Chapter 861: Everywhere there is 纨 绔 (33)

Everyone gave way, and Zhou Heng didn't want to have extravagant branches, so he pulled the black donkey aside and didn't rush to hurry, but to see who was so arrogant.

The four horses spit out the flames of flame. The head of the horse was the tallest one. The horse was two feet long and covered with a fiery red mane. It danced as it ran and hunted, as if burning.

A young man in purple clothes was sitting immediately. At first glance, he was the kind of scumbag. He was a little fat. Even with a handsome face, he couldn't hide his color fans. He kept searching in the crowd for prey. .

Behind him, the other three horses will be much worse. Not only is the size much smaller, the coat is far less pure than the first one, but the person who immediately rides is obviously a junior, and constantly sips there. Then, let the person in front walk away.

"Get off! Get off!"

"Today is the day when Master Jin went to Ohara Takeshi to report. Can you afford it if you delay him?"

"Get out of here!"

The three of them all clamored, showing the dog legs of Hugeweihuwei.

The first Malaysian was really bad-tempered. He ran rampant all the way. In the future, those who were less able to dodge could kick off. But due to the domineering performance of these four people, the kicked people only dared to anger and not to speak. Shengsheng swallowed this breath.

Immediately, the young man in the purple clothes didn't mean to stop, but he laughed, pampering the evil horse under his seat, and made the chicken jump.

Although everyone did not know who this young Master Jin was, they did recognize this mount.

This kind of horse is called Huoyun Horse, and it can reach the founding emperor in adulthood. Not only does it run fast, but it also has endurance. Is the best travel mount for long distance travel. However, the number of such horses is rather scarce. Being able to have a head is not only rich, but also status!

Suffice it to say that it is only at the level of the mayor that there is a way to buy it, and it is affordable and affordable!

Mayor, at least that is the power of the Star King!

Do ordinary people dare to offend such existence?

Zhou Heng saw in his eyes, a anger in his heart could not help but lightly pat on the head of the small fire, this head of heaven and earth beast immediately noticed, a fierce anger suddenly rushed towards the four fire clouds and horses.


Although these four horses are the monsters of the King of Creation and even the King of Creation. But after all, it is just all kinds. How can it resist the scourge of the heaven and earth beasts? Not to mention that there is a real difference between the two. Even if it is not, the legs in the same realm must be frightened!

Did the beast blow out?

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Because the horse ran fast, the three dog legs above were immediately thrown out, and before they could make any changes, they were sturdy. But the purple and blue clothes are Mingxian, and if they fall in the air, they must land firmly.

Zhou Heng grinned at the corner of his mouth, and the momentum came quietly. In the buzzing, the young man in purple clothes felt a numb body, and his spiritual power could not be raised lazily, and he couldn't control his body immediately. He stumbled, and he fell hard.

"Ah-" Not only that, he was used to flying out. Faster than the Huo Yunma under his butt, after this fall. The Huoyun horse just ran over and a horseshoe just stepped on his chrysanthemum!

Such delicate parts are impacted. The young man in the purple clothing suddenly twitched his face, hurting to straighten his upper body, but immediately his head was stomped again by the horseshoe, stumped, and fell down again.

The four men and four horses fell to the ground at the same time. In the screams, the people around them were all inexplicable, but they all had a kind of joy in their hearts.

Although it is said that people have lost hands and horses have lost feet, it is a coincidence that four people and four horses have lost hands and lost feet together.

If the things in the world are too coincidental, then it is not coincidence, but external forces are involved!

"Who? Who the **** dare to blame Master Ben?" After all, the young man in purple is Mingxian. It is painful to step on the chrysanthemum when the fire-level horse at the level of the creation emperor hurts, but it is unlikely to cause him much damage immediately. A bounced body jumped and shouted loudly, touching his butt.

He certainly wouldn't believe that this was just an accident, a pair of eyes patrolled fiercely in the crowd, like eating people.

"Which **** did it, grandpa come out quickly!"

"It's impatient for your mother-in-law, dare to blame our Jin family!"

The three dog legs also groaned and got up. Their strength was not as good as that of the young man in purple, so they were hurt a little bit. One guy had flowers on his nose and shed a lot of blood.

——The land in Ming Realm is also extremely solid. It hit the ground at a high speed, so it did not bump into a star king. This is uncomfortable!

Zhou Heng frowned, these guys' mouths are really smelly!

His thoughts moved, and if the murderous spirit was generally flowing, the four young men in purple clothes were all cold-hearted, and they knelt down involuntarily! Within the same realm, the King of Wuzhong cannot completely resist his momentum, not to mention that the young man in purple is not the King of Wuzhong at all!

