What makes lucky people feel lucky is that the number of witches in the area of ​​Taiweidixing (hereinafter referred to as Taiwei District), that is, the ruins of Shenyang City is really not much. When the cold and a large man left the registration desk, even a witch did not meet along the way.

    “It seems that the Wu people’s war potential is almost here!”Seeing this scene, I can’t help but sigh. Taiwei District is also a very important area. It is equivalent to a strategic town like Luoyang City or Xuzhou City in the previous war. How can we also guard a thousand and eight hundred troops to guard this area? .

    However, it is such a strategic center. In the ten minutes, the cold and so on did not see a witch clan to defend such a place. It can be seen that the witches have almost put all their troops into the Vermillion Bird star battlefield.

    However, it cannot be said that the strategy of the witches is very stupid, because the fundamental goal of the witches is not to occupy these places for a long time, but to hope that they will break through the starry battles as soon as possible and thus liberate their ancestors. So their only goal is to break the Vermillion Bird star battlefield. As for the already broken areas like MSI and Violet, it doesn’t matter for them, as long as they are not compressed in Vermillion Bird and Azure Dragon. It is enough for the sword-bearers in the area to release them.

    This also directly led to the cold and other people who did not see other new witches except the two witches.

    But in addition to the witches, people such as Gu Han saw other things…They saw a corpse and were discarded on the ground.

    “This is the sword-bearer who was originally guarded here!”Leslie Dracula made a sigh, and the owner of the body seemed to be a 30-year-old human. There is only one scabbard on his waist, and it seems that he should be an ancient sword-level sword-bearer.

    The appearance of the corpse is clear and beautiful, and it seems that it should be a handsome young man. It’s a pity that his stomach was scratched, the internal organs and the intestines were all pulled out, and the bottom of his knees became a flesh and blood. It seemed to be a living creature with a terrible force. , interrupted the legs and died.

    I can see that this sword-bearer must have suffered tremendously when he died, because his eyeballs are about to burst out, his mouth is slightly open, and he doesn’t know what he is doing at the moment of his death. The last words, or simply a painful cry.

    “Poor guy, he should be with his son or daughter at home, not the obscurity of death here.”A sword-level sword-bearer who is about sixty years old lamented and said, “Maybe the old guys who should really die are dead. We are all old bones. It’s just right to die here. Why should such a poor child suffer? !”

    Other sword-bearers stood there motionless, bowing their heads and silently chanting something, apparently their hearts had their own feelings.

    “We have buried this child!”A sword-seller suggested! His suggestion immediately received the response of other sword-bearers, who rushed out their own swordsmen and prepared to dig a hole in the ground to bury the young victims.

    ForbidOnly their behavior was interrupted by a rude voice, and the indifferent cold stood in front of them, and said to them in a more indifferent voice, “We don’t have time to waste on a dead person, unless you want to become like him. The same dead. The Witch’s forces are likely to come here at any time, wasting a second here, and it is likely to lose a life. No one is allowed to stay here, rush to Taian County at full speed! ”

    The order to fix the cold was finished. It seems that no one intends to execute the command to fix the cold. They are still standing silently beside the poor victims. All they want is to dig a pit.

    “You guys, you don’t leave me.”Seeing this scene, the cold anger smashed his hand in an angry manner, and then he left the place first, just like what he had done in the Star Shuttle.

    “Let’s go.” A bunch of old guys still don’t have a little girl! ”An old sword-bearer said the sound of self-deprecating, and left with the cold. And his actions also let other sword-bearers leave the place after a prayer.

    This is the war, the cruel war of death and death.

    On the way after, the cold and other people saw more bodies, most of which were ancient sword-level swordsmen, and a small part of them were sword-level swordsmen. These bodies are all incomplete, some have missing arms, some have gone to the thighs; or some have only arms left, and some have only thighs left.

    These corpses are obviously the sword-bearers who died in the sneak attack of the witches while guarding the Taiwei District. Ordinary people in the base city often complain that their lives have been so painful, but they still have to be riding on their heads to make a fortune.

    Those sword-bearers live in the safest places in the city, enjoying the most delicious food that humans can enjoy, and riding the most beautiful women under their bodies…Some seventy-eighth sword-bearers can even play with some young girls of 17 or 18 years old, and they are famous as maids…What is the injustice of this world, the sword-bearer is really the most enviable occupation in the world.

