Chapter 880: A sensation (Tue Tue)

Lei Jingtian was stunned.

He is no longer worried about waiting for three loud noises, but he offended Zhou Heng. What should he do in the future?

Although private fighting is not allowed within the institution, there are many ways for the whole person!

How to do?


His feet were soft, and he knelt down, scratching his head again and again, and said, "Brother Zhou, it is my dog's eyes that are not beaded. I shouldn't speak badly, and please have a lot of adults, don't give me general insight!"

No one is ashamed of him, bowing his head in front of the strong, isn't this normal?

Zhou Heng is about to break the record, and throughout the history of Mathematics House, which record-breaking person has not become one of the most powerful stars of Duyang?

This is wise!

Zhou Heng smiled slightly, he was not so careful, betting with Lei Jingtian was just entertainment. He waved his hand and said, "Go back, I have forgotten who you are!"

Lei Jingtian was overjoyed. Forgetting who he was, naturally he forgot about the encounter between the two, so it would be fine!

He quickly got up, quit the crowd, and dared to stay far away to watch.

The record is about to break, he doesn't want to miss such a historical moment!

——Although this is not really a record-breaking, but just on the list, maybe Zhou Heng can really break it? And going back to the last time on the list, it was already 300,000 years ago!

The sensation continued, not only more students came around, but even the senior management of the university was shocked. At least ten star emperors, and even a stronger presence, were floating in mid-air, watching every move here.

Zhou Heng didn't have any thoughts in his mind, just punched out.

Two thousand five hundred and two!

New record. No no no, on the list!

With the emergence of this number. The Wall of Power also emitted a soft light that wrapped Zhou Heng, and his identity token followed. Then the ten names in the fourth column of the Wall of Power changed slightly.

The tenth name has been replaced by Zhou Heng, and the number of 2,502 has also become the new top ten lowest record!

"It's really a record!"

"Although it is a small record, it also happens once in hundreds of thousands of years!"

"What's more frightening is that this guy has less than fifty gods now, which means that he still has great room for growth!"

"When he reaches more than ninety gods, he might break the real record that has not been moved for four million years!"

"Four thousand four hundred and forty-four yuan!"

"Always considered the ultimate explosive power of Mingxian!"

When the minimum record was broken, everyone was cheered up, none of them had experienced such a moment, and after seeing a new name will replace the old name that has been engraved for at least hundreds of thousands of years. It's all overwhelming!

This means that a new era is coming!

Zhou Heng did not stop, but if he was on the list, it is estimated that the contribution value will be limited, and he still has 60 gaps from the 99 gods, which requires a lot of miracle to fill.


He punched again with no expression. What was the last ranking? In terms of combat power alone, he won the entire Mingxian level. Even the Star King can barely resist!

Two thousand six hundred and thirty-two!

Record breaking again!

The wall of power once again exudes soft light, wrapping Zhou Heng, and after a flash, Zhou Heng's name rose by one space.

It's not over!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Two thousand seven! Two thousand eight! Two thousand nine!

Zhou Heng keeps punching. The golden brilliance scattered throughout his body, making him as dazzling as a god, beyond description!

Many girls are showing idiots. The world admires the strong and looks at Zhou Heng's inexplicable looks. Which flower season girl can stop the fluttering heart?

This man is crazy!

Three thousand! Three thousand one! Three thousand two! Three thousand three!

Zhou Heng's strength is not great every time, just one hundred and one. But it was very stable, and soon his name jumped to the third position, and his power leapt to the level of 4,000 yuan!

At this time, the entire university was shocked, and the students of Xingwang Yuan and Xinghuang Yuan also rose to the air, watching from all corners.

Maybe someone will break Mingxian's extreme power and set a record that has been sealed for countless years!

Four thousand one! Four thousand two! Four thousand three! Four thousand four!

Arrived! Arrived!

Everyone's eyes are focused on Zhou Heng, and now no one is jealous of Zhou Heng. They only care about one point, that is, whether Zhou Heng can break the records of the Dayuan Academy and even the Dahe Academy, and it has surpassed 4,444 The ultimate strength of Yuanli!

If it doesn't work, it's in the next punch!

Zhou Heng Ningquan, sharp eyes like a sword, burst out!


The whole school seemed to tremble a bit, the wall of power moved like a wave of water, and a new number jumped out!

Four thousand four hundred and forty-five!


Really broken!


Everyone was cheering. Although it was only one elemental force higher than the ultimate force, this meant that the so-called 4,444 yuan force was not the limit of Mingxian, which was of immense significance!

Zhou Heng smiled slightly, retracted his fist, shouted, it is really not easy, to control the power of the Five Elements Rune so accurately!

His gaze looked at the record representing the King of Stars, the lowest being more than two thousand, but the counting unit was different, from yuan to star.

Two thousand three hundred and sixty-six star power!

