Chapter 882: Provoked (Tue Tue)

Qiyun Mountain is far away from the Dayuan Academy. It is far enough to reach the border governed by the Dayuan Academy. It is this mountain that divides the border between the Dayuan Academy and the Qingyang Academy. It belongs to the territory jointly owned by the two universities.

Xuefu is a relatively loose combination of forces, which can be regarded as a ruling layer of countless family groups. The difference is that strong families occupy the position of dean and vice president, while weak families can only get a city master, Post of mayor.

The power struggle across the academic level is fierce, and the newly-rising families want to share a share, such as the Pang family where Pang Shaolong is located, while the veteran giants are eager to expand their territories and gain more power.

As such, there is a dark wave surge between different institutions. If it were not for the strong suppression of Dahe institutions, I am afraid that the institutions below have already fought several times.

Qiyun Mountain is at the junction of the two universities. This is a very insecure place, not only because of the monsters in the mountain, but also because people here can often collide with people from another university. Fighting may occur if they don't agree.

I'm lucky to be laughed at and stunned, and I almost lost my life!

It's not inside the school. No one is allowed to engage in private fighting or anything to kill. The wild is survival of the fittest. Whoever doesn't want to die, don't come over!

Eight people from Zhou Heng kept using the portal. Because of the identity token of the university, the transfer fee was greatly reduced. Only one cost fee was charged, which was only one hundred yuan.

This made Zhou Heng lament the unscrupulous heart of the university. You must know that he had to pay a thousand big river coins before!

After thirteen transmissions in total, they finally came to Danshui Town, the most remote town in the western region under the management of Ohara Academy.

This is really a small town, but Qiyun Mountain is rich in products. There are often warriors entering the mountains to hunt and collect medicine, and it is very prosperous as a convenient place to settle. Warriors were seen walking around the street.

The strength is so strong that it has definitely entered the realm of stars, but the strength is so weak that it has even the brightest moon and the bright sun. These can only be regarded as junior warriors. They come here to try their luck. As long as they pick a high-level medicinal material, they can reborn and enter a higher level.

Even if you do n’t have a good heart, this level of improvement will bring an increase in Shou Yuan. Who does n’t want to live longer?

The eight of Zhou Heng didn't rush into the mountain, but stayed in the town's inn for one night first.

Qiyun Mountain at night is undoubtedly more dangerous, and some risks do not have to be taken.

No words overnight. The next morning they set off on the road, but Zhou Heng felt extremely uncomfortable, as if ... he was staring. But when he looked around looking for something, he found nothing.

Psychological role?

Do not! Zhou Heng thought, how firm he is, how could this happen for no reason!

It seems that when he came out this time, he also attracted some bulls and horses!

Will it continue?

If he is staring at someone behind him, then the reason why the other side did not make a shot is because there are many people and it is not convenient to start! But after entering Qiyun Mountain. It's easier to kill people!

Keep going means danger! But all have come here, as long as the winter star grass is collected, he can immediately refine the Ming Wang Dan. Thus breaking the star realm in one fell swoop, and even directly becoming the star emperor!

-One thing he can be sure of is that even Pang Shaolong, Jin Huancheng, and Niu Gangzhi are going to avenge him. Will only invite the Star King!

Isn't it enough to suppress Ming Xingxing King?

Besides, do they have to move the Star Emperor? Jin Huancheng's Lao Tzu is also the King of Stars. The first one is skipped, the rise of the Pang family is only a few decades. The chance of appearing the Star Emperor is also very small, thanks to his confidence and Qi Yuan's challenge!

The only one who can invite the Star Emperor is Niu Gang. The Tauren are a big family, and it is not unusual to even have the King of Tianhe!

But Zhou Heng had a good grasp of the human heart. He saw the greed in Niu Gang's eyes and knew that the other party must be envious of the exercises he had mastered! Therefore, this guy will certainly break the Queen of the Stars, and come to him alone to trouble him, and will not excuse others.

This will guarantee that he will get unique achievements!

Although it was only a moment, Zhou Heng had carefully thought about it several times, and after confirming that even if someone followed, he was the star king at most.

He now has eighty-nine gods, and has been able to continuously run the five-element runes to a few thousand times, and his power has also increased to a certain degree. Although it is still not enough to fight against the Star King, he is very confident to barely protect himself .

Moreover, he still has a few killers!

It is Liu Hu that they are relatively innocent. They have to draw a line with them so as not to implicate them.

Let's talk about it after entering the deep mountains. From time to time, people in and out of this area are not good places to kill people.

Because of something in his heart, Zhou Heng seemed quite silent along the way. The seven Liu Hus were also very conscious and didn't talk to him. Even they reduced communication with each other, making the atmosphere seem quite deserted and even a little nervous.

