“There are 142,353 in this world –”

One hundred and twenty-two three hundred and fifty-three, he did not read it wrong?

The sacred knot only felt that the lips were born, and there was a blank in the mind, which had completely lost its ability to respond.

Heaven The kingdoms, there is a strong religious faction fifty Yu Family, the dynasty of the 30,000-square-century dynasty, the inheritance of more than 20,000 years of the aristocratic family twelve.

Foundation Establishment cultivator, there are no million, there are also 800,000. Only the Leaving Dust Palace family has more than 6,300 Foundation Establishment cultivators. The three great saints of the Central Plains are each having a Foundation Establishment of nearly 30,000.

Zhuang Wudao The cultivator of the 9th Layer in Qi Condensation can actually be based on the millions of Foundation Establishment cultivators. Is it incredible?

And the Qi Condensation 9th Layer is itself surprising.

His name is Junior Brother. It is said that it has been less than two years since it was introduced. It is already in the realm of the Date Stage of Qi Condensation?

Tianchenzi was also awakened after a moment of disappointment. His eyes flashed, and Tianchenzi took a glimpse of it, and sent five third-order Origin Storing Stones to the base of the stone tablet.

“Inquiry, Zhuang Wudao’s potential, how much is the rank of my Heaven? Qualification Spirit Root, why?”

Those third-order Origin Storing Stone’s instantaneous divine light is dim, and all the spirits are extracted in an instant, turning into a common stone powder.

The celestial list seems to be able to understand people’s words, and the writing on the tablet has begun to change.

“Heaven World Leaving Dust Palace Zhuang Wudao, ranked third in potential in this world. Born in Zhou Country, Shenzhuang, now living in East Wu Yue City. Leaving Dust Palace Heaven outside the courtyard, the age of eighteen, Qi Condensation 9th Layer. Father Great Peace Sect Chong Yangzi Shen Lie, mother Zhuang Xiaoxi passed away-“

There are still a few lines below the handwriting –

Third-order Tianmu Wood Spirit Root (hidden)

Third-order heavenly soil Spirit Root (hidden)

Third-order 3rd Grade Fire Spirit Root (Hidden)

Third-order 3rd Grade Gold Spirit Root (implicit)


Root Bone : 1st Grade

Origin Soul: Tianpin (undetermined)

Soul Body: Unknown –

The two unknown words show a dazzling red color. Xuanjie suddenly realized that this ‘unknown, two words, should be the only talent, the heavenly list can not be known.

I can look at the three ‘celestial, word, and reddish’ third and second words on the tablet, but the sacred festival is still rising red, and the Qi and blood are rushing. There is a feeling of emotion in the mind and it is difficult to be self.

Is the third-order Spirit Root and the third-order Spirit Root? Unfortunately, less than the fourth-order, third-order hidden Spirit Root can only be cultivated to the peak of the Golden Core. When you reach the Primordial Spirit, you can’t count on it.

Only the fourth-order hidden Spirit Root can be cultivated to the Primordial Spirit.

There is also the Order of the day, the Origin Soul, it is said that the effect of practicing the soul of the gods is farther than the number of times.

Although the mind is thinking like this, the sacred festival only feels that his limbs are soft and full of heat, and the joy in the chest seems to fly out of control.

“Tianjin Origin Soul?”

Tianchenzi fell into meditation and then shook his head. “I have heard from Yu Xu Xuan Shishu. After the Primordial Spirit Realm, Spirit Root is still important, but it has been waiting. Once it reaches the peak of the Golden Core, it will be Look at the order of Origin Soul, the higher the grade is the easier to repair into the Primordial Spirit. As for the so-called Soul Body, it is not known in detail, can make the list of the heavens unrecognizable, and must also be out of the ordinary. The reason why it ranks only third, Most of them are still limited by his cultivation base, only the influence of the gasification environment. I heard that this Zhuang Wudao is the son of Chong Yang in the northern Taiping. The previous Leaving Dust Palace test was great competition. This child was almost rejected by Ming Cuifeng. Outside? You Xuan Lingshan this time, it really is a big bargain, the real people of the festival, his eyes are like a torch, Xuan Lingshan is a successor.”

“many thanks Tianchen Daoyou’s beautiful words, Leaving Dust, with the same gas, if I declare that Lingshan is prosperous, it will not be negative.”

At this time, Xuanjie has been with difficulty to control the emotions and hold a smile. The pity of regret in his heart is actually just regrets and imperfections.

Xuan Lingshan can bring the third possibility of this world into the door, so luck, even the Central Plains Sansheng should be envious. Where can I still have something unsatisfactory?

However, when I look at the stone tablet again, there are some embarrassing colors in the eyes of the sacred festival.

After a long while, I was sad with a smile: “Tianchen Daoyou, you Scarlet Yang City, but there is a stone, this kind of thing, can you lend me one?”

Looking at the situation in front of me, I am afraid that these two stones are far from enough.

“I don’t have a stone, but there are two gods.”

Tianchenzi was extremely refreshing, and he took out two golden road signs directly and reached the front of the sacred festival.

“This is not a lot of Scarlet Yang City, I will use it for you, remember to return it within three months.”

Xuanjiezi suddenly looked a happy, and the two stunned characters were in the hands. Knowing this thing, the full name is no mark, and it is more powerful than the stone.

Without hesitation, Xuanjiezi crushed the two seal stones in his hand. In the stone, there was a divine light, which seemed to be a streamer made entirely of spiritual lines. Under the guidance of the mysterious son, it covered the stone monument, the ‘third-order Tianmumu Spirit Root, and ‘Origin Soul , Tianpin, two lines above the big characters.

