“Do you think those witches will only start with one of our teams?”Leslie Dracula said with a smile: “Others I may not know!” But the team of people is the same as ours, or maybe even worse than us…”

    “Impossible, how could you know this?”The sword-bearer was taken back by this scare, and then loudly roared, “You don’t think I am a fool, but I don’t want to lie to me.” I understand the data of Star Wars, and human quantum network communication can only be used in areas that have been successfully suppressed by the big stars. It is impossible to communicate with a personal terminal like this kind of area that has been broken. How can you know the situation of Miss Yan! ”

    “Of course I know……”Leslie Dracula raised her wrist and revealed her personal terminal. She said dimly: “My personal terminal is not the same as your personal terminal. Our personal terminal uses quantum. In addition to the communication network, it is also possible to rely on a special way to communicate. In a certain period of time, I and I resumed communication. The embarrassing newsletter warned me that the ancient sword-level swordsman who is responsible for us is likely to be a witch. And because they fought in the interior of the Star Shuttle and the Witch, and destroyed the entire Star Shuttle in the battle, their Star Shuttle was about to crash in a certain position, they could not return to the Sun. ”

    “What special features of ghosts…You Noble Family children are really special…Even the personal terminal is different from our despicable civilian children. ”The sword-bearer said sourly, he got it. At this critical juncture, he still has time to worry about the problems of personal terminals.

    “This is not a very special feature, it is just a traditional radio wave.”The cold walked to the sword-bearer and said faintly, “This is the science and technology before the big break. There is not much technical difficulty. If you want, I can now put this stuff on your personal terminal!”

“……This is no longer…”Seeing the cold eyes of the cold, thinking of his fierce swordsmanship, the sword-bearer could not help but shrink, and he honestly retreated.

    “Miss Leslie Dracula, can you still contact me now?”Cold weather turned to Leslie Dracula.

    “I can’t contact now.”Leslie Dracula shook her head. “My brother and I only had a brief communication of less than 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, the newsletter was forcibly interrupted. I have no contact.”

    “What time is this happening??”Asked about the cold

    “About five minutes ago, you were in contact with the witch who was extravagant than the corpse tribe.”Leslie Dracula replied cheerfully.

    I see! The strength of the communication between the radios is determined by the distance between the two. You can communicate with you for thirty seconds, because in the thirty seconds, we should be very close to each other. That’s right. However, because our Star Shuttle was in high-speed sports at that time, after thirty seconds, we were separated from the shackles, so you lost contact with you. Am I right? ”

    应该应该It is like this…”Leslie Dracula lowered her head and said slyly.

    “You just mentioned that when you contacted, your star shuttle has been damaged and is falling. So they should have lost the ability to move over a wide range, which is equivalent to being fixed at a certain position and cannot move. ”

    Suddenly, the cold came to the front of the star shuttle cab. A sword was cut in a position in front of the driver’s seat, and then a storage compartment was popped up. The cold was taken out of the storage compartment.

    “It seems that the driver of this star shuttle must be strictly in accordance with the rules of the Star Shuttle, otherwise the map inside the storage grid will not be preserved so well!”The cold said to spread the map, and then drew a small circle on a certain position on the map. “This is our current location, the ruins of Shenyang.”

    The cold has drawn a straight road in a place not far from Shenyang. “This straight line is where we traveled within 30 seconds. According to the data I know, the distance between two personal terminals is about 100 kilometers through radio contact, so we draw a circle of nearly 100 kilometers at the beginning of this line, then draw a circle of 100 kilometers in diameter at the end, so Miss cold she is bound to fall in the position of these two circles coincident, This is the place! ”

    The cold was a little bit hard on a certain position on the map, and everyone immediately rushed over and found that the two circles coincided with the big characters of the emperor. I am in these two characters. Next to it, the words Taian County were also marked with a somewhat faint little word.

    “Yes, this is the area under the suppression of the Emperor’s Star in the repression area of ​​Taiwei Dixing, which was once Tai’an County. I suspect that I will fall in Taian County at this moment! ”The cold whispered.

    “Hey!”Everyone whipped up loud applause and dedicated it to the young man.

    They completely could not think of this young man not only with amazing force, but also with horrible intelligence. Actually, with just one communication time, you can figure out where the cockroaches fall, which is something that no one of them can do.

