“Knocking the demon? Let the Shifting Mountain Sect Great Peace Sect collude with the otter, count my Leaving Dust Palace. I will not allow me to Leaving Dust, use this month’s bear daoist power to resolve the crisis? What is the truth? Collusion It’s better than my Xuan Lingshan lineage disciple, which is good in the total defeat of an army in the east.”

Dou Wenlong coldly snorted, he has already seen it these days. The turmoil of this eastward departure must be driven by the Great Peace Sect behind the scenes.

With a Shifting Mountain Sect alone, there is no such guts, dare to provoke Leaving Dust at this time. Also unable to contact the East Spring Palace with light mountains, echoing each other.

“Junior Brother is not a private promise. Since the real man gave him the seal, he gave the Junior Brother the right to act cheaply. It is not a collusion, but the demon is my aristocratic Protector. No, no. Just because of the bear today, we saved hundreds of disciples from Xuan Lingshan, and the real people will try to give it a future.”

Consoling a lot of Zhuang Wudao, Dou Wenlong sneered again, looking far away, by Lu Shenjun with “Dry Tiantai B Lei Prison Dafa”, oppressed to Xu Wei. The lips are slightly picky, and the eyes are full of meaning.

“The Dinghai public office has done everything, deliberately, and will not hesitate to be the pawn of the Great Peace Sect. It is also a plot to establish a country. Unfortunately, it has encountered the Junior Brother. After all, it is a failure, and the male figure has fallen into an empty space. Ding Haiwang? How ridiculous? I am really fortunate that the real people of the festival have been able to arrange for the public, and the introduction of the Junior Brother is really a great success for my Xuan Lingshan.”

“Senior Brother has a reputation”

Zhuang Wudao doesn’t feel that there is anything to be proud of: “The battle of today is just a fluke. The opponent is careless, and the layout of the mountain is accidentally detected by me, and there is a chance to be awkward.”

“tyrannical, you don’t have to be too modest, no matter what, after today, I need to be grateful to you in the mountains of Xuan Lingshan. You look at the mountains, and the rest of the people will be disrespectful to you -“

Dou Wenlong shook his head and pointed to the bottom. At this time, including several Foundation Establishments, more than 100 cultivators are full of joy and excitement. More concentrated, and adjust the spirits of the various places in the array, suppressing the eyes of the eye. Zhuang Wudao, who was sitting in the center of the big battle, suddenly relaxed a lot.

And Dou Wenlong went on, but he looked at the direction of the south: “Xu Wei has indeed lost. Today, I only regret that I can’t kill this Xu Wei in the nameless mountain. The five people who are out of this evil are close, Junior Brother can Recalling Yue Xiong Daoist and Lu Shenjun’s uncle, I joined forces with Lu Shenjun’s uncle, and restored at least 40% of the ground in a quarter of an hour-“

Just during the time when the two spoke, the five Golden Core cultivators in the south were close to the one-hundred-mile mountain. At this time, even if the cultivation base such as Dou Wenlong does not rely on the force of the array method, it can sense the distance from the distance of a hundred miles, and the strong vitality changes.

This distance, even if there are both positive and negative instruments, the sky is blocked, and the other party can only arrive in a hundred breathing hours. The strength of the two sides is still very disparate and disproportionate.

However, only the moon bear daoist and Lu Shenjun, retreat back to the pros and cons of both instruments are boundless. There is a Golden Core, a third-order demon repair. Even if the ten 20-digit Golden Core teamed up, I would like to take the nameless mountain in a day or two.

Once you return to Su Qiu and others, it is the time when the soldiers and the many unknown Golden Cores, the die without a burial site.

Su Qiu came to control this ‘both positive and negative instruments, and the power is enough to beat him four times.

Even if the Primordial Spirit cultivator is personally, it is not good here, let alone only six or seven Golden Cores in this area?

“For the time being, don’t worry, wait for the rest. I will kill Xu Wei in this unnamed mountain, and I may not be able to do it.”

Just as Dou Wenlong and Shen Shen suddenly, Zhuang Wudao looked deep into the north: “If the person is determined to be determined, he will never allow Wei Anran to return. That one is the killing intent of Dinghaigong, but you and me. It’s going to be stronger. If he doesn’t do it at this time, it’s too late.”


Dou Wenlong’s thick eyebrows are slightly picking, the eyes are full of doubts and doubts, and there is a fog, and I don’t know what Zhuang Wudao means.

At the moment, under the nameless mountain, the Xu Haiwei Xu Wei has been a raging madness. The relatives and laws that have been recruited have been crushed several times by Lu Shenjun’s dry-day Taiyi Shenlei.

It was a wound, but it was still able to support it, but it was the nearby ice layer, which was continuously melted under the bombardment of Lu Shenjun.

Changes from a hundred miles away, Ding Haigong can also sense, and then the eyes are restored to calm again, floating the luster of hope.

“Several brothers please stop here and break the enemy. This battle can’t last long, but it can be broken.”

When he spoke, Xu Wei’s body rushed out of the water dragon and went to Lu Shenjun.

In midair, several spells were played in succession, and the whole sky was covered with clouds. A little raindrops, falling down.

And when the opposite body, the body, once again formed, Xu Wei slammed his left arm and threw it into the phase, the with the body of the law.

The black water of the black one is dyed with a layer of blood red, even if it is bombarded by the sword of Lu Shenjun, it can still condense.

