“There seems to be a Golden Core fall.”

When he said this, Su Qiu’s figure was in the void, and a bunch of sword light was returning from a distance, and it was unified into one on his side.

The opponents who are 30 miles away have been temporarily repulsed by him. At the moment, the surrounding area of ​​the twelve miles has been covered by the gods of the gods. There are many disciples below, and there are no worries about them.

It is also the Golden Core cultivator around Shifting Mountain Sect. At this moment, it seems that there are taboos and fears, and it is no longer full of siege.

Just because of the movements of the unknown mountains thousands of miles away, it is too big, thousands of miles away, you can also feel the turbulent roaring spiritual flow changes, one after another, all sturdy Origin Soul shattered, resulting in a spirit power wave .

However, the ‘pros and cons of the two instruments are infinitely large, and they are still unmoving and extremely stable. They provide the thunder and fire blessings for this side, and there is a steady stream of spirits.

After making these people through the war, they are still full of vitality and full of air.

“The strength of blessing there has not been reduced, but has increased.”

Han Wenhai was also surprised. He looked at the north with doubts: “Golden Core cultivator, or a third-order demon repair. In a quarter of an hour, at least three people have fallen. What is going on?”

He couldn’t see the specific situation there, but at least he knew that on the Leaving Dust Palace side, there was no other Golden Core cultivator in the Eastern Wu Country.

Wu is in the territory of the two countries, and there is no demon repair, playing for the Leaving Dust Palace.

The three powerful cross-air machines that were previously suffocated could never be from the door of Leaving Dust. However, just relying on a non-Golden Core cultivator to sit on the front and back of the two instruments is infinite, can you have the power of Golden Core or third-order demon repair?

Unfortunately, at this moment, he can only sense the guess. I don’t know where it is, what happened.

Shifting Mountain Sect’s ‘Wan Yu Ling Ling’s big squad, not only banned most of the letter transmission, but also blocked many cultivators can glimpse thousands of miles away.

“I hope there will be three more hours when there is nothing to do, and within three hours, you can return safely-“

Su Qiu’s double fists are forbidden, and the strong pressure suppresses the anxiety in the chest. In the way of his sword, if you do not care about the full power of consumption, it will take less than a moment to reach the foothills of the Unknown Mountain.

However, at the moment, there are Xuan Ling lineage, hundreds of Qi Condensation cultivator. Among them, the cultivation base is weak, even if it is used to stimulate the potential, and do everything in its power, regardless of the consequences. An hour is just four hundred miles.

It is impossible for him to give up these cumbersomeness and go north alone. The lower-age cultivators below are the pillars of Xuan Lingshan in the future. In the future, Xuan Lingshan still can stand proud of the hope of Leaving Dust and the seven peaks.

“Well? Not right!”

After a horror, Su Qiu also raised the sword eyebrows at the same time, looking around all around. Being able to sense, those trailing pursuits, those Shifting Mountain Sect cultivators who are constantly trying to stop their return, just like the tides receding

The first is the Foundation Establishment of nearly 200 people, which has been withdrawn, and then the nine Golden Cores have also retreated and opened their distance.

Between a dozen breaths, it was separated by a hundred miles away from contact.

However, at this moment, Su Qiu’s attention is still six thousand miles away, and the wave of soul waves spread by the nameless mountain.

The idea was mad, unwilling, violent, hateful, regretful, and finally gradually lost to silence, leaving no trace.

“This is – Kan Yuan Shui Jing Zhu, is the sea of ​​the public Xu Wei Xu Wei, seems to have been squatting – not right, it is indeed a dead person and one person, a total of five Golden Core”

It was somewhat uncertain before, but the last sentence was a positive tone. All the changes in the spirit of the other side have already made him judge that the sea is Xu Wei, and he must have been under the unknown mountain.

The two couldn’t help but stop the blasphemy, face each other, and look puzzled.

“What happened to Xu Wei’s body, is it that the Master has arrived and personally shot?”

At the moment, it is another Golden Core Yuan Qiuzi, who is known for his seriousness and integrity. He claims that Heaven and Earth collapsed without discoloration.

At this moment, it is also far from the direction of the north, and the look of the face is shocked.

“It is said that although Xu Wei only has Golden Core Middle Stage, it can be cultivated by Kanyuan Shui, and it is often like a fish in the water network of the South. It can even summon the relatives, the law, the strength, and even more than many Golden. Core Late Stage. Even in front of the Primordial Spirit, you can retire from the whole body. Who is it, can you be able to walk under the nameless mountain?”

“In short, it won’t be a teacher.”

Han Wenhai’s tight mind has eased. He was able to guess, the many Shifting Mountain Sect cultivators, who suddenly retreated.

It must be that the battle under the nameless mountain is extremely bad, and may even be defeated.

However, it is impossible for the festival to be a real person. At this time, the Leaving Dust Palace is on fire, and only the Great Peace Sect’s hand reaching into the East Ocean will make Leaving Dust at least two of the Primordial Spirits.

