Chapter 862: Assessment before entering the school (Mon.Wed.)

Although there are still six days left, Zhou Heng can't go back to find Ying Mengfan them again-he has no money to use the teleportation array!

In these six days, just rest honestly!

It is a pity that although he has picked some spirit grasses, he can't refine them into Dan because of the incomplete species.

In the Ming dynasty, herbal medicines can be divided into three types: elixir, elixir, and holy medicine according to the finished product. Because of the level, the elixir here can be compared to the elixir of the immortal realm. As for the elixir of the world, it has no qualifications at all.

However, the elixir of the immortal world can take millions of years to form. After all, it has its special features. A single elixir can be used for medicine. However, since the elixir of Ming Dynasty is only 10,000 to 20,000 years old, in order to achieve the same effect, several strains of elixir must be used.

Of course, it is easier to find a few 10,000-year-old elixir than a million-year elixir!

When he first arrived, what he needed most was money. What should I do?

Simple, isn't there a Vulcan furnace?

Zhou Heng came to the local drug store, sold several elixirs, and then used the remaining elixir to match the needed auxiliary medicines, which could just make a furnace of elixir.

When he left the drug store, he couldn't help thinking, why was Tianbao Pavilion, which seemed to be omnipresent in the two circles of Xian and Fan, disappear?

Maybe the Ming Realm is too big, so Tianbao Pavilion hasn't stretched its tentacles yet, or it has insufficient strength to do this!

Obviously, Hongyue is the person that Tianbaoge has been looking for, because the same pulse is too false, and he was suspected to be that person at the beginning! However, although Hongyue was powerful, she was hit to the fairyland. He has been healing injuries since more than 600,000 years ago.

Without such a powerful figure, the remaining strong people in Tianbao Pavilion should be vertical and horizontal, and the two worlds will naturally relax easily. But when it comes to the rule of the Ming Realm, Hongyue may not dare to say that.

and so. Even if Tianbao Pavilion has power in the Ming Realm, I am afraid that it is only confined to a certain star domain. Outside this range, no one will sell Tianbao Pavilion's face!

After all, peers are enemies!

Moreover, the forces of the Ming Realm are too complicated. For example, Dahebi can only be used in the Duyang Star. Who would recognize such things out of this star field? It is not as valuable as spirit stone or fairy stone itself!

Moreover, if you want to leave with the Star Gate, those in power will not allow users to bring a large amount of goods!

-Qualified to do business across the star domain. There are only those in power, or relatives and disciples of those in power. All in all, this has nothing to do with ordinary people.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Zhou Heng. The purpose of making money now is to buy more medicinal materials and refine the elixir suitable for him to improve his cultivation!

"However, even in the Ming dynasty, there are not a lot of elixir!" Zhou Heng stuffed the material in his hand into the Furnace.

"Smelly kid. Lightly, this seat is not a trash can!" Vulcan furnace muttered dissatisfied. "You don't want to think about it, although the elixir is not too precious in the Ming Realm. How many warriors are there in the Ming Realm? The amount is naturally amazing! Moreover, the growth period of 10,000 to 20,000 years is definitely not short. It is very lucky that you can buy these accessories this time! "

Zhou Heng nodded, and he almost emptied the top elixir of the drug store in the previous trip! And the elixir? What can be called immortal medicine is used by Tianhejing and Huixingjing. How could it be in this little medicine shop!

At the level of the stars, the elixir is the highest! Immortals are used at Tianhejing and Huixingjing levels. The holy medicine is exclusive to the power of the black hole.

The drugs used under Genesis belong to the common category, ranging from a few years to thousands of years. One thing is for sure, the higher the level of the warrior, the higher the growth year of the required medicinal materials.

Vulcan Furnace started alchemy while talking about rubbish, but this time, it took more than ten minutes to refining the furnace "Ling Ling Dan".

"Stove, are you lazy, why did it take so long?" Zhou Heng looked at the eleven pills in his hand and said, because this pill can only be used at the level of the Emperor, and it is not comparable to Qixing Dan. But the time spent in refining has exceeded Qixing Dan, which is unreasonable!

"Well, your boy is standing back and speaking without backache. This is the Ming Realm, and the refining is also the medicine of the Ming Realm, can it be slow?" Vulcan furnace cried.

"That is to say, if there are more advanced materials in the future, will your refining speed be slower?" Zhou Heng asked.

"Nonsense, so less trouble for this seat in the future!" Vulcan furnace took the opportunity to demand improved treatment.

Zhou Heng picked up the eleven elixir and went out. Since these elixir could not be used for him, he naturally had to go out and exchange money, and then buy more materials to make money to make money.

He changed a medicine store and sold all eleven elixir.

These elixir brought back the income of up to 110,000 big river coins. After Zhou Heng used the money to buy up the spirit grass in this medicine store for more than 10,000 years, there are still 50,000 remaining, and these spirit grass are refined again. Ten maggots came.