    “What should we do now?”Immediately someone took the initiative to ask for the cold, apparently he was planning to listen to the idea of ​​fixing the cold…However, they seem to have forgotten that when the Star Shuttle landed, they had defaulted to the leadership of the cold. Only when the cold has defeated the two witches of the Zhurong tribe, they will leave the cold to the back. Until now, I have once again thought of hearing suggestions for fixing the cold.

    “My opinion is very simple. It is absolutely impossible to stay in the ruins of Shenyang. After the death of the two witches of the Zhurong tribe, their flesh will return directly to their respective tribes through the veins. The tribal wizards will immediately discover that the witches used to kill us have died under our hands. . So I believe that in the near future, they will arrange more witch warriors to come and kill us, so if we stay here, it must be a dead end. ”If you hold the cold, you can’t help but nod your head. You have to admit that it is very reasonable to say that the cold is right. Staying here is really a dead end.

    “Of course, just as the predecessor worried about it, if we go directly to the Sun, we are also dead. Therefore, for the present, we will only strengthen our strength as soon as possible, and they will fall in Taian County. The Noble Family is the most powerful family in the world, and they may have the means to restore our combat effectiveness. ”

    “Even if she doesn’t have such an approach, more people can be safer. So my suggestion is very simple. We will immediately go to Taian County, find a way to find their team, and then take a round with us, then consider the next steps! ”Gu Han said his suggestion.


    “Yes, this is really the best way!”

    “I have no opinion!”

    After all, these people still have more confidence in the Noble Family, so they heard that the cold is going to be the first round of the year, and all of them agreed to agree.

    “Well, since everyone agrees with my plan, then everyone listens to my command, first clean up my own things, then leave the Star Shuttle together and go to Tai’an County…”Unexpectedly, the voice of the cold has just fallen, but immediately there is an uncoordinated voice coming out.

    “Your plan is good though…But why should we obey the command of a younger generation of us? ”A middle-aged sword-bearer is very uncomfortable and said, “The salt we have eaten together is more than the rice you have ever eaten. Experience and insight are far more than you, plus your juniors are rough, have no patience, and don’t pay attention to some details. And the old guys we consider are more comprehensive and thoughtful, and the combat experience is a bit more, so I see that the command is still handed over to these old guys. You two juniors just listen to our command to fight. That’s enough. ”

    This middle-aged and old-aged swordsman wants to take command of a few insufficiency and wants to let the cold obey their command to fight.

    JokeSolid cold smile, seems to hear the world’s best laughter jokes “What salt is eaten more than I eat. The amount of rice in a meal is thousands of times the salt! Is your age a few thousand times that of me? Do you have to eat three or two salt for a meal? ”

    “Well, I will give each of you three or two salt. If anyone can give me three or two salt for a meal, I will listen to his command!”

    Suddenly, all the old guys are speechless, who can eat three or two salt for a meal! If you really eat it, it is estimated that the whole person is dehydrated.

    The young people like Leslie Dracula who listened to the cold were very deflated, because almost all the young people were “eaten more salt than the rice you ate!”Or maybe “the bridge that passed you is more than the road you have traveled!”In this way, the lesson has been learned. Generally speaking, young people cannot be refuted.

    Until now, listening to the sharp refutation of the cold, the whole person is like a sturdy person who seems to have killed a chicken.

    “And, who are you to command me? Who are you guys who can come out to fight? Is there 18 mouths to direct me and my cousin? ”The ridiculous sarcasm makes the whole star shuttle more quiet.

    “Forget it, I am too lazy to manage your life and death. If I am willing to listen to my command, I will go with me now. If I don’t want to be directed by me, I will do it. If you go to your Yangguan Road, I will cross my wooden bridge! I will see if the salt you have eaten will not allow you to live longer! ”After that, the cold has left the Star Shuttle directly with the solid Black Tortoise.

    Wait for me I firmly listen to the command of Comrade Gu Han! ”Leslie Dracula stayed behind the cold for the first time and left with him.

    The remaining seventeen middle-aged and old-fashioned sword-bearers face each other and then swarmed out in a swarm. Although his face has been compromised by this junior, it can be compared with his own life, and the face is not important.

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