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    “It seems that this is a sword, I can’t touch it!”Looking at the cold-stained hand, I felt the bitter burning sensation. It seems that the aura of the cold-cold protagonist is not easy to use. This is obviously a rejection of the cold.

    “Amazing! If I can do this, how good! ”Looking at the man who floated in the sky with envy, I really hope that the hand that will hold the cold hand is baked into a braised pig’s trotter.

    After a cold smile, take a bottle of burn medicine from the pocket of the yuan and apply it to the hand. The black palm is gradually crusting and will soon return to its original state.

    “I want to marry, this handle is not what I can touch, Yi Qing, this sword is yours, you can take her off!”The cold turned and said to Yi Qing. This puts the Etienne sword here, apparently waiting for Yi Qing, the real master. There is already a Yitian sword in the cold. Naturally, it is impossible to be the master of Yitianjian.

    -It’s mine.Yi Qingyi, she subconsciously smashed the cold-burning braised trotters, and then hid her hands behind her back, instinctively refused this proposal.

    As a result, the two words were rejected in Yi Qing’s mouth for a long time. After all, they still said it. Instead, they bite their teeth and step by step to the side of Yitianjian. They stretched out their own trembling hands and wanted to take the sky. sword.

    “Since the admiral has given me this task, how can I refuse!” Moreover, if my hand is burnt like the Admiral, the Admiral will be very happy…”This is Yi Qing’s heart, what are the ghosts.

    All in all, Yiqing is determined to get burnt and to take down that leaning sword. But there is a problem, that handle against the height of the sword about six meters, even if it is tin Jian’s physique added, Yi Qing jumped is the distance from the Earth two meters from the sky, even with the height, Distance of six meters is also a distance of two meters, this is very embarrassing, Yiqing like a frog constantly jump, but always is not touch the sword, Yi Qing face red, want to die of heart have.

    “let me help you!”When I wanted to die in Yi Qing’s heart, the cold stretched out a helping hand. The cold came to Yi Qing’s side, squatting down, holding Yi Qing’s thin but white and smooth calf, and then hugged her.

    “God! I was actually picked up by the admiral adults…The feeling of the feet is so warm, if the Admiral is holding my waist, how good is it…Hate, I am thinking about something ghost…”Yi Qing is inexplicably thinking about it. On the other hand, the cold is in Yiqingqing Road. “Yi Qing, I will jump up later, then you will hold the Yitian sword and you understand it?”

    Yi Qing certainly does not understand, she is thinking about it.

    “Yi Qing, have you heard me talking?”The cold has increased the volume, and Yi Qing suddenly realized from his own world that he even heard that he heard it.

    Hear Yiqing answer, solid cold immediately from the ground jumped, even holding Yiqing, all jumped from the ground three meters to high, Yiqing hand without elongation, directly will rely on the sky sword to hold.

    “Is this the feeling of being burned? How is the feeling of peace when there is nothing remarkable? ”Yi Qing just thought about this. As a result, she didn’t have time to think about it in the next second. In a short day, Yi Qing was petrified for the second time. She once again entered a state of simultaneous coordination, and Yitianjian really Just prepare for her.


    Fixing the cold gently puts Yi Qing’s body on the ground, then stands by Yi Qing and begins to protect Yi Qing. It is also interesting to say, this is the second time that the cold has been synchronized to the NPC. The first time was the annual calendar, and the result was forced to die by a sword.

    Without the guardian of the Eternal Sword, the shields outside the three coffins also disappeared collectively. When the shield disappeared, the three animals of the Best did not say anything. They rushed to the side of their coffins and directly opened the cover. The soul Go straight into the coffin. ……They actually found their own coffins without opening the clamshell. It is estimated that it is because of the smell, reasoning, blindfolding your eyes, can you smell the smell of your own clothes?

    It doesn’t take long for the soul to return to its own body. In less than a minute, the sapwood that the Huskies entered was the first to move. A strong man with a scepter with a wolf head climbed from his coffin. When I got up, I can see that his movements controlling the body are very stiff…This is normal. Your body has not been moved for two hundred years, and it will become so stiff.

