“System prompt: the task has been updated, task five has been completed, you entered the demon temple in Anquan”

    “System Tip: Task 6: Explore the Temple, enter the deepest part of the temple, and find the secret hidden in the depths of the temple.”

    When Yi Qing carefully hid his diamond in his pocket, the system prompt was finally late. It should have been a moment of entering the temple, and the system prompt should come…However, it was only until now that it was released, giving the cold a feeling of something wrong, but the specifics were wrong, and the cold could not be thought of.

    When he cremated his mother in the easy green, solid cold think a lot of things, think of the hidden copy of the plot suddenly appeared, suddenly become a female body of the Chater Sword Emperor, think of the Altoria Hei from the vortex out of the spring boudoir resentment woman general; The key is, in Altoria Hei’s mouth, She seems to have been very familiar with her, are familiar to the point of the spring boudoir resentment, feeling on the Altoria Hei like their companions.

    For example, the demon temple where the cold is now is carefully thought out, and it is completely that Altolia Black intentionally drove himself here. Her purpose is probably the secret of the depths of this temple.

    No matter what. If you come here, you can feel it. If you know the hidden secrets in the depths of this temple, you can solve the doubts of this copy.

    “Admiral, what should we do next?”Yi Qing wiped his tears and asked him about the cold.

    “Nature is going inside, exploring what is inside this temple.”Standing cold and squinting, the hall where the cold is now is surrounded by murals. In the south facing position, there is a huge golden glass door of more than ten meters high.

    A closer look reveals that the decorative painting on the door is completely different from the rest of the wall. Almost all the walls are painted with Spiritual God on the top, and the mortal image of the person in front of Spiritual God. Or the story of the great Spiritual God leading the people to expel the horrible demons. The paintings of this door are completely different. There is no actual content on this door. Only one face looks like a living face…These people’s faces are all without eyeballs, just like they were dug out by life. Just watching these paintings is more horror than any horror film. If there is a little girl here, it is estimated that the first sight of these faces, they will have to turn their eyes and kneel on the ground.

    “As long as we open this door, we can go deep into the temple!”Without the cold, people with a little IQ can guess the secret behind this door.

    “But this door seems to have a weight of more than ten tons. Can we push this door?”Yi Qing is very suspicious. Although she has been blessed by the physical qualities of the White Iron Sword, it is only a few times stronger than the average person. Her strength is simply not enough to push this huge door.

    “Let’s look around the gate. According to the routine, in the vicinity of the gate, there must be an institution that can open the gate!”Knowing the cold, I know that a tall door like this cannot be opened. Otherwise, what do you do to build such a grand door? Otherwise, what about the movie of the tomb, adventure and the like?

    The powerful gate will inevitably be opened by the protagonist. This is the truth that has been irrefutable since ancient times.

    Ever since, the cold and Yi Qing went to the vicinity of the gate and began to explore the edge of the wall, trying to find the organs or clues that could open the gate.

    Sure enough, after looking for five minutes, Yi Qing took the lead to find out. She shouted to her side and pointed to a mural on the wall and said, “Admiral, you look at this picture.”

    Looking at the cold, this is a cat’s mural. A dark cat sits on it, and the surrounding lines are drawn with golden lines. It looks imposing. The cat looks like a Spiritual. God is average.

    In fact, the cat is indeed a general position of Spiritual God in ancient Egypt. The Egyptians believe that the cat god broke open the night and let the world return to the light, so the cat is very religious. If anyone accidentally kills a cat, it is to be divided by the sacrifice of the temple; if the cat died because of an accident, the family must shave his eyebrows to show his condolences.

    In short, the Egyptians are very admired for cats, and it is not a strange thing to have a cat on the mural. The cold is very curious, what Yi Qing found in the cat, and called himself.

    The cold and carefully watched it again. This dark cat seems to have nothing unusual.

    “Cold the cold, you touch it here!”Yi Qing pointed to the privacy of the cat…Is it true that Yi Qing has some special kind of hobby, like what **** what…

    Of course, the cold will not make such a brainstorming speculation, he put his hand on the part pointed by Yi Qing.

