beitang Wan’er, the fire of the gossip is burning. Suddenly pū chī smiled, and then sinked into the road: “I don’t ask if I can’t see it, but it’s not my opponent. As for Li Wei, I still don’t want to put it in my eyes. I really have to fight, this person should not be me.” The enemy, at least six years ahead of him, will enter the Foundation Establishment Realm.”

At this time, regardless of the Martial Dao technique, he has not been convinced, and Spirit Root is not lost. Naturally, there is confidence in all respects. Otherwise, what is it that is rampant?

However, the reason why he said this and handed over to Beitang Wan’er was not because of their friendship. It is a self-teacher, and the festival is a strange attitude.

In fact, Zhuang Wudao, at this moment, the most wonderful is the festival, why did he push him to the front desk early? Compared with Si Konghong’s previous account, it is very different.

Zhuang Wudao guessed that it was either a real-life man, and he had enough confidence that he would not be afraid of the dark arrows to protect him, or he would need to borrow his Zhuang Wudao to bring out something from the bottom of the water.

This is the case, he has nothing to hide in front of Beitang Wan’er.

“Not your enemy of triads?”

Beitang Wan’er voice, the sharpness of the uncontrollable, the body is also straight, almost stood up and stood up, after a long while, realized that he was out of order and re-stable.

“You are a big talk, you know Li Wei, not long ago, the breakthrough of the Confusation 8th Layer, the practice of the Shangyu Wan Mulei like God, has reached the 2nd Heavenly Layer realm?”

Zhuang Wudao Even if it has a hidden Spirit Root, it should be high but super high. The difference between the two cultivation bases is not too far, and the Spirit Root is also a difference. Zhuang Wudao’s strength is stronger, and it is impossible to win Li Wei within three matches.

Unless Zhuang Wudao’s cultivation base has reached the Foundation Establishment, there is a realm gap.

“so what?”

Zhuang Wudao’s eyes are dull, as if he is talking about what is right and wrong.

He did not know that Li Wei’s captain, Wan Mulei, was like a god, and even 2nd Heavenly Layer. But even if Li Wei is like, he can’t win within three matches, then he might as well find a piece of tofu to kill.


Beitang Wan’er was dubious, his eyes turned slightly, and after a moment of thought, he calmed down again.

“Who can’t say if you have a big story? Anyway, there are two more years, and it is a great competition. At that time, it is natural to see.”

Two years? It does not necessarily take two years.

Zhuang Wudao shook his head and remembered the feeling of his own monument to the northern sky, and the ‘Wanxiang Star Life Engine.’

It is estimated that at the end of the year, the new issue of the list will be born. If he does not expect it, he will definitely be on the list this time.

“Wan’er, what are you doing this time? You can say it. If you don’t want to say it, then please go back? You know that I don’t have much time here.”

“Is it difficult to drink tea? The way of cultivation, one by one, I see that your daily cultivation is not allowed to be idle, so it is good to find you to talk and relieve boredom.”

After Beitang Wan’er scorned, his face gradually turned into dignity: “I heard that after the death of Dinghaigong, not only did it leave a million hectares of land, but also a large area of ​​Yantianzhuchang, thousands of buildings and ships. In addition, our Beitang Family is also interested in the business that Xu Family operates.”

Zhuang Wudao couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows. He expected that would be the case. After the Xu Clan clan, leaving a lot of industry and life

After Xu Wei’s death, there were nearly half aristocratic family in the eastern sixteen states, or fleeing or dying, and was in a vacuum.

It is not surprising that Beitang Family is interested in Xu Wei’s legacy.

Especially for those warships, the Beitang Family will never allow these vessels to fall into the hands of the Guyue Family.

However, the first contact with Jiang Yu is his Zhuang Wudao. So far from the king’s room, after falling to Leaving Dust, it is naturally close to the Xuan Lingshan lineage.

The Southeastern Bureau here has also been dominated by Xuan Lingshan lineage.

Guyue Ming As a Xuan Lingshan discipline, the Guyue Family forces, far away from the country, is far easier than the Beitang Family. And if the Beitang Family wants to compete fairly with the former, it needs to borrow external strength.

