[PS: As you can see, the book was exempted from 14 o’clock yesterday afternoon for two days until tomorrow at 14 o’clock in the afternoon. Originally, the author was planning to update only two chapters in the past two days. The author also wanted to save some of the manuscripts for the occasional needs. However, I thought about it. Since I promised that everyone will continue until the end of June every day, then the author will stick to the end and not discount, so today and tomorrow are still three times a day. And as long as July 1st, it will be able to reach 1500, the author will still keep the third day of the year in July.

    In addition, these two days are all bad…I hope that everyone can reward one or two, hey, cheeky and flattering. By the way, these chapters are not burglarproof. 】

    “It seems that the key to opening the Kingdom of God is above the balance in the hands of Anubis!”The cold looked at the balance in the hand of Anubis, a fairly simple and primitive balance, with a plate on each end of a cross, nothing more.

    When you see the first sight of this balance, you will feel that the balance is rough, not terribly terrible, and there is a sense of sight that even if you don’t put anything up, you will have one end sinking.

    However, if you carefully observe this balance, you will find that the two trays are perfectly on a horizontal line, and there is no gap between the heights. This fully demonstrates that the balance is in absolute equilibrium.

    “Just look for two equally heavy things on top of the balance? Is this a little too simple? ”Yi Qing feels that this request is too simple and simple and incredible.

    “Do you think this is a simple matter, it is easy to do?”The tone of the cold is full of awkward taste. “Can you tell me what quality things we can find right now?”

    “This…”Yi Qing thinks that he can say a lot of things, just put two things on the ends of the balance.

    But it really came to the edge of the mouth, but for a moment, nothing could be said. It is impossible to find two things of the same quality in the world. Even if the same item is produced on the assembly line, there will be subtle differences in quality. It is absolutely impossible to be exactly the same.

    What’s more, here is still in the ruins, I can’t find two things that I can’t find. However, Yi Qing did not want to admit that he could not find it. When he was at the door, he had already been shown by the IQ of the cold. Yi Qing was unwilling, and he was in a state of hope that he could turn the plate.

    Ever since, Yi Qing passed through a meditation and thought, and the mind inside the brain flashed, and an idea came out.

    Yi Qing grabbed a force from his head, took a sigh of hair down, handed it to the hands of the cold, and smiled, “Come, use this! Pick two roots as long. ”

    Not to mention, Yi Qing’s hair is indeed a good idea, because the hair grows out according to a gene, the thickness and density are similar, only the length is the same, it is almost exactly the same.

    More importantly, the hair is light enough. The weight of a hair is almost 0.0004 grams. The length of the hair is the same as the weight of the hair. The difference in weight is estimated to be about one tenth of a gram. This gap is in Accuracy’s balance. It is also impossible to come out.

    Although the cold has some doubts about the hair, but at this time there is no more suitable thing than the hair. So the cold has picked two of the same lengths from Yi Qing’s hair and placed them on the ends of the balance…As a result, the balance tray on the left side of the face slammed down, as if it had received a thousand tons of weight, and was crushed by a hair.

    “Rely, what is this ghost balance!”Yi Qing’s mind has been seriously hurt.

    “It’s useless. The balance of Anubis is designed to measure the weight of good and evil. Even the imaginary weight of good and evil can be measured, let alone two hairs.”Assam said smugly on the side, as if the balance was his average.

    “It seems that the real existence of the article is impossible to pass the test of this balance. As long as it is two things, the quality will never be exactly the same!”After listening to Assam’s words, Yi Qing said thoughtfully.

    “But if we don’t use what is actually there, what should we use to measure it!”Yi Qing painfully licked his hair. “Do we really want to find out what good and evil to measure?”

    “It’s useless, even if you find something illusory about good and evil, you can’t be sure whether good or evil is the same…In fact, the possibility that two people have the same good and evil in their lifetime is much less likely than the same quality. ”The cold has made Yi Qing somewhat worried, and the whole thing seems to have fallen into a dead end.

    “Assam, is it possible that the balance of the kingdom of God can be opened as long as the balance is balanced?”Suddenly, the cold asked Ask Assam.

    YesBut I am not sure, because the literal meaning of the paragraph is like this, and there is no deep meaning in the Anubis god, I don’t know. ”

    “Nothing, that’s easy, I have a solution!”Cold smile, a small bottle from the pocket of the yuan, and then played with the balance, and then returned to Yi Qing’s side.

    “Wait for five minutes, let’s try again!”Cold-faced smile, it seems that he has found a way to balance the balance.

    “Admiral, what did you do on the balance?”Yi Qing asked curiously.

