Chapter 851: Return to Fairyland (Tue Wed)

"Then fight it!" Qinghe Fairy scolded, opening up her combat power as far as the realm allowed.

The limit of the power allowed by the realm of the world is the three evils, but through the improvement of skills, the combat power erupted by everyone is completely different! She only used her power two shots in the first two shots, but now she is finally running the magic.

Under the suppression of the Heaven and Earth Avenue, all the immortals can send out similar powers. What they fight is actually immortal skills and fighting skills.

She came from the immortal realm and was trained by a certain force in the Ming realm. After becoming an immortal, she entered the mortal realm and looked for Tian Xuan Ling Jing. As such, the fairy art she masters is not so powerful, because she does not need to fight against the fairy at all.

But how to say it, after all, immortal art is immortal art, countless rivers formed a waterfall, and rushed towards Zhou Heng. And in the river, a unicorn emerged, all of them pointed up sharp unicorns and ran into Zhou Heng.

It's booming!

Zhou Heng sighed softly, this person is not dead without hitting the south wall! He pointed out, the golden light overflowed, reflecting the sky.


All the rivers flow backwards, and the countless unicorns slammed into the original master of the Qinghe fairy.

Since Qinghe Fairy is attacking with all her strength, how can she have too much defensive abilities at this time? Although she has made a defensive gesture, how can she stop the thousands of galloping rivers?


She vomited a blood spurt, and her pretty face instantly became extremely pale and full of pitiful color, so that Zhong Yuetian and others knew that she could never be interested in herself, let alone Zhou Heng's opponent, but still wanted to stand up for him She is in her early days.

Zhou Heng reached out a touch. The box containing Tian Xuan Ling Jing was already put into the space weapon by him.

He is the one who has gained the most from this treasure hunt!

Qinghe Fairy watched. But he was afraid to stop at all.

The difference in combat power between the two sides is too big! She even believed that Zhou Heng had defeated and wounded her just as easily. However, the opponent did not use all his strength at all, just casually.

How qualified is she to have a share with each other due to such a poor combat ability?

"Let's leave here, I'm going to collect this tower!" Zhou Heng said, no one else can say anything, a right-hand roll, already wrapped around everyone and came to the tower.

What, this tower can still be charged?

Sang Qingshan and others are naturally not qualified to know the grade of the fairy ware, even the Qinghe fairy does not know that this is actually a fairy house. No way, she is just the King of the Moon, how could she sense the creation of the Emperor?

In fact, even if she knew it, it was useless, and Wang Yueming wanted to collect the creation-level fairyware? Even if this is a fairy house, it is not an offensive treasure, but it is definitely not something that Yueming Wang can touch!

Even, she didn't realize that this pagoda was actually the second most precious treasure, the second most precious one!

But in front of Zhou Heng, what about the magic instruments at the level of the Creator? With only a sense of consciousness, he deterred the pagoda, and after a second thought, the pagoda began to shrink. Instantly turned into an exquisite golden pagoda, which could be used as an earring.

This is amazing too!

Sang Qingshan and others are stingy, they all have space weapons. But which space instrument can change its size?


Zhou Heng smiled, the space of this pagoda was large enough. It is entirely possible to package everyone in the world with him, then. The four fairy houses he bought from Tianbao Pavilion were useless.

"Brother Sang, let me run for nothing this time, and I will give you this gadget!" He took out a fairy house and threw it to Sang Qingshan, and helped the other party to recognize the master of Xianju.

All fairy houses have the ability to change the size, the largest is the original size, the smallest depends on the production method, but generally also the same size as the jewelry of small objects.

The reason why everything in the pagoda rots is precisely because it has been maintained at its original size, which is no different from an ordinary house and naturally loses its ability to "preserve freshness".

After Sang Qingshan grasped the know-how, he immediately played with enthusiasm.

Such things as Xianju also belong to a relatively high-level treasure in the fairy realm. Naturally, the Qinghe fairy is not qualified to own it, and has never even seen it! She could not help sighing in her heart. If it wasn't for Zhou Heng who suddenly ran out this time, then the thirteen Tianxuan Lingjing and the pagoda should be hers!

The world is impermanent, fate is destined!

She turned around and left quickly, which was boring to keep.

Watching her Qianying disappear away, Zhong Yuetian and other young men all showed reluctant expressions, but they did not have the idea of ​​catching up. After all, the levels of the two sides were too different, how could the fairy be seen The martial arts soldiers who have been born in the fetus are almost reversed!

In this regard, women do not seem to have an advantage, especially beautiful women!

Zhai Jieyu and Xingyewu looked at Zhou Heng with fiery eyes. If something could happen with him, could they fly like sparrows on the tip of the willow and become dazzling colorful phoenixes?

