[PS: Ok, this chapter is over and the end of the limit is over. The author will resume the anti-piracy chapter from tomorrow. 】

    [PS: There is still a long-lost chapter push. “The Second Yuan Empire is really a good book. I believe that many of my book friends have been introduced by the author’s filth. Without the help of the filth, the author is afraid that there is no current achievement.

    “Two Yuan Empire” is almost to 6000, crushed me this street-bashing author four times times more, originally I did not want to give him the chapter to push, because this feels very shameful, but as long as my reader has not seen the “two Yuan Empire”, then I think it is necessary to recommend this book, Because this is really a very good book Oh. 】

    Compared with the gods of Isis and Anubis, Best’s Kingdom of God can be said to be very normal. There are mountains and waters, flowers and grasses, and an endless desert. This is the normal god country. It should look like it.

    After entering this godland, a cat, a dog and a bear are very excited. They breathe the air in the Kingdom of the Best, and they look like a idiot.

    “Best, what special taste are you breathing?”Asked about the cold.

    “Adult, we smell the smell of our flesh!”Best said excitedly, “I can feel that our three bodies are within my temple!”

    “Take me to your temple!”There is something that can’t wait to unlock the secret of this copy, and the secret seems to be hidden in the temple of Best.

    The location of the cold-fixing position is still a long way from the location of the temple of Best. On the way to the temple, Best scratches his ear and shakes his tail. He finally can’t help but curious in his heart. Han asked, “Adult, when did you find that the villain is the best of Best!”

    This problem has been entangled in Best’s heart for a long time. At first he didn’t dare to ask. When he was bored, he finally couldn’t help but ask.

    “I thought you would have to ask me this question early!”It’s a cold look at Best. “From the moment you came out, I saw the problem, stupid humans, and this is the usual routine for your idiots Spiritual God.”

    “And when you are in the corridor, your tone of ridiculing Isis is not like the duty of a despicable servant. The proficiency of the tone is not the first time you have been ridiculed with others. Only Isis Equal Spiritual God, can you talk like this!”

    “Of course, these things that are judged from statements and demeanor are not reliable. What really made me discover that you are Best is because of the hell!”It’s hard to settle down. “I don’t know if you found it. In the tens of thousands of faces in the gate of hell, there is a cat face and your face are exactly the same!”

    “This is…”Best is completely speechless. After he has won the real Assam, he naturally drives Assam’s soul out of his body, and Assam’s soul is sucked in by the hell gate. Become one of the souls that make up the gates of hell.

    The gate to hell has tens of thousands of souls. Each soul has a different face. This human being can recognize Assam’s face from a tens of thousands of faces. What a terrifying eye and brain power? !

    Best thought of this, and felt that the cold is getting more and more abnormal. But Best doesn’t know that it is impossible to recognize Assam’s face from the tens of thousands of faces…Instead, Assam’s face ran to the front of the cold, and made a very sinful look at the body that was screaming at the time, and it was confirmed that the cat was fixed. There is a problem with slaves.

    At the end of the question and answer session, Best’s Temple finally came into view. The architectural style of Best’s Temple is also very unique. It looks like a carton that goes down.No way, this is the cat’s natural attributes, even if it is a powerful cat god, the resistance to the paper box is negative…If a cat is willing, it can hide in a paper box for a year, which is not a joke.

    There is only one entrance to the carton shrine, and the height is still very small. The cold must be bent to barely enter the temple…The big bear was completely stuck in the door and couldn’t get in. It was still cold and the more Wang Jian took the door to the big one, and the big man squeezed in.


    “The taste is getting richer and stronger!”Best took a deep breath and then ran to the direction of the carton shrine. The other two Spiritual Gods followed closely. Only the cold and the easy to walk slowly, not taking it for granted. .

    When I saw the three animals in the cold again, it was in a corner of the temple. The three Spiritual Gods were dead on the ground with three coffins…Yes, it is indeed three coffins, the wood is coated with 1 Layer black paint, and two life words are written on both ends of the coffin.

    It seems that the three coffins are filled with the body of the three Lanterns of Best. It can be seen that these three people are very eager to open the coffin, but they can only jump around the coffin, even on the edge of the coffin. I dare not touch it.

    This is because at this time there is a sword floating silently above the three coffins, a wave of light from this sword enveloped the three boxes, before the Big Bear had a hand cheap want to touch, the results of the whole cake was burned a half ripe, issued a strong taste of the roasted paws.

