In the desolate desert, a military truck is continually galloping, arguing in the desert at a speed that is almost the limit of its car. Every twenty seconds, this straight-forward truck would have a strange sharp turn, and as the vehicle turned, there would be a huge explosion on the way he was on, like a roadside bomb attack. same.

    The culprit of this explosion, floating in the sky above the truck, took the time to randomly pull out a Sword Qi on the road to the cold truck.

    Also in the driving room, the cold and the easy to work together are excellent. When the twenty seconds is approaching, the cold will quickly give Yi Qing a turn command, and then Yi Qing will complete the insurance in the moment of the cold command. The dangerous turn, escaped the Sword Qi attack from the sky.

    “She is still on our heads, when can we get rid of her!”This situation made Yi Qing start to rush, this is her first day driving…Which newcomer driver is like a professional racer, constantly drifting in the desert.

    “Don’t ask me, I am also a paste now, this life is so stunned for the first time…Turn left! Fast

    The sound of the cold is falling, and it is a sharp turn with the brakes screaming.

    “We must have a goal! A goal that allows us to hide. The cold brakes, the brakes are already insensitive, and if this continues, the truck will collapse. ”Although Yi Qing doesn’t know the car very well, but the feeling of stepping on the brakes can’t lie to her. At this time, the sensitivity of the brakes is far worse than before. Before I only need to step on the foot, I can complete the drifting brake. Now I have to work hard to step on the ground. Only then.

    “No, we don’t need goals, you just need to keep moving forward!”This is the third time that the cold has repeated this sentence to Yi Qing. As early as when I got on the bus, I wanted to understand the cold. That is, Altolia didn’t want to kill himself…If Altolia wants to kill himself, he only needs to issue five Sword Qi at the same time, he can block all the space he has escaped, and completely kill himself. There is no need for such a Sword Qi, a Sword Qi to play with himself. .

    However, the cold feels that instead of saying that Altolia wants to play with himself, it is better to say that Altolia is deliberately driving himself. She seems to be driving herself in a certain direction, just like a farmer who rushes a duck. On which side to fight, the duck fled in the other direction.

    “Yi Qing, I ask you, are there any special places in our direction now…Turn right, fast. I want to understand the coldness of this point and ask Yi Qing.

    After a moment of shaking and braking, Yi Qing replied with a sweaty head. “There is no special place in the desert except for the oasis…If you have to say that there is something special, then there is only the Demon Temple, only there! ”

    Devil Temple? The cold seems to have heard of this name. The old chief of the Zizi tribe told Yi Qing before his death that her mother was inhaled into the demon temple.

    “Where is the demon temple?”The cold has already known where he should escape.

    “Is that woman wanting to drive us to the Devil’s Temple?”Yi Qing is not stupid, she immediately understood the meaning of the cold language, the head of the car twisted, and directly went in the direction of the demon temple.

    “This idiot, finally know where he should go!” Finally, I can end this boring game. ”Altolia in the sky saw the truck go in the direction of the demon temple, faintly said. With this sentence, the sword in the lake in her hand disappeared. It seems that Altolia has given up using Sword Qi to drive off the cold.

    “My time is running out, the idiot will soon be unable to control, and I should leave.”Altolia’s original moving figure suddenly stopped in the air. If you pay attention to the armor on her body, you will find out. The original black armor is gradually becoming lighter and blue.

    A few seconds later, Altolia suddenly disappeared into the sky, as if she had never been here.


    “This is the demon temple? It looks exactly the same as the Sphinx in the historical materials! ”Standing in the heart of the desert, there is a sphinx building on the ground that is particularly conspicuous. This is the forbidden place for all humans in the desert, the Sphinx.

    “Whenever humans try to get close to it, the Sphinx opens his mouth and sucks the nearby humans into her mouth like my mother!”

    According to Yi Yun, the mother of Yi Qingkou was close to the demon temple after being mad, and was given the inhalation by the Sphinx. Therefore, when talking about this temple, there is always a faint sorrow between Yi Yun’s words…There is also a faint expectation…What is she looking forward to? I am looking forward to seeing my mother again, even if it is a corpse.

    “Let’s go in!”The cold and sighed, and ordered Yi Qing to “go to the direction of the temple, we must prepare to enter the temple.”

    “No, no, the temple is too dangerous!”Yi Qing said that he refused.

    “Re-hazard can have the danger of the top-level scorpion on our head? Believe me, drive in. Since Altolia is struggling to get me into the temple, I will go in and see what is inside. ”

    “Yes, Admiral!”Yi Qing did not speak, she clung to the steering wheel and straight in the direction of the Sphinx.

