Even if they belong to the same party, Zhuang Wudao can’t help but feel a cold. At this point, I finally understood. Why did Su Qiu say that this demon bear had the strength of the realm of the Primordial Spirit at night, and Yun’er was surprisingly unrecited.

The ontology and the two incarnations, each of which has the power to transcend the ordinary Golden Core.

At that time, Xu Wei did not dare to sit and look at it. In an instant, there were countless ice guns that rose from the ground.

The cold water is the water that can be repaired and refining the Kanyuan water. It is manipulated here for dozens of miles of ice and ice. Although it is not as good as water vapor, it can also be used with do.

The pillar of the ice gun swelled from the foot of the moon shadow raging bear, and it was rushing out. And behind Xu Wei, there is also a group of water in the formation. It is three times smaller than the previous huge water mountain. However, it can not be frozen by the cold force of the ice.

Nine heads, stretching out of the water, this group of water, has also changed into a huge animal body, resembling the shape of a lizard.

“This is a dollar of heavy water”

This time, without the mention of Yun’er, Zhuang Wudao recognized it. There are many water systems that can be restrained from freezing by the ice, but there are only a few in the Golden Core stage.

The inside is also very poisonous, and the whole group of water has turned into a thick black. Even if the strength of the first month’s shadow raging bear is strong, as long as it is smashed by the law, the body will be eroded more than half.

At that time, the icy swords underneath, after killing more than 200 underground otters, they swept up and gathered together. Move towards Xu Wei.

Then Xu Wei did not see the action, only the imperial concubine, the law, a black liquid of water, God explored in front of him.

Then all the ice and cold power melted, and the sword gas was dissolved by the poison.

Zhuang Wudao glanced coldly and knew that it was only three hundred miles away, the Beitang Guyue Family, a set of light ice sword array, can not hold the Ding Haigong.

The former can only do with difficulty to get the strength of a Golden Core cultivator, while the latter can still compete with the cultivator of the Golden Core Late Stage by virtue of one dollar of heavy water.

With two hand-held seals, Zhuang Wudao continued to meditate on the words of the gods, and guided the gods of the gods in the mountain belly to gather in the sky.

A thunder of lightning flashed, and this Heaven and Earth was reflected as white.

“Du Tian Yu Dao, Shen Lei Tian -“

The spirit will be exhausted, and when the technique is nearing completion, the north direction, but dozens of white lights are looming.

The more the time comes, the more than a hundred miles away. After arriving at the Unknown Mountain, they went to the opposite side, and the Fa, and swept away.

As soon as Fang Yi approached, one piece exploded. Each group of white light releases an infinite amount of light and heat, and a wave of suffocating air is removed like a wall. Putting the blasphemy, the law, and the riddled holes, the sinister heavy water of the group was scattered everywhere. Once landed, it will erode large areas of the ground and completely dissolve those thick layers of ice.

However, when these dozens of white light, all burst open. Xu Wei tried his best to reunite the ‘phases and laws, but it was already broken and on the verge of collapse.

And Xu Wei’s pupil, once again shrinking, for the first time, the color of annoyed anger and anger: “Dry Tiantai E-Thunder, Lu Shenjun, is your battle today, you dare to intervene?”

Zhuang Wudao only listened to Tiantaiyi Shenlei, six characters, it has been linked to ‘Lu Shenjun, three characters. Not surprisingly, he had already felt this person before the moment, and was approaching the direction of Wumingshan.

The only Golden Core of the Eastern Wu royal family, which lurked for a few days after three thousand miles, finally arrived at this critical time.

The Taishang Monarch, who was a hundred years ago, is said to be the extremely rare 2nd Grade Ray Spirit Root, and the method of learning is precisely the “Daitian Taiyi Lei Prison Dafa”, one hand Tiantai Yilei, and the heroic South.

In the early years, he was also a true biography of Leaving Dust Palace. He went to the emperor’s gate and studied Leavig Dust Palace. The book “Shang Ying Ying Yuan Zhen Zhen Lei Real Law”, after the successor monarch, only sect understanding , out of sect. The transfer of “Dai Tian Tai B Lei Prison Dafa” is also a merit of up to 3rd Grade.

Zhuang Wudao thought of a move, put away this screaming thunder and sigh, and the heart is an inward sigh, whether this month bear daoist, or this ‘Lu Shenjun, but they are not seen rabbits do not eagle The master. If you don’t see the odds, you won’t shoot. Especially the latter, actually forbearing to the present.

“How can’t it be me?”

From a distance, a hundred miles away, Lu Shenjun’s sneer voice came: “You are the owner of the Eastern Wu Country, and you are alone in the Wu Guotai monarch. How can you not shoot? It’s a joke. Surpassing City is my Lu. Family things, can’t let others get involved

Just between the words, the air is already a hollow, and the white thunder nets are scattered. It is possible to borrow the nameless mountain here, the pros and the reversal of the two instruments, the power of the day, the power of the Rafa, also pushes up the 30%

“Thunder swords and evil spirits”

That dry day, too, the gods and thunders gathered in the void, and then condensed a huge sword of seventy feet, and poked away in the direction of Xu Wei.

