“There is no door in the world that can’t be opened. If it is, then we will take the wall off.” – “Zujia Zuxun·Chapter 4·The First Section”

    Yes, the way to fix the cold is very simple. Since I can’t take your door, I will deal with you this wall. When builders work hard to create an indestructible, unbreakable door that triumphs, they tend to ignore the existence of the wall.

    As everyone knows, the door is attached to the wall. When the door is harder than the wall, the relationship between the two is actually reversed. At this time, the door becomes a wall, and the wall becomes a door that is more easily broken.

    After playing so many words, the meaning to be said is very simple. It is to fix the cold and pick up his own Wang Goujian sword. He has made a big hole from the wall next to the gate of Hell…The process was quite easy. The cold has not used 80% of the sword, and it successfully pierced the wall, and then cut out a half-size hole.

    “this is okay too!”Yi Qing and Assam were collectively forced, and they suddenly felt that their IQ had been hit by ten times, without such a play.

    “What are you doing, come in!”The cold has taken the lead and walked into the temple.

    “The villain will not pass, the villain has been very good here, the villain will not go in,” Assam smiled charmingly…It’s so embarrassing that a cat’s face can be so charming.

    Yi Qing Zhang wanted to say something, and he heard the sound of the cold coming through the hole. “Yi Qing, with that Lantern also came in, we need a guy who knows the internal situation of the temple. ”

    “Be honest, go by yourself!”Yi Qing’s white iron sword patted on Assam’s cat’s head. Assam was helpless. He knew that he could not refuse these two horrible human beings. He could only walk honestly in front of Yi Qing, together with Yi Qing. , entered the interior of the temple.


    Behind the gates of Hell is a long corridor. On both sides of the corridor, there are also a variety of murals. However, these murals are no longer a matter of Spiritual God, but are replaced by humans. A variety of monster pictures, the cold also found a portrait of a cat slave.

    “That is my home!”Cat slave Assam looked at his mural on the wall.

    “What home? This is just a mural! ”Yi Qing is somewhat inexplicable.

    “No, that is the home of Assam!”Assam firmly said, “The two walls around this are actually the homes of all the slaves of Assam and the three Spiritual Gods.”

    After Assam’s painstaking explanation, Yi Qing finally understood that cats with feelings like Asam’s soul change do not need to live in real houses, as long as they live in their murals. These murals are all painted with divine power. Living in it is not only comfortable, but also prolongs life…

    “According to your statement, the murals of every monster here represent a real slave!”Looking at the endless murals and the countless monsters on the murals, I couldn’t help but chill. According to the estimation of the cold, there are no tens of thousands of monster murals here. Is this not that the three gods of Egypt during the peak period have more than 5,000 troops?

    Moreover, careful observation of these murals reveals murals of powerful species such as Hell Death God, three-headed hell dogs, scorpion soldiers, and Chimera, which are almost all of the dragons above the dragon level, that is, The strength of the sword-level sword holder.

    I really don’t know how the sword-level swordsman had killed such a large number of Yuan Zhenjun regiments and three Egyptian Spiritual Gods.

    “Which is so much!”Assam rolled his eyes. “There are less than a hundred of our servants. It is Isis who thinks that the murals are too small to look good and lose face. Such big walls seem to be empty and nothing, those who come to Isis The big god playing mahjong also pointed out how to arrange us.”

    “So Isis the Great God himself filled the entire wall, so it looks more domineering. Those who come to the door have seen so many slaves and dare not give us any bad thoughts…But all this is still finished. ”

    “That is to say, most of the murals are empty, and there are empty houses without servants.”Yi Qing shook his head very disdainfully. I still don’t understand, it is a waste of time and energy, meaningless.”

    “What do you want to understand…”Chilling and licking your mouth “You look at the big boss’s study and you understand, so many books are placed on the bookshelf, a set of world famous collections, dozens of versions of the Bible, and piled up one meter high. “Capital” and “Twenty-four History” Do you think they have read a few books? Are they really interested in reading a whole set of Capital and Twenty-four History? It is better to watch the “Jian Niang” coming from the ease. ”


    Above, after the completion of the caving of these murals, after a long corridor, the cold and Yiqing finally entered a hall, which is ten times larger than the hall at the entrance.

