Chapter 850: Robbing Tian Xuan Ling Jing (13)

Zhou Heng smiled lightly, and flicked her right hand, pushing Qinghe Fairy out, smiling: "Just think of her as a treasure!"

"Zhou Heng, you're too much, not only for the fairy, but also for disrespect!"

"Absolutely cannot forgive!"

"Abandon him!"

These young people all said with red eyes, as if Zhou Heng just held the Qinghe Fairy's wrist, but the private parts of their daughter-in-law, making them all full of aggressiveness.

"Get off!" Qinghe Fairy shook her hands and a hurricane swept away, shaking back all these young people who were about to rush.

Thirteen Tianxuan Lingjing!

As long as she succeeds, she will complete the task in excess, and she will be fully trained by the power of Ming Realm, so that she can take Tian Xuan Ling Jing to ascend up as soon as possible. She doesn't need to deal with the "mute ants" here anymore!

In this case, naturally she no longer needs to be a Qinghe fairy!

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

All the young people fell into a ball, and their faces were bewildered. One was because they did n’t know why Qinghe Fairy had to shoot at themselves. The other was that they were shocked by the strength of Qinghe Fairy, and they were shocked to fly without resistance. Go out.

This is as good as they are!

Divine Baby Realm?

Qinghe Fairy is a divine baby?

But if so, why would she mingle with her own situation?

The ranks of warriors are strict, and high-level warriors have a circle of high-level warriors. It is impossible to mingle with low-level warriors!

Qinghe fairy must have a picture!

But what does she picture? In this more than a month of getting along, she also said that she likes strange and weird stones very much. I hope that everyone can find whatever weird stones are and show them to her.

Is her plan a stone?

and many more. Isn't that box filled with stones?

The owner of this tower must be extremely powerful, although the treasures here are basically finished. Does not prevent them from reaching such a conclusion! And these stones can be treasured here by the owner of this tower, which shows that ... the value of these stones is also extremely precious!

or. It is because these stones look plain and unrecognizable, so Qinghe Fairy will let them help to find them in this way!

This is why the Qinghe Fairy concealed her identity with them!

It must be so!

So when Zhou Heng found these stones, Qinghe Fairy couldn't help showing her "true face"!

Damn, they treat them like monkeys!

These people are the arrogance of their respective families, and they may have such shortcomings, but one thing is certain, that none of them are stupid, and soon the truth of the matter is almost restored.

When they looked at Qinghe Fairy again. There was anger in his eyes. But Qinghe Fairy is the King of the Moon. Is her skill to be able to resist these martial arts warriors?

Just two more glances, their eyes gave birth to admiration again, as if to forget the previous anger.

They all showed struggling expressions, and they felt so annoyed!

Qinghe Fairy never minded these ants, she just stared at Zhou Heng and started to raise her momentum.

With these celestial spirit crystals, she can fly to the fairy realm, and then quickly complete the fairy-level cultivation. Ascension to the Ming Realm again! Therefore, she no longer needs to conceal her strength. After seizing these Celestial Spirit Crystals, she contacts the power of Ming Realm. Then directly ascended to fairyland.

Divine Baby Realm! Divine Realm! Zhunxian!

The Qinghe Fairy soon raised her strength to the Triad of Immortality, the strongest level in the world, with a terrifying atmosphere. Like the ocean!

Everyone in Sang Qingshan was stunned!

They already knew that Qinghe Fairy had hidden strength, but never expected that the other party had reached such a point!

It's okay to have never seen Junxian with your own eyes. They always heard some legends, such as the boiling flame on Qinghe Fairy. It is almost necessary to cut through the space, which is clearly the sign of the three robbers!

Three robbers!

No, there can't be three jewels in the realm. Once they become three jewels in the realm, they will immediately rise to the immortal world!

Well ... there can only be one!

Qinghe Fairy is a fairy, she came down from the fairyland!

Her mission is to collect those stones, just "play" with them, and use them to achieve their goals!

This cognition makes everyone very angry, but no matter how angry they are, can they fight against a fairy? Even Sang Qingshan and Xingyewu lost confidence in Zhou Heng for the first time, because they are also immortals. Zhou Heng has been on this road for five years at most, and their strength is absolutely limited!

How can this confrontation proceed?

Zhou Heng smiled calmly, not to mention that Qinghe Fairy is just the Moon King, even if she is the Emperor of the Ming Realm, who came to Fan Realm and Fairy Realm to find him!

——Under the same realm, he is absolutely invincible!

From this point, should he form a breakthrough after forming the ninety-nine gods? But the fairyland has too few resources. How long does it take for him to reach 89?

Well, not necessarily!

He does not necessarily need to break through the stars. The five dragon emperors and the ancient emperor are not far away from this level. As long as they break through, can they not only take everyone up?

As long as he enters the Ming Realm, I believe that there will be enough resources for him to quickly pass the level of 99 gods, and it will not be long before he can become the star king!

