In the days when Tianchenzi and Xuanjie left, the silent monument was still in front of him, and suddenly a figure flashed.

It’s just a time before, when I’m leaving from here, I’m looking at the moon’s monument, if I have

And along with this person, there is another cultivator dressed up.

“Watching the moon brother, seems to care about the movement of the Leaving Dust Palace.”

“I don’t want to care about the movements that don’t work. You also saw it. The telegraph has never been this way for a long time.

The moon is smiling and the eyes are curious.

“The heavenly monument can’t be found, Yuan Ning, brother, you are not curious?”

“Curious is also useless to block the ban, in the end what happened, you and I don’t know exactly.”

That Yuan Ning shook his head: “I only blame the early childhood Heavenly Dao League is too honest, this day the fortification of the fort is not a little flawed. The three of you, I do not know what the purpose, I do not know who they are sent Blood essence

“It is not necessarily impossible to find out that the whole thing is eccentric. Leaving Dust Palace sent the disciple blood essence this time, but only two people from Xuan Lingshan lineage were present. The sect resources were not used beforehand. It relies on the power of Scarlet Yang City. But no matter what, the people of Leaving Dust Palace must be confident in that one. Not surprisingly, it should be for the talent list -“

In the moonlighting population, five of the Origin Storing Stone slipped out of the sleeve and landed on the base of the stone plate.

“Inquiries, the top 100 most promising people in this cultivator.”

The stone tablet was instantly fascinating, with a whole hundred lines of purple gold. Spread the entire three hundred feet of stone monuments,

Then the two men in front of the monument, their eyes fell on the tenth person name.

“Heaven World Scarlet Yang City Yu Xu Xuan, the tenth potential in this world”

“Tenth place?”

Yuan Ning suddenly looks different: “Scarlet Yang City, who is the real person, when will the potential list fall to this position?”

“Before the third day, just before the third day, Gan Tianzong also deliberately turned the feathers of Yu Xuxuan into a cold poison, and checked the list of the heavenly machine. For this reason, the castle was for half a year.”

The view of the moon and the scattered people began to look up from the tenth, and then until the third place, this stopped.

I saw it as ‘Heaven World Unknown, the third place in this world’s potential–

“It should be this person -“

In the hustle and bustle of the moon, the moment is a slight flash: “It’s really unexpected. I just guessed it, I can’t believe it. But the result is actually the same, the potential is ranked third, the fact is often more than the imagination. “”

“I remember that you have always been a god, never missed.”

After Yuan Ning was shocked, he immediately became helpless: “It is a pity that he has named his name. Even if you know the Leaving Dust disciple, what can you do in the top three in the potential list? I don’t know the name of this person, I can’t always be on the top of the list. Check out the pieces.”

At the time of the list, there are famous people with a total of 3.4 million. Each time you check the list, you need five third-order Origin Storing Stone. The most famous name is the 100-person name and ranking.

The tens of thousands of people have been investigated, even if the wealth is strong, such as the Heavenly Dao League, they can’t bear it. It’s even more impossible for a brilliant younger generation to be so powerful.

Therefore, the Heavenly Dao League’s list of talents can only be listed once a year.


The moon-splitting people waved their hands and thoughts, and they were five third-order Origin Storing Stone, which fell in front of the stone monument.

This time, he checked all the Spirit Root qualifications ranked third, and then saw more detailed information, which was shown on the stone tablet.

“Heaven World Unknown, the third place in this world. The birthplace is unknown, the age is unknown, the residence is unknown, the cultivation base is unknown, the parents are unknown –

Wood Spirit Root : Unknown

Third-order heavenly soil Spirit Root (hidden)

Third-order 3rd Grade Fire Spirit Root (Hidden)

Third-order 3rd Grade Gold Spirit Root (implicit)


Root Bone : 1st Grade

Origin Soul: Unknown (undetermined)

Battle body: unknown

Soul Body: Unknown -“

“The third-order Spirit Root? The third-order Spirit Root, actually want to be in the top three in the potential list? Is it a joke?”

Watching the moon sneer, then look at the stone north, the four ‘unknown, words.

“Wooden fire, this person’s wooden Spirit Root, must be above the super product. Origin Soul is unknown, but since even the celestial list can not be determined, it must be extremely high grade. So in the potential list, high according to the third”

Yuan Ning also shook his head: “There is a suspicion that you want to cover up the name, but it has already covered the name. It would be fine. Unless it is broken, no one but my Heavenly Dao League knows who this person is. Which cultivator is it? What makes me curious is this Soul Body –“

Having said that, Yuan Ning has shown a dignified color: “Dao Body and Soul Body, only 273 times in the 30,000 years since the records were recorded in the countries of Heaven. Every time, there will be a great storm. Dao Body Soul Body is also not the top ten in the rankings. But these Dao Body and Soul Body have names, just like the Cold Monarch Dao Body of Great Peace Sect Chong Yangzi. Another example is Xu Xuxuan. Profound Spirit Dao Body, but there has never been a Soul Body that can’t even be known, and this warfare word is more unheard of.”