He had made a decision on this matter and he did not hesitate. Zhuang Wudao immediately said: “I can write a letter, and you will bring it to Jiang Yu Senior. As for whether he gave me this face, it is not something I can expect. Yu is involved.”

“Just if you have a letter, it is enough.”

Beitang Wan’er smiles like a flower. At this time, Zhuang Wudao is already a rising star of Leaving Dust Palace.

After a battle in the nameless mountain, everyone knows that his future is great. Zhuang Wudao personally opened the mouth, Jiang Yu as long as a little sensible, some prospects, will never refute Zhuang Wudao face.

Just a little more than Jiang Yu, the Beitang Family is enough to tear off a piece of fat from the legacy of Xu Clan.

“This is a hundred third-order Origin Storing Stone, sixty of the gods. If it can be done, my Beitang Family has another reward.”

At the time of the speech, Beitang Wan’er put a parcel in front of Zhuang Wudao.

Zhuang Wudao also refused to accept it and accepted it. This is the normal state in the Leaving Dust Palace, which has long been agreed. Leaving Dust cultivator After accepting the power of the mundane forces, he worked for this person, providing convenience in some things, and even blessing his family.

In the past few days, I don’t know how many people want to find the door, and want to get through the joints with him, but they are all turned away by Zhuang Wudao. It’s not just self-sufficiency, it’s just a hassle.

Most of the small families and small families have little financial resources, and they can’t find anything that can make him feel. Instead, he has to pay a lot here, not too cost-effective.

As for the Beitang Family, there is this qualification, but Zhuang Wudao is not willing to have anything to do with Surpassing City.

If it was not for Beitang Wan’er, Zhuang Wudao would not pay attention to it. However, since it is a force for the Beitang Family, it is natural to collect remuneration, and it is not allowed to take advantage of it in vain.

He and the aristocratic family of Beitang have already settled all the grievances. Apart from Beitang Wan’er, there is only a cooperative business relationship, so these Origin Storing Stone raises the god Dan, he is the peace of mind.


Waiting for Beitang Wan’er to leave, Zhuang Wudao frowned and fell into meditation. Beitang Wan’er was not the first to find the door. Before her, there was a hundred soldiers Xia Clan who came with Xia Miao’s personal letter.

He originally wanted to get out of the whirlpool of Surpassing City and ignore it. However, looking at this situation, it is getting deeper and deeper, and it has a lot to do with the three aristocratic families of Surpassing City.

Shaking his head, Zhuang Wudao didn’t look at the parcel. In the end, there was something, and it was put away.

Then I took out one thing and placed it in front of myself. This is a cloth, it looks like a broken old, no different from ordinary coarse cloth, but Zhuang Wudao has tried. Not only does it fail, but it is not afraid of the blade.

Even if he burns with the stone of the body with the body, it is impossible to get close to the three feet of this cloth, and even if he is the highest-level aurora ice sword in Forbidden Law, he can’t open it.

On the same day, Xu Wei died in battle, and his relics were all divided by Jiang Yu and divided into net. Including the Moon Bear Daoist, several Golden Cores want to peek at Xu Wei and be able to summon the secrets of the law.

In order to Xu Wei carry a few pieces of Ling Zhen, several people almost tore the face. But only this cloth is hidden in the clothes of Xu Wei.

After Xu Wei’s body was smashed by Lu Shenjun’s Tiantai E, the man’s bodyguards were scattered and scattered.

Among the people present, there is no such thing as an anomaly. Only Zhuang Wudao, who had the guidance of Yun’er, quietly and silently took the piece of rags in his hands.

However, this rag, the sale is really not very good, even a little aura. If it wasn’t for Yun’er’s own words, he couldn’t believe it. This thing is contaminated with the opposites and the blood.

In these few days, Zhuang Wudao did not close the door in his own small building, just to participate in the mystery.

Whenever this object encounters the power of extreme cold, the cloth that has nothing at all will show a lot of ice-blue articles, complicated and subtle, and rich in mystery. There are also some ancient scriptures, which are hidden in the meantime.

Zhuang Wudao accidentally discovered this vision when he explored the material of this object. At that time, it was also intuitively thought that these textures of the cloth must be different from ordinary ones.

In the past five days, he finally touched a few clues.

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