[PS: Sorry, there is a big BUG. Before the Yi Qing called the cold, it was called cold…This is not right, she should be called the cold as the admiral, the author is sorry for his IQ, I will go to modify the previous article, the egg hurts.

    In addition, the book has already exceeded 1 million words. This book can write one million words. When the author wrote the first word, he did not think of it. Thank you, without the support of everyone, the author is impossible. Reach this step. Well, to celebrate, the author of this chapter is not anti-piracy. 】

    We run:The decision to fix the cold can not be said to be rapid. Since the five names of the mission are called: Escape, why can’t you survive? It’s just that the cold looks at Altolia’s eyes and is not reconciled. It’s hard to see you again. If you can sit down and have a cup of tea, it’s fine.

    Holding such an idea, solid cold can not help but see the Altoria one eye, the result is because so many looked at one eye, solid cold stunned to find, black Altoria in the moment of leaving the dimensional cracks, fell on the ground, her body full of scars, black as silt general blood from the wound constantly outflow, The mighty 冦, it seems that before entering the second-dimensional cracks, was seriously injured, she seems to have fled into the dimensions of the cracks.

    “System prompt: Altolia is in a coma, she will wake up in two minutes, and start chasing you and Yi Qing, please start to flee quickly, please quickly start to escape!”

    “There is 1 minute 59 seconds; one minute 58 seconds”

    “Easy, let’s escape!”There was a slight regret in the cold eyebrows. I couldn’t think of a chance to meet here. Unfortunately, the first thing to meet was to escape. At this time, there are still hundreds of years of betrayal from Altolia. Now Altoli Ya, but the full Lantern Festival, killing the human beings without a soft Lantern.

    However, when the cold hand held Yi Qing’s hand and prepared to take her out, Yi Qing suddenly opened the hand of the cold.

    “Admiral, we can’t escape now!”Yi Qing’s expression was very calm, and she stared at the black Altolia who fell to the ground and was unconscious.It is also interesting to say, the first time I saw Altolia in two copies of the cold, she was in a state of coma.

    “Admiral, since the Zeu Yuanxiao is a force we can’t resist at all, then it is meaningless to escape. When she wakes up, it is our end!”Yi Qing pulled out his own white iron sword. The blade was aimed at the heart of Altolia. “It is better to tell her that she is in a coma. We killed her, so that there is a chance.”

    KILL HER! Killed Altolia! ”Cold weather was shocked, even if Altolia was an authentic Lantern at this time, the cold did not move the idea of ​​killing Altolia. The best way to think about it is to follow the instructions of the copy task and escape desperately.

    The system time of the constant countdown hints seems to confirm this from the front. This is a very routine game that is used to escape. As long as you escape to a certain place within a limited time, this task can be completed!

    However, this is the idea of ​​a general IQ player. It is really a high-intelligence location like the cold, and of course it will be interpreted from a different perspective.

    Think carefully, kill Altolia, maybe this is the way to victory. As Yi Qing said, this time the cold can not find a nuclear bomb to send himself to escape. In the face of the recovery of Altolia’s recovery, the cold and Yi Qing simply refused to escape, even if it is not useful to open, the strength of the two cold and Alto Lia is too different.

    Therefore, the system gave Altolia a cold-stricken state, the purpose is to let the players reverse thinking, only to kill Altolia in turn is the way to victory, really follow the instructions of the system to escape It is a dead end.


    “You are right, I am somewhat irrational!”Calm down the cold and waste ten seconds to think about the entire mission three times. He has to admit that Yi Qing said that there is more truth. In the face of Altolia’s pursuit, escape is really a dead end. This is a trap of system design, a trap of reverse thinking, and a great grasp of the cold can confirm this.

    “Then kill her!”After Yi Qing finished, it was too late to block the cold. It was a sword that stabbed in the heart of black Altolia. The method was very skilled…However, even the layer of black armor in the body of Altolia could not be pierced, and she was thrown out by the force of a counterattack, and was hugged by the cold behind her.

    Hey Altolia is a martial art martial art. The armor on her body is also a ceremonial level. Your swordsman is only an ancient sword-level swordsman, such as the breakthrough of the defense of the Altolian armor. ”Moved the face of Yi Qing from his arms, and shook his head in the cold, and then quickly sorted the grades of Yuan Zhen and Yi Qing quickly.