    Sure enough, when the cold and the easy to get close to the demon temple about 500 meters, the mouth of the Sphinx suddenly opened up and down, a suction like a 12-level tornado spewed out of its mouth, will The whole truck, a brain, was sucked into the stomach.

    Immediately, the Sphinx closed his mouth firmly, as if nothing had happened before.


    Climbing out of the wreckage of the truck, looking around, I found myself in a hall. This is a basketball court-sized hall. On the ground floor of the hall, on the roof and on the surrounding walls, all kinds of ancient Egyptian-style murals are painted.

    Among the eight positions in the hall, there is a sculpture of a kobold. These kobolds carry a bloody head in their hands. The heads of these heads are covered with a wick that is as thick as a twine.

    The eight wicks are all in a state of igniting, and the surrounding environment is smashed like the smashing lights on the street before the big break, which is like a small shop that washes foot massage. I don’t know if these wicks are always lit, or that they are lit at the moment when the cold enters the hall.

    During the observation of the cold, Yi Qing also climbed out of the wreckage. Because she was sitting in the driver’s position, there were many things made of various kinds of steel. When she fell, there were some sharp things. Injury Yi Qing’s left calf, there is a bloody mouth full of 150 millimeters long.

    Are you hurtSeeing this hole in the cold, I immediately took out my golden sore medicine from the pocket of the Yuanyuan. I didn’t give it to Yi Qing. I heard Yi Qing’s sorrowful mother, and she madly pounced on the corner of the corner not far from her. .

    In this hall, there is not only the bones that Yi Qing hugged, but the cold is roughly estimated. There are more than two hundred bones scattered in various places in the hall. It seems that the unlucky guy who has been sucked into the demon temple for centuries It’s all here.

    The cold walked to the side of Yi Qing, who was crying with the bones, and noticed that the neck of the bone was actually hanging a string of very beautiful diamond necklaces. It was very unique. It is estimated that Yi Qing is With this necklace, I recognize that this is my mother’s cheekbones.

    At this time, the best way is not to comfort Yi Qing, nor to make her happy, but to close her mouth, let Yi Qing alone pour out his grief.

    So, standing cold, silently standing next to Yi Qing, watching her cry…In fact, Yi Qing did not cry for too long. In the future, the Emperor of Heaven will not be able to control and converge even his own emotions. After a few minutes, Yi Qing wiped her tears and stood up.

    “Admiral, do you have something like burnt things on your body?”Yi Qing whispered, “I can’t let my mother stay here all the time. I want to cremate her and bring it back to the ground to bury.”

    When I heard Yi Qing’s spark, I couldn’t help but think of my parents and the ashes that had exploded. My heart was sad and I could understand the pain in Yi Qing’s heart.

    “I don’t have anything to burn on my body.” The cold patted the back of Yi Qing. “But we can take the material on the spot.”

    I saw a cold tank from the wreckage of the truck that had become scrap iron, and put the gasoline inside on the bones of Yi Qing’s mother. Then I used a steel stick with gasoline to get the oil from the dog head. The above led a flame down and was thrown over the cheekbones.

    In an instant, this skeleton burned a raging fire.

    The red dragonfly’s fire was printed on Yi Qing’s face, and it seemed that her face was exceptionally pale. After the sacral bone was turned into ashes, the cold and very considerately took out three Gvas bottle from the pocket of the Diyuan, unscrewed the bottle and directly poured the wine on the ground.

    “Wow, keep cold, what do you want to do with my Gvas?”Retired, I saw that my baby was so ruined, and my heartache shouted through the sword marks.

    “No way, always find something to put in the ashes!”The cold replied.

    “Then you can’t let me out, let me finish these wines…Such a waste”

    If you don’t care about the cold, you will know the complaints of Sosuo. You will hand over the empty bottles to Yi Qing’s hands. Yi Qing’s grateful glance at the cold and began to converge on these steaming ashes on the ground…In fact, the amount has actually converged a lot of simple dust into it.

    When the three bottles were almost full, Yi Qing suddenly surprised and picked up a sparkling thing from the residual ashes. “Admiral, how can this burn?” My mother likes this thing the most, I want to burn it to my mother. ”

    Looking at the cold and fixing the eyes, the original Yi Qing’s hand was holding the diamond on the diamond necklace. It is reasonable to say that the ordinary flame can burn the diamond into a powder to have a ghost. The diamond that can be burned is inevitable. It is undoubtedly a fake and shoddy product.

    However, the cold will not tell the truth of the scenery, but calmly said such a sentence, “This should be your mother’s intention to leave you, I hope you can continue to pass on!”

    There is a saying that “Sister technology is strong, Yuzhang College is looking for cold.”

    Mom, no rhymes, bad reviews.

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