This is at all costs, but also to block Lu Shenjun and return to the unknown mountain. The key to knowing this battle is that the ‘pros and cons of the two instruments are boundless, the broken ground, can be repaired.

Can only hold this person, he still has 70% chance of winning

“When Xu Wei is unsuccessful today, he is a good person. Please ask a few and help me.”

But when this voice fell, Xu Wei suddenly felt a horror in his heart, and his heart looked blank and looked to the south.

I saw that at the moment, Jiang Yu’s body was surrounded by the gods, and all of them disappeared. The figure flashed, urging four silver-white light wheels, not far from a thousand feet, and another Golden Core cultivator.

Xu Wei’s heart suddenly became tight and recognized this style. It is one of the famous Divine Abilty by Jiang Yuxi. Unparalleled, the wind wheel is extremely broken,

On the other side, a sword light flashed, with an infinite amount of brilliance, and also fell from the upper oblique position. With Jiang Yu, one left and one right, echoing each other.

Xu Wei was suddenly bored in his chest, and his mouth spit a mouthful of blood.

“Jiang Yu Wang Xiu, do you dare?”

“How dare not”

Jiang Yu’s look was faint, his words were indifferent, and there was no emotional fluctuation. The sound has not yet fallen, and the four silver light wheels have smashed the golden Core cultivator body, which has been caught off guard, and smashed into the sky.

“Shifting Mountain Sect doesn’t care for my Jiang family for hundreds of years of hard work. I don’t need Jiang Yu to be natural. I will kill Shifting Mountain Sect. Today, I am away from Yizhi and will be sheltered by Leaving Dust. Zhuang Wudao The maid is still safe and sound, and if you say what you say, today’s rebellion, don’t forget your promise.”

Zhuang Wudao brows a head, and then in the direction of Jiang Yu, the first jaw of the ceremony: “Naturely remember Jiang Yu Senior deep and righteousness, today is a wise move to abandon the dark, it is also a wise move in the snow. I am Leaving Dust Palace up and down, I am grateful.”

That Dou Wenlong opened his mouth and could not close for a long time. It took a lot of breathing time to react.

East from Yizhi, under the umbrella of Leaving Dust, is the opposite of Shifting Mountain Sect?

Zhuang Wudao When is the time to contact the East Taijun Guojun?

Then, Dou Wenlong’s breathing turned to rush. Knowing the meaning of the East, and the meaning of Jiang Yu’s retreat is far more than just the change of this unknown mountain.

It also means that the East is away from the royal family, and the nearly tens of Qi Condensation cultivator and the twelve Foundation Establishments are on the Leaving Dust side. And many of the aristocratic family in the territory, tens of thousands of scattered repairs, will also be shaken.

The situation in the southeast is a complete transformation. Shifting Mountain Sect and Leaving Dust Palace have been transformed into strengths and weaknesses.

“Jiang Yu, you are a beast, a traitor, a daring, a daring, you are not afraid of Shifting Mountain Sect, you are a whole family of Jiang, will you be a thousand?”

That Xu Wei is already a singular excuse, swearing: “When it is really a tiger, I was blamed by Shifting Mountain ancestors, and I can’t let you live. I want to kill you. As long as I still have Xu Wei. One day, sooner or later, you will be Jiang Yu Wan.”

Jiang Yu is what is said to be contemptuous.

Shifting Mountain Sect 诛戮 诛戮 诛戮 千 千? At this time, the six-digit Golden Core, the power of the two third-order enchanting, and the layout for several years, can not take this nameless mountain. Also talk about revenge east?

The nameless mountain is not lost, and most of the Leaving Dust cultivator can be safely withdrawn from Eastern Wu. What followed, must be the counterattack of the Leaving Dust Palace.

Xu Wei’s sixteen states are the first to bear the brunt. And when you leave the country in the east, the situation is not much better.

At this moment, can you not rebel? Even if there is a recurrence in the southeastern bureau, things have already been done, and there is no room for regret.

The four silver-white wind wheels reconverged beside him, and Jiang Yu’s eyes were also in the killing intent.

At this time, Lu Shenjun also chuckled: “Jiang brother’s anti-goal strike today is a wise move.”

At the moment, both sides have won the game. When it comes to strength, plus Jiang Yu and Wang Xiu, there are four Golden Core ranks on the nameless mountain side. The back and forth are both big and powerful, and the strength has surpassed the opponent’s number.

Therefore, Lu Shenjun’s look is also a lot easier, calm and calm. However, the dry days he used to perform, but also quietly, weakened a bit of power.

Ding Haigong Xu Wei died here, for Leaving Dust Palace, or a good thing, that Jiang Yu is also a life of this person, it is bound to win. In the case of Eastern Wu, it may not be beneficial.

However, at this moment, the ‘ka-cha’ came out suddenly, and it was crisp and clear, even in the sound of countless hurricane thunder and blast, it was still clearly audible.

When everyone was surprised to follow the sound, I saw the bear daoist that month, I don’t know when I had bitten the throat of the third-order otter.

After the mouthful of swallowing a few mouthfuls of blood, the moon shadow mad bear looked up again, bloodthirsty crazy eyes, and looked at Xu Wei.

Then, by the shadow of the film, a flash, the seven hundred feet of huge demon body, has already arrived in front of Xu Wei. One palm shot, ‘Boom, the sound of the sound, actually Xu Wei the whole person, flying more than a hundred feet.

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