That Xu Wei changed his face and made every effort to continue to maintain his relatives. In addition to the law, he recruited thousands of icicles and stretched into the sky. Then it was like a big umbrella on one side, and it spread out on the head of Xu Wei, guiding the diversion of the vast dry days and Tailei.

At this time, he couldn’t take it anymore. The third-order otter, who was gradually being forced into a desperate situation by the moon mad bear, could only protect himself.

Those icicles and ice umbrellas are all under the thunder and bombardment. However, Xu Wei at this time also rushed to the top with a red-red wooden sword. Collided with the dry sword of the Taitiantai, it did not break up in the first time, but the vast majority of the dry-day Taiyi Lei Li, all sucked into it, but the sword of the wooden sword is also There was a crack in the silk.

The nameless mountain, Zhuang Wudao’s brow, picked up a bit of curiosity.

“This is what the Spirit Tool? I have never seen it in the book.”

“It should be Tongmucheng, with the special Forbidden Law, which can absorb various Divine Abilty. Before Seventh Tribulation, there is no such Spirit Tool. The generation should be from Seventh Tribulation. The lightning system is Dao. Technique, Sulai is considered to be the first of the power, but also the most vulnerable to disasters. However, several catastrophes have accumulated, and the law of resistance is also quite a lot. I know that there are nearly a thousand kinds. Resisting Leifa, it is really eye-opening, can be described with whimsy.”

Yun’er has seen a lot of knowledge. Before Seventh Tribulation, I don’t know how many Divine Abilty, the Spirit Tool Prfound Technique. Even if this Tongmu sword has not been heard before, it only needs a glance to know what is going on.

Zhuang Wudao picks up his eyebrows and is more and more deeply aware that the Culture Technique can’t just repair one. Bo is not right, it is not conducive to his cultivation base, but if you only specialize, it will leave too many weaknesses.

For example, today’s Xu Wei, a Kan Yuan Shui Jing Zhu, the performance of the show. However, once it was frozen by the thousand miles, the water vapor in hundreds of miles was frozen, and the strength was greatly reduced.

He recently felt that the power of the “Shang Ying Ying Yuan Zhen Zhen Lei Zhen Fa” is far beyond the “Heavenly Jade Illuminating Life Sutra”. When practicing comprehend daily, he can’t help but favor the former.

And Xu Wei, with the help of this paulownia sword, also made Lu Shenjun’s murder and the battle.

It can be seen today that the “Heavenly Jade Illuminating Life Sutra” needs to do more work, so that one day, it will encounter the dilemma like Xu Wei.

“The moon shadow mad bear, Eastern Wu royal family Lu Shenjun, this is the Junior Brother these days, the means to prepare?”

When Dou Wenlong did not know when, he had already arrived behind Zhuang Wudao, and his right hand was carrying the body of Xuan Feizi. The eyes are complicated, and the comfort is a bit awe.

“It was really unexpected. I thought that this battle was my nameless mountain. Ten people could escape from Xu Wei, even if it was very good.”

“Before you sneak the sinus Senior Brother, please also ask Senior Brother for your understanding.”

Zhuang Wudao smiled and turned back and explained: “Before the dust settled, I really dared not plan for me and tell anyone.”

“This is justification, nothing. In this battle, the Junior Brother is on thin ice. If there is a mistake, it is all lost. I look in my eyes. Before I can confirm it, I can’t trust it. Once the news leaks, Xu Weiyou Prepared, the Junior Brother is not sure.”

Dou Wenlong shook his head and didn’t care: “It’s just my best, how do you say that the moon shadow mad bear? It’s not the Junior Brother. I have seen it with him. The Junior Brother is really daring.”

“On their own site, there is such a group of otters. The surrounding river network is the best place to live in these otters. Can you bear the sorrow of the scorpion? He occupies a thousand miles of this place and governs all the demon people. Whether it is a name that is not right or wrong, but also a big crusade. If there is Leaving Dust to rely on, then you can rest assured.”

In fact, convincing the moon shadow mad bear, Zhuang Wudao is somewhat grasped, not surprising.

On the contrary, Lu Shenjun finally appeared here, which surprised him. He did pass the channel of the Beitang Ancient Moon Liang Family, with this news.

According to common sense, Lu Shenjun was born in the lineage of the Emperor Peak. At this time, the place where the Emperor Peak was stationed was also in a bad situation. Not as dangerous as an unnamed mountain, but there is also the risk of being besieged.

However, Lu Shenjun finally chose to rescue this place. Sure enough, this Surpassing City gains and losses, in the eyes of Lu Shenjun, more important to the friendship with the emperor lineage.

For Eastern Wu, wherever you can fall, only the surpassing city of Surpassing City can’t fall into the enemy.

“Can collude with the Yaozu, in the end is still a violation of the sect commandment. In addition to that month, the bear daoist arbitrarily promised, allowing him to seal the request, the land of thousands of miles to the demon. This tyrannical back to the mountain, the younger brother I am afraid that the blame is not light.”

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