Obviously, from Mingxian to the King of Stars, this is a rapid advance. If you use Yuanli to measure it, there will be hundreds of millions and tens of billions, so a new unit of measurement is used.

He can barely withstand the blow of the King of Stars, and it is estimated that if the ultimate explosive power is reached, it can reach one star power.

This, he will not try.

Too exaggerated!

Watching his name climb to the top, Zhou Heng smiled slightly, and now he should have enough contribution value!

"Zhou Heng successfully broke the record of four million dust. The summit of the wall of strength and the layer of Mingxian broke the limit of 4,444 yuan of Mingxian level. This is the glory of the school!"

"Special reward contribution worth 3,000 points!"

A man who couldn't see clearly in the sky said. Listening to the sound should be an old man.

This person apparently has a very high reputation, and no one has raised any objections after speaking. In fact, this record was broken in the public eye, and it was also recognized by the Wall of Power. Who can deny this achievement?

Three thousand contributions!

Zhou Heng calculated that before the twelve hundred contribution values ​​were refined into twelve Ming Wang Dans, then with three thousand contribution values, theoretically, 72 Ming Wang Dans could be obtained.

He only needs sixty Ming Wang Dan!

okay. Star King, here I am!

He put away his thoughts and looked away, but was startled.

Everyone looked at him with fanatical eyes, as if to strip his clothes.

"Zhou Heng!"

"Zhou Heng! Zhou Heng!"

"Zhou Heng! Zhou Heng! Zhou Heng!"

I don't know who shouted first. The whole Sha Nu field was boiling and shouting the same person's name.

With a smile on his face, Zhou Heng hurled his punches to the left, right, front, and back, and quickly squeezed out the crowd. He doubted that he would never leave again. Will be overwhelmed by countless springing girls!

After coming to Zhenlige, Zhou Heng only discovered another problem. His contribution is very much, but the money is very little!

Although Qi Yuan paid most of the elixir before. But he also spent all his savings, and now he is so poor that he only has the suit on his body. Shouldn't he treat it as a suit?

And that's not enough!

Find local tyrants!

Zhou Heng quickly went to Qi Yuan. That guy is so poor that he only has money left.

"Brother Zhou, you're really awe-inspiring. If you don't let it go, don't give up!" Qi Yuan jumped out immediately after seeing Zhou Heng. The expression is quite complicated.

"Less nonsense, how much money do you have?" Zhou Heng was very anxious, seeing Xingchen Jing in sight, he didn't want to delay for a second.

"Brother Zhou, don't you want to rob me?" Qi Yuan said with a smile.

"By borrowing first, and pay you back later!" Zhou Heng said, money is nothing to the strong. He is now worried about Dahebi, but as his strength increases, someone will hold a lot of money. Big river coins come to your door.

Qi Yuan nodded, and swiped with his right hand. There was a lot of big river coins on the ground, all of which were worth a thousand face value. He asked, "How much do you want?"

"The more, the better, and how much is left for you!"

"Brother Zhou, you are really welcome!"

Zhou Heng collected Qi Yuan's belongings into the space weapon, and then went to the treasure room.

He spends a lot of money, no matter the contribution value, or Dahebi, it does not have a trace of value in itself, and it only makes sense to replace it with real materials.

However, after the raid was completed, he discovered that there were actually seven hundred contributions left!

In other words ...

"Zhou Xiaozi, you can only make four furnaces of Ming Wang Dan. If the fifth furnace, winter star grass is not enough!" Vulcan furnace said immediately.

He actually shorted Ohara Academy!

In fact, it is also normal. Ming Wang Dan is the most useful elixir for Mingxian. The demand is naturally large, and the two-star elixir is definitely not a street drug. It will take at least tens of thousands of years to mature, even in Ming Dynasty. There are as many as you want.

Moreover, there is also a Tianyao Hospital in the school, and most of them will be given to those pharmacists for burning!

It is really a waste ~ ~ Give them alchemy, at least ten dan and five waste!

Zhou Hengke wasn't so pretentious. He ran to Tian Yao Yuan to ask for spiritual grass. After sending Jiang Zishuang back, he set out to make the materials in his hand into Ming Wang Dan.

Four furnaces of medicinal herbs can theoretically make forty pills of elixir-it was luck to be able to make twelve pills before, but I can't go back to have such good luck.

But it turns out that Zhou Heng ’s luck, or Vulcan Furnace, is really superb, and these four furnaces have actually refined fifty tablets of Ming Wang Dan!

Without any hesitation, Zhou Heng immediately closed the retreat.

This retreat lasted for two full months. During this period, Qi Yuan came to find him several times, but because Zhou Heng was retreating, he could not enter at all and could only walk away—each courtyard of the school had a strong defense. The formation method, non-owners allow outsiders to enter at all.

And if you want to forcefully blast, you must at least be King of Tianhe!

The defense here is linked to the entire school! (To be continued ...)

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