    “Sell it, you will wait five minutes to know!”Gu Han laughed and did not answer, Yi Qing helpless, can only be the same as the cold one for five minutes.

    Five minutes later, the cold that had been calculating the time finally came to action. He took Yi Qing to the side of the balance and said to Yi Qing, “Come, you sit up!”

    Yi Qingyi, and confirmed with the cold, did he hear it wrong…Yes, no mistakes, the cold is to let Yi Qing himself to do a tray of that balance.

    “Don’t you say that the admiral found something as heavy as myself? Is this not possible? ”Although Yi Qing’s heart was full of speculation and suspicion, she still honestly listened to the cold, and the whole person sat on the tray.

    “I don’t know what the Admiral will use to balance his weight!”Yi Qing silently guessed that “Is it impossible for the admiral to have the skills of copying?” There are so many kinds of swordsmen in the world, and it is not impossible to have a copying ability. ”

    Just when Yi Qing guessed what the cold will use to find something as heavy as her, the cold did his own ass. Yes, yes, the one who fixed the cold directly achieved the other side of the balance.

    It’s awkward, what is the situation? Killing Yi Qing Yi Qing does not believe that he is taller than himself. If you get fat on a circle, you will have a weight with yourself.

    As a result, the shocking thing happened. This extremely sensitive, even the balance of the weight difference between the two hairs can be found. At this time, it is still motionless, as if the weight of the cold and the easy blue is exactly the same!

    What happened?Yi Qing and Assam’s face once again showed the expression of the face that was in front of the gate. They couldn’t understand, how could the balance not change?

    At the time of these two men’s temptations, the statue of Anubis began to move, and his staff fell from his hands and then squatted on the ground. The ground shook with it, and then a circular opening appeared on the ground, from which the faint red light shone.

    “Assam, is this the entrance to the Kingdom of God?”Asked about Assam. And Assam can still be, can only nod and nod, he completely wants to understand, how to keep the balance in balance.

    “Admiral, how did you do it?”Assam’s doubts did not last long, because Yi Qing couldn’t resist the curiosity in his heart and rushed to ask for help.

    “Use this thing!”The cold hand handed a small bottle of things into the hands of Yi Qing. Yi Qing fixed his eyes and saw the label on the bottle. He wrote the standard “Sharp” with four numbers. Then under 1080, there is a very small line of words: a momentary strong adhesive.

    Do you know what this is?Forgive Yi Qing is used to this barren place in the desert, even the meaning of the binder is not clear.

    “It’s a glue! The 502 evolution N generation version before the big break has a strong bonding ability. Once it is glued, even if you use two trains, don’t want to open it. ”The cold answer replied that the feeling of 1080 is actually the descendants of 502.

    glueYi Qing once again felt the crush on the IQ. No wonder that the cold was holding the bottle and playing with the balance. It turned out that he gave the glue to the fulcrum of the balance…With 1080 strong bonding effect, even if two elephants sit at the ends of the balance, don’t think about letting this balance move.

    “It can be like this…”Assam was already crying, and he began to suspect that his cat had been born, and he felt that he had spent more than 200 years in vain, this is a kind of IQ was given to 弓虽 female dry pain, Assam would rather oneself be 弓虽 female dry is own flesh, soul is 弓虽 female dry also indifferent, why is his IQ was people to 弓虽 dry?

    The performance of Yi Qing is much more comfortable than before at the gate. She has become accustomed to the cold and has seen the wisdom of the ghosts. At the same time, she has deeply admired the cold.

    Women, whether it is the type of bird depending on the person, or the type of Wu Zetian, in fact, they all yearn for men who can conquer themselves…The same is true for a man. When you meet a woman who can completely conquer yourself, the man becomes a bronchitis.

    Facts have proved that the cold has been completely conquered by Yi Qing, whether it is strength or wisdom. The faint, Yi Qing heart began to stir up, thinking that if it can be together with the cold, then How comfortable, how safe, how happy you can live in your life!

    Well, gossip less, since the door of the kingdom of God has been opened, the cold and the easy to go from the entrance without fear, into the kingdom of Anubis. Of course, although Assam was very reluctant, he was still shackled into the cold. Do not say anything else, Assam still gave a lot of help and tips to the cold, this guy, useful!


    Anubis is the Death God in charge of hell. It seems to be taken for granted that the kingdom of Anubis should be like the hell described in myths and legends. There are flames everywhere, lava everywhere, and corpses everywhere.

    However, what is the ghost in this place, why is the Gods Congress of Anubis an endless expanse of iced bones?

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