Tianchenzi and Xuanjie, suddenly face each other, all eyes show strange colors. Knowing that Zhuang Wudao has fallen in the ranking of the top of the list, it should be the role of the god.

God has no mark of the order, it is far stronger than the stone. Although the latter can seal the information of the ‘third-order Spirit Root’, it can’t lower the ranking.

God has no mark, but it can completely separate the proportion of potential in the Zhuang Wudao overall ranking.

However, because of understanding, the two will feel amazed. Why is Zhuang Wudao still in the total list, with a total of 278,164 after the exclusion of the Spirit Root qualification? Still over the 600,000 Foundation Establishment cultivator?

Tianchenzi was frowned, and then thoughtfully asked: “You said that Zhuang Wudao’s major Cultural Technique is Ox Demon Origin Hegemon Body. So, is he good at Fist Technique and Body Refining?”

“It’s good to be good at Fist Technique, but I have heard that his swordsmanship is also extremely good. Today I am Leaving Dust great competition mountain test, ranking fourth in the new discipline, the city, is said to have been in the road test. Was defeated by his sword

After that, Xuanjiezi hesitated for another moment: “Besides, the strength of the Junior Brother may not be weak. In addition to the Ox Demon Origin Hegemon Body, this child has a Heavenly Jade Illuminating. Life Sutra, at the time of the 1st Layer in Qi Condensation, incorporates a Shi Ming spirit into the body. After the introduction, Junior Brother’s only choice of the Cultural Technology is my Leaving Dust. Real Royal Thunder.”

“That is to say, he is the tyrannical technique Dual Cultivation? It is quite interesting.”

Tianchenzi sighed and then threw fifteen third-order Origin Storing Stone onto the base of the monument.

“I want to know the Tianji monument, Zhuang Wudao’s Martial Dao ranking, and his sword and Fist Technique, exactly the ranking geometry?”

As the Origin Spirit in the Origin Storing Stone was taken over, on the stone tablet, three lines of silver and white characters were displayed.

“Heaven World Leaving Dust Palace Zhuang Wudao, the Martial Dao in this world ranked 142,322 born in Zhou Country, now living in East Wu Yue City. Leaving Dust Palace Heaven is under the disciple of the courtyard. Year 18, Qi Condensation 9th Layer. Father Great Peace Sect Chong Yangzi Shen Lie, mother Zhuang Xiaoxi passed away-“

“Heaven World Leaving Dust Palace Zhuang Wudao, the number of kendo in this world is 12,355, born in Zhou Country -“

“Heaven World Leaving Dust Palace Zhuang Wudao, Fist Technique in this world ranked 195,622 born in Zhou Country -“

Xuanjiezi’s pupils are miniature, and they can’t help but suck their mouths. The kendo ranks 123,000, in other words, Zhuang Wudao’s accomplishments in Kendo have outweighed most of the Foundation Establishment discipline.

No wonder, after the qualification of Spirit Root, it is still on the top of the list.

That day, I was stunned by startled, but I continued to throw fifteen pieces of Origin Storing Stone in front of the monument.

“It’s still this man, Martial Dao, kendo and Fist Technique, only for Qi Condensation Realm –“

The time divine light is a illusion, and the celestial monument has made a sound change.

“Heaven World Leaving Dust Palace Zhuang Wudao, the first place in the world of Qi Condensation cultivator Martial Dao”

“Heaven World Leaving Dust Palace Zhuang Wudao, the first place in the Ji Condensation cultivator Kendo in this world”

“Heaven World Leaving Dust Palace Zhuang Wudao, the first place in the world of Qi Condensation cultivator Fist Technique”

In front of the Tianji stone monument, suddenly a moment of silence. After a long time, Tianchenzi sighed.

“A good Zhuang Wudao, actually it is really a sword fist. I remember that Yu Xu Xuan Shishu was in the past, Qi Condensation is only the first method of the law. But I don’t know how his technique? If it can also be based on the high position, Then you Leaving Dust Palace, I am afraid that I can rest easy for the next six hundred years.”

The sacred festival silently does not speak, but it turns to the last god in the hand without a mark, and the golden light scatters the monument, covering the Zhuang Wudao sword technique ranking.

Since Leaving Dust Palace knows Zhuang Wudao from above and below, the main one is Ox Demon Origin Hegemon Body, and Fist Technique is the first person to be the realest Qi Condensation Realm. Then Zhuang Wudao is not necessary in the Kendo ranking of the Celestial List.

At this time, he was already frowning, and Xuan Lingshan lineage was followed by someone. This is a good thing. However, it is not a good thing to be so early. Especially in Xuanling Mountain, when the power is fading.

He did not dare to doubt the decision of the real people of the festival, and he had to try his best to cover up Zhuang Wudao.

Tianchenzi looked quietly and did not speak. Until the Xuanjiezi, completely seal the line of words. Changed into the ‘Heaven World Leaving Dust Palace Zhuang Wudao, in this world, the Qi Condensation cultivator kendo ranking unknown, and then took out five third-order Origin Storing Stone thrown.

“Inquiry, Zhuang Wudao celestial list ranking”

All the silvery words are all hours, and on the required machine list, the divine light changes.

