Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 852: Sea of ​​Fire (Wed.Wed.)

That "Fake Dragon Emperor" is definitely not low among the dragons. Zhou Heng collected a total of 92 drops of true dragon blood-there was always some wear and tear. Compared to the blue dragon queen with only three drops, the fake dragon emperor is almost generous.

If Zhou Heng served these blood of the true dragon, it is estimated that there should be no problem in raising the ten gods, but it is far from enough to let him touch the threshold of breakthrough. And if all the blood of the true dragon is served to the Empress of the Golden Dragon, she can definitely form nineteen gods to impact the realm of stars.

In addition, she is a dragon, these essence blood can also improve the purity of her veins, although it can not achieve the effect of changing one for another, but even one for ten is a huge benefit!

Of course, she could not digest all the blood of the true dragon in one breath, that would be a huge waste!

Eat rice bite by bite, and step by step.

The Empress Jinlong entered the retreat in the fairy house, continuously refining the blood of those true dragons. Because the Dragon family from the level of the Star King has a corresponding level of understanding, and is also a Dragon family, it has an invaluable value for her.

All in all, when she thoroughly refines the blood of these true dragons, she will be able to break through the stars, but it is not clear at this time. It may be months, years, or even decades.

It depends on the talent of the Queen of Dragons.

However, she can become a family of empresses. I believe that the talent of the emperor Jinlong is definitely not bad, otherwise she would not be able to take the lead among the five dragon emperors and become only six wise men.

Zhou Heng and the four dragon emperors entered the vast stars and set off their final journey in the fairyland.

Where is Dragon Emperor, this is a big question!

I believe that the former false dragon emperor must know-since he can find three dragon emperors. I believe you can also find the Dragon Emperor. Unfortunately, he died too fast! and. Even if Zhou Heng didn't kill him that fast, would he be willing to help Zhou Heng find them Emperor Long?

Zhou Heng decided to find the old pirate. Fang family ancestor.

This old man has not known how many years the Xinghai Bandit has been, and must have visited countless places, and Fang's family is an "old name". He should have a good understanding of the huge Xingyu, maybe there is a clue to the Dragon Emperor.

Regarding this decision, the Four Dragon Kings naturally voted for it, but thinking of Fang's family also having a beauty, the Four Dragon Kings could not help laughing at him.

"Do you want to go to Fang's house so much?"

"That's it. There are more than one Fang family in Xinghai, so why choose Fang family?"

"Erotic guy!"

Zhou Heng was so black-faced by them that these girls did not want to rebel?

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

He grabbed all four dragon emperors and pumped his ass, and the woman just couldn't be spoiled, and as soon as he gave some color, he went to heaven!

As the starship sailed, they set off toward the vast starry sky, because in a hurry, they borrowed one of the best-performing starships in Tianbao Pavilion, which greatly shortened their journey. Only two months later, they came to the broken continent where Fang's family was.

For their arrival, the ancestors of Fang's family were very surprised, and they had some feelings in their hearts. I really don't know why they came here. Fang Yirong was rather pleased, thinking that Zhou Heng had come to see her.

After a brief greeting, Zhou Heng expressed his intentions.

Fang's ancestors were very cooperative. Immediately take out a star map, which depicts the achievements of Fang's exploration of Xingyu for many years. It is precious. However, Fang's ancestor did not have much physical pain, because he was not far away from the ascension of Ming Dynasty. When the family rises, what's the point of keeping this star chart?

Zhou Heng and the four dragon emperors looked closely and found that there were eleven important points drawn on this star map. Even the power of the ancestors of Fang's family was afraid to go deep.

There is a road between heaven and earth to suppress, that is, the king of the stars must bend his waist when he comes! But heaven and earth itself will not be subject to such restrictions, so many dangerous places that Mingxian could not set foot in were formed.

One of these danger areas may be suppressing the Dragon Emperor, or there may be none.

It is more likely that Long Di died long ago in the war a million years ago, because as long as he is directly hit by the aftermath of an attack, there is no guarantee of death!

While the Queen of the Dragon Dragon has not yet broken through, Zhou Heng decided to go to these eleven places as much as possible. If it is natural to find the Dragon Emperor, there is no way to find that.

"As long as we enter the Ming Realm, within a few years, you can become like the Dragon Emperor, and then when you go to the Lower Realm, you can easily find ... the whereabouts of your Dragon Emperor!" Zhou Heng said.

"That's a fake dragon emperor!" The four dragon emperors always insisted.

Regarding Zhou Heng's proposal, although they are unwilling, they also know that this is the best choice. The universe is too big. Besides, this is still a shattered world. Where can I ask people?

If you want to search this universe again, it may not be enough for hundreds of millions of years!