They immediately encircled Zhou Heng, searched, and Yingying Yanyan Chunchun did not shy away from rubbing Zhou Heng with the soft and plump body. As long as Zhou Heng is willing, he can now let these four beautiful women dedicate themselves to him.

Unfortunately, Zhou Heng has passed the stage of purely pursuing beauty. The four beauties look very eye-catching, but he has no idea of ​​"communicating" deeply. With one big hand, he rolled up the crowd and returned quickly.

How fast Sanzhuang Zhuanxian and Xunyun streamer step, and he returned to the starting place with everyone after just half an hour.

Regardless of the fiery and expectant eyes of the four women, Zhou Heng and Sang Qingshan returned to the Sang family. After meeting with the other party, he took out some training resources and gave them to Sang Qingshan.

After going to Ming Realm, I have to return to Fairy Realm. Fan Realm doesn't know how troublesome it will be, let alone how many years later.

After living for two days, Zhou Heng turned the Longhe mainland.

Everyone is ready to go to the fairyland.

Before this day, everyone was full of expectations of the fairyland, but on this day, many people are unwilling to give up. But this kind of parting feeling only lasts for a while. For the fairyland, everyone is full of longing.

Zhou Heng put everyone into the pagoda and released his own power without reservation. Tiandi Avenue immediately regarded him as a poison and pushed him out with all his strength.

In the process, Zhou Heng saw the golden network in the heavens and the earth again. Unfortunately, it was only a momentary thing. The next moment he was drawn into the void and began to travel between the two realms.

There is nothing here. In just five minutes, hey, he appeared in the fairyland.

The darkness around it is extremely dazzling, and there is no star or moon. This is the fairyland.

Zhou Heng took out the Liuyun shuttle that had been prepared for a long time, determined the location of the Forty-nine Immortal City, and immediately opened up the space and began to return.

Fortunately, this time he had good luck. He was only ten days away from the Four-Nine Immortal City and soon returned to Beibei City. He opened the pagoda and let everyone set foot on the land of fairyland and breathe the air of fairyland.

"What a strong aura!"

"I'm breaking through!"

"My bottleneck is loose!"

Suddenly, everyone cried out in surprise. Even if the immortal realm has been exploded, the richness of the aura here is not comparable to any realm, and the lower the realm, the more benefit it is, as if it can break through several levels in one breath.

Zhou Heng led his parents to meet the ancient emperor, the highest-born person in the Zhou family.

Settle the people for a while, because in a few months or a few years, they will soar again and go to the Ming Realm, so there is no need to build civil works, build new residences for everyone, and just build a hut.

Two days later, Zhou Heng invited the Emperor Wangu to come and let the five dragon emperors attend together to discuss his previous ideas, that is, to exhaust all the resources and let one of them break through the Mingxian.

The first emperor of ancient times shook his head. He was a martial arts idiot. He refused to break through when the nine phases were clear. In his view, how can he break through after forming thirty gods and lay a solid foundation. .

The Five Dragon Emperors did not have such great ambitions, but they had a condition that they must first find the Dragon Emperor, and then they were willing to rise to the Ming Realm.

Of course, this Dragon Emperor is not the Dragon Emperor who was beheaded by Zhou Heng before, but the "predecessor" Dragon Emperor.

Zhou Heng promised to come down, and determined that the Golden Dragon Queen was the candidate for the breakthrough, because her realm was the highest of the five women, and naturally she could complete the breakthrough as soon as possible.

Next, all the resources must be used on the Emperor Golden Dragon, such as the blood of the true dragon that he extracted from the Dragon Emperor, and if she can find the holy medicine, she will use it on her.

As long as it can enter the Ming Realm, even if this level of holy medicine cannot be regarded as Chinese cabbage in the Ming Realm ~ ~, but the preciousness is unknown.

Zhou Heng took out the bodies of Dragon Emperor and Xun Kiss, pared off a few pieces of meat, and eliminated the violent evil from them, boiled a pot of soup, and distributed them to everyone.

Even so, all the members of the Lao Zhou family couldn't bear it. They all ate all through the sun, letting Zhou Heng, the Emperor of Ancient Times, and the Five Dragon Emperors be so busy that they could take care of everyone.

At this time, the horror of Feng Qingqing's physique was manifested, and she could kill a dragon meat alone, and she was envious of everyone. This dragon meat was not only delicious, but also contained horrible spiritual power. The effect was comparable Little holy medicine!

She has been transformed by the confused world, and snack food is not comparable to Heliandong, and she has to admit that she is the first food in fairyland!

Zhou Heng handed over the body of Dragon Emperor and Xun Kiss to Emperor Gugu, and he gave it to everyone to see, and he and the Five Dragons and Real Madrid kept on their journey to find the whereabouts of "True Dragon Emperor".

For so many days in his lower bound, Tianbao Pavilion has found the Bone Cultivator and sent him over to use the blood of the true dragon. (To be continued ...)

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