The eight of them hurried to the road with their toes rising a little on the treetop.

Alas, the sound of a flutter of clothing suddenly sounded behind!

Zhou Heng immediately turned around because he suspected someone was following him. I saw a few hundred feet away, a group of five people also rushed towards the mountain, a total of four men and a woman.

One of the men looked more than forty years old, and he seemed to be stepping on the treetops under his feet like everyone else, but Zhou Heng could see clearly that he was not at all solid!

In other words, he has actually been stepping on the air!

He's flying!

With flying ability, it can only be explained that he is at least the star king!

In addition to this person, the other four are definitely Mingxian, and their strength cannot be said to be weak. At least two people have more than 50 gods, but the powerful Mingxian is a dreg in Zhou Heng's eyes. .

Seeing that Zhou Heng stopped, Liu Hu naturally stopped one after another. Alas, the other party and the five of them quickly surpassed them.

When he saw the big four and the young, Zhou Heng knew that they could not come to deal with him, otherwise the lineup would be too strange.

"Brother Zhou, what's wrong?" Liu Hu asked.

"Nothing--" Zhou Henggang said three words, but his eyes were tight, because the five people in front turned around and turned back.

What does it mean?

"Are you guys from Ohara Academy?" A young man said to Zhou Heng, wearing a pale green dress and carrying a long sword on his back, rather than taking it into the space weapon.

"Yes, we are disciples of the Ohara Academy, who are you?" Liu Hu is the captain of this team. When this happens, it is natural for him to speak.

"Hahaha, we are from Qingyang Academy!" The green youth laughed and wondered why he laughed so well. If the black donkey was here, he would definitely curse a neurosis.

Qingyang Academy!

The seven people of Liu Hu changed their faces together. They were not Zhou Heng, who was not only a new student, but also a novice in the Ming Dynasty. They knew much more than Zhou Heng.

Cheongyang and Ohara schools have never dealt with it!

This kind of non-compliance is actually indulged by the Dahe Academy, letting the men and women keep fighting, and the superiors adjust and control the conflict to a certain extent. This is called the art of kings!

Dahe Xuefu is not a dynasty, but in essence there are not many differences, except that power is relatively more dispersed.

Anyway, with the deliberate or unintentional contribution of the Dahe Academy, the conflicts between the tertiary institutions bordered by the territories are fierce, and it will be so fierce that students from both sides will fight.

It seems to be the same now.

"Why, do you want to fight?" Liu Hu seven immediately stepped forward and yelled.

Under the brainwashing of the school, everyone has a strong sense of honor and shame in the school, and it is easy to get angry when provoked.

"Cut, don't be so rude, how could it be fighting, it's learning!"

"Hahaha, it's actually being beaten!"

"The waste from Ohara Academy is waste, and I can suppress it with one hand!"

The four young men in green clothes laughed. As for the middle-aged man in the star world, he stood at the bottom with no expression. This level of conflict seemed to him like a child's play, and he naturally had no interest.

"Shit your father!" Among the seven Liu Hu, a young man couldn't hold his breath, and immediately rushed out to get started. Only his body had just taken a step, and was dragged by Zhou Heng stiffly, and could not move any more.

"Don't move lightly!" Zhou Heng said lightly.

"Let me go! Let me go!" The young man was struggling again and again. After not breaking free, he stared angrily at Zhou Heng, as if he hated Zhou Heng, "I didn't expect you to be this kind of puppet!"

"I don't think anyone else is smarter!" The green youth in the opposite side said something falsely, then clapped his hands, and said, "You don't have to fight, you all kneel down, lick our shoes clean, and you can roll!" "

Insult, downright insult!

"Brother Zhang is clever, even such an idea can be conceived!" This young man in green clothes seems to have a great position ~ ~ After his words have been finished, the only woman praised them and did not forget to fly Two winks to him.

"You all heard what Brother Zhang said, and you are not ready to kneel anymore!" Said another young man, sham and pretending.

"Zhou Heng, do you really want to stop us?" Liu Hu didn't call Zhou Heng a brother anymore. He was full of anger, and the hottest young man hated most is the coward.

"We're going to break with you. From now on, you will no longer be part of our team!"

"Alas, no matter how strong you are, this is a Alaska!"

Zhou Heng shook his head and smiled: "Don't be so excited!" He looked at the young man in green and pointed out, "It's not impossible to discuss it, but ... Will he also participate?"

Seeing him pointing his finger at him, the middle-aged man in the star realm couldn't help but twitch a little, but a flash of light flashed out immediately in his eyes, and the whole person's momentum was no longer hidden, and the breath of the star king was rolling.

The seven Liu Hus were all shocked. Then they knew why Zhou Heng stopped himself. Damn, how did Mingxian fight with the King of Stars? (To be continued ...)

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