Chapter 881: Swarms of Darkness (Mon.2)

Eighty-nine gods!

It is only ten gods away from the limit of Mingxian!

In fact, he still has a stove of Ming Wang Dan in his hand, but there is only one missing ingredient, Dongxing grass, which cannot be refined at present, but as long as this stove Ming Dan is refined ... even the bottom ten, It's enough to make him the limit of the eighty-nine-phase Mingxian.

The key is, where to get the winter star grass.

Zhou Heng came out, but found that the black donkey and the small fire were still asleep, and there was a strong breath flowing on his body, and the light of the stars was vaguely moving!

This is not the first time he has seen such a scene. This was the case before the Golden Dragon Queen broke through the Star King!

Are these two guys going to become the king of stars?

Hey, the black furnace must have eaten some heaven and earth treasure with a small fire, otherwise two guys cannot break through at the same time!

I hope their hands and feet are clean enough to not cause trouble!

Zhou Heng went to Zhenyao Pavilion again, but this time he didn't go to buy medicinal materials, but asked about the news of Dongxingcao, where can I get this elixir.

Qiyun Mountain and Qingfeng Gorge!

This is the news from Zhenyaoge. In fact, Zhenyaoge will also receive elixir, but the price is not comparable to what they sell. Anyone will call a traitor!

But who can let the university purchase the medicinal materials will also have a contribution value, although it is pitifully small, but it can not be ignored!

Zhou Heng went to Lingxiao Tower again, where the mission was released. Since he was going to Qiyun Mountain to find the Winter Star Grass, why not complete one or two missions along the way and earn some contribution?

After all, the contribution value will not be lost because he entered the realm of stars, on the contrary. That would only be more valuable.

He looked around, and Qi Yunshan had only one mission. It is to kill and bring back the red feathers of the red moon birds. That was a mission issued by a lineist, and it is said that Akane Toba is a new type of material.

Here, not only the school will issue the task, but students can do the same, as long as someone sees the reward, of course, because the contribution value cannot be transferred, the task issued by the student can only give Dahebi, attractive. It will drop sharply.

Missions issued through the Lingxiao Tower are protected by the institution. Even students who post privately will deduct rewards when submitting tasks, and issue them directly after completing the task. There is no case of denial.

However, private transactions are not within the scope of the protection of the institution, and the consequences are at your own risk!

The school is very dark, and this task requires a certain amount of contribution points, which is equivalent to 10% of the task. If the task is completed, these contributions will be refunded, but failed, then I am sorry.

For this reason. Many people will find a team to complete the task. Although this will reduce their income, it will undoubtedly increase the success rate of completing the task.

The reason why universities have such regulations is actually for the safety of students. It wasn't exactly aimed at the dark.

After Zhou Heng received the task of killing the Red Moon Bird, it didn't take long before the identity token suddenly fluctuated. This is asking for communication.

-This identity token also serves as a messenger stone, but it is limited to a very small range. Things in the Ming World are very tall.

After he thought about it, he opened the communication. It is basically certain that it must be other students who received the killing of the red moonbird, otherwise it would not be so coincidental.

"Sister, we already have seven people here and are planning to set out. Are you interested in joining us?" Before Zhou Heng opened his mouth, a heartbreaking voice came from the other side, banging in Zhou Heng's ear.

Zhou Heng arrived in the Ming Realm for the first time. He was blind to the situation here, where is Qiyun Mountain? How to walk in the mountains? He had no idea.

It ’s okay to act with others. After finishing the task, he goes to look for the winter star grass, and can even leave halfway.

So he quickly said, "Where are you? I'll be here!"

"It's already at the gate of the school. If you want to be a little later, we must have set out and won't wait for you anymore!" Said the man.

Zhou Heng nodded and said, "I'll be right there!"

He didn't have time to go back to inform Black Donkey and Xiaohuo, but these two guys are now retreating and impacting the star realm. It is estimated that they ca n’t hear them, forget it, no matter, I hope these two guys will go out before he returns Don't mess with it!

He researched the identity token, especially the communication function, but found that this function can only be activated in very special circumstances. For a moment, if he has received a common task, he can also activate it when it is in danger. The staff of the Ohara Academy inside asked for help.

Communication does not have a fixed one-to-one correspondence, just like Zhou Heng now wants to talk to Qi Yuan about leaving, but he has no idea how to contact each other.

Forget it, regardless of him, let the other party think that they are still in retreat.

Zhou Heng walked towards the entrance of the school because it was far away and he was unfamiliar with the environment. It took him about twenty minutes to reach the entrance.

