In addition to discovering this prajna sword, the cold can no longer find other secrets, even if it threatens the huskies, it will only pitifully spit out the tongue and sell it.

    In view of this, I think of a little time, the cold has to leave from the kingdom of Anubis and go to the other two Kingdoms of Spiritual God to see what happens.

    Fortunately, although it is more troublesome to enter the country of Anubis, it is very simple to come out, because there is actually a transmission array in the broken column. As soon as you step on the transmission array, you will return directly to that place. Within the hall of the three idols.

    The second goal of the cold is the idol of Isis, because according to the ranking of Egypt’s Spiritual God, Isis is the mother of the earth, the symbol of the kingship, and the status is of course above Best. Her Kingdom of God is the second place where it is possible to find that secret.

    Like Anubis, behind the statue of Isis, he also wrote a series of ways to open the door with ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. Let Assam interpret it and know that if you want to open the door of the Isisian kingdom, you must let the person with the false flesh without soul touch the knot of Isis in the hands of Isis.

    This problem is still difficult to live with at the beginning, because people without souls and false bodies are not only very vaguely described, but also in the group of people who are cold and cold, there is no such person at all…Because only one can be called a person, Yi Qing and Gu Han, as for the sword mother…Although the academic community has always been in a state of debate about whether the swordsman is a human being, the conclusion of Isis gives his own answer.

    The cold has allowed Yitian and Yuewang to experiment, and the result is naturally no return. It means that at least in the eyes of Isis, the swordsman is not a human being.

    In the end, I think that the solution to this problem is not to fix the cold or to be easy to use, but to speak very little, and to keep watching all the kings. After the test failed, she put forward an idea: the Baiyue sword slave she summoned is not a person without a false body of the soul.

    “Right, this is it!”When the cold is a slap in the head, the Baiyue Swordsman is summoned by the skill of the sword maiden. Naturally, there is no soul plus physical illusion, and the Baiyue sword slave is indeed human.

    So the king called out a sword slave, then call this hundred more sword slaves to touch the knot of ISIS, ISIS knot instantly fell from the Isis statue hand down, smashed on the ground, and before the Anubis, the ground smashed a round openings, Isis the door of the Kingdom of God opened.


    Egypt’s Spiritual God seems to like monotonous scenery. For example, the ancient country of Anubis is an endless ice field, and among the gods of Isis is a lush grassland. The whole country of Isis is like the grassland of a football field. There is only a grass that is infinite. In addition, no other plants can be seen.

    What’s even more amazing is that all the grass on the grass just grows up to the position of the person’s ankle and no longer grows. Playing football here is sure to be a pleasant thing.

    I couldn’t find it in the god country of Anubis before.It is better to rely on the temple of Anubis, which was found by the help of a husky. The temple of Isis is very easy to find, and it is clear to the naked eye at a position not far from the cold.

    The temple of Isis is a temple built entirely of stone. The blocks of boulder are cut neatly, no nails are used, and the connections within the adhesive are simple barriers. A magnificent palace.

    This megalithic temple does not have a gate, so you can walk straight in. Compared with the luxurious temples in Anubis, the temple of Isis is clean and neat. All the things in it are carved out of stone. It is simple and simple, without any fancy stuff.

    Compared to the huge number of rooms in the Temple of Anubis, there are only two rooms in the entire Isis temple, one is a transparent, 100-square-kilometre super hall, and the other is a small bedroom. A small room of the same size.

    Isis seems to be a very open and big-eyed Spiritual God. The annals of the dog, Anubis, knows to hide precious treasures in the stone pillars and prevent them from being stolen by the villains. But Isis was good, a box that was exactly the same as the gold treasure box in the hands of Anubis, and it was placed in the middle of the small room, without a little defense…

    Cold the cold to open this gold treasure box, which is also loaded with a sword mother…The length of the body of the general swordsman is different at about one meter. The length of the sword is only about 20 centimeters. It is better to say that she is a dagger than to say that she is a sword.

    “This is a fish sword!”When the cold saw the sword, he took a sip and the fish sword was actually here. According to the legend since ancient times, when the Emperor of Heaven concealed a single ride to create a heavenly court, 18 swordsmen were robbed from the heavens, and the Sword of the Sword is one of them.

    In fact, it cannot be said that this is a legend, because it is written in black and white in history books. It is recognized by all historians. It is a text that every elementary school student must learn in the third grade. This is almost nothing. Just like the new China, it is undoubtedly the last word.