    “Yi Qing, I told you right, don’t worry about rushing over, don’t worry that the three of them will get back to the flesh and will fight against the water. I don’t believe that the mysterious person would not leave the three. An idiot’s counter-measure.”If you are cold, let Best’s cat face scream. “You shouldn’t be kidding, how can we betray the adults!”

    The cold did not pay attention to Best’s answer. At this time, his entire attention was focused on the sword floating in the sky. Qianlong, the sword floating in the air, isn’t it the Yitian sword?

    “Hey, lean on the sky, you give me out!”Chilling out the Eidian sword and liberating her. “Look, what is it that you are floating in the sky?”

    “It seems to be this woman…”Etienne is also a bit too aggressive, she can’t think of it, how can she appear here, how can there be two.

    “Eternal, you still remember, where are you meeting with the sky and synchronized? Is it here? ”The cold is urgently asked to Yitian, this is a very important issue.

    Because Yitian is the swordsman of the Emperor of Heaven, if the plot of this copy is a real story in history, then the day of the sky must be synchronized with the completion of the heavens. If it is not here, then the plot of this copy is false, it is deliberately compiled out of the plot, which is extremely important evidence for the authenticity of the entire copy of the cold.

    “No, I didn’t meet here with the sky. I was here when I first met her. I didn’t have any impression of this place!”Yitian desperately shook his head.

    “Then, the story of this copy is fake!”The cold look is a bit confusing, this is not right, according to the guess of the cold, it should not be like this!

    “So, rely on the sky, where is your memory and the first time you meet with the sky?”The cold has repeated the problem.

    “It is…Is in…It is…”Etienne is full of confidence and wants to answer this question, but the words are stuck and I can’t say it. “I saw the ghost, where is it, how can I not remember it! ”

    “Oh, it seems that someone like me has got amnesia!”The Yue Wang in the purple house is happy. She felt that her life was incomplete because she lost her memory with the sword ancestors. I couldn’t think of the same problem with myself, and I got the same problem…This makes life suddenly complete and complete.

    “Crap, I just can’t think of the situation where we met each other for the first time. As for other memories, I remember it clearly, not like you, completely forgetting everything!”Etienne’s indignant reply to Yue Wang’s sentence, but this does not obscure the fact that she lost this memory.

    “It seems that someone has erased this memory of Etienne with great means!”The cold stunned the shoulders of Etienne and calmed her down. “Some people don’t seem to want you to remember something.”

    “It’s you! You erased my memory! ”The sky shook his head and turned to the sinister look of Yi Qing. “It must be you, it must be that you erased my memory.” I know, Yuan Tuo’s two stinky ****, there is such a skill, they used to erase the memory of Yixian that silly girl. ”

    Oh, it’s a terrifying secret. As the emperor’s Yuan Tu’s nose, there is still the ability to feel the memory, and the memory of Yi Xianjian is wiped out…The cold can’t help but recall the resentment of the Noble Family, which is like a madman. Is it the inside, and there are traces of the emperor’s insertion?

    In the face of Li Tian’s fierce questioning, Yi Qing couldn’t stand it anymore. She kept swaying her hands and said sincerely that “this maiden is angry, I am not covering the sky, my name is Yi Qing, I really don’t want to cover the sky.”

    “Well, you have lost your temper and leaned on the sky. You need to calm down, come and drink a Dukang bar!”The cold will take off the gourd on the head of the sky and put it in the hands of Yitian. Yi Tianshun gave himself a big sip of wine, and he calmed down and no longer became angry with Yi Qing. Of course, there was no good face to Yi Qing.

    “The two adults, you are all suffocating and dissipating!”Best said flatteringly, “Would we think about it now, how can we get the sword down, so that the three of us can serve the two adults with all our heart and soul, as long as we get back the body and make sure that we can let the two adults Walking in this world…It’s okay to walk upright. ”

    “Cut, if you can walk sideways, you will be labeled as a ghost!”Etienne ruthlessly sneered at Best, blushing the former Yu Yuanxiao, and the hair on the cat’s face was erected.

    “Don’t worry, I also want to take this sword down. There are no more questions in my heart than you!”When the cold smiled and jumped, it reached the same height as the Yitian sword floating in the air, and then extended a hand to hold the Tianjian sword firmly in his own hands.

    “God damn it!”In the next second, the cold slammed his hand and dropped it back to the ground. Only the palm of the cold was black, and like the worried big bear, it became a braised man.

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