Chapter 860: Schools (Tuesday Third)

In fact, Du Yangxing can be regarded as a huge kingdom, which is under the control of Dahe Academy, and the emperor is the dean of Dahe Academy. However, compared to the kingdom of the mortal world, here is much looser.

In addition to the dean, there are several vice presidents. They also have huge powers. If they are united, they can even overthrow the dean!

They are equivalent to the Minister of Fengjiang, and there is no absolute subordinate relationship with the Dean. We can only say that the strength of the Dean's department is slightly stronger, and they have boarded this highest position, or some deputy dean. It is relatively low-key and does not want to compete for this position.

Order and regulations are indispensable to any rule, and of course the same is true here.

The institution is the highest arbitration institution, but Duyang Xing has only two levels of institutions. You can't let the Dayuan institution even care about small things like stealthily? Therefore, under the second-level institutions, there are also official posts such as city head, town mayor, and village head.

There are no treasures in the Ming Dynasty to speed up spiritual practice, such as spirit stone and fairy stone, but there is no shortage of elixir. After taking office, besides getting the Lulu issued by the university, you will also get some elixir to speed up the practice.

Even if you make great achievements, you can get Tian Xuan Ling Jing as a reward!

Of course, this size is so big that you can distort your mouth if it is bigger than sesame seeds. After all, this kind of thing can only be formed after a planet is dead.

This became an official, and not only had power but also elixir, which naturally became something that everyone envied. I just want to be an official. The first requirement is to graduate from an academic institution, and I think that the level of training is to be able to perform official positions at different levels.

Therefore, the colleges recruit students every year. Will lead to crazy registration frenzy.

There are no age restrictions on students admitted, but there are minimum requirements for study. That is to reach Mingxian! And this is only a condition of registration, no admission. It depends on whether you can pass the assessment!

——The school of course has to be a genius. Only by spending limited resources on a few people can a true strong person be cultivated.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhou Heng decided to apply for the Ohara Takeshi.

The Ming Dynasty is too big, so much news is blocked. What happened in distant stars may take thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years to pass! It is difficult for him to find the confusing sky in this vast world!

What's more, crossing the star gate is a huge expense!

Because there is no universal currency such as spirit stone and fairy stone. Different star fields and planets have their own currency, which makes starry sky travel very troublesome. Zhou Heng is now starting from scratch, how can I use Stargate?

If he sells 13 pieces of Celestial Spirit Crystal, it will definitely make him a super-rich man, but the key is, does he have a life to spend?

A man is guilty and guilty!

And, even if he was given infinite wealth now, where would he go? The Ming Realm is too big, as big as a sea of ​​ocean. To find someone's whereabouts is too difficult, too difficult!

Based on Zhou Heng's decision to stay here for a while, and strive to improve his cultivation, as long as he has strong strength, where can the world go? Also. Only when he is up to grade, can he be qualified to explore this strange world, isn't he?

Break through the stars first!

After the idea is settled. Zhou Heng entered Xianju, and told his thoughts to the girls, parents, and others. and. There is also a very important thing. Xianju is not allowed inside the school.

——The admission assessment is so severe. Naturally, no outsiders are allowed to enter, stealing the skills taught by universities! Moreover, private teaching is strictly forbidden. Upon discovery, the teacher and the teachee will be executed directly!

Therefore, if Zhou Heng wants to enter Ohara University, he must make arrangements for everyone.

Emperor Wangu immediately said that he would not enter the academy. He was taciturn and was the hegemon of the first emperor of Xuangan Star. How could he be willing to bow his head and become a student?

He is going to travel to every corner of the world and enhance his strength through battles!

——He possesses the Heavenly Classic of the Realm of Heaven, and somehow he was promoted to the rank by his blood, which is comparable to the Heavenly Classic of the Realm of Heaven. The Celestial Heavenly Sutra is naturally invincible in the fairy realm. Although it cannot be called invincible when it comes to the Ming Realm, how can it be comparable to advanced exercises.

Therefore, the Emperor of Ancient Times did not need to enter the academy to learn the exercises of Ming Dynasty.

Unlike Zhou Heng, he has only one goal, which is to become Xeon! And Zhou Heng's most wanted thing is to find confusing sky.

The only people who have reached the minimum qualification for the assessment are the Emperor Wangu and the Five Dragon Emperors. Since the Emperor Wangu did not want to go in, there were only five Emperors. However, Zhou Heng didn't want to let them enter the university. First, they were too beautiful, and it was easy to cause unnecessary trouble. Second, they were their identity!


This may attract some people!

Zhou Heng can teach the five-element runes to the people around him, even if they ca n’t get the chaos, it ’s impossible to achieve success, but now the chaos is equivalent to the Ming Realm, which represents the highest power of the Ming Realm. law!

Even just learning some fur is enough!

Therefore, after a while of discussion, it was finally decided that only Zhou Heng would enter the Ohara Academy alone ... in addition to the black donkey and Xiaohuo.