Therefore, they all agreed that the search operation would end before the Golden Dragon Queen broke through.

The starship continued to sail, heading for the dangerous place closest to them.

This is really close. Just half a month later, they came to the top of the continent completely engulfed by flames. They could sense the temperature of the blazing fire from a distance. Burnt servings.

This high temperature means that the four dragon emperors did not dare to set foot for Mingxian and could only stand on the starship's deck and wait and see.

The size of the universe really has countless mysterious places!

"The temperature here is so high. If Dragon Emperor is really here, I'm afraid it will be burned to ashes!" Zhou Heng sighed.

"Well, crow's mouth!" The four dragon emperors kept talking, which was unlucky.

Zhou Heng smiled and said, "I'll take a look. You guys are waiting for me here!"

He unfolded and flew towards the burning continent. As the distance approached, he also had to continuously increase the strength of his spiritual strength to withstand the increasingly fierce temperature. There will be a hundred more from this continent. When he was here, he had already run his spiritual power to the extreme.

What a terrible place!

If you want to break through by spiritual force, it is estimated that you have fifty gods or even more!

Unless there is a strong person above the Ming Dynasty Star King, there is no qualification to explore at all!

Fortunately, although Zhou Heng only has the power of seventeen gods, he has mastered the Chaos Sutra!

Those who have won a heavenly scripture are invincible in this world!

This is not to say, he was too lazy to go out and give the chaos ritual to the sacrifice directly. This ritual flowed out with colorful lights and protected him, and the fiery heat wave was immediately isolated.

"So comfortable!" Vulcan Furnace said in the Dantian space, and his tone even groaned, so that Zhou Heng could hear goosebumps.

"Dead stove, don't talk in this disgusting tone!" Zhou Heng roared.

"Hahahaha, I can't help myself, there is no way!" Vulcan Furnace said plainly, "The environment here is a bit like the place where this seat was born, but the temperature is still too low, not cool enough!"

Although the tone of this stove is very low, there is not much exaggeration, because its predecessor, the sun iron, was born from the sun in the Ming Realm. This hot environment is most suitable for it.

"Is there a different fire here?" Zhou Heng asked.

"Supposedly, the environment here can indeed generate strange fires, but this seat does not sense any strange fires, which is really strange!" Vulcan furnace was also very sullen.

Zhou Heng watched the flame continent below, and said, "Or, you are the first to be boarded!"

"It's awful, even dare to grab this seat, this seat is going to burn this **** with fire!" Vulcan furnace was aggressively said.

"Come and see!" Zhou Heng said. The chaos heaven flowed with colorful lights, completely protecting his wings, and the Vulcan furnace was sacrificed by him. This furnace was born from the flames, and the flames of the fairyland were stronger No one can hurt it.

Alas, his body is like flying, the colorful light overflows, and the film flame does not stick.

This land, a barren field, and the flames burning the sky, there should be no living beings! However, if life can be born here, then if it is a plant, it must be a potion, if it is a monster, it must be a fairy once it is born!

Although the area is large, the gravity here is almost non-existent, and it quickly makes a circle at a constant speed, but he has not found anything except the flames.

This temperature is too high, melting the rocks and the earth into magma, and the whole has become a sea of ​​flames. Zhou Heng hesitated slightly and jumped into the sea of ​​fire. He wanted to enter the central area of ​​this continent for the final exploration.

Here, his consciousness cannot be let go. The horrible temperature will seriously damage his consciousness. Once the consciousness is separated, it is impossible to get the protection of the Five Elements Rune, and the flame greatly cuts off his sight. , So you must search carefully after you dig deeper.

There is no solid matter in this sea of ​​fire, Zhou Heng's speed can be exerted to the extreme, making up for the shortcomings of his vision and consciousness. This is so. It takes him at least three days to search through the whole sea of ​​fire ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ However, after two days, a powerful breath came suddenly, showing endless evil .

Zhou Heng stepped down, felt a little, and immediately flew towards the place where the breath was emitted.

Here ... there really are creatures!

A few minutes later, the sea of ​​fire suddenly cleared, and a space of at least 10,000 feet in diameter appeared. At the very center of this space, a fireball curled up!

Not a fireball!

This is a behemoth that is burning with flames all over the body. It looks like a dog that has been magnified countless times. It is now sleeping, but after every breath, there will be a terrifying coercion.

"This, this is the flame dog!" Vulcan furnace cried suddenly, "I never expected that the environment of the fairy world could even produce such a powerful beast!"

"Wait, wait, what is a flaming dog, don't patronize, just say it!" Zhou Heng knocked on the furnace body of Vulcan furnace. (To be continued ...)

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