Sometimes it's not embarrassing to use the power of others appropriately!

Zhou Heng nodded in his heart. If he wanted to break through, he would have to form at least fifty gods, but the immortal world is so barren. Where can I find so many holy medicine for him? And when it comes to the use of black sword special effects, the number of Mingxian and Creation Emperor has decreased sharply after the battle of Xinghai Bandit to attack Juexian City. It is estimated that being slaughtered by him may not allow him to form fifty gods.

No doubt, letting the five dragon emperors or the ancient emperors break through first is a better choice and more realistic.

"Give me something, this is not something you can dye!" Qinghe Fairy said coldly. However, he did not take the liberty to shoot, because he could not see through Zhou Heng. She always had some fears about Zhou Heng.

Of course, it's just dread, and it's not enough to give up Tianxuan Lingjing. This is mortal after all. The warfare of Sanzhe Zhuanxian is enough to sweep the invincible, and in the worst case, they can even tie.

By her call, Zhou Heng returned to God. He glanced at Qinghe Fairy and smiled, "You are not my opponent!"

"Ha! Ha!" Qinghe Fairy sneered twice, but she didn't have a smile on her face, slammed her right hand, grabbed at Zhou Heng, a cyan glory turned into a long river, and thundered.

Zhou Heng flicked his fingers at will. Alas, the long river suddenly shattered.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Yuetian and others glared at the eyes at the same time, with his mouth half open, full of incredible.

Qinghe Fairy is a fairy!

Those who can fight against the immortals ... only immortals!

Zhou Heng is a fairy?


Damn, this guy is Sang Qingshan's distant cousin? Cousin, you look!

Everyone turned their dull eyes to Sang Qingshan, and this guy touched his head with guilty conscience. He originally wanted to use Zhou Heng to support his face, but now Zhou Heng's identity is exposed. How can anyone believe that Zhou Heng is really his cousin?

but. Being able to get in touch with the immortal, in fact, I don't know how many points have been added to Sang Qingshan. At least Zhong Yuetian and others have looked at him with a bit of awe, and it seems extremely complicated.

"Who the **** are you?" Qinghe Fairy did nothing. Can not help but Liu Mei slightly wrinkled, although she did not use it just now, but it is obviously not what the fetus can compete with. therefore. The other party must have concealed her strength just like her. The key is that she can't see the depth of the other party. This unknown somehow disturbed her heart.

"My surname is Zhou Mingheng, but I have already married my wife. Don't think about me!" Zhou Heng said casually, he picked up a piece of Tian Xuan Ling Jing, carefully sensed, but as before, he could not see at all What's so special about this stone.

Tianxuan Lingjing was formed by a dying planet, and sure enough, it is not enough to try to figure out if it is not in the realm of stars!

"Presumptuous!" Qinghe Fairy trembled with anger, who did this kid think he was? She shot again, countless Daohe coiled around her body, the sound of the water clacking, as if it were real.

She photographed it with a palm, and countless rivers crashed down from the sky, heading towards Zhou Heng's crazy town.

Zhou Heng still popped up with a finger, and these rivers shattered together, turned into countless spiritual fragments, and floated in the tower.

Qinghe Fairy's expression became extremely cautious.

In the first shot, she only shot at will, which at most reduced the level of attack power of Shenjing level, but in the second shot, she shot with anger, almost reaching the limit allowed by the realm.

But this is still easily resolved by the other party!

"You too ... sent down above?" She pointed the sky, but after pointing up, she pointed upwards again.

She said it wasn't the immortal world, but the Ming world, so she pointed twice.

Zhou Heng shook his head and said, "I'm me and don't do anything for anyone! You're not my opponent. Let's step back. My patience is limited. I won't be just defense!"

Qinghe Fairy's brow froze tightly. Through the two previous hits, she already knew that Zhou Heng was not easy to deal with. Can she give up thirteen Tianxuan Lingjing? impossible!

With these celestial spirits, she can become a hot character in Ming Dynasty!

This is a huge opportunity for her. For this opportunity ~ ~ she can work hard!

"I only need half of it, and take it!" She retreated, even if it was only six pieces of Tianxuan Lingjing, it was not her own use anyway.

Zhou Heng smiled, but shook his head.

Really cruel!

Zhong Yuetian and others all said in their hearts, if they replaced them, they would definitely use this opportunity to bargain with Qinghe Fairy, such as forming a gang or something ... Well, why do they still remember this woman?

They didn't know that they were actually affected by the Qinghe fairy's exercises, how could they get rid of the charm of each other!

(The following words are not counted)

Then advertise my cousin's Taobao shop, a new batch of genuine Converse low-top canvas women's shoes mortgaged by a foundry to ensure authenticity. Female compatriots can go and see if they like it. Male compatriots can also check it out. You can choose a pair for your wife and girlfriend ~

My cousin's shop name is: Leopard in boots, welcome ~~~ (To be continued ...)

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