The method of escaping from the top is the most stupid policy. However, this battle, which was promoted by Ming Cuifeng, fell into the trap of Xu Wei and Shifting Mountain Sect. In order to break, in any case, it should be the responsibility of Ming Cuifeng lineage.

The final result is that there are hundreds of disciples in Xuan Lingshan, all of which are in danger of death.

This is a bit tricky, Zhuang Wudao can guess even if he thinks with his heels. Within Leaving Dust Origin Mountain, there must have been a battle before it finally came. Self-escape, compromise.

It is conceivable that the real people at that time must be at a disadvantage. Ming Fu Cui’s Hongfa real person, in which the role played in the end, can also be imagined.

Squinting, Zhuang Wudao only meditation for a moment, and then continued to bend the finger, the hand knots printed, the mouth spit, and still fully urged the nameless mountain, the two positive and negative instruments are boundless.

The spirit of the five elements of the gathering is divided into more than half, and the direction of the purple light shines.

“Sword Master is meant to be ready to pick up?”

Yun’er is a bit strange. Zhuang Wudao in his memory is definitely not such a temperament. It is not the kind of person who must report, but if he is provoked, the counterattack is often unexpectedly fierce.

That Shen Lin and Xiao Zheng are the former examples.

However, the next moment, Yun’er already feels wrong. Zhuang Wudao The inculecating spirit of the Five Elements is too big.

In the past, there is no problem. However, at this moment, most of the land under the unnamed mountain was cut off. This incomplete state of the two pros and cons is infinitely large, and simply cannot bear it.

“It turns out that-“

She also thought that her own Sword Master has turned her temperament.

Sure enough, after only a few hundred interest, Zhuang Wudao’s body was banned and began to collapse. In an instant, the unrecognized and uplifting of the nameless mountains collapsed.

This ‘both positive and negative instruments are infinitely large, and the air machine turns into a weak moment. Although it did not really collapse, it was only partially damaged. However, it is not enough to meet the Wei Feng and others who are outside the six thousand miles. It is not impossible, but the strength of blessing will be greatly weakened.

“唔Sword Master is a perfect skill for the hands of people. It is perfect, it does not affect the entire battle, and does not leave a handle.”

Zhuang Wudao’s face has not changed: “I see Yun’er, you think too much”

“What is going on? Why does the big battle suddenly collapse?”

At this time, Lu Shenjun, has returned to the top of the mountain, looking at this all around with a puzzled look. Especially looking at Zhuang Wudao, full of surprises.

“Tyrannical Junior Brother, don’t you need to give me an explanation?”

Whether by cultivation base or by seniority, Lu Shenjun is an elder. However, Zhuang Wudao, at this moment, will never care about this person.

“It’s a discipity, it’s rushing to save people, but forgetting to do what it takes.”

Zhuang Wudao is still expressionless, and only slightly apologizes in his eyes: “If you are not careful, you will make the side side in danger. This time I am not right. Fortunately, the formation has not collapsed, otherwise the tyrannical is really hard to die. blame.”

Lu Shenjun was silent for a while. He had 10,000 reasons. He believed that Zhuang Wudao was deliberately arbitrarily revenge today.

Otherwise, this ‘both positive and negative instruments are infinitely big, why is it not too late, but there is a problem at this moment?

Moreover, it is just right. The nameless mountain array still has enough strength to defend itself. It can still meet thousands of miles away from the Xuan Lingshan discipline north, but it can no longer separate the power and rescue Wei Feng and others.

However, at this time, he was accused of blaming, and there seems to be no position, and there is no clear evidence.

Zhuang Wudao is just a Qi Condensation discipline, in charge of this big array, this is the power of it. It’s inevitable that something went wrong in a moment. The whole process, which happened under his nose, did not reveal the traces of Zhuang Wudao.

The collapse of the banned ban is due to the unbearable, natural occurrence, without any flaws.

On the morals, Lu Shenjun could not justify himself. This time, because of Ming Cuifeng’s strong advocacy, he had this chaos in the east, but in the end he was even in the door. He wanted to use the Xuanlingshan family to top the tank. It’s really not good enough.

Even in the past 5,000 years, when Xuan Lingshan was a big man and he was alone in the power of Leaving Dust, he had never done such an excessive thing.

As a Xuan Lingshan discipline, Zhuang Wudao deliberately returns to Ming Cuifeng, which is a matter of course.

It is only by these speculations that Zhuang Wudao is accused of grievances and smuggling, and it is also untenable. Many things, although they understand in their hearts, they must not be said to the mouth. I really dare to say this, then between the two mountains and seven peaks, it is equivalent to completely tearing the dough.

His eyes hesitated and flashed for a moment, Lu Shenzhou faintly sighed: “But I will recover those bans as soon as possible. I just hope that you will be here, be careful not to go wrong.”

After all, he was only born in the Imperial Peak, not under the Ming Cuifeng. Although Liang Family is an ally, it is still far from being a family.