As he walked and contacted the previous person, he came to the door and saw a young man waving his arm and wearing a Tsing Yi, obviously a student of Mingxian Academy. They glanced at each other, and they knew each other was the person they were waiting for and looking for.

"Well, you are Zhou Heng!" The young man recognized Zhou Heng, "Yes, it is you, who broke the record of the wonderland of the wall of power two months ago!"

The identity token, like the messenger stone, can only play the role of communication, but can not see the other party's appearance, nor will it show the other party's identity information.

Zhou Heng nodded and said, "I'm Zhou Heng. Haven't you asked the teacher to call him?"

The other person looked older than him, and calling Brother was nothing.

But the other party seemed quite flattered, because Zhou Heng is now a super celebrity in Ohara Academy. Not only did he break the record of more than 3 million years, he also proved that the strength of 444.4 yuan is not a fairy peak!

This can be loaded into the history books of the Ming Dynasty!

Now that a "big man" like Zhou Heng calls himself a brother, can he not be flattered?

"My name is Liu Hu, and I'll call on Brother Zhou for more attention in the future!" The young man said quickly. The strength of the thirty-seventh phase is not so strong, "Brother Zhou. Come with me, we will start immediately!"

Although Zhou Heng called him a brother. But he didn't dare to think of himself as a brother, and he still had the same sense.

The two walked side by side. After walking for a while, they saw six men in front, standing or standing or squatting.

"Brother Liu--" a young man greeted and said. "Who is this person? The shelf is so big that we have waited so long!"

"Don't talk nonsense, this is Brother Zhou Hengzhou!" Liu Hu quickly retorted.

"Zhou Heng? That Zhou Heng who broke the record?"

"real or fake?"

Everyone else gathered around. After all, not everyone has seen Zhou Heng, and naturally, not everyone can recognize him at a glance.

"Of course it's true. I've seen it with my own eyes, can I admit it!" Liu Hu said to everyone with a white look. "Okay, okay, not all of you just started to start, so hurry up!"

"Departure! Departure!"

Everyone laughed. Couldn't they be in touch with Zhou Heng, a great figure, when he was on his way?


"Brother! Brother! Zhou Heng's **** left the school!" Jin Huancheng ran in like the wind. Shouted at a man who looked similar to him, but obviously calm and majestic, "Brother. You must avenge me and kill that bastard!"

This Jin Huancheng is the young Master Zhou Heng bumped into during the registration process. After being taught a little bit, he hated Zhou Heng. He had no idea who Zhou Heng was. However, after the freshman assessment, Zhou Heng was on the stage as the second place and was recognized by him at a glance.

Meet enemies, naturally jealous!

Unfortunately, Zhou Heng has never left the university, and he has no other choice. When Zhou Heng broke the long-lost record two months ago, he even made his nose crooked and smashed everything in the room!

But it still loses its own!

He is the son of the King of Stars, and he is still a bit of a small force. His dog legs are staring at the gate of the academy all day long, just to keep Zhou Heng out.

Now he finally waited for this day.

Of course he can't go against Zhou Heng, he can only work for his big brother!

Jin Huanri, a disciple of Xingwangyuan, was promoted from Mingxianyuan to Xingwangyuan more than 500 years ago, and now has 16 stars for cultivation!

Judging from the number of stars, the foundation that this person laid during Mingxian was not solid, because at least 50 gods can be called geniuses, so if they break into the realm of stars, they can have 50 stars. !!

But the threshold of Xingchenjing blocked 90% of the Mingxian, and being able to break through it is already a great joy to burn incense and worship the Buddha!

Jin Huanri's qualifications are by no means good. He can break through the Star King, but he got an adventure five hundred years ago. This is his secret, and he will never tell anyone to know.

He glanced at his brother with a slight disdain, but who made this guy his own brother and couldn't slap him?

"Be calm and restless, check first, where has this kid gone!"

"I've probed ~ ~ That guy took a task and is going to pray to Yunshan!" Jin Huancheng said.

Jin Huanri couldn't help glancing at the young brother, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect this younger brother to be as stupid as he thought. He nodded and said: "The majesty of my Jin family must not be dismissed, I will kill him by myself!"

Jin Huancheng was instantly filled with joy. As long as his brother took the shot, Zhou Heng would die!

Isn't Star King trying to kill Ming Xian?


At another place in the school, Pang Shaolong was lying on the bed like a zombie. He was interrupted by Zhou Heng's bones in his body. He did not fully recover after two months. However, the rich and powerful people are different. He was obviously denied an admissions card and lost all his ability to act, but he was still accepted by the institution!

He said to the door: "Go and inform my father, Zhou Heng has left the school, the goal is to pray to Yunshan!"

At the door, dark shadows flashed. (To be continued ...)

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