After a while, I saw that the writing changed again, and both showed ‘unknown, two words.

It was just the ranking of Zhuang Wudao, but it did not fall from the potential list, still the third word.

Tianchenzi looked in his eyes and was quite surprised: “Why is this?”

“I have heard people say that Zhuang Junior Brother’s previous coaching technique is the vanquishing tigers and dragons boxing. After the Ox Demon Origin Hegemon Body, the cultivation base is advanced by leaps and bounds. Tian Pintu Spirit Root, others can guess, it is useless to hide.”

Xuanjiezi tried to understate the explanation, but in fact, when he was curious about the command of the festival a dozen days ago, he had done a lot of homework for Zhuang Wudao.

Zhuang Wudao When you step into the Leaving Dust Palace, you can’t say everything, but you know it.

After saying this sentence, after a meditation of Xuanjiezi, another print was decided, and a piece of singularity was induced. I saw only a piece of golden light, scattered away, covering the first line of the stone tablet.

On the day of the monument, suddenly it was a change, Zhuang Wudao’s three words disappeared, and there was a ‘character unknown, four characters.

The full text on the monument is changed into –

“Heaven World Unknown, the third place in this world. The birthplace is unknown, the age is unknown, the residence is unknown, the cultivation base is unknown, the parents are unknown –

Wood Spirit Root : Unknown

Third-order heavenly soil Spirit Root (hidden)

Third-order 3rd Grade Fire Spirit Root (Hidden)

Third-order 3rd Grade Gold Spirit Root (implicit)


Root Bone : 1st Grade

Origin Soul: Unknown (undetermined)

Battle body: unknown

Soul Body: Unknown -“

Tianchenzi laughed and laughed, then looked at it again. Only because of the potential list, although the former and the latter side of Zhuang Wudao are also on the list of the heavenly machine.

“The first one is Taiping Chong Yang, but the second one does not know which one is the disciple. It is also the four characters of the unknown person. In this hundred years, how many heroes in the world? Is it like Yu Xu Xuan Shishu In that way, the characters who made the Primordial Spirit in a hundred and twenty years were also pushed to the ninth potential list. No, now it is the tenth place-“

“In my opinion, most of the recognition of Profound Saint Sect.”

The Xuanjiezi dagger speculated: “The three great saints of the Central Plains, the dry Tianzong has Fang Xiaoru, and the Yuanyuan Temple also has a magic. Only Profound Saint Sect, still silent, no particularly excellent discipline, there are already many people Be curious.”

“It is indeed possible, but this second place may not be the filial piety or the wisdom of the party. To know this potential list, the specific rankings of Fang Xiaoru and the Fazhi can not be found so far.”

Tianchenzi sneered at the cold: “In the past, there were excellent children in each family, and they all wanted to know all the people in the world. Only these decades are particularly strange. The top 100 people on the potential list, there are actually thirty-four people, hiding them. Name.”

Hidden scaring what was said dumb, swearing that the winds of these years are indeed not enough, it is not a sign that the chaos will start.

In the Central Plains in recent years, not only the disputes between the Three Holy Sepulchre of the Central Plains, but also the involvement of Scarlet Yang City and the Great Peace Sect in the North have also brought the Central Plains to chaos.

In the three hundred years of the Great Spirit, the national strength of the country has gradually increased. The powerful of the Primordial Spirit of Heavenly Dao has more than 24 giants in the Ming Dynasty. It is almost inferior to Heaven’s first major teacher.

At this time, the Royal Family of the Great, has been sitting firmly in the throne, watching the battle between the tigers.

At this time, Tianchenzi said coldly: “You should know that this god has no limited effect. It is like a strong minister of the Central Plains. If it is curiosity, there is still a way to solve it.”

“This natural awareness”

Xuanjiezi slightly decapitated, but did not care: “With the innate talent of the Junior Brother, I can give my Leaving Dust Palace a “star compass.”

The full name is ‘Vientiane star Luo Ming machine disk, the name is contemplative, the role is the power of Vientiane, blocking the life. Even if it is a celestial list, it is helpless. The role of this thing is far more than just dealing with the list of heavenly machines.

It is a pity that this thing is from the cave house that was left in the ancient times. The cultivator of this world does not know the method of refining.

Therefore, the number is limited and extremely precious. It is the Leaving Dust Palace, and there are only three.

“You have a good number in your heart. The Leaving Dust Palace has been in decline for thousands of years. I don’t want this child from Scarlet Yang City. It will fall early.”

As early as seven hundred years ago, Scarlet Yang City had the hope to re-enter the Central Plains, but the delay of the Leaving Dust Palace led to the final defeat.

There are such genius characters in Leaving Dust Palace. Although Tianchenzi is complicated, he still has a lot of thoughts.

At the time of the speech, in the hands of Tianchenzi, five pieces of cloud stone were thrown out.

“Tianping list, query, Leaving Dust Palace disciple Zhuang Wudao, the overall ranking geometry?”

A line of writing, once again appeared on the monument. This time, Zhuang Wudao’s ranking, but there have been some changes.

Not the same as the previous ranking.

“-Heaven World Zhuang Wudao, ranked 272,164 in this world. Born in Zhou Country, Shenzhuang, now living in East Wu Yue City. Leaving Dust Palace Heaven is under the discisle, aged Eighteen, Qi Condensation 9th Layer. Father Great Peace Sect Chong Yangzi Shen Lie, mother Zhuang Xiaoxi passed away-“

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