    “There is one missing here!”The cold eyebrows are picking up, and there is a small place where the cold hand touches it. The shape of the groove is very smooth, unlike the natural shedding. Moreover, the inside of the groove is deliberately painted black, so that at first glance, it is impossible to detect that there is one less position.

    “This groove was deliberately set when it was built!”The analysis of the cold analysis “is very likely to be the location of the organization, Yi Qing, we will look around here to see if there are any pieces with the same shape as this groove.”

    Under the cold, two people dispersed and looked around for the shape of the groove…This is a very painful work. The surrounding lights are dim and unclear. There are also a large number of human bones falling on the ground. The cold must be thrown aside to see the ground beneath the cheekbones.

    If it is an ordinary person, it is estimated that it will take four or five hours, and I would like to find such a small piece. But if you are a sword-bearer like Gu Han and Yi Qing, you can get a lot faster.

    The physical strength of Jian Niang directly enhances the eyes of the cold, and the sword method pays attention to the action of the opponent through the perception of subtle changes, so the cold is also very sensitive to the subtle things.

    In the position near the center of the hall, the cold cold glanced slightly, and found that the shape of a piece of debris was very similar to the previous groove. The cold and decisively picked up the piece into the hand, and the heart was even more touching. Confirmed!

    So the cold immediately called Yi Qing back to the front of the big facade, and then seriously placed the debris in the groove. Sure enough, it was a tight seam, and there was no gap at all.

    In the next second when the cold was closed, a mysterious whisper began to sound in the entire hall.

    “What is this sound, how have I never heard such a voice!”When Yi Qing heard this whisper, he felt that his body began to be unnatural, and the goose bumps all rose.

    “This is the cat’s cry!”The sound that made her goose bumps in the Yiqing ear was a normal “squeaky” meow in the cold ear.

    “This is the cat’s cry?”Yi Qing made a chill. “The first time I heard such a disgusting voice!”

    “How do you feel that the voice of the cat is disgusting?”The cold is awkward, isn’t the cat very hot? A bunch of cat slaves in Yuzhang City, watching the main drool every day…Ok, this is not the point at all.

    “Bold humans, dare to say that the great cat god is disgusting!”At this time, a sharp voice suddenly came out.

    “Bold humans, seeing the great cat god is not awkward!”Another voice came out.

    Chilling and Yi Qing looked in the direction of the sound, and found that when they did not know, there were two strange creatures on both sides of the gate…On the human body, there is actually a cat’s head.

    “Is this an orc?”Seeing these two wonderful creatures in the cold, I immediately thought of the many orcs in the Lantern Festival, what dog, lion, leopard, snake…In short, almost the main animals can be found in the orcs, and there are naturally Lanterns like the cats.

    But remembering the cold, the cat family in the illustrations, although a pair of cat ears, a cat tail, a row of cat beards, have fine hair on the body, there is a soft meat pad on the palm. But their faces are really human-like, and they are very delicate little-faced beauty, completely different from the two monsters that are completely full of cat heads.

    “Oh, stupid humans, we are not the useless cats. We are the slaves of the masters of Best Master. They are the servants who directly serve the masters of Best. Don’t compare us to those of the cats.”A cat slave said proudly.

    Guha knows the name of Best, the cat god in the Egyptian gods, and the ancestor of all cats. It is also one of the three Egyptian-level Lanterns who conspired to use magic to turn Suzhou into a desert. As a result, the magic was halfway through, and it was discovered by the sword-level sword-bearers who passed by.The three Egyptian Spiritual Gods are dead and live without detailed records, but they can be inferred from the fact that they abandoned this magic to the half of the desert. The three Spiritual Gods are not dead, they are seriously injured and hide in the gap. The wounded and wounded inside went away.

    These two sudden appearances of the cat slave claim to be the servants of Best, then this demon temple should be the remains of the Egyptian three gods. These two cat slaves must also know how to open the door.

    “Say, how should we open this door!”Cold and lazy to ask, directly draw the more Wang Goujian sword, pointing to the heads of these two cat slaves, screaming.

    “Bold, actually dare to do it”

    “Haha, there are people who dare to do it in the temple of Best Master.”

    “Brother, don’t say it, let these two humble humans taste the power of our cat slave brothers!”

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