    This is the true body of Egypt’s Death God Anubis. The first thing he came out of the coffin was to knock his head with his scepter, and then he was excited and said, “Can It’s great to knock on my head!”

    The second appearance is the coffin of the bear, unexpectedly this heavy bear climbed into the coffin, came out incredibly is a stature petite, has a lovely small waist charm girl …The glamorous beauty of this girl is like the legendary natural charm, every move, with a charming charm.

    This is the abundance and resurrection of the goddess Isis. She has only 1 layer of tulle on her body, and there is nothing in the tulle. Can you imagine that the prototype of such a beautiful girl is actually a cumbersome bear?

    After Isis came out, he was excited and squeezed in his own cock. He exclaimed with excitement and sighed, “The old lady’s big girl is back!”

    Then I picked up my own tulle and went to the **** for a while, and made a splash of water. Once again, I excitedly shouted, “The old lady can be a good day!”

    The final debut is our cat God best, at this time he has turned into a cat’s appearance, he is like the mouth Diao Assam’s body, like garbage spit out, and then gently leaped, jumped to the solid cold in front of, said angrily, “hum, stupid human beings, incredibly dare repeatedly trifle great best great God, Best announces your death, Meow! ”

    Well, this best, who was still trembling in front of the cold, is now a high-spirited person who announces the death penalty as a master…The cat is really a creature that turns its face and does not recognize people.

    “Best, are you going to rebel?”Chilling and interested, watching the cat that was only in front of him, who can imagine what it was like before.

    “Hey, how can this be rebellious, when did God say that he became your subordinate?”Best looked at the mentally retarded expression. “This is just a necessary means to get back to our body. Besides, it is this useless cat slave who promised you…You take it as your own subordinate! ”

    Best looked disdainfully at Assam’s body. At this time, the body of a cat slave without a soul was thrown on the ground like a rag. It was too pitiful.

    “Hey, he is also a 200-year rental service for you. You are so ill-fated, and you have to suffer big losses in the future.”The cold is like the elders, persuading Best.

    “Looking at a microphone, less talk with me.” The ghost knight who dared to let us be your slave, I blasphemed his ancestors for the 18th generation. Don’t say that Master Best doesn’t talk about righteousness. I will open the net. If you are willing to be the slave of our great Egyptian three gods, we will leave you a dog life of two humans…But I will take your soul out and then be taken into the coffin by the flesh, so that you can enjoy the treatment we have enjoyed. ”

    “Oh, stupid!”When the cold shakes his head, he loses his interest in chatting with Best, and then asks Anubis and Isis, “Do you two?” Is it the same attitude as Best? ”

    “Hey Isis!”Anubis’s dog’s face was a thick smile, and it seemed that he was used to listening to Isis’s words.

    “I didn’t kill the two of you, but since Best is angry and wants to kill you, then we can only help Best, who makes him a cute cat!”Isis said with pity, woman, the resistance to the cat is zero, understandable.

    “It seems that we have to fight. I originally wanted to help Yi Qing to accept these three slaves. It seems to be ruined!”It’s a pity that the cold is very good. It’s a pity that the good slaves are killed.

    “Hurricane, do you think you can beat us? Do you think you are as powerful as the damn human? It’s ridiculous! ”Best is very disdainful about the fighting power of the cold, he can feel the power of the cold body, even one thousandth of his peak time, how can such a human being defeat himself.

    “Of course I can’t be as strong as the sword ancestor. If you still keep the godhead intact, I can’t beat you. Unfortunately, your godhead is gone. For me, it’s just a few brute force. The beast only!”Cold and disdain, in the face of exquisite swordsmanship, all brute force is slag.

    When the cold is fixed, it is poked in the pain point of Best’s heart, and the gods are lost. Their strength has indeed dropped by a hundred times, and they have fallen into several grades during the peak period.

    “After licking a microphone, even if we don’t have a godhead, we can still kill you!”Best screamed and smashed the past toward the cold.

    “System prompt: the task has been updated, task six has been completed, you have found the secret of the deepest part of the temple”

    “System Tip: Task 7: Resist the traitor and resist the anguillas, Isis and Best who betrayed themselves. Protecting Yi Qing in the synchronous coordination state is not disturbed, waiting for her to complete synchronization coordination. ”

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