Leaving Dust Origin Mountain is also unstable. After the inexplicable animal tide, the entire Nanping Mountains are full of sorrows and sorrows. In addition, it is necessary to contain the Shifting Mountain ancestor who is also a Primordial Spirit, and block it from directly engaging in this battle.

In short, this southeast chaos, Leaving Dust at least three or five months, stabilize the East Ocean situation, it is possible to draw strength to counterattack Shifting Mountain Sect.

But no matter what the situation is there, their pedestrians have escaped safely. Without Shifting Mountain Sect’s obstruction interception, hundreds of Xuan Ling Men, here at the early morning, can safely reach the Unknown Mountain

“It’s a blessing to be able to get rid of this disaster.

And when his words fell, the far north was suddenly a sound of a beast roaring, with the help of the power of the moon, the sound waves rolling, thousands of miles away, the sound of the sky.

That ‘there are two big and small arrays of positive and negative instruments. The spirit of the five elements that was instilled in the air has also suddenly increased sharply, and the range has increased by more than double.

It seems that there are no other constraints, and the entire block can be fully blessed here.

“It’s the demon bear, the moon shadow mad bear”

Su Qiu’s eyes were first and foremost, and then he followed a sharp sword light. A breathing time, it flew a dozen miles away.

“The two Senior Brothers continue to be careless here, I will go there and see what happens.”

The people of Shifting Mountain Sect have already retired, and there is also a ‘big and negative instrument of both sides. It only takes two two Golden Cores to sit down. What he wants to know most now, why is Xu Wei? Under the nameless mountain, what happened in less than two moments?

Who is it, so that the nameless mountain has been reversed?


Xu Wei has been married, and the five Golden Core cultivators of the Wumingshan Mountain, in addition to Jiang Yu Wang Xiu, also killed two people. Only one person saw the machine badly. When Jiang Yu suddenly turned his back, he had already returned and evacuated. He fled hundreds of miles early.

Even if the ‘pros and cons of the two instruments are big, the fourth-order gods are thunderous, and it is impossible to block this personal film.

Strong enemy, but this unnamed mountain, but it is full of ruins.

Zhuang Wudao is still at the foot of the mountain, presiding over the large-scale center, and it is difficult to adjust thousands of miles, all the spirits of the five elements.

Although there are several Golden Cores present here, the ‘pros and cons are both big and big, and it is one of the rumors of the Leaving Dust Palace.

Zhuang Wudao is absolutely impossible to make the pivotal phase, let the outsiders peek into the mystery of the pros and cons of the two instruments.

Even this set of methods has actually been thoroughly studied by the major and powerful sects.

As for Lu Shenjun, when Leavig Dust Palace was a real discriminator, he also knew this big line of mystery. However, at this moment, it is a joint effort with Dou Wenlong to repair the veins of the Wumingshan fault.

The part of the surface is still good. Under the surface, the depth of 12,000 miles, but the soil, the tyrannical people, and the ice, will sooner or later melt. Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to delay the melting of the ice.

To deal with this, in addition to the Golden Core cultivator, others can do nothing.

“Du Tian Yu Dao, Qian Kun holding the law -“

Zhuang Wudao hand-pressed the road, and forced the five elements of the Heaven and Earth to be forcibly bound, forming a vast spiritual river, and rushing to the land of the south.

However, his attention has always been divided and placed in the north. In the eyes of Zhuang Wudao, there is also a bit of doubt.

The Golden Core cultivator, which he first sensed with the mind, and who is good at hiding, did not appear.

Originally thought that Xu Wei and Shifting Mountain Sect gathered in the Golden Core, not six but seven. This person will definitely burst out when the battle is most intense, and sneak up.

Therefore, Zhuang Wudao manipulated this ‘both positive and negative instruments, and there were always a lot of room to defend this person.

However, after the war, this not only did not appear, Zhuang Wudao’s idea, even could not sense the existence of this person within three thousand miles.

Is this person on the same day, just passing by?

Zhuang Wudao thought for a moment, then shook his head and buried this incomprehensible meaning into the bottom of my heart.

Although this southeast is remote, it is a wild land among the population of the Central Plains in ancient times. However, the Golden Core cultivator is also more than 800 people.

There is a Golden Core, just passing by during the battle, stop for a while, curious and wait, not surprising

At this point the battle has been set, and there is no need to care.

“I look over there, still the war is not going out.”

Jiang Yu and Wang Xiu both got Zhuang Wudao Yun Ke and entered the barrier of the big array. The latter’s Yu Jian is floating, but the former is straight to the side of Zhuang Wudao.

At the moment, Jiang Yu’s eyes are somewhat helpless. At the time of the day, he still didn’t know exactly, but before he started, he had clear comprehension. Sending a spiritual slave to contact him privately, it should be the junior named Zhuang Wudao, who is arrogant.

If the Leaving Dust Palace is really ready for planning, the three directions in the southeast will not endure until now. The Ming Cuifeng, the emperor peaks, should have been out of danger at this time.

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