The cat slave brothers are really amazing…They actually held for five seconds under the cold hand…As a rat-level Lantern, this is a remarkable achievement. In general, the rat-level Lantern Festival, which is cold in less than a second, is directly killed.

    Yes, these two cat slave brothers who seem to be very squirming are actually mouse-level scorpions, and they are not observing the cold for a while, and they have killed one sword without much effort…So for the rest of a cat slave is incomparably rare…I don’t dare to use the strength of the cold, but I can only take control of the strength of my own ninety-nine, or the rest will die in the hands of the cold.

    “Say, how can I open this door, and I will kill you without saying it!”Standard threat lines, any routine can be used in general.

    “Heroes, I really don’t know, heroes!”The remaining one of the cat slaves saw the sword light flashing, and his brother died. Suddenly he was scared to the ground like a mouse. He cried a cat face and prayed, “Heroes, I really don’t know how to open this fan.” The method of the gate…We are the most useless beast of Best Master. Two hundred years ago, the master sent us two to go to the ruins of the human city to find cat food. As a result, when we got back, all the gates of the entire Abey temple were all They are all closed. The two of us waited for two hundred years in this hall, and did not find a way to open the gate and enter the temple! ”

    After this cat slave swears to pledge and tell, the cold has roughly known the situation of this demon temple.

    It turns out that the real name of this demon temple is called the Temple of Abey. Please note that Abbes is not the name of Spiritual God, but the three Egyptian Spiritual God, Anubis, Best, Isis, the first word of the Spiritual God name. first name……Do you feel very frustrated?

    All in all, these three Egyptian Spiritual God Lanterns built the Abey Temple and used the Abey Temple as their nest to control all areas of South China, transforming the entire South China into a desert. Individuals can become Spiritual God among Spiritual God. It is a pity that they only used the magic area of ​​Suzhou to halve the desert, and they fought a battle with the sword-level sword-bearers and then lost all the information.

    This living cat slave is called Assam. It is a bottom cat slave under the cat god Best. It is the weakest cockroach. Anything that is unpleasant is handed over to Assam and his brother. of. So one day, Assam’s boss sent Assam to the ruins of the distant city of Changshu to find cat food…Since the cat god Best tasted this kind of peerless taste, just like drug abuse, it can no longer be separated from the control of cat food. The ruins of Suzhou near the desert, the ruins of Jiaxing City, and the ruins of Wuxi are all given by Best. Turned over.

    In desperation, Assam and his brother went to the ruins of Changshu to find cat food…You ask why not go to the more magical city of Suzhou to find cat food? Just kidding, the Magic City has become the site of the Four Seas Dragons at that time. She is a Best, how dare to get to the head of the Four Seas Dragon.

    The result is that Assam struggled and spent five days returning to the temple, found that the desert is only a huge battlefield, they are mighty three big Yu-class Yuan 冦 all perished, even best, Ainu, ISIS’s supernatural power also completely disappeared, leaving only the Abei temple is still intact preserved.

    However, at this time, all the gates of the Abeyi Temple have been completely closed. These two little scorpions are just like the cold, and there is no way to open the door at all…They didn’t have the courage to go outside, so they stayed at the gate, which was a full two hundred years.


    “Two hundred years!”After listening to Assam’s narrative, Yi Qing first said that he did not believe “There is no food here, how can you support it for two hundred years!”

    “We don’t have to eat…”Assam’s arrogant explanation explains that “our body is actually made up of souls, and as long as there is a place of divine power, we can maintain our existence.”

    The Abey Temple is a temple built by three great Spiritual Gods. Each brick inside has a power, and we can absorb the power of the temple to survive. Our existence is too weak, and the power here is enough for us to maintain hundreds of thousands of years of life.

    Once we left the temple, we will gradually die because of the exhaustion of our power. So for two hundred years, we never dared to leave here and have been sleeping in the temple.

    “No, it’s not right!”Assam’s explanation was seamless, but Yi Qing’s instinctive feeling was not right. She then questioned “What about this institution? Why do we come out when we open the organization? You can’t always be controlled by the authorities! ”

    “That is not the institution that opens the door. It is the institution that closes the door.”Assam said faintly. “We found that you came. I didn’t want to come out to meet you.” But you put the piece inlaid, and we have to come out to stop you. Because once the debris is inlaid for a while. The outermost door, that is, the mouth of the Sphinx you come in will be closed forever, and the people inside will no longer be able to go out. ”

    “Can we go back through the same way?”Yi Qing was surprised.

