It is a time when people will have a soft heart. Although most of the time, the soft heart will not bring about any serious consequences, but sometimes the heart is slightly softer, and the consequences become extremely bad.

    For example, the situation facing the cold now, standing on the high point and looking at the distant cold can clearly see that some of the large figures in the ruins of Shenyang are constantly approaching their positions. The height of these figures is more than five meters, obviously it is impossible to be a normal human, which means that the witches who have been worried about the cold have finally caught up.

    “Everyone gathers and hides in the woods in the west, hurry up!”The cold and loud voice said to the sword-bearers who were helping him to dig pits around the body of Lao Chen’s son. The sword-bearers listened to it and then looked inside the ruins of Shenyang City. They immediately understood what happened, and immediately began to flee toward the woods according to the instructions of the cold.

    sonMy baby son…”Lao Chen turned a deaf ear to this. Obviously, his whole person has been immersed in the sorrow of his son’s death, and he can no longer take care of the outside world.

    “Solid Black Tortoise, you stun me the old man and throw it into the woods to protect the sword-bearers who are hiding inside!”The cold and the black Tortoise commanded, and then prepared a person to face the chasing witches…In fact, for the cold, the best way is to escape. The cold believes that with the Movement Technique, you will be able to get rid of these damn witches.

    But what about those sword-level swordsmen? If the cold and solid black tortoise ran away, the remaining 18 sword-class holders would probably die, this is a solid cold in any case can not accept things, the human race to cultivate a sword-level bearer is too difficult, in the absence of any contribution to the case, died in vain in the hands of the witch, This is the thing that the cold can not accept anyway. Therefore, in the heart of the cold, secretly make up your mind, unless it is a powerful enemy that cannot be matched, otherwise the cold can save one, and you must bring these swordsmen to a safe place.

    “No! Go inside the woods and let me deal with the witches there! ”I don’t think that the solid Black Tortoise, which has been listening to the cold words for the first time, rebelled against the cold. “You look closely at the look of the witches…The five groups of heights above five meters are only the strong witch tribes, the strong tribes of the witches are born with a good hand, they are endless, difficult to deal with! ”

    “And the witches of these strong tribes each have a tail that is about one meter long, which means that they are all witches of the middle-witch level, and the number is at least ten. You have been very hard to deal with the two witches of the Zhurong tribe. It is definitely not the opponent of the witches of the ten middle-winged strong tribes! ”Solid Black Tortoise pulls the hand of the cold.

    “No harm! I have primal chaos open to the sky, I can still cope with a dozen of witches! Fighting things, this little child should not intervene, and to protect those sword-bearers! ”Cold and hard to say.

    Young childrenSolid Black Tortoise sneered a little. “I seem to be bigger than you. Why do you call me a child?” Do you have defaulted in my heart that I am your daughter, so you treat me as a child? ”

“……”The coldness was suddenly silenced by the words of Black Tortoise. Yeah. The solid Black Tortoise seems to be much bigger than the cold. If it is not the cold, the black Tortoise’s own daughter has already been seen in the heart, and how the child will be crowned on the head of the solid Black Tortoise.

    “Dad, your primal chaos is really a lot of power, but you don’t know, swear at me clearly on the swordsmanship you left behind. Primal chaos The power of this move comes from the power of the soul of the human soul. It seems that although it is a sword move, it will consume the soul. Therefore, this trick can never be used continuously, otherwise it will cause a huge weakening of the human soul. ”

    “In fact, I am not too troublesome to deal with these witches. Don’t forget that my swordsman can still be used. I am still a genuine sword-level swordsman. These strong tribes are for me. It’s just a small idea.”Solid Black Tortoise said indifferently.

    “If that’s the way, go!”Cold and nodded, “Resolve them at the fastest speed. I am afraid that there are more witches behind these strong tribes and the witches are rushing here.”

    It’s very interesting to watch the solid Black Tortoise and rush to the witches who are following the strong tribes. “This little guy is called my father!”

    sonMy baby son…Why are you leaving Dad?Dad doesn’t have how you should live! ”At the same time, the voice of Chen Chen’s crying also spread to the ears of the cold. After listening to the cold, I was upset and went straight to the back of Lao Chen. I directly hit a hand knife on his wind pool, and knocked the old man who still had some heart and soul directly to the position of the grove. Faded.