The black donkey cannot be thrown away. There may be high-level elixir and even treasures in the school. Why can't this cheap donkey bear it? As for the small fire, Zhou Heng's trousers were bitten tightly.

——The university does not allow students to bring outsiders into the school, but animal pets are not limited to this.

Everyone else stays in the fairy house, and the Golden Dragon Queen is enough to take care of everyone. Because of this, Emperor Wangu was so chic, he patted his **** and left.

In addition, snacks, Zhong Gufeng and others also insist on going out and travelling, and they have to make their own way instead of staying in the greenhouse. Zhou Heng provides them with training resources.

Zhou Heng did not stop, but nodded happily, because if he changed, he would make the same choice!

As far as the girls of Dream Brahma are concerned, as long as they have sufficient aura supply, they can continue to make breakthroughs with their horrible constitution. Such things as syrup are just icing on the cake, because they are not slow in practice even if they do not enter the school.

Take a night off. Zhou Heng and the girls were lingering, but after entering the university, they were not far away. It's not easy to meet each other, so everyone is crazy, it seems to make up for the future deficits.

The next day, Zhou Heng was holding the wall again, but all the girls were as soft as mud, and were completely cleaned up.

After adjusting his interest rate for a while, Zhou Heng went to Ohara College.

He had no doubt whether he could pass the assessment. If the first demon in the immortal world did not pass the entrance examination of an ordinary institution in Ming Dynasty, Zhou Heng might as well hit a piece of tofu and die!

Damn it. He didn't have a penny, and was not enough to pay the transmission costs, and went to the flat city where Ohara College was located.

The currency used here is the Dahe Coin issued by Dahe Xuefu. It is said that it was made by the Emperor Tianhe. It has a unique mark of formation, which can only be destroyed.

To determine the authenticity of Dahebi is very simple. As long as you have a Dahebi in hand, you will resonate after approaching another real coin.

Big river coin for anyone. They only represent wealth, not like spiritual stones and fairy stones, which are actually valuable things in themselves. But a penny stumped the hero Han, without big river coins. How to get to Pingfeng City immediately?

Zhou Heng thought about the body of the nine-tailed demon fox in the space implement. This kind of animal meat should be able to sell some money!

He went to a restaurant and found his boss. Say it directly. The boss was also very simple and paid him ten thousand big river coins. And let Zhou Heng have the words of this level of beast meat in the future, even if he sent them over. He received it all.

There are four types of denominations, namely one, ten, one hundred, and one thousand. Ten thousand denominations are worth ten thousand, which is pitifully small.

There is no need to put in space tools. Zhou Heng put nine big river coins in his pocket, and the remaining one was carefully examined in his hand.

Tianhe Huang's handwriting!

This big river coin looks like a copper plate in the world, with the word "Dahe" engraved on one side and the word "thousand" on the other side. It looks very ordinary, but if you test it with a little sense, you can feel it. There is a huge breath.

It's not easy!

Zhou Heng did not dare to enter the consciousness into it, which may shatter this big river coin, and it is more likely to hurt his own consciousness, so do n’t be reckless.

There is no direct portal to Pingfeng City. After all, it is just a small mountain town, which is exactly the same. Zhou Heng has left everyone here-there are only a few masters here, so that the Golden Dragon Queen can protect everyone.

A short-distance transfer costs 1,000 yuan, which is not too expensive, but it is definitely not affordable for ordinary people-three hundred yuan is enough to meet the monthly expenses of a family of three.

After four transfers, Zhou Heng finally reached Pingfeng City, and it almost cost him money.

The small fire is small and free of charge, the black donkey cannot escape the ticket, and the teleportation array rejects Xianju, so it costs 4,000 yuan more.

Fortunately, as long as you apply for one thousand big river coins ~ ~, the tuition fee is free.

Pingfeng City, built according to Ohara Academy, can only be regarded as an outbuilding of Ohara Academy, because the area of ​​this institution is much larger than that of Pingfeng City!

The city's commerce is extremely developed. There are shops selling weapons and materials, and of course there are youth houses and restaurants that can help you avoid loneliness. The shops here both sell and purchase things, and play a transit role.

For example, some disciples in the university ca n’t bear to eat the elixir distributed by the university, and then they can sell it. After collecting enough money, they can buy the weapons they need, or the more powerful restraint, which can only be used a limited number of times, Enough to save lives and defeat defeat!

Zhou Heng was holding the black donkey, lest this cheap donkey be greedy together, and pick up good things and run away. Xiao Huo is lying on the back of the black donkey, Meng Meng's big eyes look at the left and right, it seems that everything is fresh.

"Get out of here! Get out of here!" A loud noise suddenly came from behind, and the crowd turned away. If standing on high, you could see four people riding on tall horses, dispersing the crowd.

This horse is not an ordinary product, with a thick flame spitting in its nostrils, and it looks a little scary. (To be continued ...)

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