    However, now the fish-sword sword has emerged from the gods of Isis. If the story of this copy is true, then it is not that the fish-sword sword has just become a sword-level sword. When they were, they were given a pocket by the Emperor of Heaven. It’s not that the Emperor of Heaven has taken it from heaven! The Heavenly Sword Emperor deceived everyone?

    Well, in fact, it can’t be said that the Emperor of Heaven has deceived everyone, because the Emperor of Heaven has never written anything like “The Diary of the Sky”, people’s records about the Emperor of Heaven, it is through each Indirect channels have been obtained, and there are inevitably some speculations.

    Like the previous Prajna Sword, this fish-intestinal sword also shows the quest item. Only the NPC can be used, the player can’t use it, so the cold is directly handed over to Yi Qing, let her collect it.

    After that, the cold still searched the whole temple without dying, or like the temple of Anubis, there was no other harvest except the fish sword.

    However, in the cold, but in the vicinity of the transmission line that left the country of God, I found a big bear who was lying on the ground and was still happy and still drooling. I was not going to wake up this bear, so I left the temple. However, the Huskies, who followed the cold, began to scream and stop, and woke up the bear.

    The bear opened his eyes and saw the cold-cold people. It was obvious that they had stunned and saw the Huskies and Assam. They were even more shocked. They stupidly stayed in the same place and did not dare to move. Seeing that the bear did not attack, the cold did not seem to kill the bear, but went straight into the transmission array and returned to the hall of the Three Gods.

    Seeing the cold and leaving, the bear did not hesitate, followed the pace of the cold, set foot on the transmission array, and left here together.


    “I hope that the last Best Kingdom can be rewarded!”The statue of the black cat looked at the cold and muttered to himself.

    “Admiral, do you feel a little strange!”When the cold sighed, Yi Qing suddenly bit the ear of cold, and whispered, “I haven’t felt that the biggest gain we have gone to these two kingdoms is not two swordsmen, but our ass. The three behind me are speculative!”

    The three things that Yi Qingkou has in mind are naturally Assam, as well as Husky and Big Bear. To be honest, these three animals are indeed full of doubts. Except for Assam who has a reasonable explanation for himself at the beginning, the rest of the Huskies and the bears are too unreasonable. There is actually one or the other animal left in every country of God. There is nothing in it to blame. In fact, think about it, Assam is also an animal, but he has a human body.

    “Well, it’s really weird!”Nodded to the cold, then turned around and looked at the three animals behind him and said, “You three, don’t pretend, everyone is smart, and there is no meaning in playing this way. We are open and honest. How about talking?”

    “Wang Wang Wang!”Husky uses the cute dog to express the innocence of the word

    “Hey, hey, hey!”The bear seems to want to say something, but he does not speak.

    “Adult, what do you mean, the villain can’t understand it?” The only Assam who can speak is a face that I am innocent, I don’t know anything.

    “There is no meaning to Assam, deceiving me is not a good thing for you. Your three current lives can be in my hands. As long as I am willing, I can send you on the road at any time.” The threat of the road.

    “Adult, you are laughing, the ancient Egyptian villain behind Best Master has not yet translated for you. The villain is still useful!”Assam’s words seem to be fearful and beg for mercy. In fact, it is threatening to hold the cold. If you don’t have yourself, then you don’t want to get the secret of the ancient Egyptian script behind you, so don’t even think about opening the Kingdom of Best. method.

    “Welcome to the Tutankhamun Pyramid Scenic Area, urinating into the pool, poop into the pit, civilized squatting, thank you for your cooperation.” Suddenly, the cold has said such an inexplicable word…Yi Qing heard that it was a fog, but Assam was hit hard, and the wolverine took a few steps back and fell to the ground.

    “How do you know this sentence! You recognize the hieroglyphics of ancient Egypt! ”Assam knew that everything was finished, and everything he had just done was so ridiculous and sad.

    “No, how can I know the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics? I don’t even know the hieroglyphics of our China. I am interested in learning the things that have been lost!”Chilling and shaking his head, smiled lightly. “However, my person has a better memory. Occasionally I saw a hieroglyph on a book. I recorded it. Now it seems that the effect is good! ”

    [Recommended a book written by a friend, “DNF is made by sword”, written well, you can go and see]

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