    “Of course, you can quit the original way. Whoever has enough to eat is not designed to make his home a dead end that can only enter and exit…The outermost wall behind you is actually active. Just push the wall open and you will see the stairs. As you walk up the stairs, you will be able to walk out of the Sphinx. There is no difficulty at all…”

    Assam’s words made Yi Qing completely forced, and it was so simple to go out, and he and the cold are still busy giving farts.

    “Wait, you just said that if the debris is set up for a while, it will always close…How long is this time? ”Yi Qing asked anxiously.

    “I don’t know about this. You can see if you can pull the piece of debris down again.” If you can pull it down, you can reopen the exit. If you can’t pull it down, it will be closed forever. ”

    After listening to Assam’s words, Yi Qing did not say anything. He immediately tried to take the pieces back again. As a result, the hand touched the past and could no longer feel the edge of the piece of debris…It is as if this piece of debris does not exist at all, this mural has always been a complete whole.

“……”Yi Qing did not know what to say.

    “Only this one exit? If you can enter the temple, can you find the exit from here? ”It is very calm to fix the cold. Even if he knows that there is an exit that can leave here, he will not leave. He must find the secret in this temple.

    “This is fine. There is another back door inside the temple to leave the temple.”Assam nodded and then shook his head. “But this is impossible. The door to hell in front of us has been closed. There is no way to open this door.”

    “Does this thing, the purpose of the establishment, is not to be opened?””I don’t believe it, your three Spiritual Gods are coming, and you can’t open this door to hell.”

    “Spiritual God is natural. It’s ok. The lock core inside this hell gate can only be opened by Spiritual God’s own power…Spiritual God’s power is like a key, unless you can find the power of Spiritual God, this is the only way, there is no way to open the door to hell! ”Assam explained.

    Trapped in such a completely closed hall, how can the cold and Yi Qing find the power of the three Spiritual Gods.

    “Admiral, this Yuanxiao is deceitful, maybe it is lie to us, there must be a second way to open the door!”Yi Qing did not believe in evil. She continued to repeat the previous method and began to carefully observe the entire wall, trying to find a second suspicious place, but found a full thirty minutes, searched all the murals, still no one reward.

    “I said, it’s useless. There is no other institution except the one that closes the outermost gate. You can’t find it!”Assam Road, who is honestly aside.

    “Oh, I can’t find the organ, we can also forcibly destroy this hell gate!”Yi Qing snorted, pulled out his own white iron sword, exhausted all the strength and then cut it on the door…There was no reaction at the gate, and even a Mars did not come out. However, Yi Qing was madly going back a dozen steps, his face pale, and he seemed to see something terrible.

    “Yi Qing, how are you?”The cold has helped some of the embarrassed Yi Qing, and asked with concern.

    I’m fine.Yi Qing smiled bitterly. “I just saw a lot of bad things.”

    “What a bad thing?”After a cold sigh, I picked up my own Yue Wang Goujian sword, and like the Yi Qing just now, I used all my strength and slashed it on the gate.

    Compared with Yi Qing, the strength of the cold is ten times more than that. The hell gate that had not changed under the attack of Yi Qing also made a ripple like a stream of water.

    Then the cold also retreated. In the moment when his Yue Wangjian touched the gate, the cold seemed to see countless ghosts and souls rushing into his brain, trying to tear his soul.

    “Useless, this is the door to hell created by the god Anubis using the soul of 99,999 people, unless your soul strength can exceed 99,999 people. The sum of the strength of the soul, otherwise you can’t destroy this door of hell!”Assam sighed. “You won’t know how hard and hardworking Anubis is to build a door to hell that can never be broken.” When this gate was built, Anubis once sighed that even if he himself did not have the ability to forcibly destroy this door to hell, you should not waste your effort. ”

    The cultivation system of the sword-bearer pays attention to the cultivation of his own swordsman. As for the soul, the sword-bearer has always been not actively cultivating. Generally, with the continuous improvement of the swordsman, the soul of the sword-bearer can also be passively improved…However, in order to reach the strength of the total of 99,999 people, this is probably the least possible level of the sword-level swordsman.

    “give up! give up! It is impossible for you to open this door forever! ”Seeing Yi Qing and Gu Han have eaten, Assam was very happy.

    What can I do? Do we really have to be trapped here? ”Yi Qing has been somewhat desperate. She can’t think of it, how should she open this door.

    “Wait, let me think about it!”Keeping your eyes closed, there is no way for people to die, you must be able to think of the way, the key is to keep calm!

    “I have a solution!”After calming down for a few minutes, the cold suddenly opened his eyes and said a word that made Yi Qing very happy.

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