Seeing that they were still arrogant just now, they knelt down on the ground in a blink of an eye, cold sweat, and everyone laughed, only to feel relieved.

"Ha ha ha ha!" The black donkey rolled with a smile, but a donkey even made human laughter, which was really scary.

The youth of Ziyi looked at it immediately. When he saw Zhou Heng's calm and ruthless face, somehow he just had a feeling, and it was this person who made himself so!

Yes, everyone can't help expressing fear when he meets his eyes. Only this person has no fear!

It must be him!

Damn it, he dared to make him ugly in public!

The young man in purple quickly struggled to get up, staring at Zhou Heng with an angry expression, anxious and corrupted as if to eat someone. He pointed at Zhou Heng sharply and said, "What are you? How dare you sneak up on Jin Huancheng, don't you know my father is the mayor of Yangping Town?"

Zhou Heng laughed and said, "What is the arrogant qualification of the small town mayor, and your father is your father, you are you! Don't hurry to take your dog's leg off, otherwise I will strangle you!"

"Wang——" Xiao Huo also groaned with a grin, but if it doesn't change its size, it looks like he's selling cuteness without any fierce looks.

"You, wait and see!" The young man in purple, Jin Huancheng, pointed at Zhou Heng angrily, but didn't dare to get it. His arrogance is true, but not stupid. The opponent can suppress him without even lifting his hands. The strength of both sides is not on a level!

But it doesn't matter. It looks like the other person also went to Ohara Academy, and his eldest brother entered Ohara Academy as early as 700 years ago, and is now a student of Star King Academy!

What does Xingwangyuan mean? It means that his elder brother is already the King of Stars and can go hand in hand with his father. Even if he now applies to leave Ohara University, he can be assigned a mayor!

Let this breath go now!

After Jin Huancheng looked at Zhou Heng with a resentful look, he turned over and hurriedly left here, so as not to be stared at by people around him with a mocking expression.

Xiao Huo growled and suddenly, the four Huo Yun horses that had just started running softened their legs again, stunned, and fell again, throwing Jin Huancheng into the four again.

"Hahahaha", a laugh broke out in the crowd.

After Jin Huancheng got up, he kicked his mount with a few hate. He wanted to throw this mount away, but after thinking about how much big river coins he had bought, he couldn't bear it, so he took one. Raised Huo Yunma and dragged away.

With his power of Mingxian level, it is not difficult to walk with a horse, but this scene can't help making everyone laugh more.

"Yes, yes, I got some of the true biography of this seat, but it's not enough. It's just a little bit late to make them fall even harder!" The black donkey taught the small fire and regarded it as a donkey. Mother's little fire also kept nodding.

After that, it won't take long for this little guy to be completely damaged by the cheap donkey!

Zhou Heng continued on the road, and because he knew it was him who taught Jin Huancheng just now, everyone respected him and opened up a passage one by one, and gave him a eager smile when he passed by.

After this episode, Zhou Heng finally came to the gate of Ohara College.

There are crowds of people, black people everywhere!

This is the large-scale enrollment of Ohara College only once every 100 years. Relatively speaking, the number of students admitted this time will be more than usual, and the requirements will naturally be reduced accordingly.

Therefore, this is the best opportunity to enter the university. In the past, I almost failed to pass. This time, the conditions are relaxed, and I can definitely pass!

Zhou Heng also started to line up. When you are bored, you can tease Xiaohuo, and then talk to the black donkey for a few words. It's not too bad time. However, Xiao Huo's charm is indeed not weak, and many young women often look at his arms.

Some people even offered him a bid to buy the small fire, which caused the beast to growl, but the bright eyes and drooling of the dog only made it feel more adorable.

Because the school has only minimum requirements for admission, there is no age requirement ~ ~ so not only young men and women can be seen here, but also old men with white hair and white beards.

Although there were more than 100,000 people gathered at the gate, Zhou Heng quickly discovered Jin Huancheng. He entered a special passage where there were far fewer people waiting in line.

This is specifically for the "second generation of officials", and at least the descendants of the mayor level, that is, the son of the king of stars.

The strong can enjoy privileges everywhere and benefit their children and grandchildren.

This is nothing to envy, the so-called fairness is earned by strength!

After lining up for at least half a day, Zhou Heng finally spent one thousand big river coins and received his registration number, "Three Six Seven One Eight", that is to say, up to him, everyone who came to apply this time It reached as many as 360,000.

Even if this is an enlargement of enrollment every one hundred years, it is at most two or three times more than usual, and 10,000 people will be charged if it is dead. This elimination rate will be very high.

After Zhou Heng received the registration number, he was told to go back and wait. After six days, the registration will be completed and the elimination test will be carried out. (To be continued ...)

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