    These ordinary people will never see the real battlefield of the sword-bearers. As long as they do not experience the big invasion, 95% of the ordinary people in the world will be able to die. Although they do not eat enough, they will never be starved to death. They may not have their own house, but they can definitely find an own ashes box.

    But these common sense are here to hold the sword! Only 15% of the sword-bearers in the world can die, and the remaining 85% of the sword-bearers can only die in the most painful way in the world, and then miserable to even have a box of their own, and finally only the corpse wilderness, It’s like the sword-bearers I met along the way.

    From this perspective, those ordinary people who complain about the unfairness of the world every day are probably the luckiest people in the world, because they can live peacefully to the end.

    There was a very famous line in a movie before the big break, called “the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.” This sentence may be a little better for the sword-bearer. “The greater the ability, the more you enjoy, the worse you die.”

    After a half-hour or so of the horse’s rapid movement, the cold and others finally approached the edge of the Taiwei District. On this road, the cold is only a small witch who met three witches, and they were directly cleaned by Black Tortoise…After these three battles, the solid Black Tortoise is also very sure to tell the cold, she can use the swordsman perfectly here, and will not be interfered by the power of the stars.

    Just when everyone was about to leave the most dangerous Taiwei District, suddenly the accident happened. The 60-year-old swordsman in the team suddenly exclaimed and then fell on a corpse not far away. I started to burst into tears.

    “Xiaowu…My poor Xiaowu…My childrenChoo-choo-choo-choo-choo-choo-choo!The cold walked to the side of the sword-bearer and found that he was crying with a broken body. The body was divided into two sections. The first half had only one head and a small half of the shoulder. The lower half only had half of the buttocks attached to the thighs. As for the part of the middle where it went, it would not be known.

    This corpse, the only head is kept very intact. On the face of it, this is a sword-bearer in his thirties. The unshaven looks very rough, purely from the face, but it has some similarities with the sword-bearer who is crying with his body.

    Listening to the cry of the sword-bearer, this body seems to be his son! !

    What happenedAsked cold and whispered.

    “This is the son of Lao Chen!”Another sword-bearer who is about the same age as the sword-bearer said sadly, “I am probably the only one of our sword-bearers who asked for it.” He was not on the list of Sword Spirit on the temple. After hearing that I was selected, I took the initiative to find Sword Spirit, who hopes to join this volunteer team. ”

    “Lao Chen made a lot of credit when he was young, and he was over 60 years old, so Sword Spirit didn’t approve him to join the team at first. It was he who finally pleaded to Sword Spirit in front of the Sword Spirit in the temple, and Sword Spirit had to agree to join him! ”

“……Could it be that he entered Shanhaiguan for his son? And this body is his son? ”The cold guess said.

    “Yes, this is his son…”Having said that, this sword-bearer has paused. “This is his only son.”

    “In fact, his son is also a confession. Until the age of 30, he became a sword-level swordman. A few days after becoming a sword-bearer, I saw a 16-year-old girl who was forced to pull a man as a maid by her own sword-level swordsman. As a result, his son was not lucky. The young girl’s childhood friend became a sword-level swordsman after he was 18 years old. After one year’s effort, he became a sword-level sword-bearer. The sword-level sword-bearer has become a well-known genius. ”

    “When this young man became a sword-level sword-bearer, he directly collected evidence of his various miscellaneous sons forcibly turning the little girl into his maid, and a papersuit filed a report to the Commission for Discipline Inspection. The Commission for Discipline Inspection naturally attaches more importance to this young genius. In addition, he has a miscellaneous account, so he was sentenced to five years in prison by the Disciplinary Committee three months ago. ”

    “In the result, there is a shortage of manpower in Shanhaiguan. His son, an ancient sword-level criminal, was directly assigned to Shanhaiguan, saying that as long as he can last three years, he will be free to come back.”

    “Old Chen can’t bear his son! This is his only son! He often dreams that her son will die in Shanhaiguan! So when he heard that Shanhaiguan was in crisis again, he took the initiative to enter Shanhaiguan and wanted to see his son with the last side…I can’t think of all his dreams and hopes at this moment. The last side was indeed seen, but his son was also dead. ”

    “My baby son!”The sword-bearer couldn’t bear to look at the crying liver and the broken Chen, biting his teeth to fix the cold to “young people, I hope that you can understand the pain of an old man who lost his son. Hello, give him a chance to be safe! ”

    “I give him five minutes…”Chilling and licking his lips, “Let him hurry up and dig.”

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