“I licked your cockroach’s cockroaches.” Best took the lead in launching a dripping attack on the cold. This is the cat’s face that is super-cold at a speed close to the speed of sound. The cold eye is fast, and the more Wang Jian is on the face. A horizontal, it blocked Best’s cat’s paw.

    Not to mention, this black cat is not big, but the strength is not small, it is the foundation of the Yuyuan Lantern. The power of a blow is like a dozens of tons of road rollers hitting the sword. If it is hard to connect, the cold wrist may be broken in an instant.

    So the cold made a clever force, and moved the power of Best to the left side, and Best flew out like a cannonball, and fell heavily on the ground…However, the cold can not be easily relaxed at this time, because the attack of Anubis and Isis also arrived.

    The way Anubis attacked was his scepter…Don’t look at the size of the scepter, but the weight is surprisingly heavy. There are not more than a few dozen tons and a dozen tons. The cold is only gently touched, and the tiger’s mouth is numb, and the bones are somewhat unbearable. .

    And Isis is a good dart for playing…The knot of Isis in her hand can condense the air into a dart of air. It is invisible. When Isis first attacked, the cold was not noticed until the dart was less than one meter away from the body. I felt the change of airflow. Although the cold-moving effort was dodged, it was still hurt by this air dart to his left arm, just gently rubbing it, and the cold-armed arm was separated by a large mouth a few centimeters deep.

    “It’s not suitable for fighting here!”The cold is silently thinking, at this time the cold frame is more wrong, because the cold is behind the petrified Yi Qing, the cold does not dare to let go of the hands and feet, afraid of any attack hurts Yi Qing interrupted her synchronous coordination, so the task of the copy completely failed.

    “You must find a way to pull the battlefield to the distance!”The cold-pressed press decided that it was just right, and the black cat Best, who was thrown out, attacked and shyly, and wanted to use his claws to cut off the cold-cold throat. More than in the past, the left hand also grabbed Best’s tail and slipped him into his own hands.

    “Best, I think the real reason for your rebellion is because the IQ is too crushed by me?”Chilling lifted Best to his own eyes and said with sarcasm that “Your IQ is the stupidest cat I have ever seen, and Garfield is smarter than you!”

    To be reasonable, Best’s IQ is smarter than most humans, and smarter than 99.99% of cats…However, there is no falsehood in the cold. Best is the stupidest cat he has ever seen, because he has only seen the cat in the past. In Yuzhang City, cats are a rare pet, much rarer than dogs. If ordinary people are willing to pay a fee, they can still get a dog to be a pet, but if you want to raise a cat, please, do you have a piece of parliamentary approval? You still want to raise a cat without a note?

    All in all, the cat is very rare in Yuzhang City, and the ordinary residential area can’t be seen at all. There may be a few core areas, but there is still no chance to see the cold, so Best is indeed the first to see the cold. A cat.

    Unfortunately, Best doesn’t know this. He will explode if he hears the cold. “Stupid humans, Best wants to kill you, you dare to take the Garfield guy and Benedict and compare it! I’m so mad! ”Hey, Best is really angry. The most annoying thing in his life is to hear someone compare it to Garfield. Garfield is an unstoppable scale in Best.

    Speaking of the story of Garfield, he is famous in the human world. In essence, Garfield is the same as Best. Moreover, Garfield’s qualifications are very high. On the first day of the great annihilation, Garfield came to the human world. This is the man-made Yuanxiao, the only one that has existed since the first day of the great destruction. Hey.

    Say the level of Garfield, at the beginning, the level that humans gave to Garfield was a rat-level 冦…It’s a tragic thing that a cat has a rat-level name. The reason why Garfield is considered a rat-level Lantern is simple because Garfield is the first Lantern to surrender to humans and the first Lantern captured by ordinary humans.

    Yes, this Garfield is white with the name of Yuan Zhen, but the tragedy is captured by an ordinary person…Don’t think too much, that is, an ordinary person living in the old Yanjing City, and his life as an ordinary person ends his life. The ordinary person thought at first that Garfield was just a fat cat who had been sleeping on the ground.

    The man who had been hungry for several days thought about giving it to the stew and eating it, so he simply grabbed it in his hand, just caught it with both hands, Garfield even had no resistance…When the man boiled water and was ready to peel the Garfield, the sleepy cat uncle suddenly came up with a sentence, “Hey, the cat slave, is it necessary to bathe the uncle?”

    This ordinary person was scared to death, and quickly handed the Garfield to the police who maintained the stronghold…Then Garfield was used as a sample of the Lantern Festival. He has been living in the human laboratory for more than 400 days. The Garfield has been working with human studies for more than 400 days. He never resists and never escapes from prison…Ass, every day the pizza is served, the cat uncle is willing to run away.

    If it was not four hundred days later, the old Yanjing City was attacked by Yuan Zhen. Under the leadership of Jianzu, humans began to flee to the gap of the Yuanyuan. The obedient Garfield was thrown in the old Yanjing City. It is estimated that this grandfather can live forever. Live in the human laboratory.