“Heaven World Leaving Dust Palace Zhuang Wudao, the ranking of this method is 442,224.

Tianchenzi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, ranking around forty-four thousand, for a person who has the qualification of “Origin Soul,” is still normal.

If it is also high above 200,000, then this Zhuang Wudao, it can be regarded as a enchanting.

Then her gaze fell to the bottom, another name.

It is not that the person has something different, but in the following narrative, there is also the same four words of Taiping Chong Yang.

“Heaven World Zhou Country Xiao Zheng, the ranking of this method is 443,225, 57 years old, Great Peace Sect, Xiao’s spiritual servant, Foundation Establishment, Sixth Floor. Xiao Lingshu, owner of Great Peace Sect Chong Yangzi Shen Lie, now lives in Heaven East Wu Memorial City –“

Tianchenzi willow eyebrow slightly picks, Taiping Chong Yang’s spiritual servant, the ranking is only lower than Zhuang Wudao, also in East Wu Yue City.

It’s a coincidence that for an aristocratic family servant, at the age of 57, it is a great achievement in the realm of the Foundation Stage in the Foundation Establishment.

With the Zhuang Wudao in Surpassing City, I don’t know why it is not unrelated.

Tianchenzi did not care much. Zhuang Wudao had his own teacher’s support. It was just a technique that stabilized this Xiaozheng.

Even if the cultivation base is only a refining situation, it is not the enemy of Xiao Zheng. It is not difficult to retreat.

But this Shen Family lineage, is it because of what? Father is the first person in the Foundation Establishment today, and his son is also the first in the world of Qi Condensation, with endless potential.

Fortunately, the father and son are not in harmony, one cast the Great Peace Sect in the north, and one under the door of Leaving Dust. Otherwise, the entire Heaven country will be the world of Great Peace Sect.

Shaking his head slightly, Tianchenzi was thrown out by five Origin Storing Stones.

“Only for Qi Condensation, Zhuang Wudao ranking geometry?”

“Heaven World Leaving Dust Palace Zhuang Wudao, the fifth place in the Qi Condensation cultivator in this world”

The mysterious face is smiling, this ranking is not high or low, and it is not too tempting to hate calculations. But after that day, I thought about it, but I took the initiative to take another god without a mark. A piece of golden light is sprinkled, and this method is ranked, and it is also sealed.

“Tianchen Daoyou? Why is this?”

The sacred festival is not strange to the generosity of Tianchenzi. The land of Xichuan, which Scarlet Yang City relies on, is known as the land of abundance. The prosperity of resources can be said to be second only to the Central Plains.

“Don’t forget the top of the list”

Tianchenzi said faintly, and lost five pieces of Origin Storing Stone in front of the monument.

“Review, how much is Zhuang Wudao on the list?”

Xuanjie frowned, but saw the ‘Heaven World Zhuang Wudao’ on the monument, which ranked 537,284 in this world. Born in Zhou Country, Shen Zhuang, now living in East Wu Yue City – these words.

This is only a slight surprise to the Xuanjie. If it is not Tianchenzi, there is no sign of this god, which covers the layout of Zhuang Wudao.

I am afraid that his Junior Brother’s ranking on the top of the list is still not pressed.

“You two people know that Ying Zhi and Fang Xiaoru are on the list. How many places in the top of the list?”

“Fazhi is 518,414, and Fang Xiaoru is slightly higher than the front line, which is 457,753, but this was three months ago-“

Xuanjiezi recalled the list of the talents before March, and he showed gratitude.

“The change in three months should not be big. Zhuang Junior Brother. His current ranking should be between him.

The heart is clear, even if the party filial piety has hidden strength, it has not appeared in the list of heaven. The ranking of Zhuang Wudao can also be stabilized.

Zhuang Wudao should have entered the top two in the list of Yingcai.

“The three gods have no marks, and the two seals are impossible. It won’t last long. The top 100 potential changes, and the Heavenly Dao League will know the first time. These strong ministers, who don’t want to know? For the first time, you will have to wait until half a year later.”

Tianchenzi smiled and the sword began to rise from the air: “I will inform Yu Shishu completely in the meantime. I will leave the first sentence. After the second place, I will be good at it. Xuanling Mountain can have Such a brilliant younger generation is not easy.”

After that, Tianchenzi had already crossed the air and went straight from the sky above the sky machine list.

The fifth in the world, Scarlet Yang City, which can compete with the Three Saints of the Central Plains, naturally has the qualification to despise Heavenly Dao’s alliance.

The sacred festival is a bitter smile, turned back to the rear, has been a word of do not say Dou Wenlong: “Dou Junior Brother, please inform the real person as soon as possible”

Dou Wenlong has been lost, and he looked at the monument. He was awakened at this time, and he leaned over and said: “Follow the orders.”

Then I saw the sacred festival like a smile, and Dou Wenlong suddenly realized that he had reacted.

“Senior Brother rest assured, I will personally return to Xuan Lingshan, ask Golden Core to protect the line, use the best flying boat. The details of this situation are all told to the real people.”

Lingjing City is about six or seven hundred thousand miles away from Xuanling Mountain. There are too many accidents on the road.

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