Although the armor of Altolia Black is very close to the body, it is also very strong, but this is not a state that cannot be taken off. Otherwise, how did Altolia Black pass it? If you wear it, you can take it off.

    For the first time, it seems to be the second time to get off Altolia’s clothes. The first time was on the predator buggy, this time in the desert.

    Under the disintegration of the cold hand, Altolia’s armor was successfully taken off.

    “Perverted cold, stinky wolf!”

    “Perverted cold, stinky wolf!”

    “The abnormal admiral, stinky wolf!”

    At the same time, the same three words were introduced into the ear of the cold. These were the voices of Yitian, Yuewang and Yiqing. All the women present were condemning the cold.

    In this regard, the cold is not a concern, you said it is good, I can still have less meat?

    The second time I saw the fruit of Altolia, the cold was still eager to move. The Sword Qi of the “Green Lotus Three Swords” in the body also continually rushed out, hitting the nerves of the cold, trying to make the cold on the spot become a wolf. Altolia was directly smashed.

    Comparing the last time you saw the Altolian fruit, you will find that the situation is getting worse. The first time the cold was fixed, the little brothers below did not listen to the command, but this time, the cold is directly incarnate as a wolf.

    Yi Qing looked calmly and watched the cold in Altolia’s body. Her expression was very calm, especially when she saw that Altolia was bigger than herself. It is especially calm.

    “I am just malnourished!”Yi Qing suddenly said such a sentence to himself, but unfortunately, this statement has no persuasive ability.

    “System prompt: 5 seconds from Altolia, and 4 seconds.” Taking off that armor took a lot of time, and overcoming your desire to become a wolf took a lot of time. More time wasted on the cold, and he must decisively throw out the sword and kill Altolia.

    The cold has never been an indecisive person, so he pulled out his own Wang Goujian sword, his eyes closed slightly, and the sword of the more Wang Goujian sword penetrated directly from the chest of Altolia and directly penetrated her heart. ……In order to be on the safe side, the cold has released ten Sword Qi in the body of Altolia. The ten Sword Qis are raging in the most vulnerable places in their bodies. I am afraid that even the wilderness will have to remove half of the life. !

    “This way, you should die!”The Yue Wang Goujian sword is still inserted in the body of Altolia. At this time, the cold has deeply felt a sorrow and sad for himself.

    When the cold thorns into the heart of Altolia, the system has been stopped for a sustained countdown, which seems to be a strong proof that Altolia has died under the cold sword.

    But what makes the cold fear is that Altolia, who was originally pale because of the heavy injury, gradually began to recover the blood, and the black mud that continuously flowed out of the wound no longer flowed out, and the body’s scars gradually faded and healed…This is where Altolia was assassinated by a cold sword. It is clearly a sword that has been chilled and rejuvenated.

    “long time no see!”Altolia Black suddenly opened his eyes and said something that surprised the cold. I haven’t seen you for a long time. This feeling is like an old friend I haven’t seen for many years.

    “Long time no see, Altolia!”Although I don’t know what happened, it doesn’t prevent the cold from making a correct answer. Anyway, I’ll follow the other’s words.

    “Hey, is this the way you treat old friends?”Altolia looked at the upper body of her ****, and looked at the more Wang Goujian sword inserted in her chest. She smiled somewhat. “This is your fourth time. Why do we each Have you met this time?”

    “This should be the second time…If it is in chronological order, this should be the first time. After a few hundred years, I will strip off your clothes for the second time! ”In the cold heart, silently spit out a sentence, although Altolia said something inexplicable, I do not know the so-called. But the intuition of coldness told the cold, Altolia did not lie, and she seemed to have really stripped her four times.

    “Retract your sword. If you are not afraid of being polluted by the pollution in my body, you can stay in my body all the time. I don’t mind.”The tone of Altolia’s speech, when he was already talking, the pair of Europeans who constantly swayed and swayed to the body, more and more like a spring sorrowful woman…How do you feel that this person is going to collapse?

    Good.What can you say about cold weather? You can only pull out your sword from the body of Altolia. At this time, Altolia has completely restored the combat power, and 10,000 colds are added together. Her opponent.

    “How are you going to take us two?”After the cold, take a step back and block in front of Yi Qing. With the wisdom of fixing the cold, in the case of a mess of things, I don’t know what to do, I can only take a step and take a step.

