[PS: Give the correction, every time that Best says a word, remember to add a 喵 word to him…Some of them I forgot. 】

    Although the cold has 90% of the grasp, the sword-level sword-bearing who broke the goddess of the three Spiritual God killed in Egypt is the sword ancestor calendar, and the remaining one is directly asked about the party of the year…The king is not in solid cold side, ask her directly, she was the sword ancestor flow Calendar of the sword Niang, she must know that the sword is not the sword ancestor.

    However, when the cold asked the question to the king, the reaction of the king over the king made the cold.

    P-pardon me? Who is the annual calendar? Am I familiar with him? ”Yue Wang used a very confused voice to ask about the cold, as if she did not know who the sword ancestor calendar is!

    At the beginning, the cold thought that this was the king who deliberately teased himself, but when the cold was confirmed with a very serious tone and Yue Wang, the king was still awkward. She worked very hard to recall the name of the calendar, but she never remembered this person.

    Is the real Yue Wang deleting all the memories of her and Jianzu while splitting her own consciousness fragments? This is not right, the cold clearly remembers that after he and the king of the king synchronized, the king of the king mentioned the name of several years of the calendar, and also used the calendar to keep the cold and low worthless, even at the beginning, The king also has the idea of ​​killing the cold and helping the revenge of the almanac…All in all, at the beginning, Yue Wang absolutely remembers the person of the calendar, and the memory is still very profound.

    But now, the king has completely forgotten who the calendar is …If you remember the cold, then you can’t remember the memory of other sword-bearers who have been coordinating with her. The result is that the king is still asking three questions, just like the memory loss…These are all routines, all of which are common routines in Korean dramas.

    It is vaguely remembered that it seems that from the first “Betrayal of King Arthur”, the king of the king gradually became another king. Her hatred for herself is getting less and less, and her love for herself is getting more and more. The cold has always thought that it is time to dilute everything. Now it seems that the memory of Yue Wang has gone wrong.

    In addition, the cold has temporarily put these things down, because now is not the time to study the change of the king, Best’s story gradually reached the most critical time, only listen to Best.

    “When our godhead is broken, I and the Husky, the big bears are in despair, without the godhead, our power can not be used, only some brute force is left. It’s impossible to be the opponent of the swordman. Just when we were desperate to die, there was a man who appeared and saved me a life.”

    “Wait, you said that someone has saved you, and it is a man who saved you, not a Lantern?”The cold and keenly aware of the most important information in Best’s words, there are humans who have stopped the sword ancestor, not the Lantern Festival.

    “It is human beings. Her breath is exactly the same as that of human beings. She is a heroic knight in a blue armor. She held a blue sword and the swordman for four hours. Who can’t help but who? So the two of them stopped, and then they started negotiating.”

    “We don’t know what the two of them are talking about. We can only passively accept the results of the negotiations between these two humans.”Best’s face showed a deep embarrassment, about sorrow for his powerlessness. “The last two humans reached an agreement. The swordman decided to let us go, but we took our souls out of the flesh. I left it and it became like this. Then we sealed the three bodies that were removed from the soul in my country of God. ”

    “It is the Lord of the sword who feared that you would continue to plague mankind, so do it!” ”I fixed the cold and nodded. “So who saved you?” She saved your life, it should be a request for you, right! ”

    “Adults are wise, can’t think of this even can guess!””Yes, the knight who saved us told us, in 200 years ‘ time, there will be a man and a woman to save us, to return our souls to our bodies, to regain our lives, and the price we have to pay is to devote 1000 years of our loyalty to the men and women, even to our life, Also at the expense of meow. ”

    “A familiar familiar routine, isn’t this the setting of the squad of Journey to the West?”Solid cold heard the best words, suddenly recalled up to the classic journey to the …It is a pity that the original book of Journey to the West has been destroyed, but there is a whole set of TV dramas left, so that people can see the magical story of the year.

    “It seems that this is the two men and women who let you serve, right?”The cold looked at the three animals, and then they nodded and brushed, and then looked at Yi Qing, but she shyly lowered her head.