    In the south, north and east of the hall, there are huge statues of more than ten meters high. These statues should be three statues of Spiritual God, Anubis, Isis and Best.

    In the east is a tall man with a wolf’s head, wearing an Egyptian-like robes, a scepter in his left hand, a balance in his right hand, a heart on one end of the balance, and a feather on the other. According to the legend of Egypt, Anubis, as the Spiritual God of Hell, has the ability to weigh one’s good and evil.

    After the death, Anubis will take out the heart of this person, put it at one end of his balance, and put a feather on the other end. If the feather is as heavy as the heart, it means that the person is wholeheartedly alive when he is alive, and he has never done bad things before he can ascend into heaven. And if the weight of the heart is heavier than the feathers, then the soul of this person is sinful, will be put into hell by Anubis, and swallowed by three dogs.

    The statue in the south is a beautiful young woman. Her face is kind and delicate, with a crown of heaven on her head, and a hand-shaped scepter in her hand…This scepter, also known as the knot of Isis, is a token that symbolizes the resurrection. It can resurrect the soul of the deceased, provided that the body before his death remains intact.

    This is why the Egyptian aristocrats and Pharaohs like to turn themselves into mummies. They sincerely believe that they only need to make their bodies not decay, then they will soon be able to get the redemption of Isis, and the soul will return to its own body. Among them, once again became the king of Egypt.

    The statue in the north is a simple cat…Yes, there is no cat head or cat head setting. The Spiritual God is a simple cat, just like the mural of the black cat that was seen at the beginning of the cold.

    “Here is our place to worship the three Spiritual God!”Assam’s eye God Body is full of memories. “The servants of our Best Masters often have a dispute with the slaves of Anubis. We always think of cats as the greatest creatures in the world, but they recognize that dogs are the greatest creatures. ”

    “Because of these disputes, we tasted the big shots, and the slaves of the Isis adults laughed at us…”When Assam’s words were halfway through, they were knocked on the head with the sword.

    “I am not interested in listening to your previous stories. I ask you, where is the most mysterious place in this temple?”Well, according to the universal routine, the most mysterious place in the temple is the place where the baby hides.

    “If the most mysterious place is necessarily the godland of three Spiritual God adults…Legend has it that the three statues of the three gods are connected behind the three statues. The three Spiritual God adults live in the Kingdom of God on weekdays. No one except the closest servant can enter the Kingdom of the Three Spiritual God adults. ”Assam said.

    “You don’t want to enter the Three Kingdoms of Spiritual God!” This is impossible. Without the power of the three Spiritual Gods, it is impossible to open their doors to the kingdom of God. ”

    “What is impossible? Have you forgotten the previous door? ”Yi Qing’s tone of voice was a bit ridiculous, and then Assam had nothing to say, even if he recalled the scene of the cold and broken wall at this time, Assam would feel the serious damage to his IQ.

    The cold first set the target on the image of Anubis, because Anubis seems to be the most powerful Spiritual God in the temple, which can be seen from the position he placed in the middle. According to the routine, the baby is often placed on the site of the strongest. Therefore, the decision to fix the cold first tried to enter the country of Anubis.

    “Impossible, it is impossible for you to open the kingdom of Anubis!”Seeing that the cold and Yi Qing were around the statue of Anubis, Assam still firmly believed that the door of the gods could not be opened by the mortal. The previous one was just an accident.

    “Found, I found it!”

    PaPaAssam’s face was slap in the face, and he ran to the side of the cold and Yi Qing. He found that the cold and Yi Qing were staring at Anubis’s ass…The amount is exactly a string of words on Anubis’s ass. A string of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

    “Admiral, do you know these words?”Yi Qinglian does not know a few Chinese characters, let alone these ancient Egyptian characters.

“……How can I know the ancient Egyptian script…”The cold also shook his head and slipped Assam to the front of the words. “Nothing, isn’t there an Egyptian cat here?”

    “Assam, look, what do you mean by these words?”

    “Let me see……”Assam stared at his own cat’s eyes, and it seemed very difficult to recognize the words. Assam read the whole paragraph in a word and a sentence.

    GodsSpiritofCountry, only…YesdayTairaThe processes ofasTwoIf you want to open the door to the country of Spiritual God, you have to find two things that balance the balance.

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