“It may not be the Dao Body of this person, so that the monument can not be identified. Or the Xuantu and Tianchenzi seals with the seal, and it is unknown.”

In the eyes of the moon, it was full of enthusiasm. At this time, he had the heart and forcibly broke the third ban. However, considering the cost of breaking the seal, I finally dismissed the idea.

If, as he expected, this person relied on the third-order super-spirited Spirit Root of the second-class civil engineering, plus the above-mentioned Origin Soul, it was the top three in the potential list.

Then this so-called war body Dao Body, I am afraid that it is not strong.

“In fact, there is no need to worry. In the past forty years, the Leaving Dust Palace, in addition to a spiritual Hua Ying, can be compared with the sect of the three great saints. There is nothing outstanding in the rest. It can be asked to inquire carefully. Under the door of Leaving Dust Palace, what kind of outstanding disciplines can you have recently? Especially the Xuan Lingshan lineage. Just know the name in advance, it is much easier to check the list.”

When Guanyue Sanren said it, he paused again and said in a tone: “The five fragrances in Xianhua Garden have not been peaches recently, are they afraid that they are about to mature?”


Yuanning was slightly decapitated, and he knew more about it: “There is still a month and a half, and it will mature. This time, the output is slightly more, with a total of 237.”

“This is a good news for Yuanning Dao, you can send three of them to the hands of Leaving Dust Palace in two months, which is my greeting from Heavenly Dao.”

Yuan Ning smashed it, but it should not be immediately. Wuyun Wuhuatao is a rare treasure in the world. Whether it is a centenarian or a Primordial Spirit cultivator, it can be extended for one year after taking it. In addition, it has the effect of restoring vitality and activating blood marrow.

Therefore, the world cultivator, do not rush to this thing. For a cultivator that walks into the way, even if you can live more than a year, you can have more hope.

The recovery of vitality, the blood of the blood, is the gospel of those who are not old enough, and the blood of the Blood Essence has gradually declined.

Therefore, even the Heavenly Dao League, which is home to forty trees and no peach trees, is also in short supply.

However, the identity of the moon is different, and it is a nine-turn Golden Core. Once the Primordial Spirit Realm is achieved, it will be ranked in the top 50.

Therefore, in the Heavenly Dao League status, it does have this authority. Even if he is Yuanning, although he is commensurate with the Taoist friends, he is actually a subordinate of the other party.

What surprised Yuan Ning was just the purpose of this moon.

“The meaning of the scattered people, is it –“

This is that Leaving Dust, after decades, will still be headed by Xuan Lingshan lineage?

“Get ahead of time and send your own feelings. At this time, there are three flowers and no peaches. Although it is not a carbon in the snow, it is enough to make Xuan Lingshan lineage grateful.”

Looking at the moon, a sneer floated on the lips, and decided to look at the first place on the monument.

“That Leaving Dust Palace is really rich in Fukuzawa, and when wind and rain are swaying, there is still such a creation. The one in the north is afraid that the plan is wrong.”


Zhuang Wudao relies on the method of magnetic cymbal and stands in the air. At this time, the brow is next to each other, looking at the direction of the north.

It’s just inexplicable, and there’s a cold feeling on the body. There seems to be a wave of cold thoughts that have permeated all over the body.

I feel like I am covered, and everything is completely seen by this idea.

It seems to be from the depths of his own blood vessel, but Zhuang Wudao instinctively believes that this should come from the north.

“It should be a monument, your name is already on the monument. Someone should drop your blood essence into the monument.”

It may be Zhuang Wudao’s Accumulating Sword, which has been repaired to the 2nd Heavenly Layer. Yun’er is full of confidence, even if she knows that Su Qiu is on the side of her body, she is still communicating with Zhuang Wudao in her mind, and she is not afraid of Sikonghong.

“Tianji monument?”

Zhuang Wudao thought of the three drops of blood essence that Si Konghong had in the past when he said goodbye. The purpose of the Master’s respect for him is really a monument to heaven.

He did not resist the monument, but also knew his name, sooner or later he would be on the list, and he had the ambition to compete with the people in the north.

However, from the point of view of Si Konghong and Su Qiu’s remarks, there is still no obvious timing. Xuan Lingshan lineage, now weak and weak, these two have no protection of their own mastery.

So what is the intention of the real person?

Shaking his head, Zhuang Wudao temporarily suppressed the doubts. Just know that the real people will never be targeted, nor will they be enough to harm themselves.

As for this true intention, it will naturally be known over time.

Zhuang Wudao turned to be curious about himself at the moment, ranking on the monument.

“Yun’er, you said that my Innate Battle Soul is one of the ten Great Battle Body in the world, one of the ten Great Soul Body, far above the Spirit Root. So at this time I will be on the list. Bit geometry?”

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