If the ancient country of Anubis is tolerable in the ice and snow, then the ice sheet is full of meat and bones, and you can’t stand it. After all, the ice sheet has a taste of the forbidden zone, which can be used as the god country of Death God. But what is the story of this god country filled with meat bones? Have you seen a bone of a wild grass growing from the ground? Even if you are an Anubis dog, it is too embarrassing!

    Well, there is nothing to spit on. After all, Anubis is a dog. We can’t ask him by human standards. The most crucial task in entering the kingdom of God is to find the secrets hidden in it.

    Anubis’s country of God covers a large area. At first glance, it can’t see the border. The cold and Yiqing walked for more than half an hour. The surrounding scenery is all unchanging icefields. Special and eye-catching places are not found.

    The situation is getting a little bit anxious. At this time, it has been more than three hours since the cold has entered the copy. In reality, it is estimated to be about two o’clock in the morning. The cold tomorrow will also give the Bright Jade Sword School the command Sect challenge. Sleep is fine.

    But looking at the present, it seems that I will find another day and night, and I will not find any valuable clues. This country of God is too big and too monotonous.

    Just when the cold was troubled by time, Yi Qing, who had been silent for a moment, suddenly said, “Admiral, I really want to hear strange noises.”

    “Strange voice?”After listening to the cold, I calmed down and heard the sound of a tiny tweet in the air. It was only after the cold that I found out that I was a little confused.

    In the absence of clues, any small movement can be a powerful clue. So the cold immediately ran in the direction of the sound, and then the voice grew bigger and bigger, and finally became a burst of barking.

    Dog bark? Is there a dog in this ice sheet?

    At the source of this sound, the cold found that a white, non-body dog’s head was placed on the ground, that is, the dog’s head was constantly calling, making a loud bark.

    “It’s terrible, this dog’s head is cut off and it’s still called!”Yi Qing exclaimed, then he was afraid to lean against the cold body. Please, if you want to smash the tofu, you can say that you don’t need to pretend to be a weak girl. You can be the future emperor.

    But a dog’s head with no body can still be so happy, it feels really terrible.

    “Who told you that this dog’s head is not physically!”The cold slammed the head of Yi Qing. “You look closely, its body is just frozen in the ice.”

    It turned out that the dog was in an upright state. The body below his neck was sealed by the ice sheet. Only his head was exposed, and it looked like a dog’s head that had lost his body. It was very shocking.

    “This dog may be a useful clue!”When thinking about the cold, he decisively pulled out the Wang Goujian sword and slammed the ice layer that trapped the dog. The whole dog was separated from the ice by a small piece of ice trapped by him. Come out.

    After cutting a sword against the remaining ice, the ice broke directly, and the unlucky dog ​​was finally freed from the bondage of the ice.

    “It’s so loud to be frozen, you must not be an ordinary dog.”Cold-fixing is not a dog-loving person who is good at saving animals. He just wants to find clues about the secrets of the Kingdom of God from this dog.

    “Wang Wang Wang!”This dog does not know if he did not understand the words of the cold, it is a howl. Not to mention, this dog looks very distinctive, a dog’s face is white, but there is a circle of dark circles around the eyes. Then the front circle of the ear turned black again, but the inside of the ear was white again. Its combination of five senses is always able to make people feel more funny and stupid.

    “It seems to be a husky!”Yi Qing actually recognized the type of dog. “I saw a picture of a dog named Husky in a magazine left over from the ruin, and it looks exactly the same!”

    The cold has also been heard about the Husky’s name. It is said that he is the most expensive dog sold in the base city now. Ten million ones are not yet bargained. There is only one feature in combination, that is stupid…Humans just like to adopt these very stupid animals, because in this way, they can look very smart.

    “hahaha!”When I heard Yi Qing say the name of the Huskies, the dog suddenly reacted, sticking out his tongue, and the dog’s mouth was desperately panting, as if the name made it excited.

    “Assam, do you know the origin of this dog? How come two hundred years, there is still a Husky in the Kingdom of God alive? ”Asked about the cold.

    “Adult, this Anubis god is born after the dog family, so his slaves are basically slaves of dogs. None of us slaves are real creatures, but creatures made up of souls. As long as there is divine power, we can live forever. This is the same for dogs. ”Assam explained.