    However, the results of these four hundred days cannot be underestimated. Through the study of Garfield, human understanding of the Lantern Festival has risen in a straight line, and gradually understand the origin of the Lantern Festival. The fact that they have been hiding in the gap of the dimension can be said. It was Garfield that allowed humans to uncover the first page of the secret of the Lantern Festival.

    However, with the Garfield figure active in various battlefields, the human rating of Garfield was upgraded from the rat-level Lantern to the Yu-Yuan Lantern. That’s right, it’s a meta-level scorpion, the equivalent of a sword-level sword-bearer, and the same level as the best.

    The reason why the level has been greatly improved is because humans have found that Garfield is a monster that can’t kill. Whether it is heavy material crushing, strong current click, open sputum, rapid freezing, toxin invasion…All in all, thousands of ways to make the ordinary yuan die 10,000 times are completely ineffective for Garfield, even if it is flattened into a pancake in the last second, he can be restored in the next second. Normal look.

    By the way, there is another example of the same as Garfield. It is also a cat. It seems to be called Tom. This Tom has a good friend called Jamie. Ok, we ran off the subject and the topic returned to the battlefield.

    Although I don’t know why Best has such deep resentment against Garfield, but this is in the middle of the cold, the cold will put the best in the distance, and then flee away from the position of Yi Qing, while running and squatting “Best, if Garfield is here, it will never be crushed by IQ like me!”

    Well, Best was completely irritated. It chased the cold and stayed away from the battlefield. Isis and Anubis did not doubt. After Beth, they chased the past and the whole battlefield. In accordance with the willingness to fix the cold, I was far away from Yi Qing at this time.

    “Go to death!”Best, who catches up with the cold, is a crazy face that wants to catch the flowers and fix the cold, but without the easy-to-know coldness of Yi Qing’s inconvenience, a Sword Qi in his blade is released, and he gives Best. He fell to the ground and cut off a mane on his ass.

    Seeing that the body that he had finally got back was cold and cut off a mane, Best was completely mad and attacked, but his attack became more and more messy, and the cold did not need to be seriously avoided. It’s good to dodge with instinct.

    On the contrary, Best has more and more attacks, and his body has been cut by Yu Wangjian for more than a dozen, and more than a dozen hairs have been cut.

    “God, my lovely little babe!”The heart of Isis was dead, and the air darts in her hands began to sneak away from the cold. At the same time, Anubis’s scepter also knocked over. For a while, the cold needs to face three attacks by Spiritual God at the same time.

    However, even if it was the attack of three Spiritual Gods, the cold was also easy to handle. Except for the first time that they did not understand their combat power and suffered a little loss, after the battle, the attacks of these three people did not fall on the cold.

    This is not to say that the swordsmanship of the cold has grown a lot, but because the level of the fight between the three people is really stinky, the junior high school students may be stronger than the three of them. Even though they are the most burly Anubis of the three of them, the means of fighting up is also very bad. When he sees him raise his hand, he can guess where he will attack next, and then directly evade the past. In the hand, cut a hole in his hand.

    Not to mention the rest of the ISIS and best, a person lost the dart hit rate moving, solid cold even stand in situ motionless, I am afraid that 10 darts have three or four darts fall solid cold body, on the contrary, her darts are often stabbed in the body of Anubis, if not Anubispi coarse meat thick, I am afraid not to die in the hands of cold, I’m going to die in Isis’s hands first.

    All in all, the level of these three Spiritual God melee is really terrible. It is reasonable to say that as a member of the fierce Egyptian gods, their combat ability should not be so bad. It’s just that they all rely on divine power to fight. Once the gods are broken and lose their power, these three Spiritual God will not be normal. There is a strong brute force in the air, but even the body that can hold the cold can not be smashed. It can only be passively beaten. If their body is indeed very defensive, it is the defense of the real Yuanxiao Lantern. They have already died. The sword of the cold is down.

    However, the cold is not incapable of killing them. Don’t forget the ultimate skill of the king. The powerful skill that can increase the strength of a sword by hundreds of times. At this time, the number of Baiyue sword slaves on the field is almost full. Up…Because the attack of Baiyue Jiannu is ticking for the powerful body of the Three Gods, so the Three Gods did not take care of these little bugs, which made the cold quickly enough to make up 20 Baiyue sword slaves. The number, enough to hold the cold to launch the number of the ultimate skills of the king.

    However, the cold has not chosen to use the ultimate skills, he is waiting, he is waiting for the end of the coordination of Yi Qing. Because the task prompted to fix the cold is to resist the attack of the Three Gods, waiting for Yi Qing to coordinate and end. Obviously, this battle should end in the hands of Yi Qing, not in the hands of his cold.

    That being the case, why not wait, Yi Qing’s stomach has already risen to the limit at this time, and after another ten seconds, another Yitian will be born!

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