As long as the Sifting Mountain Sect is besieged at the moment, it is not the same side of the emperor lineage. Lu Shenzhou will not have much rebound.

Moreover, Zhuang Wudao is extremely measured, and the nameless mountain is a ‘big and a big number. It is not serious, and it can be repaired in half an hour.

Do not believe Wei Feng and others, even half an hour can not support. In this battle, Ming Cuifeng may suffer heavy losses, but not to total defeat of an army.

Even the three Golden Cores, including Wei Feng, can still safely return to the north. It is only the discipline of the Ming Cuifeng. It is inevitable that there will be no casualties. The last ten can save seven, and it is very good.

However, throughout the Southeastern War, it is not lossless.

Lossless o

Lu Shenzhou’s lips can not help but pumped, is more and more sure, the guess in his heart. Looking at Zhuang Wudao’s eyes, there are also a few more taboos.

Qi Condensation 9th Layer, 2nd Heavenly Layer of “Shang Ying Ying Yuan Zhen Zhen Lei Zhen Fa”, the battle of the nameless mountain turned into the cloud, the power of the combination in the desperate, the counterattack to kill Xu Wei, no solution . Looking for his own side, also, the temperament is sinister.

This seventh-placed discipline, which is included in the festival, is simply a monster.

“Uncle Shi can be assured”

Zhuang Wudao slightly dagger, the tone is still smooth and waveless: “tyrannical knows the weight -“

“Light and heavy? Do you still know how important?”

With this voice, a silver-white sword light, suddenly rushed to the foothills. When the light and shadow gradually dispersed, Su Qiu’s figure was standing on the side of Zhuang Wudao, and his eyes were full of anger.

“Shifting Mountain Sect is strong, I am waiting for the two mountains and seven peaks. When I work together to meet the enemy, how can you not know what to expect?”

Zhuang Wudao raised his eyebrows and then returned to calmness. He said: “Senior Brother is saying”

The heart is inwardly sneer, the overall situation? Only the weak will think about what the whole picture is. If I am strong, others need to consider, I need to take care of my heart, how can I not sin, do not provoke, rather than I take care of others.


The tone of Zhuang Wudao is not soft or hard, and it has a slight breath. Zhang mouth to speak, but I do not know what to say, and the accusation is also absolutely not said.

Wei Feng and others were besieged by Shifting Mountain Sect, and it was not harmful to them. What would be a little bit of pleasure in his heart? How much gloating?

After a long time, Su Qiuqi smiled and waved his hand: “I don’t care whether you are a heart or not, I don’t bother to say you. Just remember this kind of thing, there must be no two, no more willingness.” Look at tyrannical, you are tired, you can go to rest, this big array, for me to take charge.”

Zhuang Wudao has no expression, once again bowed to Su Qiu, let go from the position of the center of the battle, and return to his own small building.

However, just after a few feet, Su Qiu suddenly said: “Junior Brother is not annoyed, whether it is in the past or in the future, Su Qiu thought that Shi Zun will introduce you to the entrance, which is the most fortunate thing for my Xuan Lingshan lineage.”

Zhuang Wudao laughed and didn’t look back. He continued to use the method of magnetic squatting and continued to go down the mountain.

During this half-month period, he worked hard, and he did feel that he was tired.

Looking at the back of Zhuang Wudao, Su Qiu is also a complex look, both appreciation and worry. Finally, he shook his head and started to hold the front and back of the two instruments.

Regardless of whether Zhuang Wudao’s actions are right or wrong, before the little Junior Brother grows into a towering tree, he can only shelter him from these Senior Brothers.

And almost at the same time, six thousand miles away, Wu is at the junction of the two countries. In Wei Feng’s eyes, there is no more than half of the glory, but the dawn is red and looking at the direction of the unknown mountain. In his body, he was almost overwhelmed by the technique of Shifting Mountain Sect.

Hundreds of Qi Condensation disciplines, all looking pale and sitting on the ground, almost everyone injured, weak breath.

Within the array, several corpses have been laid. The outer ten-digit Shifting Mountain Sect Golden Core is taking turns. Nearly 300 Foundation Establishments have teamed up to completely block this area.

Let everyone here wait for nowhere, and there is no door to the ground.

“Xuanling Mountain, Suqiu”

With a roar, Wei Feng clasped his hands with a hand, and there was a burst of sound at the bones. The fire in the eyes is the tempest.

“This hatred does not report, can’t kill you, I Wei Feng vows not to be human”

The thunder-like sound is spreading far. However, none of the people below responded. Or in a few days, there is also the color of hatred, but they are all faceless, and they are doing their best to constantly push the mana.

I was still gloating for the experience of Xuan Lingshan. After the blink of an eye, Sifting Mountain Sect was besieged, and there was a risk of falling, and they had already changed their lineage.

At this time, the last of them can survive, how many people can there be?

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