    “You step back, let me kill her!”After all, it’s just a game, and the cold is not the kind of person who is at the tip of the horn.

    “Admiral, your swordsman can pierce the defense of the class armor?”After fixing a piece of knowledge about the level of the Lantern Festival, Yi Qing already knows how terrible the Zhou Yuan Lantern is. The Jianshen of the cold can actually pierce the defense of the Zhou armor. It is a sword-level sword-bearer who is weaker than the Xianjian class.

    Yi Qing’s heart judged that the speculation on the strength of the cold has risen a bit…After becoming a sword-bearer, Yi Qing has always judged the extent of the strength of cold-holding according to his own strength. Just like a woman always likes to guess how much her boyfriend loves herself, and then the degree of love is more than The extent to which he loves him…A little bit circling, I don’t understand if I don’t care.

    At the beginning, Yi Qing thought that the cold is only stronger than himself. As a result, after seeing the cold-blooded German high school student commando, Yi Qing felt that the strength of the cold should be five times that of his own…When I saw the Lantern Festival in the cold-killing camp, Yi Qing quietly increased it five times to ten times…Now, Yi Qing thinks that it may even be five hundred times more than the cold, if the cold can really pierce the armor of the defensive.

    “Yes, if I can fully play the power of the Yue Wang Goujian sword!”As the top 20 swordsmen of the sword-level sword, Yue Wang Goujian’s sword is not impossible to pierce the armor of the Zhou’s Lantern Festival…However, this requires a lot of support from the sword. According to the estimation of the cold, there is no five or six hundred thousand swords. It is impossible to pierce the armor of Altolia by the power of the sword.

    “Can the Admiral can now fully exert the power of the Yue Wang Goujian sword?”Yi Qing asked.

    ABSOLUTELY NOTThe answer to the cold is very simple. His swordsmanship is less than 5000 quarks, and the standard deviation of 50W is one hundred times.

    “How can you break the armor of the Admiral?”Yi Qing asked sillyly.

    “Why should I break her armor?”The Yiqing, “she’s got no armor on her neck, so I’ll cut her neck.”

“…………”After listening to the cold, Yi Qing suddenly felt like a super fool, stupid, stupid.

    “You are just a bunch of data!”In the heart of the cold, he silently said this to himself. In the hands of the more Wang Gou Jianjian did not hesitate to kill the past on the neck of Altolia Black…These turn to the cold, Altolia’s armor can actually sense the action of the cold, before the Yue Wang touches the face of Altolia, it will automatically stretch and deform, will be Altolia’s neck Give it protection.

    Originally, I tried my best to understand the cold of the battle. Just like Yi Qing, the rebounded force gave me a shot back, and the back was equally hugged by Yi Qing behind me. However, because the strength of the cold is much greater than the strength of Yi Qing, and the physical quality of Yi Qing is far less than the physical quality of the cold. Therefore, Yi Qing was hit by the huge rebounding force on the ground when he was holding the cold. The whole person was pressed against Yi Qing.

    “System prompt: wake up from Altolia, 1 minute, and 59 seconds”

    Time has passed halfway, only one minute left.

    What now? We have no way to take Altolia’s armor at all.” Yi Qing put the dress on his body in less than a second. “Or we still run away.”

    “It’s too late, and she wakes up in a minute. We are afraid that even this camp will not go out.”Chilling and shaking his head.

    When I heard the cold, Yi Qing was a little confused. How did the cold know that she still woke up in a minute? Was someone telling him in the cold ear that Altolia would still wake up in a minute?

    “There are 55 seconds and 54 seconds!”The sound of the system is still constantly ringing in the cold ear, telling the cold, how nervous the time is, let him make a decision quickly.

    Got itThe cold eyes flashed a surprise look “I know how to deal with this armor!”

    “any solution?”Yi Qing hurriedly asked.

    “It’s very simple, just take off this armor!”The sound of the cold is like a clock in the middle of the night, deep in the ear of Yi Qing. This is a way of thinking about how high-minded people can be.

    That’s right, since I can’t wear this armor, I can’t take it off!

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