However, there are only two pharmacies in the city. Zhou Heng is not in a hurry to sell Ling Ling Dan in his hand. Anyway, he still has 50,000 big river coins, which is enough to deal with it for a period of time.

Of course, there will not be only such a poor spirit grass reserve within the scope of Pingfeng City, but most of the spirit grass is in the hands of Ohara Academy. In those two drugstores, there will be ling grass for sale. Most of the raw materials actually come from Ohara College. After being awarded to students by the college, some people sell it for other materials.

Therefore, if you want to get enough cultivation resources, you must enter the Ohara Academy, and in the future, you will also enter the Ogawa Academy.

Six days passed in a flash, Zhou Heng came to the Dayuan Academy again, and entered the Academy with the enrollment card, followed by the black donkey, and Xiao Huo lay on the back of the black donkey and watched curiously.

There are millions of people who come to register this time. They are all gathered in a square, some are closing their eyes to adjust their interest to maintain their best condition, and some are interacting with the people around them. With.

Zhou Heng found a place to sit down, but he couldn't be quiet at all. The black donkey was a taciturn, and he would die if he didn't speak for a moment.

The time passed little by little, and it was another hour later. At the deadline for today's assessment, the door of the institution closed immediately, and those who were late could only regret to lose this opportunity.

A figure emerged in the air, the powerful breath fluctuated like the waves, and immediately the speaker closed his mouth, and the person who closed his eyes and opened his eyes opened his eyes.

This is a strong person in the realm of stars. As for the star king or the star emperor, or even the star emperor, it is difficult to judge.

The three levels of the star realm are actually artificially divided, and there are only differences in the number of stars. Therefore, although the combat power is completely different, it is difficult to distinguish in breath.

However, since the school let this person appear, it must be someone who can hold the ground, and the strength is definitely strong enough!

"A total of 98,364 people registered this time, but the government will only recruit 10,000 people. Therefore, more than 970,000 people must be eliminated!" A body of red light and shadow entangled him, so that the people below could not see his looks at all.

Although everyone knows that the knockout rate will be extremely horrible, when you hear this amazing number, you can't help but burst into surprise.

"All you need to do is pass the only assessment, and that is to go into the wild and hunt!"

"This seat only reminds you once that the barren land is extremely dangerous. If you don't want to die in it, now is the opportunity to quit. After you enter it, you can take your life and death!"

"The rules of the barren land are as follows: for each monster you kill, your enrollment card will change accordingly. The stronger the monster you kill, the higher your score will be!"

"Finally, the top 10,000 people can be recruited by universities! However, there is another minimum requirement, that is, the score must be at least 1,000 and less than 1,000. Even if there are less than 10,000 people, you don't need to rot.

"In the assessment, it is allowed to capture other people's admission cards, you can plunder the opponent's scores and destroy the admission cards, and eliminate some opponents in advance!"

"But it doesn't matter if you lose your enrollment card. You can rob others! Remember, killing is never allowed! Whoever kills will be immediately kicked out and executed in public!"

"If you lose your admissions card for more than a day, you will completely lose your chance and be expelled in advance!"

"The time lasts ten days. After ten days, everyone will be sent out of the teleportation team to end this assessment."

"let's start!"

After that figure fell down from the sky, no one knew where he went.

Immediately, the crowd began to move. There was a portal in front, blocked by an iron fence, and ten passages could pass. At the entrance of each channel, there is a checkpoint for detecting the realm. Special personnel are holding special equipment to perform the detection. Just shake it.

Time is limited. Everyone is hurrying, passing the test quickly, and plunging into the portal. In the flash of light and shadow, they disappear immediately.

Here only Mingxian ~ ~ is directly brushed down if it does not exceed Mingxian, and those who exceed Mingxian and enter the Star King will also be directly admitted to the institution and become students of Star King Academy.

In the Ming Realm, Xingchen Realm is a very difficult threshold to cross, and at least 90% of the warriors have been stopped under this realm.

Zhou Heng was in a very late position. When it was his turn to pass, it was already an hour later.

However, in order to ensure the relative fairness of the assessment, the beast pet is not allowed to be brought in. Therefore, Zhou Heng warned the black donkey severely that he must not mess around. After repeated instructions, he entered the portal.

The small fire shouted loudly and seemed very reluctant. Fortunately, there was a black donkey watching, otherwise it would surely follow.

Alas, light and shadow flickered and pulled hard. Zhou Heng only felt his body sinking, and his eyes had already seen a big change—he appeared in a wild place.

This is a barren land with yellow sand all over the place, and only a few sparse weeds are growing. Obviously, everyone's position is different, because within Zhou Heng's area of ​​at least ten miles, there is no one else. (To be continued ...)

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