    “So, this husky is smart!”This is the most concerned issue of the cold.

    ThisAssam hesitated. He didn’t know if he should answer, but he didn’t know how to answer. “If he doesn’t have wisdom, that’s not right.” However, if it is wise, it seems to be insulting wisdom, so the villain does not know whether he has wisdom. ”

    The meaning of Assam’s words is very simple, that is, this dog is too stupid, stupid to insult the extent of wisdom.

    “Well, let’s try it!”The cold put the huskies on the ice sheet and then pointed the sword at its neck. “If you understand me, take me to the palace of Anubis. If you don’t understand me, then I don’t mind eating a dog hot pot in this cold ice sheet! ”

    “Wang Wang Wang!”The huskies turned back and spit their tongues. The twinkling eyes flashed and looked at the cold. It seemed to ask what the words of Gu Han said.

    “I will give you three seconds, and I will kill you immediately after three seconds.”In the eyes of the cold, the fierce light flashed, and it began to count down “one, two…”

    As a result, the third of the cold has not yet been exported. This huskies immediately resembled an arrow that was off the strings, and the four dog paws ran wildly in a certain direction.

    “We catch up with it!”Ever since, the cold and Yi Qing chased behind this Husky, and he ran for almost twenty minutes, and finally stopped suddenly.

    The position where the Huskies stopped was also a vast expanse of ice. It was exactly the same as the scenery seen before. There was no difference at all. I couldn’t see the secrets hidden here.

    However, the Husky’s move attracted the attention of the cold. This huskie desperately used his own claws to beat the ice underneath it. It seemed to tell the cold that there was something under the ice.

    “If you lie to me, I will stew you!” You are leaving me now! ”The cold has threatened this husky and drove it away. Then the more than a dozen Sword Qis were fired from the Wang Goujian sword, and the ice around the ground was smashed. Gradually, under the ice layer, a golden building gradually emerged. This huskies did not lie, and the ice floor did hide the palace of Anubis.

    Sword Qi used to chop the ice around the building gate and cleaned up a road leading to the gate…There was no moth on the door, and the door was opened with a gentle push.

    The interior of the palace is very gorgeous and magnificent, just like gold. The furniture and decorations in the palace are also available, intact, and seem to be no different from when Anubis was there.

    The palace was built to a large extent, with more than a dozen halls and hundreds of rooms. It took a lot of time to search for these halls, but it still has nothing to gain. No valuable clues can be found.

    In the end, this Hatch has made great achievements. He screamed at the middle of the palace with a stone pillar, which successfully attracted the attention of the cold. As a result, he was surprised to find that the stone pillar was hollow. of.

    With the Wang Goujian sword crushing the stone pillar, it was found that it was hidden inside, and it contained a golden long-shaped box with various gems…The decoration of this box is so gorgeous, it is clear to the person who found it, and the baby is hidden inside the box.

    The strange thing is that this treasure box, which is very precious at first sight, doesn’t even have a lock. The cold can open this precious treasure box directly. As a result, when the box was opened, the cold was actually found in the box with a golden sword full of familiar Sanskrit.

    “System prompt: You found the sword mother: Prajna sword. The sword is a mission item and cannot be used by non-NPC characters. ”

    This box is actually loaded with the ancient sword-level swordsman like a sword! That is to say, Song Yifei’s success in coordinating the success of the ruthless sword that was hidden in the underground for seven hundred years, completely unexpected, the cold has actually found her here.

    “Rely, it’s really awkward, you can still meet this guy with a copy!”In the purple house, Yitian spits through the sword marks. It seems that Yitian’s resentment for the prajna sword is deep, and there must be a touching story between them.

    “I remember that Prajna Sword was the swordsman of Sword Immortal who had fought a battle with the Emperor of Heaven on the top of Sanqing Peak and finally lost to the Emperor of Heaven.”The cold has begun to clue to the clues about the prajna sword in his mind.

    “In this way, in fact, the prajna sword and the cover of the heavenly emperor were actually born at the same time. If in history, the Emperor of Heaven has really come to this temple, then the prajna sword is likely to be brought out by the Emperor of Heaven.Or, in addition to the Emperor of Heaven, there is a second person who entered the temple, and then found the prajna sword, becoming the opponent of the sacred swordsman! ”

    The story is getting more and more interesting!

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