    “What do I do if I don’t take you!”Altolia’s hand stretched out, and the black armor that had been smashed down was put back on his body. “I am lucky, I met the blackened me. If it is a white idiot, I am afraid that it is now a curry stick. Cut you down to ashes!”

    That, the blackened Altolia should not be more ferocious? Shouldn’t white be more just and kind? Is there really no problem with this setting? Will the people of Altolia not fall apart?

    Well, don’t care about the above, and there is no relationship with the plot. Let’s look at it.

    “Cold the cold, I ask you, have you been to Changyangshan?”Altolia, who had re-armored her armor, became more heroic and temperament, and there was some mystery and darkness in her temperament. The feeling of the spring sorrowful woman disappeared completely.

    “Changyang Mountain?”It is remembered that Changyang Mountain is located in the ancient Gansu Province of Huaxia. It is far away from Yanjing City or Yuzhang City. It is a completely underground Lantern Festival. It is estimated that it is apart from the scattered adventure. Apart from the sword-bearers, there will be no other human beings there.

    Living to the present, the farthest cold has only arrived in the Meiling Mountains outside Yuzhang City. In addition, he has never left Yuzhang City, where he has gone to the Yuanxiao hinterland like Changyang Mountain. In the district, a sword-level sword-bearer goes to that kind of place, and what is the difference between looking for death.

    “It seems that you have not been there!”Altolia Black shook his head with helplessness, and his right hand stretched out. The sword in the lake appeared on her hand, and the blade pointed to the heart of the cold.

    “Cold the cold, you stabbed me a sword, then I also give you a sword.”The voice of Altolia Black fell, and the hair of the cold and cold body stood up. He said nothing, immediately rushed back, holding Yi Qing, and the two men fell directly on the sand.

    At 0:01, after the cold, the Sword Qi, which was shot from the sword in the lake, just passed the position of the heart before the cold, and this Sword Qi finally hit the desert and broke out. A huge sound like hundreds of thunder blows.

    “This sword is enough to break my personal shield more than ten times!”The coldness of the ground on the ground made this judgment according to the sound of the explosion of Sword Qi. Altolia was not joking with the cold, she was playing really.

    “Cold the cold, the next Sword Qi has 20 seconds to launch, what to do next, you know!”Altolia was cheerful when he spoke, but unfortunately, the cold couldn’t be happy. Although he didn’t know what Altolia was playing, there is no doubt that it is time for him to escape.

    Chilling grabs Yi Qing’s wrist and runs out. He knows that he still has to run away. He doesn’t want to kill Altolia, and there is something hidden inside.

    Fixing the cold in the heart counts the time, until it is almost twenty seconds, the cold and clinging to Yi Qing is a side rollover, and then the location where the cold has just been directly exploded, Altolia is very punctual, It is twenty seconds, that is twenty seconds, not many seconds, a second.

    The cold and the easy to go all the way, although successfully escaped the three-way Alto Lia’s horror Sword Qi, but each time evading consumes a lot of physical strength and attention, when the third evasion, solid The whole person is in a state of sweat, like a state of collapse.

    “I will dodge at most twice, then my physical strength will be completely overdrafted…”The cold senses the condition of his body and makes a very bad judgment. There are only two evasive abilities. In less than 40 seconds, how far can the cold escape and where can I escape? ?

    This is a problem that must be solved in the cold, otherwise he can only be shot by Altolia’s Sword Qi, leaving the copy with failure…In this way, the cold must be out of the game for three days, and the challenges of Bright Jade must be completely overcome.

    “Absolutely not!”The cold began to look at the surrounding environment madly, looking for opportunities to get out of trouble. At this time, a truck parked on the side of the road caught the attention of the cold. This is the military truck left by Yuan Zhen.

    “Yi Qing, you will drive the truck right?”Asked about the cold side and ran to the truck.

    “It will be a little, but not skilled enough.”Yi Qing will certainly, and don’t forget how she dealt with the German women’s high school commando an hour ago.

    “Okay, let’s get on the bus!”The cold suddenly jumped into the cab, and then placed Yi Qing in the driver’s position. “Listen, when you will drive, I will call you in which direction, you will turn in which direction, you Understand?”

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