    “Have all your bodies hidden, don’t reveal any whereabouts, let alone be discovered by the witches…You are not allowed to use your eyes to pay attention to the battlefield, otherwise those who are naturally sensitive and sensitive can find your whereabouts through your sight, and everyone will be buried together! ”The cold, also hiding in the woods, said to these sword-bearers. When these sword-bearers heard that their sights might make the witches find their place, they immediately bowed their heads very obediently and did not dare to look at the battles outside the woods.

    It’s just that the mouth is told that other people are not allowed to see the cold, but they are focused on the situation on the battlefield. This is to swindle them, although there are some witches who can sense the gaze of human beings, but such witches are by no means the warriors of these five big three strong and strong people. I am afraid that even if infrared rays are shot on them, their extremely thick nerves will not find this infrared light.

    The reason why the cold-holding people let other sword-bearers not observe the battlefield situation is that the Black Tortoise has been killed with the witches of the strong tribes, and they have begun to use the swordsman to fight. The cold does not want other sword-bearers to discover the fact that the solid Black Tortoise can use the swordsman, so they can only use lies to trick them into not paying attention to the battlefield.

    Because of the quick fix of the cold, the Black Tortoise used all its power at the beginning of the battle, without any concealment. Primal chaos Sword method is fully applied, and under the siege of more than ten strong tribe warriors, it still does not fall, and from time to time can launch a fierce counterattack, and soon there will be two or three strong tribe warriors die in solid black. Tortoise’s sword.

    The bodies of the dead witch warriors will turn into a pool of blood into the ground at the moment they touch the ground. This means that the blood in their body has returned to the blood of the twelve ancestors along the ground. As long as they have been reborn for a year or two, these dead strong tribes can be born again, but there is no such thing. The memory of battle.

    “Without five minutes of solid Black Tortoise, these witches can be solved!”When I watched the battle while fixing the cold, I silently estimated it. Originally, it was impossible to watch the primal chaos sword method used by the solid Black Tortoise. If you watched the primal chaos sword method used by the solid Black Tortoise, then some sword move that has not been created by the cold will remain. In the cold heart…This is not a good thing for cold weather. Instead, it is like a ditch that can restrict the flow of water. It will limit the creation of the primal chaos sword to this ditch.

    But now the situation is different, because the cold has already created the primal chaos by its own strength. At this time, it was discovered that the primal chaos sword method of Black Tortoise did not learn the essence at all, but only learned some of its own fur. These furs have been unable to affect themselves who have created primal chaos, which is like a ditch that is impossible to limit the trajectory of the Yangtze River.

    What I don’t know about the cold is that behind my own, there are a pair of bright eyes that do not obey the command of the cold, but instead concentrate on the entire battlefield, and then her mouth is wide, and she has not closed.


    “Kwafu adults! The team of our tribes is in a difficult battle. Eight heroic warriors have returned to the arms of the ancestors, and the remaining four fighters may not last long. ”In a battlefield that kills the sound, a swollen old man with a dry body can see the bones floating in the air, for a giant witch who is 20 meters tall and tall.

    “What?” Are our heroic and invincible fighters defeated by a group of ordinary humans who have not yet done the flag-sharing ceremony? ”The Kuo, named Kuafu, snorted and said that every time his mouth opens and closes, it will form a storm like a hurricane, as if a rain falls on a small battlefield.

    “According to the soulless memory of the soldiers, they are defeated by a sword master who can use swordsman normally.”The old man continued to say that this old man is a great wizard in the witches.

    Among the Witch tribes, the wizard is a very special existence. In addition to being able to fly, the wizard has no other fighting ability, even an ordinary person can kill a wizard with a sword.

    Wizards are the most important characters in the witches, because only they can communicate with the souls of dead warriors and read the memories remaining in their souls. The great wizards among the tribes are even more uncomfortable. They can communicate with the suppressed 12 ancestors and accept the orders of the 12 ancestors…It is the command of these great wizards that even the great witches of the twelve ancestors and tribes do not dare to disobey, because this represents the will of the ancestors.

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