    “Is it true that the relationship between me and the Admiral’s adult was already doomed two hundred years ago?”Yiqing think of here, the whole person is not by the fever, where there are decades after Tigers wind and cloud of the appearance of the Sword Emperor.

    Best’s story is over here, but the heart of the cold is full of doubts…I don’t think that Best is lying, or I am full of doubts about this copy of “Heroes from the end”.

    The non-hidden content of this copy is still normal, but after entering the hidden main line, the entire copy begins to contradict. Whether it is Altolia Black, who is suddenly appearing, or Yi Qing, who is promised to be his own, or now these three become the loyal servants of the ancient Egyptian three Spiritual God…All of these plots seem to be tailor-made for the cold, and the cold is not like the player who completed this copy task, but like Yi Qing, it became an important NPC in this copy.

    This is the most incomprehensible part of the cold, which also makes the cold more want to unlock the secret of the entire copy…At least part of the secret.

    “Best, in your country of God, you will not be the same as the two, just put a sword!”Cold weather asked Best.

    “No, Best’s Kingdom of God is different from the two of them. The Cavaliers placed a lot of things in Best’s Kingdom of God. You will know when you go in.”Best said eagerly, it seems that in the Kingdom of God, there is also something that can reunite them and their flesh.

    Got itNo matter how cold the cold nodded, he asked, “Yes, Best, why is it that you alone can speak, but Anubis and Isis maintain the animal’s appearance, and even speak?”

    “This is because of a small accident!”Best explained, “Because there are a lot of things in my country, so the knight will throw my soul far away from the temple, not like the Husky and the big bear. Guilty.”

    “When I finally got back to the temple door, the hell gate of the temple was closed. If I lost my power, I couldn’t open this door. I could only wait at the gate…In fact, at the beginning of the door to tell the adults your story, the story of the cat slave is not a fake, I did send these two cat slaves to find cat food, and then they did return to it. ”

    “At that time, I was very struggling to maintain my soul. I simply took the body of one of the cat slaves, so I can talk. Huskies and big bears. They are the state of the soul. They have no body, so they can’t talk. .”

    “But why don’t you tell us the truth about two things directly? Why do you want to hide us at the beginning? If you say the truth of the matter at the gate, we don’t have to be so troublesome! ”It is Yi Qing who said this sentence, yes, if Best said the truth earlier, Yi Qing would not feel the IQ of the cold.

    ThisThe Cavalier told us that it was a man, a woman and two humans…I thought it came like two at first…So I thought you were not the pair of men and women in the Cavaliers’ population,” Best said.At first I didn’t intend to show up, but the two adults closed the door forever and closed it, and I had to come out to stop you. ”

    I have a cough, I don’t know if you understand the meaning of Best’s words. At the beginning, Best thinks that Yi Qing is a man. Two men come in together. Naturally, it’s impossible for the men and women to say in the mouth of the knight, so Best. I have been deceiving the cold…Well, this is not surprising. Even if it is cold, I will become Yi Nan at the beginning.

“%&*! @As for Yi Qing, it seems that she has been hit hard. This thing is her own pot, and she can’t blame others.

    “Two adults, we all explained the explanation to you.” Can we enter my country of God and retrieve our flesh? ”Best’s cute cat eyes stared at the cold, and his side, Husky and Big Bear also gave their own eyes…The Huskies also shook their tails desperately. This Anubis was a siberian husky for two hundred years. Other things were not learned, and the tail was learned thoroughly.

    “I know, Best, you don’t have to pretend to be a ghost translator now. You tell me plainly, how should your Kingdom of God open? ”

    “Yes, adults, in fact, Best’s door to the Kingdom of God is the best. As long as you knock hard on the neck of Best’s statue, Best’s door to the kingdom of God will open.”

    “Oh, this is really simple, much simpler than the gods of Anubis and Isis!”A cold sigh.

    “This is probably the reason why the Cavaliers put their secrets in Best’s Kingdom of God!”Yi Qing silently said such a sentence. “The Cavaliers probably think that you can’t open the doors of the other two kingdoms! ”

    The cold is dumb, this point, the cold did not think. But think about it, it is really possible. It is convincing and convincing.

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